[Therion] Pb with LRUD on null length and vertical shots

2009-01-15 Thread Xavier Pennec
Stacho Mudrak a écrit :
>> What I don't understand is:
>> * why a horizontal shot of 1mm should be considered as vertical for
>> displaying the LRUD?
> When tyding up old post, I have chcecked this problem and it really is
> a bug. I hope, I will be able to fix it.
Thanks. I think this will also solve the problem of zero length shots.

>> * why vertical shots are always oriented north even though a direction is
>> given?
> It is because of internal structure of data. This could be changed...
Being able to specify the direction in which the LRUD are taken would be 
important for modeling correctly the 3D shape of pits. Right now, I have 
almost no pit which is oriented like that.

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[Therion] Pb with LRUD on null length and vertical shots

2009-01-15 Thread Stacho Mudrak
> What I don't understand is:
> * why a horizontal shot of 1mm should be considered as vertical for
> displaying the LRUD?

When tyding up old post, I have chcecked this problem and it really is
a bug. I hope, I will be able to fix it.

> * why vertical shots are always oriented north even though a direction is
> given?

It is because of internal structure of data. This could be changed...

Regards, S.

[Therion-cs] souřadnice v Therionu

2009-01-15 Thread Martin Budaj
2009/1/2 Bc.  Radek Svojanovský :
> Ahoj lidi, v novém roce přeji hodně nových metrů těch nejkrásnějších
> jeskyní.
> Můžete mi poradit se zadáváním souřadnic?
> Mám polygonový pořad jen v souřadnicích (JTSK)a výškách, zadaný v 
> *.th
> souboru ve formátu
> fix 1   570773.02 1110737.85 459.16
> fix 2   570756.33 1110745.52 463.33
> .
> .
> Po vygenerování mapy se mi objevuje zarputile délka i převýšení 0 
> Říkal jsem
> si že u jeskyně s větším počtem polygonových odboček musím nějak 
> říci, kudy
> vede polygon. Zkoušel jsem zadat centerline from-to (1  2, 2  3 ...),ale to
> mi kompilátor vyhodil jako nekorektní.

v ramci centreline (napriklad hned za fixovane body) je treba zadat

data nosurvey from to
1  2
2  3

atd., kde 1, 2, 3... su fixne body


[Therion] How do I locate the object causing an error

2009-01-15 Thread Martin Budaj
> Still, I'd like to know how to identify the objects referred to by the
> bracketed numbers, so I can tidy up the few "scrap outline intersects
> itself" errors that I get.

"Scrap outline intersects itself" warning gives the scrap reference,
so look at the walls in that scrap. In some older thread (or wiki
perhaps?) there are examples of some weird self-intersections. Anyway,
after some fixes in PDF processing this warning is not so critical as
it used to be and the map usually looks fine.

For real errors it is not easy to give a convenient reference, because
MetaPost does not offer any exception catching facilities.

Currently you can look at the line starting with 'l.' (in your
case l.18855) -- the number is the line number in the metapost file
data.mp where the error occured. In this file you can find the name of
problematic scrap (look for current_scrap definition preceding the
line with error).

The file data.mp is located in temporary directory thTMPDIR, which is
created if therion is run with -d option.

Bracketed numbers are MetaPost figures (the number is displayed after
the figure is processed). Each figure contains some part of some
scrap. In data.mp each figure starts with "beginfig()".


P.S. The most common source of errors are lines with zero-length
segments. We need to fix therion so that it would not export them for
metapost -- than the errors could be much less frequent.

[Therion] Problem with object types

2009-01-15 Thread Stacho Mudrak
Sorry for the extremly late answer... :(

You are right - it is not possible to create station cave1 on the save
level, where cave1 survey exists. Survey station is treated as any
other object in therion.

Regards, S.

2008/11/12 Xavier Pennec :
> I have a problem with object types in therion: it seems that it is not
> possible to have a survey and a station which have the same name (see
> example included which perfectly compiles if one changes the cave1 and cave
> 2 to Cave1 and Cave2 for either the station names or the survey names). Is
> that a normal behavior? It seems to me that a correct typing should allow
> having the same names for surveys, stations and maps.
> Xavier
> encoding  utf-8
> ## Gather all data togother
> survey cave1 -title "Cave 1"
>  centerline
>date 1991
>station cave1 "Cave 1" entrance
>equate cave1 0
>data normal from to length compass clino ignoreall
>units compass grads
>units clino degrees
>0  1  13.8  240   2
>  endcenterline
> endsurvey
> survey cave2 -title "Cave 2"
>  centerline
>date 1991
>station cave2 "Cave 2" entrance
>equate cave2 0
>data normal from to length compass clino ignoreall
>units compass grads
>units clino degrees
>0  1  45  140   0
>  endcenterline
> endsurvey
> survey surface -title "Surface measurements"
>  centerline
>date 1991
>equate cave1 0
>equate cave2 1
>data normal from to length compass clino ignoreall
>units compass grads
>units clino degrees
>0  1  5  100   0
>  endcenterline
> endsurvey
> ## index all connection points to link them together
> equate cave1cave1 at cave1
> equate cave2cave2 at cave2
> equate cave1cave1 at surface
> equate cave2cave2 at surface
> encoding  utf-8
> source test
> source ## Rerefence file with all Fixed points
>  centerline
>  cs UTM31
>  fix cave1 391300 4891742 2160 10 10 20 # GPS accuracy is not so good
>  endcentreline
> endsource
> layout map_layout
>  symbol-show line survey
>  symbol-show point station
>  # debug on
>  north true
>  scale 1 100
>  units metric
>  color map-fg altitude
>  grid bottom
>  grid-size 50 50 10 m
>  cs EPSG:27572 ## Lambert II
>  transparency on
>  opacity 80
>  surface bottom
>  #surface-opacity 80
> endlayout
> export map   -o test.pdf   -layout map_layout -fmt pdf
> export model -fmt survex -o test.3d
> ## cs EPSG:27573 ## Lambert III
> export cave-list -o Coordonnees.html  -location on
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at speleo.sk
> http://mailman.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion