I have noticed that when you link to tiddlers using [[Tiddler Title] then 
it updates the “Reference” tab of the tiddler info.

But if I only transclude the tiddler {{Tiddler Title}} or use a macro,

<<tabs "[[Rename File]] [[Wav to Mp3]]" default:"" state:"$:/state/tab1" 
class:"tc-vertical" template="$:/talha131/Template/VerticalTab">>

Then the tiddler does not end up in the “Reference” tab.

I am looking for a way to show related tiddlers in a section of the tiddler 
body. I understand that I can leverage ViewTemplate to modify the tiddler 

But how do I get a list of tiddlers mentioned in the text using links, 
transclusion, and macros?

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