Basic Vedhantha and information

Believe in yourself and your values, don’t sell out when things go wrong.
Don’t let anything get you down, always bounce back up.
Set goals for your future, never settle for less.
Realize that there are others in the world with much bigger problems than
Appreciate the good things in your life and be thankful for the time you
have with your loved ones.
Spend more time with your family and friends.
Appreciate the simple things in life and don’t get caught up in material
Bhagavath geetha says in 7th chapter 2nd sloka  Jnanam theham savijnanam
idham vakshyam aseshathaha     yajnathva neha buyonyathu jnathavyam
I shall completely impart to you this jnana along with vijnana, gaining
which knowledge nothing more remains to be known in this life.

The following are some information provided to you please kind enough to
accept or reject as per your choice
Saptha Rishis
Athiri, Brigu, Pulasthyar, Vasishtar, Gauthamar, Angirasar, Marichi
1)      Saptha Dweep
Jambudweep ( Asia), Plaksha dweep (South America), Pushkara Dweep (North
America), Kauncha Dweep (Africa), Saka Dweep (Europe), Salmala Dweep
(Australia), Kusa Dweep (Ociania)
2)      Saptha Nagari
Ayodhya, Mathura, Mayapuri, Kasi, Kanchipuram, Avanthy,  Dwaraka
3)       Pancha Buthas  5 elements
Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space
4)      Five sheaths  5 kosas
Annamaya kosa (food sheath), Pranamaya kosa (Vital Air sheath), Manomaya
kosa (Mental sheath), Vijnanamaya kosa (Intellectual sheath), Anandhamaya
kosa (Bliss sheath)
5)      Sarira Thrayam
Sthula sariram or the gross body, Sukshma sariram or the subtle body, Karana
sariram or the Causal body
6)      Parts of subtle body are as follows
Five sense organs of knowledge (jnanendriyas)   Srotram (ear), Tvak(skin),
Cakshu (eye),Rasana (tongue),Grana ( nose)
Five components of subtle body  organs of action  karmendriyas  Vak
(mouth),  Pani(hands),  Pada(legs),  Payu(organs of excretion),
Upastha(organ of reproduction)
7)      Pancha pranas   Prana (respiratory system), Apana (excretory
system), Samana (digestive system), Vyana (circulatory system), Udana
(protecting the body throws out what is not good)
8)      Antha karanam a) Manaha (mind) nature of indesition,
b)Budhi(intellect) nature of decision, c)Cittam(memory faculty) thinking or
recollection, d)Ahankara (the ego) notion of doership
9)      Organs of Perception  Ears, Skin, Eyes, Tongue, Nose
10)   Causal body  is the subtlest and cause of the other two bodies and
pervades the other two (nature of ignorance,  I  am the locus of
ignorance,   objectless,  I exist therefore I can be ignorant)
11)   Avastha Thrayam  Jagrath (Waking), Swapna (dream), Sushupthy (deep
            13)   Atma (Sachithanandha swaroopah) It is the nature of
existence, Consciousness, Bliss
                     Existance:  That which remains unchanged in three
periods of time (past present future)
        Consciousness:  Chith Jnanaswaroopaha  It is the nature of Absolute
                    Bliss:  Sukhaswaroopaha  nature of  absolute happiness
12)   Maya has three qualities Sattwa guna  charactarised by knowledge
colour white, Rajo guna nature of activity  colour red,  Tamo guna
ignorance colour black
13)   Jiva:  The reflection of Brahman which identifies itself with the
gross body  The self conditioned by Avidya, The reflection of Brahman in
14)   Iswara: The self conditioned by maya  The creator, sustainer,
destroyer  (without ego), The reflection of Brahman in total(Macrocosam)
15)   Brahman: The truth is infinite
16)   Karma  3 kinds of karma  a) Agami karma  The results what you do today
come as agami in the future or in the next moment
 b) Sancita karma  The results of action performed in the previous births
Which are in seed form giving rise to endless births
c) Prarabdha karma  Those actions which have fructified to give us the
present birth and the experience in it and decides the time and place of our
    Which are in seed form
      17)   Prajna: The consciousness which is obtained in causal body
     18)  Taijasa: The consciousness obtained in subtle body
     19) Viswa:  The consciousness manifested in the body
     20) Six Ashtakam:  Prakrithyastakam,  Dhathyashtakam, Eiswaryashtakam,
Bhavashtkam, Devashtakam, Gunashtakam
 a) Prakrithyashtakam: Five elements+mind+Budhi+Ahankaram
                 b) Dhathyashtakam: Tvak, Charmam, Mamsam, Blood, Medhass,
Asthi, Majja, Suklam
                c) Eiswaryashtakam: Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapthy,
Prakamyam, Easithvam, Vasitvam
               d) Bhavashtakam: Dharmam, Jnanam, Vairagyam, Eisvaryam,
Adharmam, Ajnanam, Avairagyam, Anaisvaryam
               e) Devashtakam: Brahma, Prajapathy, Devas, Gandharvas,
Yaksha, Rakshasa, Pithruganam, Pisachaganam
               f) Gunashtakam: Atma gunas: Karunyam, Kshanthy, Anasooya,
Soucham, Naipunyam, Mangalatvam, Akarpanyam, Aspriha
     21)  5 Dukhas   a) Garbavasam, Jananam, Jara, Rogam, Maranam,
    22)  4 Vedhas:  Rikvedha, Yajurvedha, Samavedha, Adharvavedha
    23)  6 Vedhangas  Siksha phonetics, Kalpa Science of rituals, Vyakaranam
grammar, Niruktham Etymology, Chandaha Prosody, Jyothisham Astrology
    24) Upangas:  Mimamsa, Nyaya, Purana, Dharmasastra
                                 Mimamsa: Purva mimamsa, Uthara mimamsa
                                 Nyaya:  Nyaya – Vaisesika,  Sankhya
                                Purana:  18 Mahapuranas, 18 Upapuranas,
                               Dharmasastra: Smrithis, Dharmasuthras
     25) Prashthanathrayi:  Bhagavathgita, Upanishaths, Brahmasuthras
     26) Upavedhas:  Ayurvedha, Arthasastra, Dhanurvedha, Gandharvavedha
     27) Bhagavathas: Prahladha, Nardha, Parassara, Pundariksha, Vyasa,
Ambarisha, Suka, Saunaka, Bhishma, Dhalbyan,
            Rukmangadha, Arjuna, Vasishta, Vibhishana
     28) 7 Mahabalis:   Brahmanam, Sankaram, Vishnum, Yamam, Ramam, Dhanum,
    29)  Pancha kanya: Ahalya, Draupathy, Seetha, Thara, Mandothari
    30) Pancha mathru(5 mothers):   Gayathri, Tulasi, Ganga, Kamadhenu,
    31) Ten Upanishaths: Eesavasya, Kenopanishadh, Kathopanishadh, Prasna,
Mundaka, Mandukya, Taittareya, Aitareya, Chandogya, Brihadaranyaka
    32) 7 Jeeva nadhis(rivers):  Ganga, Yamuna, Godhavari, Saraswathy,
Kavery, Narmadha, Sindhu
    33) Maha vakyas
            a) Prajnanam Brahma (in Aitareya upanisad  Rigveda
            b) Aham brahmasmi  ( in brihadaranya upanisad  yajurveda)
            c) Tat tvam asi   ( Chandogya-upanisad  Sama veda)
            d) Ayam atma brahma ( Mandukya upanisad  Atharvana vedha)
                         All mahavakyas reveal the jiva-iswara-aikyam.
Vedhantha gives Advaitha jnanam

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