Julia G Germany



-----Original Message-----
From: San Marcos River Foundation <i...@sanmarcosriver.org>
To: germanyj <germa...@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Dec 5, 2016 1:56 pm
Subject: Voting, sinkholes and salamanders

                                  Voting, Sinkholes, Salamanders      Dec. 5, 



Dear SMRFers: 
VOTE PLEASE!  It is astonishing how few people remember that a Mayor and two 
Council Members runoff election is going on, so talk it up among your family 
and friends this week especially.  Wear your "I Voted" sticker every day, send 
emails, facebook posts, text messages and just plain call your family and 
friends too.  Tell people remember to vote TODAY, Monday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 
at the Government Center, or Tuesday through Friday this week from 8 a.m. to 5 
p.m. at that site. Also, today from 7 to 7 is the last day the Broadway Early 
Vote site will be open for early voting! And then tomorrow Tues and Wed, from 
11 to 7 the campus early voting will be going on at the LBJ Student Center.  
Then the actual Election Day is next Tuesday, Dec. 13th but do not wait for 
that. Please early vote this week, in case something interrupts your day on the 
13th, preventing you from voting!   Voting in these local elections is 
extremely important in the issues that affect you personally the most, right 
here in San Marcos.  http://www.Vote411.com still has these 3 races posted, 
with answers from candidates there from the LWV questionnaires distributed in 
Sept. . 
SINKHOLE:  We heard of a sinkhole just west of IH 35 at 410 by listening to the 
news from San Antonio this morning.  Last night there was this big sinkhole 
formed in SA which swallowed two cars. It just looked like a puddle of water in 
the dark, but it was a deep hole.  One man was rescued, but a female deputy 
(and the police vehicle) have not yet been recovered from the hole.  One report 
was that it was a sewer line which caused the sinkhole, which is very 
frightening news indeed.  Stay tuned to SA stations to learn more.  Apparently 
there were four major sewer line overflows yesterday there.  Often water line 
breaks cause sinkholes, because of the force of the leaking water tearing away 
at the soil, but in this case,  perhaps the rains caused a lot of inflow into 
sewer lines, where there are breaks, and this caused the problem.  We will know 
more later about whether this is on the recharge or contributing zone.  
BLIND SALAMANDERS MISSING:   One of the articles about this Thanksgiving Day 
mystery mentioned that the SMARC staff are investigating whether some predator 
like a raccoon could have fished the salamanders out of the aquariums. But they 
did not find any obvious evidence of that, in the first day the salamanders 
were missing. Since then the investigation process is keeping the SMARC and 
police from being talkative about the work they are doing on the case.  The 
blind salamanders disappeared over Thanksgiving, and the police were called in 
to investigate, since these are very precious salamanders.  They are aquifer 
dwellers underground, and are often are ejected from a spring and captured 
because they cannot survive in the creeks and rivers.   They are kept at SMARC 
so that research can be done on how to keep them healthy, reproducing and 
growing well in captivity.  The refugium at SMARC is just that---a refuge that 
is charged with keeping this endangered species alive if the aquifer is 
polluted or dries up.  If that happened some salamanders might have to live in 
aquariums at SMARC for a while.  Then once the natural habitat improves or is 
cleaned up, that species could be reintroduced to its natural habitat.  I know 
that everyone at the refugium is doing all they can to be sure this case is 
solved, and most of all, prevented from ever happening again.  Even the 
salamanders at the Meadows Center are now being locked up, in case there really 
is someone taking them.  The practice of keeping the species at SMARC, and 
doing research on what foods have to be raised to feed them well, and how to 
create just the right darkness or light, temperatures and water quality to 
encourage them to reproduce and thrive, is essential if we are to really 
protect them from going extinct. San Marcos is particularly lucky to have found 
so many endangered species in its springs---these species are all that stand 
between the river flowing well and the river being allowed to dry up 
completely. The aquifer pumping regulations are based on leaving enough 
springflow to fill the river, even in drought, so that the species can be 
healthy.  Other springs and rivers are not so lucky, especially in Texas, and 
in many other states as well.  We can thank all the scientists who spent their 
lives researching our endangered species.  Dr. Francis Emery on wild rice, 
comes to mind.  And Dr. Glenn Longley and many others at Texas State, who 
studied salamanders and fish and other species.  And many at Texas Parks and 
Wildlife, and US Fish and Wildlife, and also Edwards Aquifer Authority and the 
local Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center.  We owe them all a big debt, 
for preserving our beautiful river, which is still here and flowing mainly 
because of their research and work on all the endangered species.     

