[tw] How to Configure a Macro with in a template? (TagAdderMacro)

2012-08-24 Thread Jan Johannpeter
I am trying to configure the TagAdderMacro
(http://tiddlywiki.squize.org/#TagAdderMacro) in the EditTemplate
In a tiddeler the Macro allows some usefull configurations.

  * by default tagAdderwill display drop down list of all tags, with
tags present on the tiddler grouped together.
  * to sort alphabetically (ignoring the [x]), use tagAdder 'nogroup'
  * to specify what tags to list, use tagAdder 'group/nogroup'
'tiddler'where tiddler is a tiddler that is tagged with the tags
you want to list. (use one of either group or no group, not both!)

  * you can specify a custom label by giving the macro an additional

  tagAdder 'group' 'TagDataBase' 'custom label'

 Using this structure javascript:;div class='tagged' macro='tagAdder
'group' 'TagDataBase' 'custom label''/div javascript:;to make the
configurations work within the javascript:;editTemplate the plugin
just does the default behaviour.

How do I do it?


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[tw] SiteInfo and GettingStarted in TiddlySpace

2012-08-24 Thread Handoko Suwono
As advised, I am moving from TiddlyWiki and now using TiddlySpace.

I edited the tiddler SiteInfo, however it changed also the GettingStarted 
tiddler and now I've lost the information. Why is SiteInfo interchangeably 
with GettingStarted? Shouldn't it be a different tiddler and content? I 
believe there is a way to retrieve the information back.

Handoko -

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[tw] Re: How to Configure a Macro with in a template? (TagAdderMacro)

2012-08-24 Thread Eric Shulman
  Using this structure javascript:;div class='tagged' macro='tagAdder
 'group' 'TagDataBase' 'custom label''/div javascript:;to make the
 configurations work within the javascript:;editTemplate the plugin
 just does the default behaviour.

Since you are using single-quotes around the macro parameter values,
you need to use double-quotes around the macro syntax itself, like

div class='tagged' macro=tagAdder 'group' 'TagDataBase' 'custom

alternatively, you could use single-quotes surrounding the macro
syntax, and double-quotes around the parameter values:

div class='tagged' macro='tagAdder group TagDataBase custom

note also that only one parameter, custom label, actually needs to
be in quotes, since all the other parameter values are single words
without containing spaces.  Thus, you could write:

div class='tagged' macro='tagAdder group TagDataBase custom

finally, note that you can also use doubled square brackets: [[...]],
to enclose parameter values that contain spaces.  This usage is
particularly helpful if a macro parameter value contains both spaces
*and* single-quotes, as in this case:

div class='tagged' macro=tagAdder group TagDataBase [[Jan's custom

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios


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[tw] Re: SinglePageMode not working online?

2012-08-24 Thread William
Perfect, thanks!

On Thursday, August 23, 2012 6:03:38 PM UTC+8, PMario wrote:

 SinglePageModePlugin uses several config.option variables, that can be 
 defined with cookies. If you set them from a file:// url they are only 
 set at your computer. 

 option chkSinglePageMode Display one tiddler at a time 
 option chkSinglePagePermalink Automatically permalink current 
 option chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers Don't close tiddlers that 
 are folded 
 option chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers Don't close tiddlers that 
 are being edited 
 option chkTopOfPageMode Open tiddlers at the top of the page 
 option chkBottomOfPageMode Open tiddlers at the bottom of the page 
 option chkSinglePageAutoScroll Automatically scroll tiddler into 
 view (if needed) 

 To set them permanently create a tiddler eg: zzConfig and tag it 

 add eg: 
 // Display one tiddler at a time 
 config.options.chkSinglePageMode = true; 

  // starts a javascript comment and is ignored by TW core. It's just 
 for documentaiton. 
 To define the others just adjust the chk??? name 

 config.options.chkSinglePageMode = true; 

 sets the value. true is checked and false is unchecked option. 

 If you use FireFox brwoser, be sure to do a shift page reload, after 
 uploading to tiddlyspot. So the browser cach is not used. I do have 
 trouble some time with FF caching. 

 hope this helps 
 have fun! 

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Re: [tw] Re: Inline Editing of tables

2012-08-24 Thread wolfgang
  Hmmm...I thought a cell starting with an equal sign (=) still gets 
auto-updated if there are cell references in its expression. Is it not 
working that way? Or you are talking about some other cases?

Thought exactly the same, but a equal sign with a letter only shows 'Err: 
ReferenceError: A is not defined', with a letter it does show the number 
after the equal sign but doesn't change with row changes. 

In the same vain I would actually remove the 'S'ave button, since it anyway 
 only replicates the saveChanges button accessible with every editable TW. 
 On the other hand  I already added the 'done' button to the tiddler view 
 toolbar, because this way it is possible to use TableEditor together with 
 Eric's UndoPlugin.

