[tw5] Re: How to use TW for college math notes? (beginner)

2019-01-06 Thread Evžen Wybitul
(and, sidenote, I already know how to work with git itself. But TW's 
default workflow includes downloading a whole file everytime a TW gets 
saved, which doesn't look like it's made for git per se)

On Wednesday, 2 January 2019 16:42:49 UTC+1, Evžen Wybitul wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm revising my note-taking system for the next semester. Initially I 
> planned to use simple Markdown files, maybe with some tags added, but I can 
> see that TW could be better for my use case — I'm a math major and I could 
> use some modular definition/theorem Tiddlers that could be interlinked and 
> tagged, rather than searching for them in individual markdown files. I have 
> a question, though:
> *How should I start?*
> There's so many different plugins, saving schemes, different servers, 
> themes... Is there any TW that would skip all the hassle and come with (the 
> most important) batteries included? And which are those "batteries" anyway? 
> I don't want to miss out on something great just because I don't know I 
> need it. The question could be phrased differently:
> *How would you take college/class/meeting notes with TW? Which plugins, 
> which workflow? And how would you review the notes later?*
> I'm sorry, I didn't manage to find the info I'm looking for here in this 
> group, nor on the internet. Thank you for your help.

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[tw5] How to use TW for college math notes? (beginner)

2019-01-06 Thread Evžen Wybitul

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[tw5] How to use TW for college math notes? (beginner)

2019-01-06 Thread Riz
Which OS are you using?

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[tw5] Re: Query -- What are your favourite TiddlyWiki in the wild?

2019-01-06 Thread h0p3
* https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/tpg-qzVbWFw
* https://philosopher.life/#2019.01.06%20-%20TWGGF%3A%20Wikis



I visit her wiki all the time.

I've [[been thinking|2018.11.21 - Sphygmus: Thanksgiving]] about whether or 
not I should say anything. I would like to nominate some version of 
[[Sphygmus]]' wiki's flexbox to be incorporated into the default empty 
tiddlywiki. It looks and functions better out of the box than vanilla. I 
think her experience should be the default, and I think more people would 
use TW if they opened their first wiki and sat in her driver's seat.

On Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 8:42:26 AM UTC-5, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> It would be nice to create a solid library of example TiddlyWiki.
> What are your favourites?

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[tw5] Re: Useful Lessons from the "Competition"

2019-01-06 Thread TonyM

These are still only solutions to predefined problems, I could emulate them 
all in tiddlywiki, but in TiddlyWiki I can evolve them, bring in other 
algorithms and more.

I like solutions to all possible problems and methods from the past into 
the future - that is the TiddlyWiki platform.


On Monday, 7 January 2019 04:10:48 UTC+11, Diego Mesa wrote:
> Many people are talking about "Notion" these days, as a replacement for 
> their evernote. Just wanted to let the community know about it:
> https://www.notion.so/
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_mh91IRLL8
> And see if there are any ideas we can learn from them? For one - their 
> website sure is easy to understand for someone looking at it for the first 
> time (I dont TW is at all). 
> Also I frequently read Hacker News, and today someone asked:
> "Ask HN: How do you keep track of your creative thoughts?"
> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18837345
> As of this writing, TW is only mentioned once. 
> What do you all think?

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[tw5] Re: folding editor

2019-01-06 Thread TonyM

I think this could save you automating, build it right into the model.

Have you seen my algorithim that uses date stamps on fields for task 
management? I think this is a superior method to tags. No need to swap one 
tag for another.

Eg I have the following fields item-started item-completed item-cancelled 
If at any time I timestamp such a field, not only does it change its 
status, but I record when it changed status. 
Using the new subfilter operator I define active-task to equal 
[has[item-started]!has[item-completed]!has[item-cancelled]] - I call this 
tiddler disposition.
Using this method I can interrogate my tasks in many ways like 

   - active-task started more than a week ago
   - Task closed today
I also have item-strategic item-tactical and item-operational dates. Each 
representing Monthly, Weekly and Daily
Listing tactical due I just list active-tasks with a item-tactical older 
than 7 days. When I do a tactical tasks I can just re-stamp it with the 
current date and it will not list for another week
This allows me to change the review periods without changing any task 
tiddlers. Eg Tactical review of 2 weeks or 14 days.
These review tiddlers can also have a tiddler disposition as above.

Using this method you could retrofit tools that report how long something 
was active eg item-completed less item-started
I also allow item-planed-start item-planed-due to be set and can show when 
they are planned to start and past due

Fields are like a specific tag for which you can store a value.

