[time-nuts] A/D specs (was EFC tracking)

2010-06-26 Thread Hal Murray

jim...@earthlink.net said:
> So, over the, say, 100 Hz and up range, they're probably pretty good. 

I like to think I'm pretty good at reading data sheets, but when it comes to 
modern A/D chips, I'm not so sure.

20 years ago, the specs were for DC and you hoped it did something sensible 
at high frequencies.  Now the specs for many chips are for AC (typically they 
show a FFT plot) and you are in trouble if you want to use it for DC.

Typical audio A/Ds are oversampling with a low pass filter implemented in 
DSP.  This makes the anti-aliasing filter a lot simpler/cheaper.

Has anybody tested modern audio A/Ds at very low frequencies?

Is there some simple way I should be thinking about this tangle?

Has anybody tried adding a signal, say 1 KHz, and filtering it out?  I'm 
fishing for something along the lines of the old chopper amplifiers - shift 
things to a mode that is known to work well and then filter out the junk you 
don't like.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread jimlux

Didier Juges wrote:

I am not sure how to translate the IMD specs into integral or
differential non-linearity, but from what I have seen, IMD specs are
not significantly better for 24 bit sound cards than for the older
high-end 16 bit models, when high-end 16 bit models were available.
Noise specs are better, and that's about it.

In sound cards as in many other consumer products, customers equate
more bits to higher quality and today you cannot buy anything but 24
bit cards, regardless of the actual improvement obtained. I am not
sure the actual specs reflect the higher number of bits. I believe
Bruce has quite a bit of data on that.

Some of the high end ADC parts (not necessarily cards, which could 
greatly compromise the performance) are quite good... they're sold into 
applications for professional recording as well as the consumer gear.

The (amateur) software defined radio folks have looked into this, in 
connection with direct conversion type receivers, because it affects the 
performance on things like instantantaneous dynamic range: being able to 
 demodulate a small signal next to a big one, for instance.

So, over the, say, 100 Hz and up range, they're probably pretty good.

What I know is that the standalone A/D converters like the AD parts
referenced in the other emails have outstanding linearity specs (at
low bandwidth of course) at a price well below that of a "high
quality" sound card, so even if the specs were the same, it would
still make more sense to use the external device to measure a slow
moving DC voltage.

I agree there..


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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread jimlux

Didier Juges wrote:

I can only guess at what a sound card with linearity specs
approaching those of the AD kit would cost, and it's still AC
coupled, and as Poul pointed out, has no long term stability spec.

This *is* an issue.. the audio ADCs have great performance in the "sub 1 
second" sort of regime.. small variations in gain or offset would have 
no impact on audio applications, but would be a problem with the EFC 

To me, it sounds like a no brainer, pun intended :)

Alternately, my last HP3456A cost me about $50, and that's a 6 digit
DVM with decent specs. You will need an HPIB controller though, if
you do not already have one.

There is that...

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Re: [time-nuts] yet another GPSDO design, or so

2010-06-26 Thread EWKehren
What you want is basically a Shera Board. That design has been around for  
quite some time and has served me very well. I have a total of six running  
including two controlling Rubidium. There are in my opinion a couple of  
problems: not every 4066 works on the design the 18 bit D/A is very hard to 
find  and now expensive and the single step of the D/A is intended for a 1.7 
E-13  frequency step. I have build a input section that counts 100 MHz in 
stead  of  24 MHZ making the unit create steps of 4.3 E-14 which works better 
 my Rubidium's and Datum FTS 1000.  Also it eliminates the 4066's. Since I  
do not know how to write code that was my solution. I have also designed a 
later  version Shera, with less IC's and a low cost dual D/A but I do not 
have the  programming skill. 
If you contact me directly I will send you a copy of the QST Shera article, 
 my design and the D/A data sheet.. I am sure you can replace the PIC with 
an  Atmel device.
In a message dated 6/26/2010 1:16:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
att...@kinali.ch writes:


I recently had a look at the data sheet of the LEA6-T  GPS module
from ublox, which now features a second time pulse output  that
is capable of delivering a 10MHz signal, synchronized to  GPS.

After thinking quite some time quite some time about  building
my own GPSDO and struggling with the question how to  synchronize
a 10MHz signal to a 1Hz signal that has some substantial  phase
noise, the new LEA6-T module seems like to make things a  lot
easier. Although the LEA6 specs do not say anything about how
the  timepulse output is generated or how it is synchronized
to GPS, i assume  that it will either have some jumps or phase/frequency
noise due to  oszillator and synchronization imperfections.