 That is great! I have been wondering how to work with the UndoPlugin! Can 
 you tell me how to do it? 

At the moment UndoPlugin doesn't recognizes a change to a table cell if 
TableEditor's auto save isn't enabled. It only recognizes once the 'done' 
(e.g. the button used in edit mode for saving changes to a tiddler and 
immediately switching to view mode) is used. This button can by copied from 
the editbar to the viewbar slice in the ToolbarCommands shadowed tiddler, 
so that this 'done' button appears in the toolbar of a tiddler in view mode 
too. And therefore can be used to save a tiddler after a couple cells 
changed - which now is recognized by UndoPlugin and enabled to revert the 
table tiddler to its state before the 'done' button was used. 

Since with each 'done' the tiddler refreshes and, with large tables. jumps 
to the top of the tiddler (in my case  where I display tiddler's content 
with a scrollbar and so keep the tiddler header always visible and 
accessible at the top), I use it only after a couple of cells changed, 
because of the disruption of the jump caused by saving a tiddler.

I also think there are too many buttons around the table and should figure 
 a way to rearrange them. It sounds like a good idea to replace the delete 
 button with a cut button, but I don't quite understand what upon a cut 
 would be changed into a paste means. What I am thinking is something that 
 is invisible most of the time and visible when the mouse is over a certain 
 place (the corner of a table, for example), just like the pull-down menus 
 that we already see in a lot of pages.

 I thought of changing the 'x' of the delete button to a 'c' with the 
addition of the 'cutting' ability to this button, - And which upon an 
actual cutting of a column would change the 'c' into a 'p' for pasting in 
this button available below every column. Which would bring the limitation 
that actually only one column could be deleted/cutted at a time (since all 
'c' button change to 'p' after having it used for a cut). Therefore agree 
that popup menus visible upon hovering would be really a better way.


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[tw] Re: Alias (via AliasPlugin) to make shortcuts for HTML codes, possible?

2012-08-24 Thread G.J.Robert
Wow Dear Lord it's working~ It never occurred to me to work around this way.

Thanks a lot Tobias, you guys rock~ :D

Tobias Beer於 2012年8月23日星期四UTC+8下午4時29分15秒寫道:

 Would putting the html wrapper in your alias definition work?

 alias imgdiv htmldiv style=background-image: url(%0); width: %1px; 
 height: %2px;%3/div/html

 Cheers, Tobias.

 Am Donnerstag, 23. August 2012 04:06:04 UTC+2 schrieb G.J.Robert:

 Hi there,

 I'm trying to play with the capabilities of AliasPlugin [1]. So far, I 
 have been successful to make aliases as shortcuts to smileys like

 alias :) [img[smile]] (where the tiddler smile is an uploaded image 
 via TiddlySpace)

 or as shortcuts to simplify complex syntaxes like

 alias pop @@position:relative;+++^30em^[%0]%1===@@ (prerequisite: 
 NestedSlidersPlugin; where the position:relative is a trick to make the 
 floatingPanel right under the button on TiddlySpace)

 I was trying to extend the usage of alias shortcuts further by defining 
 aliases to render HTML snippets. For example, as with a div with an image 
 as its background, the HTML code would be something like:

 div style=background-image: url(http://domain.com/image.jpg); width: 
 XXXpx; height: YYYpx;abracadabra/div

 and I hope to use an alias

 alias imgdiv div style=background-image: url(%0); width: %1px; 
 height: %2px;%3/div

 so that I can just type

 imgdiv http://url.of.the/image XXX YYY abracadabra

 to create the same div as above.

 However, in my experiment, when I put this imgdiv in the 
 html.../html statement block (with HTMLFormattingPlugin installed, for 
 TiddlyWiki syntax to be mixed within the HTML block), the alias just throws 
 out the text of div style=background-image: url(
 http://domain.com/image.jpg); width: XXXpx; height: 
 YYYpx;abracadabra/div (with the URL wikified!), but not making the 
 real div element.

 I've also tried to make a simpler alias to insert p0%/p, and again, 
 only the literal pParameter input/p is rendered.

 *Is it ever possible to make aliases substituting working HTML elements 
 instead of displaying the literal codes?*

 (I have also tried to make aliases as shortcuts to insert something like 
 rowspan='%0' to help simplify the syntax of MediaWikiTableFormatterPlugin 
 [2], also in vain. I guess it's because the aliases cannot be rendered 
 *before* the formatters?)

 [1] http://www.tiddlytools.com/#AliasPlugin
 [2] http://devpad.tiddlyspot.com/#MediaWikiTableFormatterPlugin

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[tw] Plugin to generate a permalink to the selected tiddler?

2012-08-24 Thread leeand00
I'm thinking it would be a button that would appear above the tiddler in 
the ViewTemplate or the EditTemplate so that you could click and end up 
with a popover that displays a permalink to the tiddler. 