Anything with Item-archived appears in my references list and discourages 

On Monday, 7 January 2019 07:09:35 UTC+11, Joe Armstrong wrote:
> On Sunday, 6 January 2019 12:05:02 UTC+1, tony wrote:
>> On Friday, January 4, 2019 at 1:25:19 PM UTC-8, Joe Armstrong wrote:
>>> It seems to me you can come a long way with tags and filter operations 
>>> over tags. 
>> Indeed! That is why your re-implementation of Chandler is a breath of 
>> fresh air.
>> My needs are simple and expedient. I've moved back to analog with the 
>> joys of a fountain pen and paper to more rapidly capture daily tasks.
> Yes :-)
> As regards the automation of simple tasks I've been doing some experiments.
> I had some tiddlers tagged 'draft' and 'final' then I made a button to 
> change draft to final -
> the problem was that now I could do this operation too quickly - in order 
> to change draft to
> final I needed to read what I had written and *think* - the *deliberate* 
> act of adding a new tag and 
> removing an old one slowed things down. 
> Automating this meant I could do the operation faster than
> I could think - also automation added a layer of unnecessary complication 
> - the power of the system
> came from the filter operations over tags and not the ability to automate 
> tag manipulation.
> Deciding how much to automate is a very tricky problem and needs several 
> rounds of prototyping
> to get it right.
> Personally I favor the idea of a minimal viable program (see
> https://joearms.github.io/#2014-06-25%20Minimal%20Viable%20Programs)
> I'll have to implement the ticket system I described above in the TW :-)
> Cheers
> /Joe
>> I still believe in a simple hyperlinked plain CamelCased wiki 
>>  as a repository for my stuff not as a Jira or Trax 
>> replacement.  
>> For me, not every wiki entry is/needs the UI widget baggage polluting the 
>> text area since the wiki is not the end product, but a means to externalize 
>> memory in plain text.
>> If tasks and projects are important enough I add them to my TiddlyWiki 
>> and then archive to VimWiki  which 
>> is better cross platform.
>> Plus I'm intellectually too impatient and lazy to learn more TiddlyWiki 
>> tinkering. I'm still learning the command line.
>> Too much friction leads me to abandonment. [1] 
>> Chandler provides the convenience of separating actionable items from 
>> rest of the wiki. This is why a simple semantic tag, 'chandler' is so 
>> powerful. It separates my wiki into actionable and not actionable stuff 
>> much like sparse trees and agenda in OrgMode  
>>> So what does your new ChandlerDone look like? - I'm curious
>> Chandler's dashboard reminds me of Korsakov's LinearHomeoscope 
>>   where adding 
>> another Archive 'pin' to ChandlerDone 'search'
>> <$button>
>> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-add-tag" $param="archive"/>
>> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="done"/>
>> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="chandler"/>
>> {{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}archive
>> results in returning the done actionable items back into the broader 
>> wiki. 
>> Essentially in GTD  speak back to 
>> supporting notes.

Re: [tw5] playing around with a copy of TagTemplate, and trying to get a tag pill to display a count of the number of tiddlers with said tag

2019-01-06 Thread S. S.

I don't know if you'll find this helpful, but I use a small macro - that I 
use to put in the *caption* field of Table of Content Tiddlers, and also 
use above lists based on a tag.

Tiddler name (example): $:/_macro/count-tag
Tiddler must be tagged: $:/tags/Macro

\define count-tag(tag-name)
<$count filter="[tag[$tag-name$]]">

The macro <> ` is useful in places such as:

   - A summary above a list based on a single tag, Example:
  - This list contains <> tiddlers tagged with 
   - The *caption* field of a Table of Contents tiddler, where it can be 
   used to display the number of tiddlers that will be found under that link. 
   Example, the *caption* field contains: 
  - My Tag Name ^^(<>)^^
Of course it can also be used within a tiddler whose title is the tag in 
this way:  <$macrocall $name="count-tag" tag-name={{!!title}}/> :but then 
it is simpler to just use the $count widget: <$count 


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[tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki Discord Server

2019-01-06 Thread Mohammad
Thank you Shaw!

This is great for online discussion.


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[tw5] Re: Publicly hosting a read-only tiddlywiki where tiddlers are served individually?

2019-01-06 Thread Kalcifer Kandari
I see, I was misinterpreting something I read elsewhere.

Thanks for the tips, much easier to make an educated decision when the 
options are listed in one place for comparison. What I have now is working 
nicely so far.

Thanks again!

On Sunday, January 6, 2019 at 11:57:25 PM UTC, TonyM wrote:
> Kal,
> With noteself if you do not set up a counchDB, it uses pouchDB (in the 
> browser session automatically, no setup). Just copy the notself html to the 
> shared location, and people can save there, their own edits (in the browser 
> session) and the html sits unmodified. You can open your own copy in your 
> browser, but to save changes must overwrite the html file - then copy it up 
> to your host. I will retest this workflow myself.
> The simplest way is to simply place a single file wiki online, and provide 
> no way for people to save without saving to their own disk. You on the 
> other hand could use a webDrive to access and save it, or transfer it when 
> ready "publish" updates".
> TiddlyWIki offers so many ways to host it if you have a host such as yours 
> (and my own)  I would not do it justice here, so I will give you a few 
> pointers but you may need to do more research.
>- TW-Reciever is a PHP  saver Discussion 
> Github https://github.com/sendwheel/tw-receiver
>- If you want multiple users at a time look at NodeJS, Bob 
>- If you want multiple access levels on Node look at the TiddlyWiki 
>5.1.17 - 5.1.19 release notes for new user/auth features
> There is material around to help you make these decisions, I suggest you 
> document your needs then start some research if none of the above seem 
> right for you.
> http://setup.tiddlyspot.com/ is a work in progress resource and needs 
> more data but it may get you started.
> Regards
> Tony
> On Monday, 7 January 2019 02:15:29 UTC+11, Kalcifer Kandari wrote:
>> So with NoteSelf, you put the '.html' file in the public folder, then 
>> install CouchDB on the same host? If that is true, and I haven't tried, 
>> wouldn't the public be able to edit the database then through the '.html' 
>> file because they are linked?
>> My host is nearlyfreespeech.net, they do Apache, but support custom 
>> servers like node.js as well. What is this other way?
>> On Sunday, January 6, 2019 at 11:07:22 AM UTC, TonyM wrote:
>>> You already have the anser, yourself, confirmed by me for noteslf.
>>>  a local copy changed, [saved over] and uploaded using SSH?
>>> By tge way if you are using an apache php host there is another way.
>>> Regards
>>> Tony

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[tw5] Re: Publicly hosting a read-only tiddlywiki where tiddlers are served individually?

2019-01-06 Thread TonyM

With noteself if you do not set up a counchDB, it uses pouchDB (in the 
browser session automatically, no setup). Just copy the notself html to the 
shared location, and people can save there, their own edits (in the browser 
session) and the html sits unmodified. You can open your own copy in your 
browser, but to save changes must overwrite the html file - then copy it up 
to your host. I will retest this workflow myself.

