2022-01-13 Thread 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty

I amcontinuing more about the crow in this part of the posting. Most of 
theinformation are compilation from websites. I wish all members aHAPPY PONGAL


Gopalakrishnan 13-1-2022. 

17.  Varietiesof crow. 

In thecrow family called  “CORVIDAE” thereare  about 40 varieties of crows. 
Some are  very small, some medium and some very large.I have read from one of 
the mails of our member Mr. Srinivasan about the largesize of American crow.  I 
have read from wikipedia in Australia crows are very small.

The crowis a year round species. This means irrespective of season’s crows will 
be seenflying here and there. Crow is considered as one of the intelligent 
among  living beings ( animals, birds etc). 

 18. Coloured crows.

 If we askany child the colour   of the crow, answer would  be BLACK. But there 
are crows with brown head in new Guinea, crows with white neck in Dominican 

 There isa variety called fish crowand another called Palmcrow. Fish crows are 
found in US Coasts, Palm crow is found in Cuba.

 In newGuinea there are also fully grey crows. White billed ( Tamil translaton- 
alaku)crows are available in Soloman islands. The crows generally available in 
Indiaare called house crow.

 As I toldearlier, we cannot domesticate the crow, but how it is called house 
crow then?Answer is given in next posting. 

 19  Blue crow-Azure jay

 The AzureJay  or blue crow is a passeri form birdof the crow family Corvidae. 
It is found in the Atlantic Forest, especially with Araucariaangustifolia, in 
south-eastern Brazil far eastern Paraguay and farnorth-eastern Argentina. Itis 
the state bird of Paraná.

 It has atotal length of approximately 40 cm, and its plumage is intensely blue 
with acontrasting black head and upper chest. Males and females are similar, 
althoughthe females typically are smaller.

It feedsextensively on the nut-like seeds but it is not strictly limited to 
this, sinceit also feeds on insects and fruits. As other corvids, Azure Jays 
are highlyintelligent. Their communication is complex, consisting of at least 
14 distinctvocalizations. They form groups of 4 to 15 individuals that are well 
organizedin hierarchies. These groups remain stable for up to two generations.

20 Fossil records

Theearliest corvid (crow family) fossils date to the mid-Miocene, about 
17MILLION YEARS ago; Miocorvus and Miopica  of France may be ancestral to crows

21 Morphology

Corvids(Birds of crow family) are large to very large passerines with a robust 
build, stronglegs and all species except the Pinyon Jay have nostrils covered 
by bristle-likefeathers.

 Many corvids of temperate zones have mainlyblack or blue coloured plumage; 
however, some are pied blackand white, some have a blue-purple iridescence and 
many tropical species arebrightly coloured. 

Thesexes are very similar in color and size. Corvids have strong, stout bills 
andlarge wingspans. The family includes the largest members of the passerine 

The smallest corvid is the Dwarf Jay (Aphelocomanana), at 40 g and 21.5 cm.

The largest corvids are the Common Raven (Corvus corax) and the Thick-billed 
Raven (Corvus crassirostris),both of which regularly exceed 1400 grams and 65 
cm (26 inches).

Speciescan be identified based on size, shape, and geography; however, 
some,especially theAustralian crows, are best identified by their raucous 


Corvids occur in most climaticzones. Most are sedentary and do not migrate 
significantly. However, during a shortage of food, eruptive migration can 
occur. Whenspecies are migratory, they will form large flocks in the fall 
(around August inthe northernhemisphere)and travel south. 

One reason for the success ofcrows, compared to ravens, is their ability to 
OVERLAP BREEDING TERRITORY. During breeding season, crowswere shown to overlap 
breeding territory six times as much as ravens. Thisinvasion of breeding ranges 
allowed a related increase in local populationdensity. 

23 Food and feeding

Corvidsare highly opportunistic foragers. The natural diet of many corvid 
species isomnivorous, consisting of invertebrates, nestlings, small mammals, 
berries, fruits, seeds, and carrion.

However, some corvids,especially the crows, have adapted well to human 
conditions and have come torely on anthropogenic foods. 

Theincrease in available anthropogenic food sources is contributing to 
populationincrease in some corvid species. ome corvids are predators of other 
birds.During the wintering months, corvids typically form foraging 
flocks.However, some crows also eatmany agricultural pests including cutworms, 
wireworms, grasshoppers, andharmful weeds.

Some corvids will eat carrion,and since they lack a specialized beak for 
tearing into flesh, they must wait until animalsare opened, whether by other 
predators or as roadkill.

24. Reproduction

Respected members , there was a mail to me from amember that they do notunite 
in open- special to 


2021-02-20 Thread 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty

I amreally happy over the large number of responses I have received about 
myposting about crow part 1. Let me continue, with some more interesting 
thingsand a beginning about the species  ofcrows in this posting. 


