
We often discover useful little TiddlyWiki tips but tend only to share them 
when someone asks a relevant Question.

I would like to encourage this sharing so I will kick off with a few

*Control Panel > Info > Basics tips*

*Default tiddlers* If you use "Home [list[$:/StoryList]] in the default 
it will always load the Home tiddler and the previously open tiddlers

*Username for signing edits* this can not only be used as a user name, but 
you can change it for a particular edit session.
For example "Tony V0.3 changes" then you can list tiddlers created and 
modified for that edit session
Consider clicking on the user name in the tiddler subtitles and defining a 
more descriptive definition in the resulting "user tiddler"

*Title of new tiddlers *Set to "New {{$:/SiteTitle}} Tiddler" for each new 
tiddler to include the site title
For example the Recipes wiki creates new tiddlers titled "New Recipes 

Please share you tips too.


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