The simplest way is to simply place a single file wiki online, and provide 
no way for people to save without saving to their own disk. You on the 
other hand could use a webDrive to access and save it, or transfer it when 
ready "publish" updates".

TiddlyWIki offers so many ways to host it if you have a host such as yours 
(and my own)  I would not do it justice here, so I will give you a few 
pointers but you may need to do more research.

   - TW-Reciever is a PHP  saver Discussion 

Github https://github.com/sendwheel/tw-receiver
   - If you want multiple users at a time look at NodeJS, Bob 
   - If you want multiple access levels on Node look at the TiddlyWiki 
   5.1.17 - 5.1.19 release notes for new user/auth features
There is material around to help you make these decisions, I suggest you 
document your needs then start some research if none of the above seem 
right for you.

http://setup.tiddlyspot.com/ is a work in progress resource and needs more 
data but it may get you started.


On Monday, 7 January 2019 02:15:29 UTC+11, Kalcifer Kandari wrote:
> So with NoteSelf, you put the '.html' file in the public folder, then 
> install CouchDB on the same host? If that is true, and I haven't tried, 
> wouldn't the public be able to edit the database then through the '.html' 
> file because they are linked?
> My host is nearlyfreespeech.net, they do Apache, but support custom 
> servers like node.js as well. What is this other way?
> On Sunday, January 6, 2019 at 11:07:22 AM UTC, TonyM wrote:
>> You already have the anser, yourself, confirmed by me for noteslf.
>>  a local copy changed, [saved over] and uploaded using SSH?
>> By tge way if you are using an apache php host there is another way.
>> Regards
>> Tony

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[tw5] Re: Systems Design Strategy - Centralised logic

2019-01-06 Thread TonyM

What I am suggesting is at a higher conceptual level. I could use bundles or 
plugins for distributing such tiddlers.

Let me try and say it another way.

Lets say I had one or two key tiddlers that capture the logic, relationships, 
meaning of fields etc... I can then go and design any tiddler to handle my 
tiddlers and use the logic, filters etc... Defined in my key tiddlers.

Then if I want to change or enhance my wiki I can make changes in my key 
tiddlers and this new logic will be reflected everywhere else. Just looking at 
the key tiddlers will show the logic used. If designed well the logic can be 
shared and reused easily, without having to look in all wiki tiddlers to 
workout whats happening.

An example would be task management, defining; new active urgent completed 
archived etc. An active task may be defined as started but not closed or 
cancelled. But lets say I later want to introduce onhold, rather than edit 
every task list widget, I can update my definition of active task to exclude 
onhold, update my definition of inactive task to include onhold.


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[tw5] Re: Table of content showing only tags with a tag count greater than zero

2019-01-06 Thread 'Stuart Amor' via TiddlyWiki
Thank you Tony, I agree that it should perhaps be done as a separate 
function rather than an adaptation, but I could do with more of a steer on 
how to exclude tags with a zero count from a tag list 

On Friday, 4 January 2019 23:12:57 UTC, TonyM wrote:
> Stuart,
> The Tiddler $:/core/macros/toc is where the toc macros are defined. 
> However they can be quite complex. However we can see there is an exclude 
> parameter used. Also See 
> https://tiddlywiki.com/#Table-of-Contents%20Macros for the documentation.
> Try invoking the TOC macro of your choice with the following format
> <$macrocall $name="toc-selective-expandable" tag=<> 
> exclude="exclusionfilter" />
> Where exclusionfilter is where "where the tag count is zero"
> Personally I would build my own, toc macro for such an example. 
> Regards
> Tony
> On Saturday, 5 January 2019 09:47:01 UTC+11, Stuart Amor wrote:
>> I am trying to create an itinerary catalogue. l have spent a great deal 
>> of time devising a tag directory structure that will allows me to add 
>> individual item tiddlers into an organised tree. The problem l have is that 
>> I now have a Table of Contents containing a great deal of "empty 
>> directories". l don't want to delete these tags as l will hopefully get 
>> around to adding content to them, but l would like to find away of hiding 
>> these tags from my Table of Contents where the tag count is zero?
>> I will try to give you an example:
>> Workshop Tools
>> - Hammers
>> -- Sledge Hammer
>> -- Claw Hammer
>> - Spanner <- Hide this tag from the toc until I have added some tagged 
>> entries 

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[tw5] Re: Useful Lessons from the "Competition"

2019-01-06 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Hmm. Seems complicated. "Embedded media blocks" ? Huh? Relational 
databases? Filters that we don't know how they got activated? Talking about 
"blocks" kind of seems like a throw-back to 1980s computer tech.

>From a higher perspective, why would you use Notion, a for-pay proprietary 
solution without a known track record, rather than Evernote, a for-pay 
proprietary solution with a good track record? 

With TW, you can type now and organize later. Except for saving )-; 

Any of the cloud-based solutions will have an immediate apparent advantage 
over TW because they don't have to worry about explaining save mechanisms. 
But that advantage comes at a cost of loss of personal control over your 

That said, having a nice comic-book style front page with lots of examples 
of usage might do more to intrigue newcomers.

-- Mark

On Sunday, January 6, 2019 at 9:10:48 AM UTC-8, Diego Mesa wrote:
> Many people are talking about "Notion" these days, as a replacement for 
> their evernote. Just wanted to let the community know about it:
> https://www.notion.so/
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_mh91IRLL8
> And see if there are any ideas we can learn from them? For one - their 
> website sure is easy to understand for someone looking at it for the first 
> time (I dont TW is at all). 
> Also I frequently read Hacker News, and today someone asked:
> "Ask HN: How do you keep track of your creative thoughts?"
> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18837345
> As of this writing, TW is only mentioned once. 
> What do you all think?

