[tw] Re: Styles that only display for file://

2010-10-09 Thread okido
Hello Robert,

I gave it a try with your testcase.
It seems not to work.
The mainmenu is visible on a local system and on the webverion.
The only thing that is different is that the local version requests
almost every click a conformation to proceed as a possible unsafe
script is going to be executed.
I use FF3.5.13 and openSuse 11.

Have a nice day, Okido

On 10月8日, 午後6:24, rakugo jdlrob...@gmail.com wrote:
 Great. Glad that helped.
 TiddlySpace uses a similar thing on the frontpage to hide controls for
 non-members/non-logged in users.

 Obviously if you disable styles in your browser the content reappears
 but it is a good trick for hiding content for every day 


 On 8 Oct, 15:53, Robert Pollard ecology2...@gmail.com wrote:


  Thanks. That was simple, and does just what I need. I've updated the page 


  On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:22 AM, rakugo jdlrob...@gmail.com wrote:
   Rather than create a new theme just for this why not do

   if(window.location.protocol ==file:) {
   } else {

   Now in your theme you can put specific rules for each theme.
   .onlineMode #sideBarTabs {
    display: none;
   will hide the SideBarTabs for online users.
   This would be much more flexible and easier than maintaining 2 themes.


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[tw] Re: Help with Javascript email form

2010-10-09 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Skye...

As for the try catch [1], you would simply wrap your whole handler
with it. So, again, at the beginning of your onclick (or rather
onsubmit handler as Eric thoughtfully suggests) you would put...


Then the javascript that does things with tiddler contents and puts
them into form elements followed by...

//do something with the error, e.g.
//abort submission
return false;

As explained before, not doing that will otherwise make the form
submit, which is not helpful, especially when trying to debug this.
However, you should see the javascript errors in your firebug console.
On the other hand if that would not generate a javascript error, then
you would know that the error now likely is on the php end... which
should show in the response unless you have turned off error reporting
in your php configuration.

As for your php bits, you did not post the crucial parts. On the other
hand, from what I am seeing in what you've posted, you could
drasticaly simplify it by doing the following:

//get post params
foreach($_REQUEST as $key = $value){$$key=$value;}

This will automagically turn the values of all form elements into php
variables by the same name, thus performing something like this (in
the background)...

$name = ValueOfiIputCalledNameAsString;

I would not mind debugging your form. Just send me an email [2] with
both the tiddler and the php file. However, only working on one end
makes the process somewhat difficult.

Cheers, Tobias.

[1] http://w3schools.com/JS/js_try_catch.asp
[2] click on my profile here

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[tw] Re: Help with Javascript email form

2010-10-09 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Skye...

As for the try catch [1], you would simply wrap your whole handler
with it. So, again, at the beginning of your onclick (or rather
onsubmit handler as Eric thoughtfully suggests) you would put...


Then the javascript that does things with tiddler contents and puts
them into form elements followed by...

//do something with the error, e.g.
//abort submission
return false;

As explained before, not doing that will otherwise make the form
submit, which is not helpful, especially when trying to debug this.
However, you should see the javascript errors in your firebug console.
On the other hand if that would not generate a javascript error, then
you would know that the error now likely is on the php end... which
should show in the response unless you have turned off error reporting
in your php configuration.

As for your php bits, you did not post the crucial parts. On the other
hand, from what I am seeing in what you've posted, you could
drasticaly simplify it by doing the following:

//get post params
foreach($_REQUEST as $key = $value){$$key=$value;}

This will automagically turn the values of all form elements into php
variables by the same name, thus performing something like this (in
the background)...

$name = ValueOfInputCalled_name_AsString;

I would not mind debugging your form. Just send me an email [2] with
both the tiddler and the php file. However, only working on one end
makes the process somewhat difficult.

Cheers, Tobias.

[1] http://w3schools.com/JS/js_try_catch.asp
[2] click on my profile here and you should find it

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[tw] Re: Shared logbook (with RSS-style feed) using TiddlyWiki?

