
Is this the best place to post the below?
I have updated TW on node

users-mbp-2:TW-Node alexhough$ tiddlywiki --version


Then I tried

users-mbp-2:TW-Node alexhough$ tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server

The output was


fileBuffer = Buffer.alloc(FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH);


TypeError: Buffer.alloc is not a function

    at exports.copyFile ($:/core/modules/utils/filesystem.js:60:23)

    at copy ($:/core/modules/utils/filesystem.js:35:14)

    at copy ($:/core/modules/utils/filesystem.js:40:12)

    at exports.copyDirectory ($:/core/modules/utils/filesystem.js:47:2)

    at Command.execute ($:/core/modules/commands/init.js:42:23)

    at Commander.executeNextCommand ($:/core/modules/commander.js:100:14)

    at Commander.execute ($:/core/modules/commander.js:64:7)

    at Object.exports.startup ($:/core/modules/startup/commands.js:34:12)

    at $tw.boot.executeNextStartupTask

    at $tw.boot.executeNextStartupTask

users-mbp-2:TW-Node alexhough$

The new material on the pre-release looks very interesting, I have a new
project and want to start with state of the art TW...

best wishes


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