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[tw5] Re: Using variables inside of square brackets to link to external files.

2019-01-06 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Untested, but this should work (you may need to tweak the path, etc)

\define pdflink(name path page)  [ext[$name$|files/$path$.pdf#page=$page$]]

Good luck
-- Mark

On Friday, January 4, 2019 at 4:51:00 AM UTC-8, Jack Stephan wrote:
> Hello, thanks in advance for any help. I'm still quite a new user so I 
> don't know if I'm phrasing the question in a way that meaningful, but I'll 
> try my best. I am trying to incorporate all the PDFs from my lectures into 
> TiddlWiki and link to them and specific pages. Is there a way to use this 
> form of linking to PDFs:
>  [ext[linkName|files/POD_5_MLST.pdf#page=8]]
> and to make the link name (linkName) page number (8) and the PDF title 
> (POD_5_MLST.pdf) variables in some sort of macro? Ideally the macro would 
> have three inputs, the desired title (linkName), the primary key of the PDF 
> tiddler (labelled as field FID) which would call the PDF file name (another 
> field called filename), and the page number to link to? For example:
> <>
> To illustrate the structure of my PDF tiddlers, here is an example:
> fid POD5
> filename POD_5_MLST.pdf
> lecturetitle Mathematical Logic & Set Theory
> pdf pdf
> scode POD
> tags [[Principles of Databases]]
> tcode 
> title POD_5_MLST.pdf
> type lecture
> Again, thanks for the help. I hope I have explained my question well 
> enough, but again, I think I am still in the learning phase where it is 
> difficult to ask the 'right' questions.

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[tw5] Re: How to use TW for college math notes? (beginner)

2019-01-06 Thread Evžen Wybitul
This is exactly what I'm afraid of. I don't want to spend hours of going 
through every plugin I find potentially useful, only to later find out I 
actually don't need 90% of them. However, I wouldn't like to miss any 
plugins which would make my life n-times easier... Could you share some of 
your experience? Which plugins do you use/would you recommend for taking 
Also, could you write up some more about how you to use TW with git? That 
is exactly what I would like to do as well.

On Sunday, 6 January 2019 01:16:35 UTC+1, jwd wrote:
> A couple suggestions from someone who has used TW for class and project 
> note taking:
>1. Keep it simple - don't spend so much time tweaking TW with plugins 
>and making your note taking tool super powerful that you lose sight of the 
>primary goal of taking class notes. I have found tweaking TW can be quite 
> a 
>(pleasurable) time sink and I have more than once taken my eye off the 
>reason I was using TW in the first place. Be wary of falling into that 
> trap.
>2. Backup, backup, backup - you don't want to find at exam time that 
>something you changed mid semester corrupted content in some way.
> FWIW I evolved over a dozen+ years from TWC to now using the TiddlyServer 
> / separate external tid files maintained in multiple Git repos approach, 
> with a minimum of plugins. That might not be an approach for someone just 
> starting.
> On Wednesday, January 2, 2019 at 10:42:49 AM UTC-5, Evžen Wybitul wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I'm revising my note-taking system for the next semester. Initially I 
>> planned to use simple Markdown files, maybe with some tags added, but I can 
>> see that TW could be better for my use case — I'm a math major and I could 
>> use some modular definition/theorem Tiddlers that could be interlinked and 
>> tagged, rather than searching for them in individual markdown files. I have 
>> a question, though:
>> *How should I start?*
>> There's so many different plugins, saving schemes, different servers, 
>> themes... Is there any TW that would skip all the hassle and come with (the 
>> most important) batteries included? And which are those "batteries" anyway? 
>> I don't want to miss out on something great just because I don't know I 
>> need it. The question could be phrased differently:
>> *How would you take college/class/meeting notes with TW? Which plugins, 
>> which workflow? And how would you review the notes later?*
>> I'm sorry, I didn't manage to find the info I'm looking for here in this 
>> group, nor on the internet. Thank you for your help.

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Re: [tw5] playing around with a copy of TagTemplate, and trying to get a tag pill to display a count of the number of tiddlers with said tag

2019-01-06 Thread Elijah
That's it. Thanks.

On Sunday, 6 January 2019 12:59:00 UTC-7, Brian Theado wrote:
> When using variables as a filter parameter, the syntax is different from 
> what you are attempting. Try {{{[tagcount[]]}}}
> See https://tiddlywiki.com/#Filter%20Parameter and the bottom of 
> https://tiddlywiki.com/#Introduction%20to%20filter%20notation for the 
> documentation related to this.
> On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 12:40 PM Elijah > 
> wrote:
>> There is a little bit in TagTemplate: tag=<>, which tells 
>> the tag-pill what to display. With the default <>, it will 
>> display the title of the tiddler corresponding to the tag. With 
>> {{!!caption}} it'll display the contents of the caption-field of the 
>> tag-tiddler.
>> Now, I'm trying to figure out how to get the tag-pill to instead display 
>> the number of tiddlers tagged with some specific tag. I thought 
>> {{{[tag[<>]count[]]}}} would work, but it doesn't - it 
>> simply displays "0". However, if you manually-input the title of the tag in 
>> the same filter as follows: {{{[tag[ACTUALTAG]count[]]}}}, it displays the 
>> correct count. I admit I don't understand how the filter-operators work, or 
>> even how to correctly call them (the documentation (specifically Filter 
>> Operators, count Operator, and count Operator (Examples)) was unhelpful to 
>> me), and I got the {{{[tag[ACTUALTAG]count[]]}}} from Tobias Beer's 
>> tiddlywiki. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
>> -- 
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>> .
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>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/450ee4a9-b7f1-4132-984e-72298540a3a6%40googlegroups.com
>> .
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[tw5] Re: folding editor

2019-01-06 Thread Joe Armstrong

On Sunday, 6 January 2019 12:05:02 UTC+1, tony wrote:
> On Friday, January 4, 2019 at 1:25:19 PM UTC-8, Joe Armstrong wrote:
>> It seems to me you can come a long way with tags and filter operations 
>> over tags. 
> Indeed! That is why your re-implementation of Chandler is a breath of 
> fresh air.
> My needs are simple and expedient. I've moved back to analog with the joys 
> of a fountain pen and paper to more rapidly capture daily tasks.

