Hey coding folks :)

I have put the well-known TOC-Macrocall 

<<toc-selective-expandable 'TOC'>>

into another WikiText Macro

\define toctoc() 
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<$macrocall $name="toc-selective-expandable" tag=<<currentTiddler>>/>

and then put the call for that one in a tiddler and just calling


I have done this, because 
- I found it was two much code, especially with the div formatting around, 
if you use it again and again for many different tiddlers
- I don't wanted to write the titel of the tiddler manually, every time
- In the future I want changes to be simple, so I can just change my macro 
and not every tiddler

*So this macro is working fine in the tiddler! But! *
The TOC *doesn't show up*, when I view the tiddler *in the Sidebar* by 
tagging it with $:/tags/SideBar  - but the rest of normal Text inside the 
tiddler shows up there.

So, what is wrong? I tested, and when I replace the <<currentTiddler>> 
Variable for the tag with an *actual tag like 'Chapter 12' it is working 
fine in the Sidebar*! 

I also tried it in the form of

\define toctoc() 
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable """$(currentTiddler)$""">>

with no results as well. 

So again, the *problem seems to be the CurrentTiddler Variable*, in clear 
Text (what makes no sense for a macro) it is working well in the Sidebar.
How can I make it work in the Sidebar with the CurrentTiddler Variable?

Thanks for attention :)

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