As a side note for saving in Dropbox:

If you have the dropbox app installed, you can have either a file or a 
directory stored locally for off-line use. they are stored here:


In a file manager (I use Ghost) I created the above location as a favorite 
and keep most of my tiddlywiki's there.
I go there and touch the file I want to use and open in Waterfox.
Each time I save a tiddler, the dropbox app notices the folder has changed 
and automatically updates.


On Monday, 20 November 2017 12:19:49 UTC+11, James A Bernard wrote:
> As a short term solution this works:
> Download and install Waterfox from their website - not the version on 
> Google play as it is not the same.
> Download TiddlyFox-1.0alpha18.xpi (2.0.1 won't work on android)
> These may not be needed (but I did them!) - try without and let us know
> open waterfox and enter:
> about:config
> Change settings to: 
> xpinstall.signatures.required = false
> extensions.autoupdate.enable = false
> Enter the file directory where you saved the xpi file into the address bar 
> (eg. file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/ )
> Touch on the xpi file - you'll get a diog box saying "blocked Addon and a 
> choice: dismiss or allow
> Touch allow
> Another box "Unverified addon" with cancel or install
> touch install
> Once installed you'll be asked to restart waterfox.
> do so and all should work
> This worked for me, your mileage may differ

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