Yes :-)

As regards the automation of simple tasks I've been doing some experiments.

I had some tiddlers tagged 'draft' and 'final' then I made a button to 
change draft to final -
the problem was that now I could do this operation too quickly - in order 
to change draft to
final I needed to read what I had written and *think* - the *deliberate* 
act of adding a new tag and 
removing an old one slowed things down. 

Automating this meant I could do the operation faster than
I could think - also automation added a layer of unnecessary complication - 
the power of the system
came from the filter operations over tags and not the ability to automate 
tag manipulation.

Deciding how much to automate is a very tricky problem and needs several 
rounds of prototyping
to get it right.

Personally I favor the idea of a minimal viable program (see

I'll have to implement the ticket system I described above in the TW :-)




> I still believe in a simple hyperlinked plain CamelCased wiki 
>  as a repository for my stuff not as a Jira or Trax 
> replacement.  
> For me, not every wiki entry is/needs the UI widget baggage polluting the 
> text area since the wiki is not the end product, but a means to externalize 
> memory in plain text.
> If tasks and projects are important enough I add them to my TiddlyWiki and 
> then archive to VimWiki  which is 
> better cross platform.
> Plus I'm intellectually too impatient and lazy to learn more TiddlyWiki 
> tinkering. I'm still learning the command line.
> Too much friction leads me to abandonment. [1] 
> Chandler provides the convenience of separating actionable items from rest 
> of the wiki. This is why a simple semantic tag, 'chandler' is so powerful. 
> It separates my wiki into actionable and not actionable stuff much like 
> sparse trees and agenda in OrgMode  
>> So what does your new ChandlerDone look like? - I'm curious
> Chandler's dashboard reminds me of Korsakov's LinearHomeoscope 
>   where adding 
> another Archive 'pin' to ChandlerDone 'search'
> <$button>
> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-add-tag" $param="archive"/>
> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="done"/>
> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="chandler"/>
> {{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}archive
> results in returning the done actionable items back into the broader wiki. 
> Essentially in GTD  speak back to 
> supporting notes.
> And what of tiddlers that need to go back to the Chandler dashboard, like 
> say recurring action items?
> We can retag with 'chandler' and 'now'
> I added a ChandlerizeButton tagged with 
> $:/tags/ViewToolbar
> as outlined in Customise TiddlyWiki  
> <$fieldmangler>
> <$button>
> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="archive"/>
> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-add-tag" $param="chandler"/>
> <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-add-tag" $param="now"/>
> {{$:/core/images/star-filled}}
> and added its button title,
> {{ChandlerizeButton}}
> to position it accordingly in the ViewToolbar
> TiddlyWiki's powerful search will recall past archived projects and tasks 
> and I click the star ChandlerizeButton to add it back to the Chandler 
> dashboard set to my Home button.
> This allows simple movement of entries in and out of Chandler completing 
> the triage loop and system for me. 
> Since there is date stamping [2] for plain text future proofing, a 
> calendar is extra frosting! 
> Thanks again, Joe
> Best,
> tony
> [1] The TiddlyWiki Classic (TWC) past was glorious and littered with 
> TiddlyTasks TogglyTagging siglets CycleTags 
>  and endless tasting of 
> all this generous group has to offer. Eric L Shulman's TiddlyTools 
>  was a fount of tinkering tools, but with great 
> power, comes great responsibility.
> Imagine having to maintain this in 5, 10, 20 years?
> Over time I found the need to switch back to simplicity like evil org-mode 
> adding deft  then finally settled on 
> VimWiki . Investing in time tested 
> tools like bash, 

Re: [tw5] playing around with a copy of TagTemplate, and trying to get a tag pill to display a count of the number of tiddlers with said tag

2019-01-06 Thread Brian Theado
When using variables as a filter parameter, the syntax is different from
what you are attempting. Try {{{[tagcount[]]}}}

See https://tiddlywiki.com/#Filter%20Parameter and the bottom of
https://tiddlywiki.com/#Introduction%20to%20filter%20notation for the
documentation related to this.

On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 12:40 PM Elijah  wrote:

> There is a little bit in TagTemplate: tag=<>, which tells
> the tag-pill what to display. With the default <>, it will
> display the title of the tiddler corresponding to the tag. With
> {{!!caption}} it'll display the contents of the caption-field of the
> tag-tiddler.
> Now, I'm trying to figure out how to get the tag-pill to instead display
> the number of tiddlers tagged with some specific tag. I thought
> {{{[tag[<>]count[]]}}} would work, but it doesn't - it
> simply displays "0". However, if you manually-input the title of the tag in
> the same filter as follows: {{{[tag[ACTUALTAG]count[]]}}}, it displays the
> correct count. I admit I don't understand how the filter-operators work, or
> even how to correctly call them (the documentation (specifically Filter
> Operators, count Operator, and count Operator (Examples)) was unhelpful to
> me), and I got the {{{[tag[ACTUALTAG]count[]]}}} from Tobias Beer's
> tiddlywiki. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "TiddlyWiki" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To post to this group, send email to tiddlywiki@googlegroups.com.
> Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/tiddlywiki.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/450ee4a9-b7f1-4132-984e-72298540a3a6%40googlegroups.com
> .
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[tw5] Re: Simple Android App for TiddlyWiki