2010-10-09 Thread Plausible
Tobias: BetterRss looks like what I want, but I can't get it to work.
I imported the BetterRss and BetterRssHack tiddlers, set Include
tagged: to RSSentry and just for good measure also put


in zzConfig. The 2 is just to clearly see whether it's working. Alas,
I don't observe a change in the feeds (given by the URL as per Chris's
post, and the private version of it). What am I missing?

Chris: Thanks for clarifying. The filtering is nifty, but I'd still
like something like Tobias's plugin, so as not to have every tiddler
go into the feed in the first place. Currently it seems really easy
for anyone to see all public /and/ private (!) tiddlers of a space
once they've figured out the feed URL, if they drop the filters.

Thanks both!


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[tw] Re: Change/import theme in TiddlySpace: basics?

2010-10-09 Thread Plausible
Hello Mario,

 uups sry: That's hardcoded.

I see you've fixed that one :) Thanks.

 I posted a request allready. At the moment, it would need to change
 the icons svg's. But this is not nice, if you need translation.

Cool. I assume they'll show up once you manage to add them to the

 There is a relatively easy solution if you use a tag, for tiddlers, that 
 be commented.

But I would like a comment box on every tiddler; I just want it to be
'closed' by default. (Well, maybe not on every tiddler -- a tag would
be good to /exclude/ certain tiddlers from having a comment box.)

How about using slider? I made various attempts at squeezing 'slider'
into my line

div class='comments' macro='comments textRows:2 textCols:15'/div

in NeUIemTheme, but I can't figure out the correct syntax.

Ideally, upon opening a tiddler, there would be:
* a closed slider if there are 0 comments
* an open slider if there are =1 comments
* no slider at all if the tiddler is tagged 'noComments'

(Also: yes, with the above syntax, 'textCols' seems to be ignored.)


I added this to zzConfig:

// message when creating a new tiddler
config.views.wikified.defaultText = Tiddler content goes here.;
// message when a tiddler doesn't exist
config.views.editor.defaultText = This tiddler does not exist yet.
Click the 'create a copy' icon.;

It works for the new tiddler, but not for the nonexisting tiddler: in
the latter case the same Tiddler content goes here. text is



PS: Yeah Google Groups doesn't allow me to post 'long' posts either :/

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[tw] Re: Shared logbook (with RSS-style feed) using TiddlyWiki?

2010-10-09 Thread Tobias Beer
As Chris already somewhat pointed out... TiddlyWiki's default RSS
generator and thus BetterRssHack do not work on TiddlySpace (right
now). If they will in the future is for Chris and others to
decide ...and implement.

It would be great though if one could have items of a certain filetype
in ones bags that only on demand are loaded as tiddlers into the
wiki ...which rather exist as files on the server and are served as
such individually by the server, e.g. index.xml

In general, I'd think it even were beneficial for the server if it was
the client that generated the RSS feed and all the server would have
to do is to save it in the appropriate location.

Cheers, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: Shared logbook (with RSS-style feed) using TiddlyWiki?

2010-10-09 Thread Tobias Beer
On the other hand, RSS seems to have been available for TiddlySpot
since 2006 [1]. I'd find it rather unfortunate if it were now dropped
in TiddlySpace.

Cheers, Tobias.

[1] http://bit.ly/anFASY

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Re: [tw] Re: Shared logbook (with RSS-style feed) using TiddlyWiki?

2010-10-09 Thread FND
 In general, I'd think it even were beneficial for the server if it was
 the client that generated the RSS feed and all the server would have
 to do is to save it in the appropriate location.

After generating the feed, a plugin could PUT it in a tiddler with
tiddler.fields[server.content-type] = application/atom+xml;
(or application/rss+xml if need be)


-- F.

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[tw] Re: Shared logbook (with RSS-style feed) using TiddlyWiki?

