[tex4ht] [bug #617] The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command

2024-01-10 Thread VítStarýNovotný
Follow-up Comment #15, bug #617 (project tex4ht):

That's because the syntax `\begin{markdown}[...] \end{markdown}` is new in
Markdown 3. In Markdown 1 and 2, you would use the old example files that use
`\begin{markdown*}{...} \end{markdown*}` instead.


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[tex4ht] [bug #617] The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command

2024-01-10 Thread Michal Hoftich
Follow-up Comment #14, bug #617 (project tex4ht):

Something needs to be wrong on my side. I've noticed, that even the hybrid
option doesn't work with the markdown environment. Both with make4ht and
LuaLaTeX. But, if I use the \markdownSetup command to make these options
global, they work. 

So the following example works, but not if I remove the \markdownSetup

% Load the Markdown package and set its options.

  hello \TeX, what's goind on?

Here is some HTML code mixed *with Markdown*. In \TeX, the HTML code
will be silently ignored, whereas in \TeX 4ht, the HTML code will be passed
through to the output:




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[tex4ht] [bug #617] The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command

2024-01-10 Thread VítStarýNovotný
Follow-up Comment #13, bug #617 (project tex4ht):

> I guess this version doesn't support inline HTML?

It does. I tried to reproduce your issue as follows:

$ # fetch the examples as they were in Markdown 2.23.0
$ git clone https://github.com/Witiko/markdown.git
$ cd markdown
$ git checkout 2.23.0
$ # typeset `latex-pdftex.pdf` with Markdown 2.23.0 from the current TeX Live
$ docker run -v "$PWD"/examples:/workdir -w /workdir --rm
texlive/texlive:latest make latex-pdftex.pdf  
$ grep 'markdown renderer' markdown/examples/latex-pdftex.log
Package: markdown 2023-04-27 v2.23.0-0-g0b22f91 markdown renderer

The last two paragraph in my document `latex-pdftex.pdf` that I typeset with
Markdown 2.23.0 look the same as in the screenshot from my previous post using
Markdown 3.3.0. In other words, I can't reproduce your issue.


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[tex4ht] [bug #617] The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command

2024-01-10 Thread Michal Hoftich
Follow-up Comment #12, bug #617 (project tex4ht):

I used the default installation of the Markdown package in my TeX Live, it
says "Package: markdown 2023-04-27 v2.23.0-0-g0b22f91 markdown renderer", so
it seems pretty old, but probably correct, as it is the same as the latest
release on CTAN. I guess this version doesn't support inline HTML?

I've missed that the example is meant for PDFLaTeX, so I used LuaLaTeX, which
led to the missing accented characters. They are here when I switch engines.


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[tex4ht] [bug #617] The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command

2024-01-10 Thread VítStarýNovotný
Follow-up Comment #11, bug #617 (project tex4ht):

Thank you for the bug report. Sadly, I can't reproduce your issue with the
current version Markdown package. Here is what I did:

$ git clone https://github.com/Witiko/markdown.git
$ docker run -v "$PWD"/markdown/examples:/workdir -w /workdir --rm
witiko/markdown make latex-pdftex.pdf
$ grep 'markdown renderer' markdown/examples/latex-pdftex.log
Package: markdown 2024-01-06 v3.3.0-20-g412f09b7 markdown renderer

See the attached screenshot that shows the last two paragraphs in my document
`latex-pdftex.pdf`. Unlike your screenshot, my screenshot contains all the
characters "ěščřžýáíé" and neither the verbatim text `\TeX` nor
verbatim HTML tags. How did you create the document from your screenshot?

(file #532)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: scrot.png  Size:37 KB


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[tex4ht] [bug #617] The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command

2024-01-10 Thread Michal Hoftich
Follow-up Comment #10, bug #617 (project tex4ht):

Yes, exactly. I see HTML tags in both PDF and HTML outputs. 

(file #530, file #531)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: markdown-html.png  Size:37 KB
File name: markdown-pdf.png   Size:74 KB


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[tex4ht] [bug #617] The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command

2024-01-10 Thread VítStarýNovotný
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #617 (project tex4ht):

Do you mean the following snippet?

\begin{markdown}[html, hybrid]
Here is some HTML code mixed *with Markdown*. In \TeX, the HTML code
will be silently ignored, whereas in \TeX 4ht, the HTML code will be passed
through to the output:



I don't see it inserted verbatim. Instead, I see a table, see the attached

(file #529)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: scrot.png  Size:18 KB


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[tex4ht] [bug #617] The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command

2024-01-10 Thread Michal Hoftich
Follow-up Comment #8, bug #617 (project tex4ht):

BTW is it OK that the last code snippet in the TeX file, which contains HTML
tags, is inserted verbatim in the output? I thought that HTML tags should be
passed to the HTML output without escaping.


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[tex4ht] [bug #617] The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command

2024-01-10 Thread Michal Hoftich
Follow-up Comment #7, bug #617 (project tex4ht):

Yeah, it seems fine. I will update the TeX4ht sources then.


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