2019-01-06 Thread BurningTreeC
Hi @all interested in the progress I'm making with the Äpp,

I've put a screen recording online which just shows where it's going:



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[tw5] playing around with a copy of TagTemplate, and trying to get a tag pill to display a count of the number of tiddlers with said tag

2019-01-06 Thread Elijah
There is a little bit in TagTemplate: tag=<>, which tells 
the tag-pill what to display. With the default <>, it will 
display the title of the tiddler corresponding to the tag. With 
{{!!caption}} it'll display the contents of the caption-field of the 

Now, I'm trying to figure out how to get the tag-pill to instead display 
the number of tiddlers tagged with some specific tag. I thought 
{{{[tag[<>]count[]]}}} would work, but it doesn't - it 
simply displays "0". However, if you manually-input the title of the tag in 
the same filter as follows: {{{[tag[ACTUALTAG]count[]]}}}, it displays the 
correct count. I admit I don't understand how the filter-operators work, or 
even how to correctly call them (the documentation (specifically Filter 
Operators, count Operator, and count Operator (Examples)) was unhelpful to 
me), and I got the {{{[tag[ACTUALTAG]count[]]}}} from Tobias Beer's 
tiddlywiki. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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[tw5] Useful Lessons from the "Competition"

2019-01-06 Thread Diego Mesa
Many people are talking about "Notion" these days, as a replacement for 
their evernote. Just wanted to let the community know about it:


And see if there are any ideas we can learn from them? For one - their 
website sure is easy to understand for someone looking at it for the first 
time (I dont TW is at all). 

Also I frequently read Hacker News, and today someone asked:

"Ask HN: How do you keep track of your creative thoughts?"

As of this writing, TW is only mentioned once. 

What do you all think?

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[tw5] Re: Systems Design Strategy - Centralised logic

2019-01-06 Thread coda coder
Hi Tony

You're right, this is a problem area of sorts. However, I'm trying to 
justify/compare your approach with PMario's Bundles system, which allows 
ad-hoc collections of tiddlers garnered from pretty much anywhere.


On Thursday, January 3, 2019 at 6:41:20 PM UTC-6, TonyM wrote:
> Folks,
> I just wanted to start a thread on "Centralised logic" in TiddlyWiki, it 
> is a systems design pattern I am interested in developing.
> *Background*
> TiddlyWiki allows rapid and open development, prototyping and design. It 
> is possible to code Various logical tests and responses throughout the 
> wiki. This is great for ad hoc solutions.
> For example You may have a tiddler that lists done tasks, in which the 
> logic to determine what is done is coded, and another tiddler with the 
> logic for Work in Progress.
> However when you want to transfer logic, business rules, tests and 
> conditions between wikis you have to go in search of this logical content 
> in one or more places.
> *Objective*
> Discuss and document some suggested best practice so such logic can be 
> placed in a small number of locations and subsequently referenced from any 
> location such that if you wish to change or enhance the rules and logic you 
> need only change it once.
> Open the ability to share logic independently of its application in 
> private wikis.
> *Example*
> In one tiddler tagged $:/tags/Macro define a set of logical filters
> \define is-task() [tiddler-type[task]
> \define new-task() 
> [tiddler-type[task]!has[item-started]!has[item-completed]!has[item-cancelled]]
> \define active-task() 
> "[tiddler-type[task]has[item-started]!has[item-completed]!has[item-cancelled]]
> \define completed-task() [tiddler-type[task]has[item-completed]]
> \define in-context() [domain{!!domain}project{!!project}client{!!client}]
> \define new-task-in-context() <> 
> +[domain{!!domain}project{!!project}client{!!client}]
> In this case each tiddler will have a field time stamped as needed eg 
> item-started item-completed or item-cancelled
> Then in a List filter you could use
> <$list filter="[is[current]subfilter]">
> Show if current task is a new task
> ](url)
> <$list filter="[subfilter]">
> List all new tasks not started, closed or completed
> <$list filter="[subfiltersubfilter]">
> List all new tasks not started, closed or completed in the same "context" as 
> the current tiddler.
> *Benefits*
>1. You can see in the above the "definition" of a new-task is encoded in 
> the first tiddler, and can be changed without reference to all the locations 
> where it is used.
>2. Simply transferring the first tiddler to another wiki allows you to 
> continue using the logic you developed in the first wiki, including sharing 
> it with the community.
> *Discussion*
> The above is one example of this design pattern, I hope in this tread we can 
> discuss others that will help the rapid transfer of design logic between 
> wikis and community members. 
> My Example could be called a "subfilter set".
> Personally I am interested in an open "field definition" pattern., I have a 
> great deal of prework done on this.
> *What other coding patterns would be useful in a similar way to the above?*
> Thanks in advance
> Tony

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[tw5] Re: Publicly hosting a read-only tiddlywiki where tiddlers are served individually?

2019-01-06 Thread Kalcifer Kandari
So with NoteSelf, you put the '.html' file in the public folder, then 
install CouchDB on the same host? If that is true, and I haven't tried, 
wouldn't the public be able to edit the database then through the '.html' 
file because they are linked?

My host is nearlyfreespeech.net, they do Apache, but support custom servers 
like node.js as well. What is this other way?

On Sunday, January 6, 2019 at 11:07:22 AM UTC, TonyM wrote:
> You already have the anser, yourself, confirmed by me for noteslf.
>  a local copy changed, [saved over] and uploaded using SSH?
> By tge way if you are using an apache php host there is another way.
> Regards
> Tony

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[tw5] Re: [New Plugin] MyStory Sidebar Tab – a replacement for Open

2019-01-06 Thread Thomas Elmiger
*Edit: Links were added to the OP *:–D

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[tw5] Re: Using variables inside of square brackets to link to external files.

