In an effort to improve the readability of colored tag pills, I tweaked 
TagTemplate and EditTemplate/Tags to allow for a "fontcolor" field in 
addition to the "color" field.  
But while I was searching for any other discussion of this question, I came 
across this Q&A last November between Dave and Jeremy (in this thread: 


> 4. Could there be a 'tag pill text color' field?......

I'm against tags being able to specify both their background and foreground 
colours. It makes it more likely we'd get garish tags in the wild. I'd 
prefer to instead tackle the problem of ensuring that the tag pill text is 
visible regardless of the colour.

I don't want to be out of compliance (though I promise I have no garish 
intentions!), and I'd be happy to accept a different, more automatic 
adjustment for visibility.  Are there still plans for that (or did I 
perhaps just overlook something)?

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