I reported this issue earlier.  Here is the recap:

I am trying to use TidIDE Editor with the Notestorm - most likely not
doing it right.  Here is how my edit template looks like when it
almost works:

<span class='title' macro='view title' style='margin-right: 1.0em;' ></

<span class='subtitle'>
<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt' style='margin-left:
<span macro='view created date MM-DD-YYYY'> </span>

<span class='toolbar' macro='toolbar +closeOthers' style='margin-left:
<span class='toolbar' macro='toolbar cancelTiddler' style='margin-
left: 1.0em;'></span>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div class='SlTidIDEStyles' macro='tidIDE +edit:here'></div>

The issue with this is,  the line <div class='editor' macro='edit
title'></div> creates a redundant title editor that is already
integrated into the TidIDE.  If we remove that line, Notestorm no
longer knows that the tiddler is being edited, and when I switch to
another tab, the editor in the first tab is silently closed behind my

In addition, currently as it is, when I am done editing, the Notestorm
does not realize that I have saved the tiddler, but knows that the
tiddler has been opened for edit. So it asks a redundant question of
whether I want to " ... abandon your changes to the 'xxx'?".

I have a gut feeling that I am not  doing something right here.  If
you have some suggestions, I would appreciate it.


Cheers; 'best,

shankar swamy
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