> A better approach would be to define your own line type rope and assign it
> an already defined linetype (like 'border').  [This is quite easy but I'd
> have to look it up -obviously not so easy as I would have done it already! -
> someone else may have it on the tip of their tongue]
> This would allow you to change all the 'ropes' at some future time just by
> adding the symbol definition - when you could find time to make a line rope
> definition to your liking.

This would be currently the best option. In the future there should be
a special symbol for ropes. If you are ready to experiment with
metapost code and user defined symbols, there is already a preliminary
symbol for ropes in elevation maps (imitating freely hanging rope) in
therion sources (mpost/thLine.mp -> l_rope_SKBB).


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