Respected friends, 

In part 102 I am starting with 348h     item in this posting. Kindly note the 
series is a compilation. 


Gopalakrishnan 20-09-21       

348. SriMadhBhagavatham.... part…26          


Dhruvas son Utkala had no attraction for the throne.   His mind was   always 
devoted to God.   He was unmindful of everything earthly and    looked blind, 
deaf, dumb and mad.   The family elders and counselors therefore anointed 
Vatsara, younger step-brother of Utkala and sonof  Bhrami, as the ruler.        

Vatsara - Svarvithi   ---   Six sons one of         them Pushkarna           

Pushkarna -Dosha  ---         Three sons, Pradosha,Nisidha & Vyushta 

(deities of twilight, midnight and dawn respectively). 

Vyushta - Pushkarini ---   One son, Sarvatejas 

Sarvatejas - Akuti   ---     Oneson, Manu 

Manu - Nadvala    ---    Twelve sons, youngest Ulmuka 

Ulmuka - Pushkarini ---     Six sons, Anga and 5others. 

Anga - Sunitha          ---      One son, Vena. 

The pious king Anga performed the Aswamedha sacrifice. Thedevas did not   
respond to theinvocations of the Brahmanas to receive their share of   the 
oblations.   The Brahmanas told the king, The Haviz(offerings) are prepared 
withdedication and are thus without any blemish.  The    invocations uttered 
arefrom austere Brahmanas of merit and are, therefore, flawless and potent. We 
do not perceive any valid reasonfor   the non-response from theDevas.           

On the anguishedenquiry of King Anga, theBrahmanas further said,  Though you 
are spotlesslyvirtuous herein, in your previous birth, however, you had 
committedtransgression, which has rendered you without   any issue in this 
birth and the Devas are disinclined to receive the  offerings of a issue-less 

We shall propitiate Harifor   your begetting a son. You will beget a son and 
the Devas will be responsive.  What men desire,  He offers, depending however, 
on the nature(quality) of the worship.  The Brahmanasconcluded.           

The Lord Hari was worshipped with Yajna and offered Prodasa.From the  
sacrificial fire arose a divinepersonage, well attired and ornamented, holding 
a golden vessel containing Payasam.Permitted by the Brahmanas, the king 
received the Payasam, smelt it and gave itto his wife   (Sunitha), who, as 
aresult, conceived and gave birth to a son in due  time. This son, born of 
Adharma, followed onthe footsteps of his maternal grandfather, Mruthyu, wedded 
to cruelty fromchildhood itself.  

Proceeding to forest, he would kill indiscriminately withhis bow and   arrows.  
In the playfield, he would catch hold of playmates by force  and kill them.   
The subjects would wail at his sight Herecomes Vena. King Anga becamedesolate 
when all his efforts to correct Vena failed.  

He cried, Those householders who are issueless and who arenot    afflicted with 
the evil deeds ofbrutish sons must have indeed  worshippedGod lavishly. A 
wicked son isa plague on  the household,causing infamy, antagonism and agony. 
In a way, a wicked   son is to be preferred, as he causes, indeedexpedites, 
renunciation by his parent. 

Thus tormented, King Anga spent sleepless nights. Onemid-night he abandoned the 
splendor of his palace as well as his sleeping wife,Sunitha and left, unknown 
and unnoticed by any one, on the life of   renunciation. The ministers and 
others triedin vain to trace the king but failed like the immature Yogi 
searching for theLord.           


To save from anarchy, disregarding the reluctance of thecounsellors, the rishis 
enthroned Vena, who gave full vent to his cruelty andordered   discontinuance 
of allsacrificial offerings. The evil forces, such as         dacoits and 
brigands, ran away fromthe kingdom, like the rats at the   sight of snakes.     

Vena laughed away theadvice of the sages,but on the other hand told   them 
thatthey were mistaking Adharma for Dharma, just as a vicious woman preferred a 
paramour to her husband.

Vena invited worshipon himself, claiming torepresent all gods  Vishnu, 
Brahma,Rudra, Indra,  Vayu, Yama, Surya,Parjanya, Kubera, Moon, Agni, and 
Varuna. The sages were enraged and cursed Vena to death andthe sorrowful 
mother, Sunithi, protected the lifeless body of Vena by means ofcharms.         

Meanwhile, the rishis, after their daily rituals, whileengaged in spiritual 
discourse on the banks of the Saraswathi river,noticed portents and discussed 
waysfor averting misfortune overtaking the   king-lesscountry from depredation. 
 The Brahmanas,realising that their indifference toanarchy and misery would 
lead to their being deserted by all their merits like water kept in a broken 
pot, decided to savethe     line of rajarshis from extinction.

They started churning the thighof  the dead Vena. A dwarfish person,black like 
a crow,short in all limbs, broad jaws, flat nose, reddish eyes and coppery hair 
arosefrom Venas  thigh. He paid respects tothe Rishis and sought commands and 
they said,  Sit down, Nishada.  

So he became Nishada(the progenitor of a forest   tribe -hunter).  

As the dwarf was born heir to all the sins of Vena,  his descendents became 
forest and hilltribes. 

This transalation , was brought  by  Poojaniya Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta 

Posted by:"DILIP KUMAR RAVINDRAN" prd...@yahoo.com   prdili         Mon Oct 11, 
2010 6:44 am (PDT)  SriMadh Bhagavatham. ... part…26

I will continue in nextposting


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