Re: [TheDarkGift] Check out The Dark Gift Web Site

2007-03-05 Thread Tessa Leonard
Spike is a good choice..I loved him on Buffy!   :-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:The Dark Gift Web Site 
  Updated!! This month of March is Going to be SPIKE! from "Buffy the Vampire 
Slayer" and "Angel".  Till I hear from you Fledgings what you would like as a 
Vampire of the Month we do the Vampires I choose.  
  Peace in the Shadows,
Mistress of the Night

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Re: [TheDarkGift] Time to do your Part..................

2007-03-05 Thread Tessa Leonard
I totally understand.  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  In a message dated 2/28/2007 3:14:51 P.M. Eastern 
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I vote for Louis!  ;-)
  ...or Armand.

  I would and love you opening your Fangs to help but One thing I want my 
Fledglings to know and have said before I HATE Armand and We done Louie in 
February with Lestat.  So thanks maybe another month I will do Louie Alone but 
NEVER ARMAND.  Don't mean for this to come across as Yelling it out at you I 
just want it known I really hate that Vampire for the Killing of Claudia to 
continue without doing something and For being such a Child when it came to 
  Peace in the Shadows,
Mistress of the Night

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Re: [TheDarkGift] Endless Night part 4

2007-02-27 Thread Tessa Leonard
This part is amazing!  :-)

prepare ta freak out! *grins wickedly* This is the second to last part so I 
need lots a feedback on it, ok? I'm anxious ta find out if it meets standard 
vampire fan approval, ya know what I mean? I usually write Joker fiction and 
horror stuff so...
  Anyhoo...spoilers for all books...i think even TVA, tho that's just ta be 
safe. Blood drinking without permission, m/m, restraint, madness, and 
confusion! BE WARY!
  Endless Night part 4
  By Kabuki
  "One man scorned and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of 
courage to reach the unreachable stars; and the world will be better for this."

  --The Impossible Dream
  "In vain he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the 
  -- It
  Stephen King
  No one acknowledged his presence as he stood in the middle of the candle-lit 
room wearing his new clothes. He was shuddering, all the old fears rushing back 
at him of an endless nothingness and meaninglessness. Claudia played on, the 
Mozart maddening him to no end. Louis turned a page, his calm appearance giving 
the situation a surreal feeling. Lestat gasped for air as he felt 
claustrophobia setting in. The room seemed to sway and he felt as he had in the 
alley again. The sense of dejá vu returned more powerful than ever and he 
faltered a bit, grasping a nearby chair for support. He felt tears brimming to 
the surface in his eyes and couldn't stand it any longer. He screamed with all 
his power. He screamed at the highest decibel he could reach. Glass shattered, 
candles blew out here and there, mortals outside clutched their ears and cried 
out in pain, but Claudia and Louis didn't even look up at him -- didn't even 
  Lestat was now on his knees, the force of his wail having knocked him to the 
floor. He looked at his fledglings in pure wonder. Louis turned another page in 
his never-ending book. The Mozart played on. 
  Then he could hear a voice in his head. How long had it been since he had 
heard another vampire speaking to him in this way? Lestat? Are you there?
  It was Armand! Armand would help him, surely. He tried to answer, but then 
Louis slammed the book closed and went to stand before his maker. Why did the 
room seem to be getting smaller? Why did Louis' eyes burn with an unnatural 
fury Lestat had never before witnessed? Louis towered over Lestat who could 
only kneel on the floor with tears streaming down his face. Louis was angrier 
than Lestat had ever seen him, even when he burned the Theatre de Vampires.
  Burned the theatre? What am I thinking? Louis has never burned my theatre! 
It's in Paris for God's sake ... isn't it?
  And the sensation of a fire flashed into his mind, of Louis throwing a torch 
at him in his anger and the fires licking his already broken body. Something 
about a swamp and a knife too. 
  Then he heard voices behind Louis. Voices that sounded vaguely familiar. They 
floated on the breeze and were very faint, yet understandable.
  "He is hallucinating. Damn Dora and that veil!"
  "Armand! Calm yourself!"
  "Is he...sane, Armand?"
  "I am unsure. Give me a moment."
  Then Louis, standing in front of him, bent forward suddenly, fangs bared and 
eyes ablaze. Lestat recoiled in horror, unwilling to hurt his fledgling or 
wanting to fight him. But Louis locked his fangs onto the throat of his maker 
in a deadly embrace. Lestat struggled for a moment, then shuddered in the arms 
of his dark-haired child. Louis gulped down his blood in frenzy as Lestat 
moaned and writhed in his arms. Louis had never displayed such a wild side to 
his maker, and Lestat arced his back eagerly as Louis drank from him. 
  Slender white arms encircled him, tenderly caressing his face and pushing 
back his blonde locks. Lestat opened his mouth and sighed blissfully as Louis 
took his powerful blood with ease and the cool hands moved gently over him. 
Then another pair of fangs attached themselves to his right wrist with enough 
ferocity to make Lestat yelp in pain. He glanced down at his wrist, his own 
lips growing ever paler with every gulp taken. His daughter smiled up at him 
wickedly for a moment before plunging her fangs in again and pulling out his 
blood ferociously. Lestat moaned in pain and fear, he was too weak to pull 
  But now they were both drinking with their full power. Lestat writhed, his 
strength ebbing with every draught taken. "P-please ... Louis ...s-stop .."
  The pain was unbearable and Lestat could barely form words with his lips. 
Then he got quite a shock as pain suddenly flared in the hollow of his throat, 
his back, his left wrist, and his groin. He howled in pain with a strength only 
brought about by the shock of it all. Brilliant colors flashed in his vision 
when he closed his eyes. Then, when he had gathered as much strength as he 
could muster, 