Gopalakrishnan 20-2-2011. 

Reposted on 21-2-2021 after editing andupdating. R. Gopala Krishnan
 (Continued from part 2) 
13. The Jackal and crow. 

To tellchildren another story. Once a crow was getting fed with neiappam(sweet 
fried in ghee)by a kid. The crow will take a bit, go to a tree branch, eat and 
again come forbit of neiappam. 

A jackalwas there below the tree branch. It desired to get neiappam. It told 
kakkawhile bringing neiappam in the beak “Your voice is very sweet. Why can’t 
you caw?The kakka fell on the mukashtuthi (Praising). It made a caw. Bit of 
neiappamfell down. Jackal comfortably ate it.

Kakkaagain went, got neiappam bit. Jackal said- your singing was so sweet. I 
stillwant to hear. The story repeated. Jackal ate that bit also.Kakka once 
againwent, got neiappam bit. Jackal said- your singing is becoming sweeter. I 
wantto hear more. 

NOW OUR KAKKA BECAME VIGIL. It kept the neiappm bit on the branch safely 
without falling. It said-my cawing may be sweet- I will caw. Wait- I am hungry. 
First I will finish myneiappam. It started eating neiappam slowly. After 
finishing again it went, gota bit and started eating. 

The Jackal understood, he will not get anymore bits. It said- Keeping image, 
you are right, I too willcome another day to hear your sweet cawing. 

14. Kakka kan (Eye of crow)

 The eyesof crow will suitably rotate to see everywhere. The crow is said to be 
veryvigil. Persons more vigil are said to be having kakka kan. 

15. kakkayutae svabhavam( Nature of crow)

 The crowwill not show intimacy or attachment with us. There are some people, 
not bad , but will show no intimacy.Such people are many often told- exhibiting 
Kaakyutae swabhavam(nature of crow). 
16. Kakka karumbi.Thecolour of crow is mostly black. When a girl is having more 
black complexionedskin she is referred as kakka karumbi. 
Some elder people many now sing—Kakka kuyilae chollu, Kai nokkan ariyamo… 

Youngsters have another song- Karuppinazhaku… oooh, karuppinazhaku… ooh. 

17. vadam drying 

Whiledrying vadam or pappadam if we keep a black umbrella or hang a black 
cloth,crow may  not come to eat vadam. Probably it may be taking thecloth as 
harm done to a crow…. 

18. Kakka kuli. ( Bathing like crow) 

It hasgot two meanings- one hurriedbath. If any body finish bath hurriedly it 
is often told as kakkakuli. 

There isa thinking- We shouldnot see the crow-taking bath. However, whatever we 
do to ward off,it will finish the bath and then only go. Many say, negative 
news may come ifwe see crow  taking bath . I have seen,but in my recollecting 
no bad news has come. 

19. Crow flying over the head.   

Normallycrow will fly at a height well above our height. But sometimes, it so 
happen,it will fly around a person without leaving him. I have read else where, 
oneman used to wear helmet where ever he go to escape from crow hitting. 

I hadonce this experience, if I go to near by park for morning walk, a crow 
would  fly close to me. I felt some times its legtouched on my head. It got 
repeated next day. Without making further experiments, I stopped going to park 
for morning walk since I am 70% bald headed.  I wrote to Mr trsiyengar my 
friend about it,he replied nothing bad about all these things and nothing to 

The crow normally flies straight. Hence manytimes straight direction is told as 
crow flying direction.

 Crow willtake rest after flying for certain distance. Sometimes it is told as 
crowflying distance. 

20. Varieties of crow. 

In thecrow family called “CORVIDAE” there are  about 40 varieties ofcrows. Some 
are very small, some medium and some very large. I haveread from one of the 
mails of our member Mr. Srinivasan about the large size of Americancrow.  I 
have read from wikipedia in Australia crows arevery small.

The crowis a year round species. This means irrespective of season’s crows will 
be seenflying here and there. Crow is considered as one of the intelligent 
among  living beings ( animals, birds etc.). 

21. Coloured crows. 

If we askany child the name of crow, answer will be BLACK. But there are crows 
with brown head in  new Guinea, crows with white neck inDominican republic now 
as read from wikipedia. 

Probablyonce these white neck crows came to Kerala too on their way to 
somewhere??Probably the saying “Vellakakka  malannu parakkum” (White crow 
willfly upside down)  came from that? 

There isa variety called fish crow and another called Palm crow. Fish crows are 
foundin US Coasts, Palm crow is found in Cuba. 

In newGuinea there are also fully grey crows. ( Similar to Madapra in body 
colour).White billed( Tamil translaton- alaku) crows are available in Soloman 
islands.Does it mean chundu in