Then the permalink can be copied used and to link to that tiddler from 
another wiki.

(and of course it would be encoded using JS's encodeURI function...

Um, if it doesn't exist already maybe I'll make the plugin...

Thank you,
 Andrew J. Leer

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[tw] UploadPlugin not saving password to cookies now

2012-08-24 Thread Joe
Uploadplugin works perfectly for me with TW 2.6.1 but when I try to upgrade 
to the latest version of TiddlyWiki it no longer saves the password cookie. 
I tried other versions and it seems that going from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2 breaks 
the PasswordOptionPlugin cookie feature. This occurs in Firefox and Chrome. 
IE give a Stack Overflow with 2.6.2.

I would keep using 2.6.1 (which works perfectly) but I really want to use 
mGSD which is at version 2.6.5.

Any ideas to get the password to save?

Thanks, Joe

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[tw] Help with javascript new.window

2012-08-24 Thread skye riquelme
Hi All,

I am a great fan of TiddlySnip, but have difficulties in having it store my 
favoriites to an on-line TW (in principle this is possible using 
UploadPlugin recently that cant be done from a local TW to an onçine 
TW). So, I have started playing with an alternative. What I have to date is 
a bit o javascript in a bookmerklet that passes the selected url and title 
to a TW on my server.so far so good. Its working and storing my 
references on-line

My code is siimply - 

The only problem is that when I hit the bookmarklet from a selected 
page. a new window opensAND the selected page goes blanck and gives 
the message [object Window].after confirming the save in the new 
windowI can backup to the original page but thats rather 
annoying. Why is this code opening a new window AND passing this message to 
the open page...and how to stop this happening?

Thanks in advance

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[tw] Expand/collapse a tiddler that has been transcluded into another tiddler

2012-08-24 Thread Andy Green
Are there any plugins that make it possible to expand and collapse sections 
of a tiddler?

Example in pseudocode (showing how a transcluded tiddler could be expanded 
and collapsed):

Tiddler 1 text to collapse  tiddler Tiddler 2 end text to collapse

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Re: [tw] Re: How to Configure a Macro with in a template? (TagAdderMacro)

2012-08-24 Thread Jan Johannpeter
Thanks a lot Eric, it works.
I think your explanations of the syntax can help me with other similar
problems as well.

Am 24.08.2012 12:06, schrieb Eric Shulman:
  Using this structure javascript:;div class='tagged' macro='tagAdder
 'group' 'TagDataBase' 'custom label''/div javascript:;to make the
 configurations work within the javascript:;editTemplate the plugin
 just does the default behaviour.
 Since you are using single-quotes around the macro parameter values,
 you need to use double-quotes around the macro syntax itself, like

 div class='tagged' macro=tagAdder 'group' 'TagDataBase' 'custom

 alternatively, you could use single-quotes surrounding the macro
 syntax, and double-quotes around the parameter values:

 div class='tagged' macro='tagAdder group TagDataBase custom

 note also that only one parameter, custom label, actually needs to
 be in quotes, since all the other parameter values are single words
 without containing spaces.  Thus, you could write:

 div class='tagged' macro='tagAdder group TagDataBase custom

 finally, note that you can also use doubled square brackets: [[...]],
 to enclose parameter values that contain spaces.  This usage is
 particularly helpful if a macro parameter value contains both spaces
 *and* single-quotes, as in this case:

 div class='tagged' macro=tagAdder group TagDataBase [[Jan's custom

 Eric Shulman
 TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios


 Professional TiddlyWiki Consulting Services...
 Analysis, Design, and Custom Solutions:

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[tw] Re: Expand/collapse a tiddler that has been transcluded into another tiddler

2012-08-24 Thread Eric Shulman
 Are there any plugins that make it possible to expand and collapse sections
 of a tiddler?

 Example in pseudocode (showing how a transcluded tiddler could be expanded
 and collapsed):

 Tiddler 1 text to collapse  tiddler Tiddler 2 end text to collapse

The TWCore includes the slider macro:
   slider cookie tiddler label tooltip
   cookie: variable to save the state of the slider (e.g.
   tiddler: name of the tiddler to include in the slider
   label: title text of the slider
   tooltip: tooltip text of the slider
for example:
   slider chkTestSlider [[OptionsPanel]] Options Open advanced

Note that the slider macro only works with content stored in a
separate tiddler (or tiddler section).

To create sliders using *inline* content, you can install:
which also provides numerous other enhanced slider features, such as:
   * lazy sliders (slider content not processed until first opened)
   * floating sliders (popup-like display, instead of expand in place)
   * hotspot sliders (mouseover opens slider without clicking)
   * transient sliders (auto-close slider when another is opened)
   * alternative label text for open vs closed sliders
   * apply custom CSS classes for 'slider button' and 'slider panel'

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios


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