Re: [TheDarkGift] Endless Night, Part 2

2007-02-27 Thread Tessa Leonard
That's so sad...beautifully written !!  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Endless Night, Part 2
  By Kabuki
  "I'm going crazy
A little at a time
And everything I wanted
Is now driving me away
I woke this morning
To the sound of breaking hearts
Mine is full of questions
And it's tearing yours apart..."
  Sheryl Crow
  The music seemed to go on forever as Lestat huddled in the sparse attic of 
the Opera House, his body trembling with low sobbing. Blood tears streamed down 
his face as he thought of Nikki, who was no longer alive, but at least still in 
Paris. Ah, Paris. How he missed that city of light and hope. But what good was 
hope to a fiend such as him? All hope ever resulted in was hurt and anguish.
  His sobs became less frequent as the music played on, oblivious and uncaring 
of his pain. Now it was Bach they played. The familiar tuned comforted him 
somewhat and he hummed along softly. 
  How much longer would this charade go on between Louis and himself? Lestat 
longed to see love in the eyes of his beautiful fledgling instead of distrust 
and contempt. He had thought the creation of Claudia would bond them together. 
Instead, a pair of resentful fledglings whom he loved deeply now outnumbered 
him. Ah, but isn't that always the way with vampires: you love them only to be 
crushed underfoot? Look at Armand and his abandonment at the hands of Marius -- 
Marius who had told Lestat to run to the far corner of the world to escape 
Enkil's possible wrath. It was for his own safety that he fled, but being 
kicked out by Marius was a painful memory that was unlikely to die anytime 
  Should I go to ground again? No, how would Louis and Claudia survive! Perhaps 
I should tell them the entire history and be done with it, but then I would 
face the wrath and resentment of dear Marius. And would Louis even believe me, 
or think me mad? 
  Such were his thoughts when a soft sound was heard in the shadows beside him. 
Lestat whipped his head in the direction of the disturbance, blonde hair flying 
out like a chaotic golden halo. The vampire who stood in the dusty corner was 
the last one he had expected to see.
  Louis moved calmly out of the shadows and, giving a disdainful look at the 
horrendously dirty floor, sat down beside his maker. Lestat was trembling as 
Louis gazed at him with cool emerald eyes. 
  Lestat kept his own blue eyes fixed on the intricate cracks and crevices of 
the wooden floorboards. Such a maze of patterns it was, even more so to a 
vampire than to mortal eyes as each tiny crack wound along its merry path only 
to be intercepted and split into many more cracks and crevices. Each of these 
millions of imperfections was filled with dirt and grime, dust and soot, and 
across these were scattered miscellaneous newspaper pages, old playbills, 
ticket stubs, and the occasional shard of broken glass. Such a travesty, it 
seemed to him, that with such perfect vision came such an obsession with 
discovering flaws in things that to humans appeared beautiful and sacred. This 
opera house. How I would have marveled at it as a mortal, yet now it seems like 
a deteriorating monstrosity. How the world disgusts me now, that I should think 
on such things as these!
  Throughout this time, Louis said not a word, but chose to merely stare 
expectantly at Lestat in such an unnerving manner that the blonde rogue was 
tempted to take him up and shake him until he quaked with fear. But Lestat kept 
these compulsions in check, opting to at last meet the gaze of his third child 
with a forcibly charming smile. The expression felt false and made of glass on 
his face, and he felt as though he would shatter into a million pieces at any 
moment. "Hello, Louis, dear. Come to take in the music of this age?" 
  Louis simply stared at Lestat distrustfully for a moment before at last 
asking the simple question: "What is wrong?"
  Lestat swallowed hard and returned his attention to the floor. He could not 
bear to lie to Louis again, but if he did not he would be forced to account for 
years of falsity towards him. He couldn't bear to admit to the fact that he had 
been wrong to lie to his darling Louis. He hated the lies, but was now in too 
deep. "Nothing, Louis. I'm perfectly alright, just felt like taking in some 
  Louis looked skeptically at his maker, his green eyes darkening slightly, yet 
he made no gestures of anger. Ever the gentleman, was Louis. Always struggling 
to maintain some form of dignity in his vampiric nature. Lestat both admired 
and looked down upon him for it, he himself having reveled in his newfound 
talents so soon after the bestowing of the Dark Gift. "It's time you told me 
what you really know, Lestat. I do not appreciate this veil of secrecy you seem 
so fond of throwing up between us..."
  Louis paused, considering his words. Lestat sat raptly listening to every 
word with much admiration and curiosity. Oh, Louis, how I would like 