2019-01-06 Thread Jack Stephan
Unfortunately I'm still confused. The concept may be in the answer provided 
somewhere, but I'm having trouble seeing where. The problem isn't that I 
want to create tiddlers from my PDFs with a button. I already have the pdfs 
imported as individual tiddlers with the fields shown above. My problem is 
that I was to be able to write notes and link to specific pages of my pdfs 
in the notes. For example:

This some text about my lectures, in order to better understand here is a 
> [[Link]] to the specific page of the lecture I am discussing.

But I want that link to be a function with three arguments, as stated above 
i.e. a title to be displayed in the text, the primary key (fid) of the 
tiddler, and the page number to link to.

Thank for your help, Mohammad, I greatly appreciate it.

On Friday, 4 January 2019 17:09:28 UTC+1, Mohammad wrote:
> Jack,
>  See this wonderful solution by Mark S 
> .
> It creates external images from a directory. Your case is very much the 
> same.
> Cheers
> Mohammad

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[tw5] [New Plugin] MyStory Sidebar Tab – a replacement for Open

2019-01-06 Thread Thomas Elmiger
Hello again,

I have been somewhat productive during the last days, so I will have to 
confront you with another newly developed plugin. 

MyStory is a tab for the sidebar, meant as a replacement for *Open.* Again 
its target audience is people who use fields a lot and would like to see 
their captions or any other field in the sidebar. 

[image: Bildschirmfoto 2019-01-06 um 13.32.42.png]

Additionally MyStory offers

   - an edit button for each tiddler (optional)
   - a "reopen last closed" button (only for tiddlers closed via MyStory)
   - a readme with essential configuration options for the whole sidebar

As always: *Make a backup first,* give it a try and let me know what you 

Have fun!

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[tw5] Re: Publicly hosting a read-only tiddlywiki where tiddlers are served individually?

2019-01-06 Thread TonyM
You already have the anser, yourself, confirmed by me for noteslf.

 a local copy changed, [saved over] and uploaded using SSH?

By tge way if you are using an apache php host there is another way.


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[tw5] Re: folding editor

2019-01-06 Thread tony
On Friday, January 4, 2019 at 1:25:19 PM UTC-8, Joe Armstrong wrote:
> It seems to me you can come a long way with tags and filter operations 
> over tags. 

Indeed! That is why your re-implementation of Chandler is a breath of fresh 

My needs are simple and expedient. I've moved back to analog with the joys 
of a fountain pen and paper to more rapidly capture daily tasks.
I still believe in a simple hyperlinked plain CamelCased wiki 
 as a repository for my stuff not as a Jira or Trax 

For me, not every wiki entry is/needs the UI widget baggage polluting the 
text area since the wiki is not the end product, but a means to externalize 
memory in plain text.

If tasks and projects are important enough I add them to my TiddlyWiki and 
then archive to VimWiki  which is 
better cross platform.

Plus I'm intellectually too impatient and lazy to learn more TiddlyWiki 
tinkering. I'm still learning the command line.

Too much friction leads me to abandonment. [1] 

Chandler provides the convenience of separating actionable items from rest 
of the wiki. This is why a simple semantic tag, 'chandler' is so powerful. 
It separates my wiki into actionable and not actionable stuff much like 
sparse trees and agenda in OrgMode  

> So what does your new ChandlerDone look like? - I'm curious

Chandler's dashboard reminds me of Korsakov's LinearHomeoscope 
  where adding 
another Archive 'pin' to ChandlerDone 'search'

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-add-tag" $param="archive"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="done"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="chandler"/>

results in returning the done actionable items back into the broader wiki. 

Essentially in GTD  speak back to 
supporting notes.

And what of tiddlers that need to go back to the Chandler dashboard, like 
say recurring action items?

We can retag with 'chandler' and 'now'

I added a ChandlerizeButton tagged with 

as outlined in Customise TiddlyWiki  

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="archive"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-add-tag" $param="chandler"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-add-tag" $param="now"/>

and added its button title,

to position it accordingly in the ViewToolbar

TiddlyWiki's powerful search will recall past archived projects and tasks 
and I click the star ChandlerizeButton to add it back to the Chandler 
dashboard set to my Home button.

This allows simple movement of entries in and out of Chandler completes the 
triage loop and system for me. 

Since there is date stamping [2] for plain text future proofing, a calendar 
is extra frosting! 

Thanks again, Joe


[1] The TiddlyWiki Classic (TWC) past was glorious and littered with 
TiddlyTasks TogglyTagging siglets and endless tasting of all this generous 
group has to offer. Eric L Shulman's TiddlyTools  
was a fount of tinkering tools, but with great power, comes great 

Imagine having to maintain this in 5, 10, 20 years?

Over time I found the need to switch back to simplicity like evil org-mode 
adding deft  then finally settled on 
VimWiki . Investing in time tested 
tools like bash, emacs and vim has been fruitful plus CodeMirror bindings 
in TiddlyWiki for vim and emacs means old tricks still work for this old 

[2]  I like literal hard coding for future proofing thanks to Riz's date 
stamp button 
 on my 
Editor toolbar, I can log entries and recall with simple search inside or 
outside of TiddlyWiki

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[tw5] Program flow: how to store a variable in a field without user intervention?

2019-01-06 Thread TonyM

Why not create a single filter that lists the tags of all tiddlers that meet 
your required condition?

You could set a variable using the set widget and its filter parameter and 
every time you use your new variable it will contain what you are asking for 
and remain upto date. Put it in a global macro if you want it available globaly.

You see, tiddlywiki is made for handling its own content, by trying to picture 
the process as we would in a proceedural language we make it harder than it 
need be.

I will post the actual filter if you ask.


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[tw5] Re: Publicly hosting a read-only tiddlywiki where tiddlers are served individually?

