CULTURAL QA02-2021-12

Being  a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1         How can you bring down LDL cholesterol naturally?

A1          Ray Schilling UpdatedNovember 19-2020 Blogger, retired physician 
and cancer researcher.(2010–present)

Not all LDL cholesterol comesfrom food. The majority is synthesized in your 
liver. The biggest factor is consumption of refinedsugar, starchy food 
(potatoes, rice, pasta, bread and muffins etc.) andprocessed food. 
Whateversugar is not stored in your liver and muscles as glycogen gets 
metabolized bythe liver into triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. This ends up as 
fat in yourabdominal fat and in your arteries causing hardening of your 

I cut out sugar, starchy foods and wheat in 2001 and lost 50 pounds ofweight in 
3 months. So did my wife (she lost 50 pounds also). We never regained that 
lostweight, because we have been consistent about keeping refined sugar,starchy 
foods and processed food out of our diet. We follow a Mediterranean-typediet.

There are a number of healthyfoods that will lower LDL cholesterol for you. 11 
foods that lower cholesterol - HarvardHealth. Oats, barley, nuts, egg plant and 
Okra, soy, fatty fish and fibersupplements (like psyllium husk). In addition 
the pectin content of apples, grapes,strawberries and citrus fruits helps to 
lower LDL cholesterol.

Pectin and fiber helps toreduce LDL cholesterol by interfering with the 
enterohepatic circulation of gallbladder fluid. Enterohepatic circulation - 
WikipediaThe end result is thatmore cholesterol is excreted in the patient’s 
stool and the LDL cholesterol inthe blood is lowered.

The other factor beside paying attention to what you eat is to engage in 
regular physicalexercise. This increases your protective HDL cholesterol and 
reduces theoverall cholesterol ratio, the risk of getting a heart attack. 
WhatIs Cholesterol Ratio and Why Does It Matter?

Substitute saturated fat with olive oil. The monounsaturated fatty acidsin 
olive oil have been shown to lower LDL 
 substitute high fat milk products with low fat milk products. Eliminateall 
trans fat products from your diet (margarine, fast foods).

Here is my answer to your question: “How do I naturally lower myLDL 
cholesterol?” The biggest step, as mentioned above is to cut out refinedsugar, 
starchyfoods and processed food. But in addition as the Harvard Health letter 
stated,there are 11 other foods that can help to reduce LDL cholesterol. Pectin 
andfiber interfere with the enterohepatic circulation lowering LDL. But you 
must also pay attention to balancing LDL with HDL, whichwill lower your 
cardiovascular risk factor when you exercise regularly. Finally, get rid of 
trans fats(margarine and fast foods) and cut out high saturated fat foods (like 
milkproducts) with low saturated fat milk products.

This answer is not a substitute for professional medical advice. This answer is 
for general informational purposesonly and is not a substitute for professional 
medical advice. If you think youmay have a medical emergency, call your doctor 
or (in the United States) 911immediately. Always seek the advice of your doctor 
beforestarting or changing treatment. Quora users who provide responses to 
health-relatedquestions are intended third party beneficiaries with certain 
rights underQuora's Terms of Service ( 

Q2         When was Lord Krishna first introduced in the Mahabharata?What were 
his first words?

A2   Bhanu Kiran February 8-2021-Mahabharata(Hindu epic) · Exploring ancient 
texts of Sanatana Dharma

In Mahabharata, Lord Krishna was first introduced in theswayamvara of Draupadi. 
His first words were to Balarama. Krishna introduces Pandavas toBalarama who 
were in the disguise of Brahmins. The first conversationbetween Krishna and 
Pandavas occurs after the swayamvara was completed. In thebelow quote, chief 
among the Yadus means Krishna and Rama means Balarama.

The chiefs among the Yadus, always devoted to Krishna, were also 
there,witnessing it. On seeing the five Pandavas, like elephants in rut that 
had cometo a lake full of lotuses, like a fire covered with ashes, the chief of 
theYadus began to wonder. He told Rama, “That is Yudhishthira. That is Bhima 
and that is Jishnu and those arethe valorous twins.” Glancing at them 
leisurely, Rama cast a pleasedglance at Janardana.

Ref: Mahabharata translated by Bibek Debroy Droupadi-svayamvara ParvaChapter 178

Q3         Why is there a hole at the center of the famous South Indiandish 
"Ulundhu vadai" or "Uddina vade" (which is circular)

A3          Vishal Mehta October 25,2012 Food · Food at bay .Theabove two types 
of preparations (The former is vada and the latter is mysorebonda/bajji) is 
made from different dough / batter. The steam build up during the deep fry of 
vada pushes theoil away from within the vada (quoting wikipedia here)

Now, having a Total Surface Area larger means that there is more area forthe 
vada to expel oil compared to a vada without hole. The slightly rough texture 
of the surface of thevada enables it to let the extra oil drip from it after it 
is fried.

However, in case of the MysoreBonda/Bhajji, the texture is relatively smooth 
(because of the batter), which makes post-fry oil dripping relativelydifficult

Q4         Which pair of car tires wear out first, front or rear? Andwhy is it 

A4          Bridgestone India December4-2020-The Front pairtires wear out first 
in comparison to rear wear tires if tyrerotation is not done. This is due to 
the below factors-

Steering Forces- Front tyresare responsible for turning offthe vehicle in any 
direction so all the steer forces act on the front side ofthe vehicle whereas 
rear wear tyres follow the path.

Engine Load- In front-wheeldriven passenger cars, the fronttires also carry a 
lot of the weight.

Traction- Front tyres generatethe traction in FWD vehicleswhile rear tyres are 
free rolling

Braking Forces- As we apply thebrakes, weight transfer occurs fromrear to 
front, thus more forces are transferred to the front tyres.

