Re: [Tex-music] How to put medieval notes on a beam?

2016-12-17 Thread Jean-Pierre Coulon

I obtain what I want like this. Thanks to Olivier.

I want all other MusiXTeX definitions to work as usual.


Jean-Pierre Coulon\input musixtex



Description: Adobe PDF document
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Re: [Tex-music] How to put medieval notes on a beam?

2016-12-17 Thread Jean-Pierre Coulon

On Sat, 17 Dec 2016, Bob Tennent wrote:

I can easily add definitions for commands \cqb and
\zqcb to musixlit.tex. But are square-headed beam notes
musicologically acceptable for "intermediate between
gregorian and baroque"?

Well, this is very personal musicology! I have a 4-voice piece formulated 
on 2 staves. I want to formulate the tenor voice in Gregorian notes to 
make the voice distribution clear. I want to avoid oblique dashed lines 
between staves to indicate the voice continuity. And I want to simply 
voice crossings.

My source is,_Bernardo)

Compare meas 13-14 and 105.

I can work around with yqb (violin's harmonic notes)


Jean-Pierre Coulon\input musixtex
\input musixps
\input coulhack
\input musixlit










\font\myauteur=cmb10 at 40pt
\font\mytitre=cmbxsl10 at 30pt
\font\bidon=cmbxti10 at 30pt
\centerline {~}
\centerline{\myauteur B. CLAVIJO DE CASTILLO}
\bigskip \centerline{\mytitre Tiento de 2\raise5mm\hbox{\medtype\bf o} tono, 
por Gesolreut}
%\centerline{\ppfftwentyfour for organ}
%\centerline{\mbf (Crecquillon)}
\centerline{\smalltype edited by Jean-Pierre Coulon}
\centerline{downloaded from \tt} 


\font\mypied=cmr10 at 10pt
\def\myfoot{\mypied Clavijo del Castillo, {\it Tiento}, downloaded from

{\normtype\folio \hfill\myfoot }



\NOTes|\wh d\en
\bar% 2
\NOTes|\itieu3g\wh g\en
\bar% 3
\NOtes|\ttie3\hu g\dotted\itieu3i\hu i\en
\bar% 4
\NOtes|\ttie3\zw N\hu{ig}\en
\bar% 5
\Notes|\itied2d\zw d\qu{hgfe}\en
\bar% 6
\NOtes|\ttie2\hlhu dd\itieu3h\hlhu fh\en
\bar% 7
\NOtes\tenorwh K|\ttie3\hlhu fh\itieu3k\hlhu dk\en
\bare% 8
\Notes\itieu1N\tenorwh N|\ttie3\zw{_e}\qu k\en
\NOtes|\hu j\en
\bar% 9
\NOtes\ttie1\tenorhu N\dotted\itieu1b\tenorhu b|\zw d\hu{if}\en
\bar% 10
\NOtes\zw G\ttie1\tenorhu b|\zhlp d\hu g\en
\notesp\tenorhu N|\hu i\en
\Notes|\ql e\en
\bar% 11
\Notes\itied0K\zw K\tenorqu a\tenorqu N\tenorqu M\tenorqu L%
|\zhl f\hup h\sk\itied2d\hl d\qu g\en
\bar% 12
\Notes\ttie0\zhl K\tenorqu M\tenorqu N|\ttie2\hlhu df\en
\Notes\zhl M\tenorqu a\tenorqu b|\hlhu cf\en
\bar% 13
\NOtes\hlhu Ma|\zhup f\tenorhl c\en
\notesp\hlhu Kb|\itied2d\tenorhl d\en
\Notes|\qu f\en
\bare% 14
\NOtes\zw{_LN}|\zw g\ttie2\tenorhl d\tenorhl c\en
\bar% 15
\NOtes\pt J\hlhu Ka|\itieu3f\zw f\tenorhl d\en
\notesp\itieu1b\tenorhu b|\hl d\en
\Notes\ql L\en
\bar% 16
\NOtes\zw M\ttie1\tenorhu b\tenorhu a|\ttie3\hlhu cf\itied2d\hlhu df\en
\bar% 17
\Notes\zhl N\tenorhu b|\roff{\ttie2\zql d}\hu d\ql c\en
\NOtes\zhl J\tenorhu a|\hlhu c{_e}\en
\bar% 18
\Notes\zw K\tenorqu a\tenorqu M|\roffset{1.2}{\zhl c}\wh d\en
\NOtes\itieu1M\tenorhu M|\hl b\en
\bar% 19
\NOtes\zw K\ttie1\ten

Re: [Tex-music] How to put medieval notes on a beam?

2016-12-17 Thread Bob Tennent
I can easily add definitions for commands \cqb and
\zqcb to musixlit.tex. But are square-headed beam notes
musicologically acceptable for "intermediate between
gregorian and baroque"?

Bob T.
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Re: [Tex-music] How to put medieval notes on a beam?

2016-12-17 Thread Olivier Vogel
Hi Jean-Pierre

Are you trying to produce something like this:

\input musixlit
1 1 4 4 0 0 0 0
1 1 20 0

c2 d4 e /

f g8 a b c c1 d c b /

c2 r2 /

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[Tex-music] How to put medieval notes on a beam?

2016-12-17 Thread Jean-Pierre Coulon
There are stemless square note heads with \cnqu in the musixlit package, 
but how can I link them to a beam? I could cheat if there is some way to 
provide a stem between an empty symbol and a beam.


Jean-Pierre Coulon
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Re: [Tex-music] 128th notes and rests in PMX?

2016-12-17 Thread Dieter

It is amazing, what PMX can do.

The most important use cases for 128th notes seem alredy  to be covered 
by PMX.

And I wonder whether there exists any piece of music, which contains a 
combination of lone 128th notes and rests.

It might be difficult to identify all these special case in the MusicXML 
file. But XML2PMX  will always produce a PMX-file as result , which you 
then can manipulate.


Am 15.12.2016 um 16:35 schrieb Don Simons:

I wrote

Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to trick
PMX into doing g6.g.

I was wrong, there is a way: g3x2dn g

So we have found ways to get PMX to produce most flavors of 128th notes, as
long as it's inside a beam (together with at least one other note).

To progress any further than this, it's not clear whether it would take more
programming effort on Dieter's part in XML2PMX to make XML2PMX
128th-note-capable within this restriction, or on my part in PMX to extend
"normal" input notation using 5 or 7 for a 128th, and then either (1)
internally take advantage of the xtuplet tricks, or (2) go all the way,
which would involve completely revamping PMX's time accounting. To be
realistic, there's no chance at all I'd go route (2), and only a tiny chance
for route (1).


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Dr. Dieter Glötzel
Im Rosengarten 27
64367 Mühltal
Tel.: 06151 / 360 82 72

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