Re: [iyer123] The Dimensions of the Verb ( The Theory of Hyperspace)

2021-09-16 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
The theory of directions stated above is the offshoot from "Bootstrapping
theory".  However long back in vedas and Epics 10 directional worship had
come to stay in India. For details pl see below:

Bootstrapping theory is from the Vedas only

   Thus, particles’ properties are generated by self-consistent
feedback loops. Particles, Chew said, “pull themselves up by their own

Chew’s approach, known as the bootstrap philosophy, the bootstrap method,
or simply “the bootstrap,” came without an operating manual. The point was
to apply whatever general principles and consistency conditions were at
hand to infer what the properties of particles (and therefore all of
nature) simply had to be.

But conformal systems, described by “conformal field theories” (CFTs), are
uniform all the way up and down, and this, Polyakov discovered
, makes them highly
amenable to a bootstrap approach. In a magnet at its critical point, for
instance, scale symmetry constrains the two-point correlation function by
requiring that it must stay the same when you rescale the distance between
the two points. Another conformal symmetry says the three-point function
must not change when you invert the three distances involved. In a landmark
1983 paper  known simply as “BPZ,” Alexander
Belavin, Polyakov and Alexander Zamolodchikov showed that there are an
infinite number of conformal symmetries in two spatial dimensions that
could be used to constrain the correlation functions of two-dimensional
conformal field theories. The authors exploited these symmetries to solve
for the critical exponents of a famous CFT called the 2-D Ising model —
essentially the theory of a flat magnet. The “conformal bootstrap,” BPZ’s
bespoke procedure for exploiting conformal symmetries, shot to fame.

Researchers are pushing in all directions. Some are applying the bootstrap
to get a handle on an especially symmetric “superconformal” field theory
known as the (2,0) theory
, which
plays a role in string theory and is conjectured to exist in six
dimensions. But Simmons-Duffin explained that the effort to explore CFTs
will take physicists beyond these special theories. More general quantum
field theories like quantum chromodynamics can be derived by starting with
a CFT and “flowing” its properties using a mathematical procedure called
the renormalization group. “CFTs are kind of like signposts in the
landscape of quantum field theories, and renormalization-group flows are
like the roads,” Simmons-Duffin said. “So you’ve got to first understand
the signposts, and then you can try to describe the roads between them, and
in that way you can kind of make a map of the space of theories.”

Tom Hartman , a bootstrapper at
Cornell University, said mapping out the space of quantum field theories is
the “grand goal of the bootstrap program.” The CFT plots, he said, “are
some very fuzzy version of that ultimate map.”

Uncovering the polyhedral structure representing all possible quantum field
theories would, in a sense, unify quark interactions, magnets and all
observed and imagined phenomena in a single, inevitable structure — a sort
of 21st-century version of Geoffrey Chew’s “only possible nature consistent
with itself.” But as Hartman, Simmons-Duffin and scores of other
researchers around the world pursue this abstraction, they are also using
the bootstrap to exploit a direct connection between CFTs and the theories
many physicists care about most. “Exploring possible conformal field
theories is also exploring possible theories of quantum gravity,” Hartman

*Bootstrapping Quantum Gravity*

The conformal bootstrap is turning out to be a power tool for quantum
gravity  research. In
a 1997 paper that is now one of the most highly cited in physics history,
the Argentinian-American theorist Juan Maldacena
 demonstrated a mathematical
equivalence  between a CFT and a
gravitational space-time environment with at least one extra spatial
dimension. Maldacena’s duality, called the “AdS/CFT correspondence,” tied
the CFT to a corresponding “anti-de Sitter space,” which, with its extra
dimension, pops out of the conformal system like a hologram. AdS space has
a fish-eye geometry different from the geometry of space-time in our own
universe, and yet gravity there works in much the same way as it does here.
Both geometries, for instance, give rise to black holes — paradoxical
objects that are so dense that nothing inside them can escape their gravity.

Existing theories do not apply inside black holes; if you try to combine
quantum theory there with Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity (which casts
gravity as curves in the space-time fabric), 

The Dimensions of the Verb ( The Theory of Hyperspace)

2021-09-15 Thread Markendeya Yeddanapudi
*Mar*The Dimensions of the Verb ( The Theory of Hyperspace)

We are all sentenced to expressing our perceptions in sentences. We zero on
a definite subject, and predicate it by marking it with space-time, called
verb. To express simply, the sentence must have a subject, it must tell
something about the subject called predicate, and a verb which indicates
where (space) and when (time), the predication belongs to (in the Universe
of the Space-time Continuum).

The expression of a sentence is the result of directed consciousness.

The Theory of the Hyperspace is based on the expansion of reach of the verb
or space-time, from the commonsense based four dimensions, to many more
dimensions, that is more than the four dimensions of length, breadth,
height and time.

The Physicists are busy re-inventing Spiritualism.

The Theory of Hyperspace is based on the acknowledgement by physicists,
that there is a higher dimensional (Spiritual or Cosmic?) arena, for the
Universe. They are striving to radically revolutionize the verb, so that
the predication covers more than four dimensions.

The Hyperspace Theory is given the name of ‘Kaluza-Klein Theory and Super
gravity. Its most advanced form is the Superstrings Theory, which
speculates the total number of dimensions as ten, adding six more
dimensions to the existing four or increasing the sweep of predication to
ten dimensions, in your sentence expressions. The meaning flow of
predication, and the impact of the verb, radically transforms your
perception and the sentence expression of the perception.

The Theory of Hyperspace is still a pending Theory under speculation.

To confirm it by lab experiment needs a laboratory several times larger
than the CERN lab and electricity which is several times more than the
electricity generated by all power stations of the world today. This task
of mechanizing the creation of God, and develop the logic of the machine or
the techno-logic, is today in the realm of daydreams.

But there is a very simple method. Just try to smell converse with a plant
or some animal, in free and lush nature. All of them are living may be in
more than the ten dimensions now propounded in the Superstrings gravity


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