But, it should be  possible to use the LEA6-T together with
some OCXO and a PLL setup to  stabilize the OCXO to get a high
quality frequency  standard.

Unfortunately, my knowledge in that field is rather limited,  thus
before starting to make wrong design decisions i'd like to ask
for  some advice here.

My basic idea is to feed the 10MHz output of the  LEA6-T and
the 10MHz OCXO into a current output PFD, do some  low-order
filtering of the output signal. Feed that into an ADC which
is  read by a uC which in turn controls an DAC that sets over
some amplifier  stage the EFC input of the OCXO.

As PFD i thought about using a ADF4002  from Analog, which
is actually an PLL, but allows to bypass the input  dividers,
so that it can be used as pure current output PFD.

I'm not  yet sure what kind of output filter i want to use.
I probably have to add  at least one low noise opamp there,
to isolate the PFD output/filter from  the ADC. I'm also
not sure what filter frequency i should use here. It  will
have to be below 10MHz for sure, probably in the lower 
kHz range,  but how low is the question. The lower the easier
gets the ADC stage and  the less work has to be done in the uC,
but using a low frequency filter  either means using an active
filter (noise) or high value R or L (again  noise, especially
the L might couple in 50Hz noise from the enviroment or  show
microphone effects).

The ADC will be either a low-noise 16bit  type or a 24bit
type. This will largely depend on the sample rate to  be
used and the availabilty of the ADCs. Any good advices
on what to use  here? Should there be some form of signal
conditioning done? If, what form  of conditioning would
you advise me to use?

As a uC i thought about  using a AT91SAM7 variant from Atmel.
I know these beasts (and their bugs)  pretty well by now
and already have some code ready for those.
I thought  about clocking the uC with a 40MHz crystal that
is synchronized to the  10MHz OCXO using a PLL. This would
allow me to generate quite  precise+accurate digital signals.
Unfortunately, there doesnt seem to be  VCXOs at 40MHz available
so that means that i'd have to build one by  hand.

The loopfilter is going to end up in the uC as it is easier
to  build such low frequency filters digitally than in analog.
I havent put  much thought into how that filter should look
like, as this can be easily  changed later.

The DAC will probably be a 16bit type (there does not  seem
any higher resolution DAC with sane specs and still  reasonable
availability). The amplifier for the DAC output will be a  two
stage amplifier. One stage that adds an (adjustable) offset
and one  stage that adds the (again adjustable) amplification.
This approach is  choosen as the needed EFC range will probably
much lower than the full  range. Hence the resolution of the
DAC can be enhanced by producing only  values within that range.
The disadvantage here is that it requires  calibration.

A rough guestimate is that the whole thing will probably  cost
less than 500CHF (including PCB production, but excluding  OCXO).
Yes, i know, i could get a Rb frequency standard for that  money
on ebay. But where is the fun in that? ;-)

Beside whether this  

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Didier Juges
I am not sure how to translate the IMD specs into integral or differential 
non-linearity, but from what I have seen, IMD specs are not significantly 
better for 24 bit sound cards than for the older high-end 16 bit models, when 
high-end 16 bit models were available. Noise specs are better, and that's about 

In sound cards as in many other consumer products, customers equate more bits 
to higher quality and today you cannot buy anything but 24 bit cards, 
regardless of the actual improvement obtained. I am not sure the actual specs 
reflect the higher number of bits. I believe Bruce has quite a bit of data on 

What I know is that the standalone A/D converters like the AD parts referenced 
in the other emails have outstanding linearity specs (at low bandwidth of 
course) at a price well below that of a "high quality" sound card, so even if 
the specs were the same, it would still make more sense to use the external 
device to measure a slow moving DC voltage.


 Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless thingy while I do 
other things... 

-Original Message-
From: "John Miles" 
Sender: time-nuts-boun...@febo.com
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2010 15:25:28 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Reply-To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement

Subject: Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

> >sound card ADCs, the high end 24 bit ones, are pretty darn linear [...]
> That is actually a very debatable proposition, a lot of them are
> tracking types that conveniently cover up any lack of linearity
> on the analog side of the fence.

Can you elaborate on that?  Linearity is linearity - wouldn't it ultimately
show up in the card's IMD specs?

> The major problem with using sound ADC's is that their references
> has absolutely no long term stability, so you will see your EFC
> wiggle and wander all over the place, even when it stays perfectly
> still.

