This was recently posted on the Southwest Region list serve; you may find it of 


Diana R. Tomchick
Departments of Biophysics and Biochemistry
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214A
Dallas, TX 75390-8816<>
(214) 645-6383 (phone)
(214) 645-6353 (fax)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Robert Wood <<>>

Hi fellow cavers,

I have done much study on why there is a national trend of outdoor activity 
organizations inability to attract new members. It really boils down to the 
difference in the way kids are being raised versus how the Baby Boom generation 
was allowed to experience their childhoods.

This article sets the stage pretty clearly
If you want more in-depth solution oriented ideas I highly suggest “How to 
Raise a Wild Child” by Scott Sampson. Having raised my 3 kids on the side of a 
ski mountain in northern Colorado with free access for them both summer and 
winter I clearly see the societal pressure that is the norm today to 
overprotect the kids as an epidemic. My grandchildren living in San Diego are 
(trying not to say this judgmentally) victims of this modern mentality that is 
building a grave basis for their personal life balance and future offspring. If 
your kid is walking around in the neighborhood at a time that is not connected 
to school coming and going (most kids are driven to and from school) someone 
will call the police and the child could be picked up and dropped at your door 
with a reprimand. Even in my small Colorado town, when my young son showed up 
at school with a black eye from the handlebar of his bike when he wrecked, 
Social services was notified by the school of possible child abuse. I would 
have been summoned by them if it were not for my friend that worked there that 
just called to get the story.

I know we are all frustrated with the inability to attract young vibrant cave 
enthusiast. The resistance to our efforts really has nothing to do with the 
kids themselves, it has to do with how they learned to freely connect to the 
natural world on their own. To learn to risk without a parent saying “Be 
careful”. I grew up surfing and exploring my great outdoors on the California 
coast and I nor my siblings can ever remember my folks ever telling us to be 
careful. Today that would be considered neglect.

The article is lengthy but so is trying to solve this problem we have created. 
If you have grandchildren and are involved in their lives I highly recommend 
Sampson’s book. Even if you are not involved or do not have children or 
grandchildren being aware is the first step in creating a solution.

Rob Wood
SWR mailing list<>
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