Re: [TheDarkGift] Endless Night

2007-02-23 Thread Tessa Leonard
Very good...can't wait to read on! :-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Endless Night
  By Kabuki
  "Every Night and every Morn
Some to Misery are born.
Every Morn and every Night
Some are born to Sweet Delight,
Some are born to Endless Night."
  - - - -William Blake "Auguries of Innocence"
  The blonde haired figure opened his blue eyes with a gasp as the voice yanked 
him from his deep slumber. His body ached as though he had been running all 
night and sweat gathered at the tender areas on the backs of his knees and 
between his shoulders. He propped his body up, peeling back the sheets in 
disgust, and scanned the room tentatively for any sign of the voice's origin. 
He knew he had heard someone!
  "Lestat, what's wrong now?" 
  "Nothing, Nikki. Go back to bed."
  Nikki shifted his position, turning his back to face Lestat and his head 
toward the wall. The night air was chilly and dry here in Paris, and they 
needed the body warmth. Lestat watched him with pure adoration. The tiny hairs 
of his back, the slight smile that crossed his lips in his slumber, the perfect 
skin; all characteristics the blonde actor knew so intimately. "Their 
Conversation" had lasted well into the night, despite the late show they had 
put on, and sleep was necessary. They had been tired after staying up so late, 
but now Lestat was wide-awake and alive with fear. 
  He knew whom the voice belonged to. He heard it dimly every night he was on 
the stage now. A masked man in the shadows; a vague specter haunting him. Who 
was he? What was he? Did he even exist? He couldn't be sure. All he knew was 
that the face and voice terrified him to no end. He couldn't understand why, 
actually. Nikki had dismissed the whole thing as though it hardly mattered in 
light of their newfound wealth. 
  Beautiful Wolfkiller.
  He froze, his face whitening at the sound and his breath catching in his 
throat. Had it even been a sound? He couldn't be sure, but as he turned toward 
the window there it was. He phantom who haunted him was here now in their 
little apartment. The face was a mask of comedy as it smiled at him, eyes 
burning like coals. 
  He could barely speak, so frightened was he as it approached him. Yes, this 
was definitely not human, this ghastly thing before him. Its skin was vaguely 
luminescent and it moved far too gracefully. "Nikki..."
  It inched closer; Lestat swallowed hard and leaped away from the thing, blood 
pumping hard. He meant to go for his sword beneath the bed, tucked away neatly 
as though it would never be used again. Oh Lestat, he thought, you truly are a 
fool. "Nikki! For God's sake!"
  The in a flash it was upon him, laughing throatily and grasping him in 
powerful arms. He screamed as he was lifted from the ground, and saw over the 
creature's shoulder Nicholas leaping out of bed, his face a mask of horror. 
They were both screaming, and Lestat tried to grab hold of his lover and 
  But then the window shattered and Lestat could only see the night sky 
unfolding around him. His throat was choked with tears and he was struggling 
futilely. "NIKKI!!"
  Then he was gone, yanked from his life into the arms of a devil. He could 
stand it no longer, and with a softly anguished moan, he lost consciousness.
  Lestat awoke with a scream, sitting up so suddenly that he banged his head on 
the coffin lid. He stiffened and collapsed back against the satin lining to 
compose himself. Just a dream. Nothing more.
  "Lestat? Are you alright?"
  "Father? What was that sound!"
  "I don't know, darling one. Lestat? Are you alright?"
  Lestat sighed. Claudia and Louis were waiting for him. Louis even sounded 
rather concerned for him! His heart swelled as he thought of dear Louis, and 
the beautiful Claudia anxiously calling out for him. But they were coming up 
the stairs. They couldn't see him like this!
  Lestat hurriedly opened the coffin and climbed out to stand grinning at the 
door. In a moment they were there, Claudia rushing to hug him while Louis 
stared critically at me from the doorway. Claudia's skin was still soft from 
her recent creation and he hugged her close, breathing in the smell of her as 
though she were a precious flower. Then he pulled back and stared at Louis 
across the room and flashed his most charming smile. Louis tentatively smiled 
  "We were worried for you. What was that sound?"
  Lestat brushed past him and wandered down to the main room to sit at the 
piano. "Nothing, Louis dear. I simply saw a rodent. You know how horrifying 
those rats are, don't you?"
  Louis stiffened at the reference to his nonconformity past habits and stormed 
out of the room. Claudia watched him go then sat beside her Father as he played 
some random Mozart. Ah, Mozart. Nikki used to love Mozart.
  "Why do you hurt him so, Father?"
  He didn't even bother to turn to her, so engrossed was he in the playing, the 
music. It was Nikki's music, never 