PLANTING DAY TUESDAY 10 a.m. to noon. Friends of SMARC and the HCP volunteers 
will be having a planting day at the river tomorrow morning, Tuesday, Dec 6th. 
Expect good sunny weather for one day at least. Big freeze coming Thursday 
night. The riverbank native planting will occur at Ramon Lucio Park in San 
Marcos. The planting site is tucked away, so if you arrive late - text Leah at 
(512) 820-2635. Park in the parking lot inside the park by the baseball fields, 
which you enter at C. M. Allen Parkway and the IH 35 feeder road, then circle 
back around the ball fields to get to the parking lot. Last year this same area 
was planted with the Phoenix Academy volunteers on the day before the Halloween 
flood, and the flood washed out almost every plant!  So this is a second 
attempt at this.  They provide plants and tools.  Wear shoes that can get muddy 
and wear long sleeves, long pants and socks to avoid poison ivy.  Wash well 
with hot water and soap after you leave, especially your face if you touch it 
with your gloves, and wash your clothes and shoes, too.  They will have gloves 
there too.  

CRADDOCK EXTENSION AND ROADS MASTER PLAN:   We received some copies of letters 
written by SMRF members to the Council and staff about the Craddock extension, 
that are full of scientific research references and data. And good common 
sense.   SMRF also sent Council a letter with a link to the Edwards Aquifer 
Authority studies about dye tracing tests.  These tests were done in areas 
around the San Marcos Springs, which are in the same spots where this road 
would be built, above Spring Lake Preserve, across the deep and wide Sink Creek 
canyon.   To see those maps and read about flowpaths, and how long the rain 
that goes into the ground then takes to come out in the bottom of Spring Lake, 
go to this link: 
 .  If this link does not work when you click on it, please copy and paste it 
into your browser, or go to the EAA website and look under Documents or use 
their search blank to look for "Dye".  Some of our readers reported problems 
with the link to the transportation Master Plan map last week, so please look 
for it again this week at this link.  Again, copy and paste it into your 
browser window if it does not work at first click.  Here is the city website 
link to the road maps: http://www.ci.san-marcos.tx.us/index.aspx?page+1168.   
Go ahead and write the Council and staff about your thoughts on removing 
Craddock Extension over the recharge zone above our springs, even though their 
official deadline has passed.  It will be a few weeks before the Council has it 
on their agenda anyway, and we'll try to find out when that is.  Use these 
addresses:   mayor_council_i...@sanmarcostx.gov and c...@sanmarcostx.gov.  When 
you write them, you could mention the increased flooding San Marcos will see if 
the hills above Spring Lake are developed, the water quality and clarity that 
will be harmed, and the damage to our recharge zone that would mean less water 
would flow from our springs during dry times.  The cost of building such a huge 
bridge is also a concern. We have invited the Council to take a field trip with 
us, including the city manager and any staff members who want to view the Sink 
Creek canyon, to see how expensive and damaging it would be to build such a 