One idea: the sound card gives you at least two input channels to work with,
and it isn't much of a stretch to assume they share a common reference.
Perhaps you could use one channel to digitize the oscillator's supply
voltage or (ideally) EFC reference voltage output, using the same
chopper/mixer/VFC/whatever approach, and have the software take the
difference out.

> I would find one of those cheap-ish DVM's with a serial or USB port...

I'd be surprised if a cheap DVM outperformed a decent sound-card ADC in any
respect, other than perhaps DC baseline drift.

-- john, KE5FX

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread WB6BNQ
Hi Steve,

Let me build on the VFC idea for a minute.  If I am understanding your interest
properly, you are wanting to monitor and track the EFC changes then process that
information as a form of studying the stability to some degree.  Is that 
correct ?

Well, it occurred to me, admittedly after the fact, that there are several 
written for Amateur radio use to receive and observe very slow CW on the really 
wave radio frequencies, like 160 to 190 KHz.  These programs provide the 
type displays among other types and, I think, they store the sessions as a file 
later review.  As I am only familiar with the fact they exist, I have never 
used them,
you would have to peruse their abilities to see if there is a fit.

The primary point is they use a computer sound card to look at the audio out of 
receiver.  That audio is somewhere around 1KHz.  I am not sure what kind of
sensitivity the software has as to resolution, but I believe a number of 
including some on the list, have used such for the "FMT's" (frequency monitoring
contests) with fair, if not better then fair, results.

The software may do all you want or at least a major portion that being the file
creation and storage, hopefully in a raw PCM format (i.e., no compression.  I 
am not
sure what is required for the circuit of the VFC these days but it shouldn't be
anymore complex then that of building up a CPU and so forth.

Good luck with the project,


Steve Rooke wrote:

> Bill,
> On 27 June 2010 01:21, WB6BNQ  wrote:
> > Steve,
> >
> > I think using a voltage-to-frequency converter would solve that problem.  
> > They
> > are not too expensive and there are several flavors from Amalog devices and 
> > some
> > others.
> I just had one of those duh! moments :) It does make the sampling a
> little more complicated as I'd have to take a number of samples and do
> something like a FFT to get the frequency, I think. My idea seemed
> just a simple way to just make a single, or limited number, of
> sample(s) and I have the data. Still, this is a good idea and I'll
> have a good thunk about it.
> > Just set it for a 1KHz start point or maybe 10KHz.
> Thanks for your advice,
> Steve
> > BillWB6BNQ
> >
> >
> > Steve Rooke wrote:
> >
> >> I would like to track the EFC voltage in hardware using something
> >> cheap and ready to hand. I was thinking of using a sound card as it
> >> has good resolution but it's obviously only AC coupled so it would not
> >> measure the DC of the EFC. I thought about modifying a sound card to
> >> make it DC coupled but most of them seem to reference the 0V point to
> >> some internal reference voltage hence there is a DC shift there. I
> >> next thought about turning the DC into AC by chopping it, IE.
> >> inverting 50% of the voltage via an oscillator. This way I could pass
> >> the square wave directly into an unmodified sound card, take
> >> measurements and then do an RMS calculation on them (really just need
> >> to flip the sign on, say, the negative readings).
> >>
> >> I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and could share
> >> their experiences. I've attached a diagram image (hope it is accepted
> >> by the list) which is my first go with Eagle so I'm not exactly very
> >> familiar with it, sorry. The R's and C's in the astable would be set
> >> to a clock frequency that enables this to work without bias given the
> >> sampling frequency. I'm not sure if this clock should be slower than
> >> the sampling frequency or higher, just haven't got my head around that
> >> yet. The R's around the op-amp would need to be set in a ratio that
> >> transforms the EFC voltage into the range that the sound card can
> >> handle (that is yet to be calculated by measuring the limits). If you
> >> have any suggestions or ways of doing this in a better way, I'd be
> >> very grateful for the advice.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Steve
> >> --
> >> Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV ? G8KVD
> >> The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
> >> - Einstein
> >>
> >>   
> >>  Name: DCchop.png
> >>DCchop.pngType: PNG image (image/png)
> >>  Encoding: base64
> >>
> >>   
> >> ___
> >> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
> >> To unsubscribe, go to 
> >> https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
> >> and follow the instructions there.
> >
> >
> > ___
> > time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
> > To unsubscribe, go to 
> > https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
> > and follow the instructions there.
> >
> --
> Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
> The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
> - Einstein
> __

[time-nuts] FE-405 DOCXO info request

2010-06-26 Thread Stanley Reynolds
I have a FEI Communications FE-405B DOCXO looking for info.

