texascavers Digest 4 Dec 2013 16:11:18 -0000 Issue 1892

Topics (messages 23114 through 23118):

Jill, do you received my email,????
        23114 by: Espeleo Coahuila

Environmental Action: Digging and Looting
        23115 by: R D Milhollin

UT Grotto Meeting December 4th
        23116 by: Andrea Croskrey

Bat and basketball
        23117 by: caverarch

histo after 1994 NSS convention in Texas
        23118 by: Mixon Bill


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--- Begin Message ---

Coordinadora de la Comisión Internacional de Técnicas y Materiales de la UIS

Instructor Nacional Certificado de Espeleología por la FMAS

Directora de MP- Mex Caving

Asociación Coahuilense de Espeleología, A.C. (Fundadora)

Asociación Italiana Geográfica La Venta (Socia)

Centro de Estudios Kársticos La Venta (Socia)

Grupo Espeleológico Vaxakmen, A.C. (Socia)

Grupo Espeleológico EspeleoZots en Chetumal (Asesora)

Grupo Pionero de Espeleología en Sonora  (Asesora)

Association for Mexican Cave Studies (Colaboradora)

Texas Speleological Association (Socia)

Unión Mexicana de Agrupaciones Espeleológicas (Socia)

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Texas Cavers, this message was posted for New Mexico caver Lynda Sanchez and 
regards the commercial glorification of digging in culturally sensitive areas 
by amateurs without professional guidance or supervision; obvious implications 
for caves in nature preserves and parks.

Good morning all......hype and shame on NGS (read below).   For those of you 
who are concerned by this new trend on the NGS Channel go to the following link 
and sign the petition to ask NGS Channel to stop their hype and pull programs 
such as Diggers!  That program alone has created more unintended consequences 
(called looting and digging on federal and state lands) of our heritage than 
just about any others.  The National Conference of State Historic Preservation 
Officers and the World Congress of Archaeology have signed on as have dozens of 
other organizations and concerned folks.
Several Cavers have already signed, but in view of this email trail perhaps 
some of the rest of you will sign as well. Check out the details and if you 
have additional questions let me know.  Thanks.

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Howdy Texas Cavers!

Many Texas cavers ended up in Texas because of the easy access to amazing
caves in Mexico. At this week's grotto meeting we have UT Grotto member
Oscar Berrones sharing his most recent caving adventure to caves in the
mountains near his hometown of San Luis Potosi, Mexico.  As a bonus, Oscar
takes great pictures so this should be a presentation not to miss!

We will now be meeting at 7:45pm in *Burdine 134*. Follow this link to a
map of where the building is located on the University of Texas campus:

For information on Underground Texas Grotto activities, please see

Before the meeting, take advantage of Sao Paulo  www.saopaulos.net  for
happy hour specials. Attendance by cavers varies but this area is the best
place to park and meet folks walking over to the meeting.  Then after the
official meeting, we continue with the decades long tradition to reconvene
for burgers, beer, and tall tales of caving at Posse East.

Andrea Croskrey
UT Grotto Vice Chair

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I got the following note from a non-caver Vandy fan friend in the South on 
watching a game this weekend:

"I'm watching the Texas vs. Vanderbilt basketball game and a bat is loose in 
the stadium in Austin and keeps circling the heads of the players each time 
they set up for free throws!

The announcers, to their credit, knew all about the Austin bat population and 
the Congress Avenue Bridge and have been educating sports fans around the world 
on the bats of Austin!"

Roger Moore

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The paper identifies the caves as "Cave A" and "Cave B". Obviously Cave A is Emerald Sink near Langtry. Anybody know what Cave B is? -- Mixon
Work is the curse of the drinking class.

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