CORRECTION ON GOYNES LAWSUIT WORDING.  Tom emailed us to edit our paragraph 
last week about the lawsuit agreement being superseded by the WORD bill, if it 
passes. He explains, "The WORD will not supersede the agreement, until either a 
WORD or a state park is established that mandates the same conditions that are 
included in our settlement. In other words, the WORD will have to be up and 
running and include the conditions that the Goynes family and the two 
outfitters all agreed to." 
He also gave us the language from the agreement: 
"This Order expires on the earlier of: five (5) years, by agreement of the 
parties, by a subsequent order of the court, or by the creation and 
implementation of a WORD District, State Park, or similar governmental 
designation or oversight provided the WORD District, State Park, or similar 
Governmental designation, or oversight contains the provisions of this order 
and is funded and staffed."
(What this also means is that if a WORD bill passes which does NOT include the 
items that Goynes and the two outfitters included in their agreement, then 
their agreement will remain standing in force for five years.  If the WORD bill 
does not even pass in this session, then the Goynes and outfitter agreement 
will also stand for five years.  No other outfitters are included in the 
agreement.  Note the Float Fest hearing Dec. 20th in the calendar item below 
the photos in this newsletter.) 

ART SHOW BY SALLY CUMMINGS:   Many beautiful paintings of all sizes, of local 
fields and trees, and San Marcos and Blanco river scenes, are depicted.  All 
would make wonderful gifts.  View this art show at the Tea Room cafe at the 
Price Center, open every weekday and Sunday too, and now decorated for 
Christmas by SMRF volunteers.  Sales benefit SMRF and the Price Center.  
Weekday lunches are served at this Tea room/cafe from 11 to 2.  On Sundays a 
buffet Sunday brunch is served 10 to 2, with omelets made to order as well.  
Other rooms of all sizes are decorated upstairs and downstairs, and are 
available to rent for parties as well.  Call Clay deStefano 512-392-2900 for 
more info.  See photos below.



            THANKS to the crowd of volunteers who showed up to help us erect 
three big trees, hang garlands and lights, craft centerpieces and wreaths, and 
decorate the entire building Thanksgiving weekend, at our office at the Price 
Center.  Several wonderful volunteers even came two or three days in a row to 
help, and we had a good time.  The Price Center is now ready for parties and 
festive lunches.  Chef Ray is ready too.         




Upcoming Events
PARKS BOARD THURSDAY NIGHT 12/8:  This week Thurs night, Parks Board 5:30 at 
the Activity Center in the Multi Purpose Room, lots of updates on what is 
happening with the trails under IH 35, the parks master plan, and many other 
projects underway in the Parks Dept. affecting river parks.  Please attend, any 
of you who have time, and take good notes for SMRF since we cannot be there. 
THE ANNUAL BLUE GOAT BAZAAR with hand made gifts this Saturday, Dec. 10th,  1 
to 6,  at 910 Stagecoach Rd. off Hunter Rd. There will be items for both men 
and women including Art, Books, Wearables, Carved Wood, Pottery, Hand made 
Soaps and Salves, and much much more.  Many of these artists and crafters help 
with SMRF's silent auction each February, so we want to help them with their 
holiday bazaar.
DEC. 8 WATER SUMMIT, by Guadalupe Basin Coalition in the New Braunfels Civic 
Center (see the link to flyer 
This will be the second one, the first conference in 2014 drew 225 
participants, so this is a larger meeting hall. The $50 registration fee 
includes live music and a BBQ lunch. Students $25. Here are the main themes of 
the conference:
A) Current Water Conditions and Outlook for 2017;
B) 2015 Central Texas Floods: How Bad Were the Floods and What Have We Done to 
Prepare for the Next Flood;
C) What Water Issues are Likely to Dominate the Federal Government and State 
Government in 2017; and
D) The Latest on Water in the Hill Country & Texas
Speakers include TWDB Chairman Bech Bruun, State Climatologist John 
Nielsen-Gammon, TCEQ Executive Director Richard Hyde, US Army Corps of 
Engineers District Commander Calvin Hudson and many other water experts.  
Please see the full agenda here, 
Click here to register now at www.guadalupebasincoalition.org.

December 10 Bug Walk, Saturday, starting 2 p.m. at Meadows Center, sponsored by 
SM Greenbelt Alliance.  Insect identification by local expert, may be a regular 
nature walk in the future similar to the Stephen Ramirez birding walk. 

Dec. 10 is Brushy Waste drop off day for SM residents, take a utility bill with 
you for i.d. and unload your own brush, leaves, tree limbs etc, 750 River Road 
behind Animal Shelter.
Dec. 10: Saturday is also the Art Squared monthly celebration of artists on the 
courthouse square 9-5, and the Farmer's Market is also there in the morning.  
And then, Santa is on the Square every Saturday till Dec. 24th.

MEMORIAL TREE PLANTING:  Dec 12, noon at Rio Vista dam (on the swimming pool 
side),  for Arindam Goswami, whose wife, Meghalee Das is graduating this month 
at Texas State.  Both her family and Arindam's family from India are here for 
the memorial tree planting and her graduation  Arindam was very athletic and 
loved canoeing, and he was practicing for the Water Safari when he passed away 
two years ago.  His many friends in this area raised funds at the time to 
donate to SMRF in his memory, to help preserve the river he loved.  His wife 
waited for this time, when all the family members could be together here in San 
Marcos, to have the planting and attend her graduation .  His many friends are 
also welcome, so help us let them know. 
FLOAT FEST HEARING December 20th, 1:30 p.m. in Seguin.  Here is the link to the 
info and location.  If it does not work, copy and paste it into your browser 
HOLD THE DATES IN 2017:  Note these dates below in your new calendar and if you 
want a beautiful one for a gift or for yourself, go to 
www.hillcountryalliance.org and order one quick! 
JANUARY 26:  LWV Annual Wine and Beer Tasting Fundraiser on Thursday, January 
26, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Quail Creek Country Club.  Their only 
fundraiser during the year to fund multiple Candidates Debates and Voters 
Guides throughout the year -- State, School Board and City Council -- both in 
San Marcos and Wimberley.  Wine and beer choices to be announced soon.  Call 
512-787-6392 for tickets. 
FEBRUARY 25:  SMRF ANNUAL MEMBERS PARTY, dinner, silent auction and meeting.  6 
p.m. Price Center.  Be sure to put on your new calendar now.

REGULAR WORKDAYS:   Note that there are regular days for volunteers at the 
SMARC, the McCarty Lane refugium for endangered species where they are growing 
native plants for our riverbank plantings, every Wednesday morning.  Email 
leah_mur...@fws.gov for details on that. This Friends group is also working on 
the bird blind on the birding trail at the SMARC lands between IH 35 and 
Hunter, on McCarty Lane. 

Also Thursday afternoons are native plant sales at the Discovery Center, next 
to the Tourist Center in SM. On Tuesday mornings there, the Master Naturalists 
and other volunteers care for the gardens there, and welcome you volunteers. 

And as always, our SMRF 4th Saturday workdays are at the Meadows Center every 
month year round, removing invasives or maintaining and planting native gardens 
there.  9 a.m. to noon, meeting near the ticket booth building.  We bring 
gloves and tools, but if you have loppers or nippers, those are handy since we 
do not have enough. 

SMRF also needs to do a lot of work on the wire cages around our memorial 
cypress trees in the river parks, damaged in fall floods, so we could put 
together a small crew to work on those as well.  Just let us know when you are 
available each week, if you want to start on those in January. 



Contact Us

            Reliant Energy has been a great supporter of SMRF and Earthshare of 
Texas, to which SMRF belongs. Reliant has provided funding for our work for 
many years and in return, we let our members know about their Ecoshare program 
which allows customers to buy carbon credits. Not yet available in San Marcos, 
we still want to spread the word to friends and family in the state who DO get 
to choose their energy provider. Reliant's success in growing EcoShare allows 
them to support many environmental groups in Texas doing amazing work.         


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