Re: [TheDarkGift] New Pet took my time

2007-02-03 Thread Tessa Leonard
What kind of pet?  Just curious. lol   We have an iguana...we love him!  :-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Sorry about missing some days of Listing i have 
gotten a new pet and been occupied with her.
  Peace in the Shadows,
Mistress of the Night

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Re: [TheDarkGift] January's Vampire of the Month

2006-12-27 Thread Tessa Leonard
I love that you have him as the January Vampire of the Month!! :-)
  I also want you to know that I am enjoying all the stories you have been 
sending in lately...please keep them coming!   
Tessa :-)

  For the Month of January I am doing Lestat de Lioncourt for Vampire of the 
Month.  If you have something to say or a Vampire you would like to see be 
Vampire of the Month OPEN YOUR FANGS And tell me
  Peace in the Shadows,
Mistress of the Night

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Re: [TheDarkGift] Curtain Call

2006-09-23 Thread Tessa Leonard

Oh, that's s sad    Beautifully written...although I do hope that Louis would find a way to save him!  Can't help it, I love him! lol[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  DISCLAIMER: OK. Do NOT get mad at me for this one. Purely off the top of my head and just speculative, not permanent. Don't hurt me please!  Lestat de Lioncourt and all related elements copyright Anne Rice respectively. This is not an attempt at infringement. The lyrics from Evita have been changed in places to represent a male instead of a female. Spoilers: Hell if I know! All the Vampire Chronicle books I guess. **  Curtain Call  By Kabuki"The choice was mine and mine completely.  I could have any prize that I desire  I could burn with the splendor of the brightest fire  Or else ... or else I could choose
 time."-- Evita     "Lament"  Dearest Louis,      I know that by the time you read this I will be gone. I never wanted it to be this way. I never planned to hurt you the way I did by giving you my blood all those years ago. I have both loved and hated you through the years of our relationship in the same breath, as I know you have felt towards me. There is no need to hide such things now. It doesn't matter.     You know, it's kind of funny the way things turn out. You loved me and I loved you, but we never could quite see eye to eye now, could we? All those years we spent reinforcing our silence towards each other in that flat in New Orleans with Claudia. All those years wasted.
 But now is not the time for regrets, now is the time for apology.    Yes, apology. I know you never imagined such a thing from me, but lo and behold here it is. As I write this I know I must hurry, for you will be home soon and I want this to be visible with the rising sun as you lay down to sleep in our bed. I don't want you to have time to save me or follow my lead. You see, Louis darling, this new way of life is killing me. Has been killing me for years. No adventures are allowed. No rules are to be broken. Normally I would have overcome such obstacles simply because they posed a challenge, something to occupy my aching mind. It is impossible, though. There are no more adventures to be had.    I tried to send a forensics laboratory a sample of my blood a few weeks ago. You probably heard about what happened, as I'm sure the entire population of vampires has by now. I was flying to the laboratory to deliver the sample personally so they could study it when I was plucked from the sky. Khayman and Maharet captured and dragged me kicking and screaming back to the Sonoma Compound. I was given the old lecture, except with a very clear threat to my life if I did such a thing again. If you've read my book, you'll see the parallels between this humiliation and what my brothers did to me time and again. I can no longer tolerate such restriction. I shall go mad if I live this way any longer! I thought being a vampire would provide freedom, and for awhile it did, but now it is merely another prison.
 I cannot even turn to the stage for love and acceptance -- or escape. Once again I find myself trapped and drowning.     I have asked for advice before and already know what everyone will say. There have been so few new fledglings, and they are so inexperienced that they cannot provide me with proper council either. I myself am not allowed to make another fledgling, for to do so would be to open up both myself and my child to an attack from the others.     I cannot thrive under a dictatorship, which is what Maharet's reign has become. I
 do not know what has become of Mekare, nor does anyone else, but if she gave a damn about us then surely she would have interfered by now. No, the twins are far too detached from we of the younger generation -- especially from me: chosen of Akasha.     Raging against the machine, so to speak, has proven useless. Been done, and I am bored and strained and hurt and angry. As someone once said, Death is the last great adventure. I fear it, but it must be better than this. I have seen the eyes of my victims alight with a strange joy as they die in my arms. I have tried to see what they see, but the mind gives out and I am unable to perceive the vision. But I do know Hell exists. And I have been to Heaven, or so I thought at least. There is only one way to
 find out, and at the moment I do not care anymore. One can only fear death for so long.    I loved you, and will love you always. Do not cry for me. Do not follow me to my end tomorrow night. You have eternity and if at all possible we will be reunited in the next plain of consciousness.    Du calme, du calme. Adieu, mon amour.  Forever yours in body and soul,Lestat de Lioncourt"Hang your head for he's no longer there  To shine, to dazzle, or betray.  How he lived!  How he shone!  But how soon the li

