Use ToggleTiddlersBar to toggle the tiddlers bar as follows:

<<tiddler ToggleTiddlersBar with: &#926; [[dummyTiddler]]>>

It gives me the "&#926;" character for an icon, and when I click on
that it toggles the tiddlers bar.  It had worked fine for months and
now all of a sudden it started mis-behaving.

Instead of the "&#926;" icon,now I get a check box with the message:
"Select/de-select the check box and close to toggle between tabbed and
sequential display modes."  (The functionality is not affected.)

I have not KNOWINGLY changed anything to revert back to.

If you have some insight into how I can restore the original working
of this, I would appreciate it.

Thanks for suggestions you may have.

Cheers; 'best,

shankar swamy

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