Alignment related issues affect front tyres more than rear tyres

In rear-wheel-drivevehicles and SUVs, the difference between front & rear wear 
is not soprominent as compared to front-wheel-drive cars. In front-wheel driven 
cars, the front tyre wear can be up to two timesfaster than rear tyres.

By doing Proper rotation andtimely alignment as recommended by OEMs and tyre 
manufacturers, tyre wear canbe equalized in both Front and rearposition and 
results in more uniform tyre wear. It will help you get theoptimum life from 
the tyre and chance to change the entire set in one go.

It is important to know thattype of wear also varies between the front and rear 
wheels due to differentforces acting on different positions. Any type of 
irregular wear results in pulling and discomfort in drivingas well as in the 
handling of the vehicle. So it is better to rotate the tyre looking not only 
onbetter wear but also on ride and handling qualities.


Equal and even wear will resultin changing all four tyres at the same time that 
not only increases tyre life, also results in good handling. Thereare fewer 
complications for tyre change as you don’t need to get the same brandand 
pattern as the other two tyres.

Such One side wear is very common in front position if not rotated. Toeven out 
such irregular wear, periodic tyre rotation is necessary. To know morevisit: 
Tyre Safety & Maintenance Clinic | Bridgestone India

Q5         Can you describe a typical south indian home?

A5          South Indian, writingabout our middle class houses and homes. I am 
describing a typical Hindu Indianhome here. Others are similar with a few 

A white kolam on swept and water - sprinkled ground in our entrance.Ajasmine 
plant, some coconut trees, a drumstick tree, one or two papayas and aneem if 
the garden is big enough.

Slippers and shoes left out in the side of the main door, in the verandahor 
shoe rack.

Earlier houses had a prominentsit out made of cement or granite. Now we see 
them in small towns and villages. Some old houses still havethem.

Mango leaves garland or aflower garland on the main door.

Turmeric and vermillion pasteon the door frame sides asrespect to goddess 

Main left door open from morning to afternoon and again from tea time to6pm. 
They however keep thegrill gate closed or locked for fear of thieves.

Suprabatham Sanskrit or tamil version at sunrise on radio or tv. This 
isfollowed by “kandha sashti kavasam ‘.

Head of the house with the News papers (one English and the other Tamizh)and 

Throughout the day TV blaringin the hall whether there isanybody seeing it or 
not. Usually news or tamil songs.

Woman coming out to buy veg from the vendor lady who comes home daily.

Smell of steamed idlies,drumstick sambar from the kitchen.And soon the aroma of 
filter coffee for breakfast .

A prominent Pooja or prayerroom or a shelf with a cover.

One big framed picture of their deity in the hall.

Pictures of great grandparentswith a garland and a familyphoto on the wall.

Rooms and windows have curtains.

Sometimes a prominent easy -chair for grandfather next to amodern sofa set.

Backyard with a tulasi plant. Women light an oil lamp by twilight. 

My note- Mostly in the front of home Tuli madam is made. 

Q6         In Islam, why is it that men are allowed to marry four womenat a 
time, but women can marry only one man at a time?

A6          Tomaž Vargazon Religion· Practicing atheist

Islam didn’t “allow fourmarriages”. It limited the numberof wives from “however 
many you want” to “not more than you can afford and not more than fourunder any 
circumstances”. An exception was made for Mohammed only 

An angel tells Mohammed healone can have more than four wives (non-Islamic 

A common misconception about Islam is that it was all horrible from thestart. 
That’s not the case, inmost ways Islam was an improvement over what ruled 
Arabia before Islam andabout en par with what was practiced in contemporary 
Europe and Middle East.The veil for women is a typical example, this was a 
Persian practice that wasadopted into Islam. A less widely known is the 
practice of pagan religion thatwere still prevalent in Arabia, semitic 
polytheism was about en par withMesoamerican religion, human sacrifice and the 

Islam ended all that, it can rightfully claim credit for thedeed. The problem 
only emerged later, due to the extraordinaryresistance against any further 
reform. Islam made some changes tothe better and stayed there, in the 7th 
century, if it was at all possible. It’s onlynatural it eventually grew to be 
the same conservative villain it once decriedas evil. 

Q7         Why are yellow and red peppers always separated insupermarkets even 
if they have the same price?

A7          Geoffrey Brickley February1-2021Chili Peppers · I grow my own chili 
peppers in my garden: even reapers.

 Inventory.Yellow peppers are different than Redpeppers contrary to common 

Note that yellowpeppers are going from green, so are orange and red. By the 
time a yellow pepper turns orange, it is already beginning tosoften and is 
usually unsellable. 

On the other hand, ared pepper spends so short of a time as an orange that it 
could never be soldas an orange pepper. Orange peppers generally just go from 
light orangeto darker orange. This is an indication that they are all different 
cultivars.All the same species. Theyhave been bred for specific colors and 

So are purple, pink, and black. I am going to grow some black peppersthis 

Not the same source as my black sweet peppers, nor the same cultivar. Butthe 
site that I got mine from is down right now.

As you can see, there are many colors of bell peppers. Even white:

Bell pepper - Wikipedia

You will be interested to know, by modern standards, the green pepper isusually 
its own cultivar, bred to get its flavor early. It is usually a redpepper even 
though most colors start green. The flavor of the green pepper is preferred 
harvestedearly as green. There are some cultivars that will be harvested 
aseither green or red but most commercially grown green peppers are 
bredspecifically to be picked as green peppers only.

All the above QA are based onQuora digest to me on 15-2-2021. Quora answers 
need not be 100% correct answers

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 15-2-2021 

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