On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 5:21 AM, Carl Magnuson <magnu213 at umn.edu> wrote:
> These are two features that I would like to make use of and may already be 
> possible, I just don't know how its done.  I have played around with custom 
> metapost cide for making labels with a transparent background and can either 
> make a therion label with a colored background or a label with a transparent 
> background but none of the Therion text formatting.  Has anybody coded a 
> transparent label for Therion?

Hi Carl,

if you mean something like on attached picture, I can give you some
hints how to modify the existing code until it would be implemented as
a regular feature:

therion provides a metapost macro def_transparent_rgb to define
transparent colors like

def_transparent_rgb(tr_blue, 0, 0, 1);

you apply it using 'withtransparentcolor <colorname>' operator.
Following code redefines p_continuation to use transparency:

def p_continuation(expr pos,theta,sc,al) =
  if known(ATTR__text) and picture(ATTR__text):
    p_label.urt(ATTR__text,(.5u,-.25u) transformed T,0.0,8);   % last
argument (8) instructs therion to use filledlabel

def process_filledlabel(expr cent, rot) =
    interim bboxmargin:=2.0bp;
    q:=((bbox lab) smoothed 2) rotatedaround (cent, rot);
    fill q withtransparentcolor tr_blue;      % transparency used
    draw lab rotatedaround (cent, rot);
    write_circ_bbox(q);  % without corners smoothing it was enough to use
                         % write_bbox(q);

All text formatting should be available as usual. Which problems did you have?

> My second thought is about hyperlinks from within a label.  For example one 
> may want to label a significant feature and also include a link to a flickr 
> photo or online video of the feature. This may already be possible by just 
> inserting some Latex code, but I'm not sure what kind of processing Therion 
> does on the label text.

Unfortunately it requires changes in the core, but it is so useful
that I will give it high priority.

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