They have also banned certified process servers from delivering any kind of
court document, ( at least in east Texas ).   This is so ludicrous.   It
takes the county constable weeks, what I should be able to do in 15
minutes.    It is bad, because it often involves rush court orders
involving child-custody cases.   But it just hurts my pocketbook more than

Below are some future campfire stories:

I was twice in a jail cell, once in a paddy-wagon, once kidnapped by rogue
undercover cops and taken to an interrogation cell and probably some other
stuff where I was unfortunately at the scene as a bystander.

First time, I was a businessman model wearing a tie posing with a
skinhead-biker in a jail cell ( for a lawyer ad/photo-shoot in The Houston
Yellowpages ). The attorney probably slipped the judge something of value
to use a closed abandoned jail.  The ad was apparently effective and they
later paid me fairly for doing it.
The ad ran in Houston for about 10 years.  I was afraid it would be on
billboards, as it was a good photo.

The second time around 1994 was helping my ex-girlfriend's teenage son get
transferred from Matamoros prison in Mexico to a USA prison in El Paso,
Texas.    The dumb*** American teen spoke no Spanish and shared a tiny cell
with 9 Mexican men for about 2 years.
I had to go in his cell and check on him.   No telling what they would have
done to her, but they would have let her in after the security guards had
their way with her.  He slept in the concrete floor with no screen on
windows with just a tiny piece of foam and a cheezy blanket.  Part of the
unpleasantness was dealing with the judicial system which was so retarded.
Most of the clerks were male cops who could only type with one index finger
( on an old 1950's style typewriter )    I know the teen got released from
El Paso about a year later, and allegedly lived a normal life.  I never saw
either of them again.

The paddywagon story I have told many times, lost in the Sierra Madres at

But the story of the rogue undercover cops was a case of mistaken
identity.   They were looking for someone else - a private investigator for
some nefarious law firm that I did not work for, and I had nothing
whatsover to do with their issue.   It had something to do with their 9-11
stress level as it happened about 3 weeks after the attack, and all the
officers I was dealing with then were pumped up on 5-Day Energy drinks with
little sleep.

But my worst situation ever, was one time I served papers on a dirty cop
from the backseat of his patrol car the day before Christmas Eve.   He was
just being a real ***wipe, but never even bothered to cuff me.

I deal with officers a whole lot and I used to know about a hundred on
first name basis.  The one I was most friends with shot himself inside of
his patrol car.   I had just invited him out for tacos about 2 weeks

I imagine the City of Houston Chief has a very vague idea who I am.   I
have emailed him a few times and sent him a Facebook message.  His
secretary is as tired of my emails as you all are, as I have emailed her
dozens of times.  She does help me once in a blue moon.

The FBI interviewed me at work around 1985, after a person walking on a
path was allegedly found stabbed in Yosemite Village.  There must have been
2,000 people just in that part of the park.  I do not recall every seeing
the story in the news.   But it happened again a few years later and they
allegedly caught that second perpetrator.   I have no idea if the cases
were related.

Sometime around 2000, I was stranded in a cheezy motel in Ciudad Victoria,
Mexico traveling by bus and decided to go for a walk after midnight to find
a taco.   That was a really bad idea, as there was not a soul on the
streets.   2 cops pulled up to me and interogated me in a dark area for
nearly an hour.   I was exhausted and never found a taco.   I think that
was a trip that I was coming back from Charles Fromen's beach-house in
Zihautanejo, Guerrero by bus.  The memories are all so blurry now.

I have had about six other similar unpleasant incidents with Mexican cops -
mostly the "transitos."  They all are bad.  And some have even been jailed
or worse in some cities.  I do not think Reynosa has had a municipal police
force for 5 years.

Just this week,

The State Dept. issued new travel warnings for Mexico which include the
town my daughter spent the week after Christmas without me.

I can probably dig thru my repressed memories and find other police
stories.    I saw cops drag my 2nd grade teacher out of the classroom in
1972.  It was my first black teacher and she was female.  I just remember
she was yelling Ebonic curse-words at us in a mean tone that I had never
heard a teacher use before.   And I probably have a story about a relative
getting arrested, that I should keep stored very deep in repressed memories.

The A.S.S.( with me ) had an unpleasant police encounter in New Braunfels
on 1987 Spring Break. I think I have told that story here on Cavetex.  I
regret that trip.

Now that my repressed memories are all dug open, I think there are more

I just want to go only on uneventful road-trips from here on out.

To be continued someday ...
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