2019-01-06 Thread Kalcifer Kandari
Nice, I got the basic '.html' version running. NoteSelf looks interesting 
just for the tiddler revisions, but I don't know how to set it up so the 
public can access it where only I can edit it, or how to back it up.

Anyway, thanks for the help!

On Sunday, January 6, 2019 at 9:39:07 AM UTC, TonyM wrote:
> How do I host without the public being able to change what is being hosted 
> on the server? 
> Jusy put the html in a hosted location, name it index.html to load by 
> default at the address and or foldername it is in.
> What is the workflow for making changes to the hosted file? For example, 
> is this done directly as in NoteSelf's CouchDB sync, or is a local copy 
> changed and uploaded using SSH?
> I think both are possible, but with no couchdb you can only use the 
> second, and the local pouchdb in the browser will be used. Saving the lical 
> copy involves a save over the existing file. Make sure it captures your 
> changes in another browser.
> Are there any other differences I should know about?
> Tiddlers are version controled
> You may need to use the plugin version to get the latest tw version.
> I have not put it in production yet, so cant be sure thats everything.
> Regards
> Tony

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Re: [tw5] Re: Program flow: how to store a variable in a field without user intervention?

2019-01-06 Thread TonyM

The value in your example for text=
Includes quotes " so you have to wrap the whole value in """tripple quotes""" 
to delimit where the value begins and ends.


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[tw5] Widgets for Dummies

2019-01-06 Thread TonyM

Wiki text includes simple ways to change the apperence of text, bold, creating 
bullet lists and links to tiddlers etc..

It is however possible it include html such as 
some text however if html demands javascript to calculate or 
process it, it will not work without making a plugin, JavaScript macro etc...

Widgets on the other hand are designed for tiddlywiki and take the form;

<$widgetname parameters/>
<$widgetname parameters>
Content of widget

Notice how it is similar but different to html

The result of each widget depends on its design and the parameters used. They 
are tiddlywiki specific, somewidgets can be used inside other widgets as wiki 
text and html can also. All widgets are documented at tiddlywiki.com. one of 
the key features of widgets is the use of filters to select zero, one or more 
tiddlers, tags, fields and field values eg listWidget. Including setting the 
value of "variables" eg setWidget.

These selected values and other variables can be used inside the content of 
each widget and often in widget parameters or even html.

Another form of variable is the macro defined with 
\define macroname(optional parameters) values parameters variable and widgets 
on one line
\define macroname(optional parameters) 
values parameters variable and widgets on multiple lines

Never leave \defines empty or you get strange results.

A variable or macro defined can be used anywhere in a tiddler or widget where 
it is defined or globaly when in a tiddler tagged for macros.

Widgets most often introduce the kind of functions or processes you may have 
used javascript for (but cant), however they are also aware of tiddlywiki 
specific features, and will refresh based on changes elsewhere in your wiki 
automatically. Update or tag one tiddler anywhere and it will update all 
tiddlers and widgets that are currently displaying something with the change 
you just made.

Widgets form the processing heart of tiddlywiki. 

But then there is more... Look into text references and transclusions to access 
information from throughout your wiki and include it in tiddlers, wikitext, 
widgets, macros.

Everyone of these things tiddlers, references, links, transclusions, wikitext, 
widgets, macros can be inside each other and many levels deep. All you need to 
avoid is biting your own tail, including something inside itself such as you 
get a transclusion error or infinite loop.

I hope this helps, because it would have helped me at the beginning.


Posted from a mobile without code highlighting, I will edit in the forum post.

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Re: [tw5] Re: Program flow: how to store a variable in a field without user intervention?

2019-01-06 Thread bimlas

Sorry, could you tell me more about what you mean? I don't understand.

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[tw5] Re: Publicly hosting a read-only tiddlywiki where tiddlers are served individually?

2019-01-06 Thread TonyM

How do I host without the public being able to change what is being hosted on 
the server? 

Jusy put the html in a hosted location, name it index.html to load by default 
at the address and or foldername it is in.

What is the workflow for making changes to the hosted file? For example, is 
this done directly as in NoteSelf's CouchDB sync, or is a local copy changed 
and uploaded using SSH?

I think both are possible, but with no couchdb you can only use the second, and 
the local pouchdb in the browser will be used. Saving the lical copy involves a 
save over the existing file. Make sure it captures your changes in another 

Are there any other differences I should know about?

Tiddlers are version controled
You may need to use the plugin version to get the latest tw version.
I have not put it in production yet, so cant be sure thats everything.


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[tw5] Re: Publicly hosting a read-only tiddlywiki where tiddlers are served individually?

2019-01-06 Thread Kalcifer Kandari
Okay, I suppose I'll see if the text outgrows the single '.html' file 
approach with the splash screen, while keeping media relatively linked.

I would like to know a bit about TiddlyWiki versus NoteSelf. Comparing them:

   - *How do I host without the public being able to change what is being 
   hosted on the server?* I don't mind if they can change their local 
   - *What is the workflow for making changes to the hosted file?* For 
   example, is this done directly as in NoteSelf's CouchDB sync, or is a local 
   copy changed and uploaded using SSH?
   - *Are there any other differences I should know about?*

On Sunday, January 6, 2019 at 4:13:42 AM UTC, TonyM wrote:
> Kalcifer,
> The best solution varies due to a number of factors. You can have a lot of 
> text and interactions in a tiddlywiki without it being too big. Using the 
> loading splash screen can stop people abandoning your site before it fully 
> loads then it is in the browser cache and memory and performs well, even 
> better than other sites.
> The main reason tiddlywikis get ovesized is media, such as images and 
> these can be externalised and loaded on demand.
> Using noteself, rather than read only, keeps your hosted copy readonly but 
> allows the visitor to save changes in their browser session.
> Perhaps share some more details so we can give taylored advice.
> Tony

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