Re: [TheDarkGift] Lestat de Lioncourt

2006-09-02 Thread Tessa Leonard
I already emailed about how I feel about this writing, but I forgot to mention 
that I LOVE the fact that you chose that particular model, Travis Fimmel, to 
portray Lestat (the pic).  I love him...ever since I first saw him, I thought 
that he was how I had always pictured Lestat in my head.  He's GORGEOUS!  Do 
you do wallpapers/graphics using Travis as Lestat?  I would LOVE to see 
them  I have a whole file on if you'd like to borrow and 
make some more (hint!).  

Come one come all Mortals who are willing to stick their neck out for a vampire 
to feed upon.  We will be willing to share our Dark Gift to you mortals if you 
pass our test. 
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Re: [TheDarkGift] Lestat de Lioncourt

2006-09-02 Thread Tessa Leonard

Beautifully written..I love it!!  I felt as though Lestat himself truely must have written it! lol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:After all this time, here I am again, sitting as I did so long ago, in front of a screen, typing an account of
 my nights in this world. I'm not writing a book this time of course. I've done that, and there is enough accounting of who I am and what I've done in this life to both thrill and bore the most ardent of readers. I'm not done with that yet either, but for now, I'll try to focus on this realm. Yet I've heard it said that in the books themselves I was a bit too verbose. Do you think that to be true? It's nothing I've not been accused of throughout my life. Should I remain silent then? No, perhaps it is better that as before, I begin, wondering how to begin. I wouldn't want to disappoint you by being inconsistent, even though that is a trait immortality seems not to have removed from my personality. The words of Thoreau come to mind. He said "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." The ever unpredictable Oscar Wilde who told us, "A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."  
 Sometimes I wonder if that is all I've ever been. I am a dreamer who as my mother once said, has to rage against every pre-conceived notion, sometimes without even intending to do so. Quite the recipe for an unquiet life as I've led, wouldn't you agree? Lately my dreams have been leading my life, and it is this I intend to tell you about here, within these pages. In no small part, those I've given the notoriously named 'dark gift', are responsible for this. Namely your cherished Louis. He likes to think himself capable of showing me the softer side of this life. He always has, but I know you see, I know all too well how it is, and will be, forever. So many things have changed, but so many more never will. So it is with this in mind
 that I present myself to you once more if you choose to have me, for what little while you can.   Do you love me still? Are you sitting there quiet, saying only to yourself, "I'm listening, Lestat."? Then listen. Hear my dark heart awaken each night and at once relish and condemn this life. Hear my dreams which leave me gasping and full of a curious fear. Listen to all, in the warm by the fire. Know me, as you have before and will again. The Vampire Lestat, in your arms once more.Lestat de Lioncourt
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Come one come all Mortals who are willing to stick their neck out for a vampire to feed upon.  We will be willing to share our Dark Gift to you mortals if you pass our test.



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