Opinions / Share Experiences

In the last few months Tiddlywiki has really taken off for me, I have 
learnt a little more on how to customise and also added plugins, my 
Tiddlywiki is now a year old and approaching 20MB. It is a knowledge base 
in an area that is not a completely hard science so it involves different 
opinions from different sources and lots of comparison of those sources.

I am no longer thinking of Tiddlywiki as knowledge base but a learning tool 
because it allows me to find connections that my poor old organic memory 
just wouldn't be able find, after all learning is about connections between 
nuggets of information.

These are the two biggest factors that have turbo-charged my Tiddlywiki

   1. Adding the bi-directional linking of BLINK opened up new doors - 
   unexpectedly quickly, I spent hours creating new paths and new tags simply 
   when I turned this plugin on - instantly more connections and more thoughts 
   and observations.
   2. I added sidebar tools to filter my story river not just on 'date 
   since created' as it was before but now optionally 'date since last 
   modified' and also random[30]. I found the random filter amazing because it 
   shows how we like to walk down well trodden paths. I found that throwing a 
   random element in to use when I have nothing else better to do than examine 
   my own notes of say12 months ago on certain topic really opened - this 
   disrupts the pattern that since created/modified filters otherwise impose, 
   ie the stuff that gets most attention continues to get most attention. 
   Adding 'since modified' helped to shake things up, at least old forgotten 
   tiddlers of merit once remembered could float near the surface again but 
   random is a disrupter in this context and really shakes it up.  
I am interested if others have experiences to share?
Also a massive thanks to Jerome for the gift that just keeps on giving 

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