2010-10-09 Thread Plausible
I must correct myself, where I wrote:

 Currently it seems really easy for anyone to see all public
 /and/ private (!) tiddlers of a space once they've figured out
 the feed URL, if they drop the filters.

I hadn't noticed when I checked this that my being logged in to my
space meant I could see its private feed, but when logged out it
becomes inaccessible. Now I understand the rationale behind the system
as Chris put it.

However this raises a new issue. I was hoping to have the RSS feed so
the collaborators on the project wouldn't have to check the space all
the time; they would simply add the feed to their feed reader. But if
you need to be logged in to see the private feed (makes sense, of
course) this becomes impossible... or are there feed readers which
send over a username and password?

Perhaps RSS just isn't the right tool for what I want to do here.

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[tw] Re: How to fold/unfold filter tipped lists by date

2010-10-09 Thread Kolya33
Oh, I thought you were joking when you said: Just created one... ;o)
Thank you a lot, especially for fixing that one-tag-problem.

I'm using it on my video page now: 

Is there a way to hide buttons that won't yield a result? Or restrict
the whole navigation to a certain time-frame?
It's not so bad when I have things sorted by created, where it only
shows the last year, although with several empty months when I hadn't
started the site yet.
However when I reverse the sorting (-created) as I'd like to, for some
reason several years show up that are all empty (2005-2009).


On Oct 8, 12:54 pm, Tobias Beer beertob...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi Kolya,

 I have added that missing functionality to hide the tags filter.

 So you can define tags by which to filter, yet not have to click any.
 Note that they are combined using OR logic... meaning the list will
 show all items tagged with any of said tags. To remove some, take any
 excludeTag you want and define it as such.

 By the way... I developped the macro the minute I read your post... so
 it's not like it existed before... and it only started with the date
 filter... but I figured there would be other filters people would want
 to be able to use.

 I also have renamed it to FiltrPlugin [1] to sound snappier and to
 avoid confusion with another plugin that sounded much similar
 beforehand ...and because I am working on exciting new stuff which
 will sound somewhat similar.

 Cheers, Tobias.


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[tw] Re: closing PopupMacro's popup window with a second click

2010-10-09 Thread Saverio
By the way, what you have done here also should be applicable to your
TagSearchPlugin/QuickOpenTagPlugin combo (when you use the down arrow
to display a list of tiddlers with a certain tag).

On Oct 6, 12:56 pm, Tobias Beer beertob...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi Saverio,

 Let me tell you, this was not pretty ...although the result is. ;o)

 After hours of pulling my hair out over infinite loops and rethinking
 on how to best rewrite Saq's code from scratch, I've got the baby
 working the way you initially hoped... meaning: click-toggle as deeply
 nested as you want.

 Now, I have changed the code quite a bit in that there no longer are
 any id's given to popups. Instead it's all (!) classes and what's
 more... they count up nicely!!!

 There are new parameters:'defaultValue' ...namely:

 When popups and buttons are created they not only get those classes
 assigned but depending on their nesting level they also get...

 level1: popup1 / popbutton1
 level2: popup2 / popbutton2

 ...whereas if you defined popClass as myPopup, then it would be
 myPopup1, myPopup2, etc...

 That way you can have one nested popups thingy that is horizontal and
 another one being vertical and you can easily style the different
 levels via css as I have done in your document reuploaded here [1].

 The arrows are now in their own container floating to the right with a
 classname of poplevel. Having those as a parameter allows you to
 have different arrows for different nesting levels.

 Note that all styles should be put into StyleSheetPopup.

 I will later on release the thing ... maybe with hover again, if I get
 that to work properly.

 Cheers, Tobias.


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[tw] TagSearchPlugin error

2010-10-09 Thread Saverio
The [[TAG:xyz]] option in TagSearchPluginConfig##More is not working
-- the first tiddler which matches the xyz tag is repeatedly
displayed.  This can be seen on the website itself [http://

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