Sales flyer and pictures of the unit here: www.n4iqt.com/fei-fe405b 

The Sales flyer listed the 405A and I have the 405B don't know the difference.

A manual that shows the digital error correction via the i/o port would be 
great, even better would be info on changing the frequency of the synthesizer.

Thank You,

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread John Miles

> >sound card ADCs, the high end 24 bit ones, are pretty darn linear [...]
> That is actually a very debatable proposition, a lot of them are
> tracking types that conveniently cover up any lack of linearity
> on the analog side of the fence.

Can you elaborate on that?  Linearity is linearity - wouldn't it ultimately
show up in the card's IMD specs?

> The major problem with using sound ADC's is that their references
> has absolutely no long term stability, so you will see your EFC
> wiggle and wander all over the place, even when it stays perfectly
> still.

One idea: the sound card gives you at least two input channels to work with,
and it isn't much of a stretch to assume they share a common reference.
Perhaps you could use one channel to digitize the oscillator's supply
voltage or (ideally) EFC reference voltage output, using the same
chopper/mixer/VFC/whatever approach, and have the software take the
difference out.

> I would find one of those cheap-ish DVM's with a serial or USB port...

I'd be surprised if a cheap DVM outperformed a decent sound-card ADC in any
respect, other than perhaps DC baseline drift.

-- john, KE5FX

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Didier Juges
I can only guess at what a sound card with linearity specs approaching those of 
the AD kit would cost, and it's still AC coupled, and as Poul pointed out, has 
no long term stability spec.

To me, it sounds like a no brainer, pun intended :)

Alternately, my last HP3456A cost me about $50, and that's a 6 digit DVM with 
decent specs. You will need an HPIB controller though, if you do not already 
have one.


 Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless thingy while I do 
other things... 

-Original Message-
From: jimlux 
Sender: time-nuts-boun...@febo.com
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2010 12:57:37 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Reply-To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement

Subject: Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

Didier Juges wrote:
> Steve,
> You may want to check the "Analog Devices MiniKit for ADuC702x-series".
> http://www.google.com/search?q=Analog+Devices+MiniKit+for+ADuC702x-series
> This kit includes a 24 bit ADC and integrated ARM processor in a small PWB 
> with all the tools and sample code to do what you want with very little code 
> to write (you can probably use the sample code as-is).
> The kit is $30 (or $35, depending on where you look...) and you will easily 
> spend that much building something that will not work as well using your 
> sound card.
> Sound card ADCs are intended for audio, and I'll bet their linearity does not 
> come close to that of the ADuC702x series, if you can even get the spec for 
> it.

sound card ADCs, the high end 24 bit ones, are pretty darn linear, and 
have pretty good SNR as well.  120-130dB S/(N+Distortion+etc) wouldn't 
be unusual.

The surrounding circuitry is likely to be a bigger problem.  1 LSB on a 
1V p-p 24bit converter is about 60nV.

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time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Stake
Here we go again

-Original Message-
From: time-nuts-boun...@febo.com [mailto:time-nuts-boun...@febo.com] On
Behalf Of Poul-Henning Kamp
Sent: 26 June 2010 21:06
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

In message <4c265bb1.8090...@earthlink.net>, jimlux writes:

>sound card ADCs, the high end 24 bit ones, are pretty darn linear [...]

That is actually a very debatable proposition, a lot of them are
tracking types that conveniently cover up any lack of linearity
on the analog side of the fence.

The major problem with using sound ADC's is that their references
has absolutely no long term stability, so you will see your EFC
wiggle and wander all over the place, even when it stays perfectly

I would find one of those cheap-ish DVM's with a serial or USB port...

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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and follow the instructions there.

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and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <4c265bb1.8090...@earthlink.net>, jimlux writes:

>sound card ADCs, the high end 24 bit ones, are pretty darn linear [...]

That is actually a very debatable proposition, a lot of them are
tracking types that conveniently cover up any lack of linearity
on the analog side of the fence.

The major problem with using sound ADC's is that their references
has absolutely no long term stability, so you will see your EFC
wiggle and wander all over the place, even when it stays perfectly

I would find one of those cheap-ish DVM's with a serial or USB port...

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread jimlux

Didier Juges wrote:


You may want to check the "Analog Devices MiniKit for ADuC702x-series".


This kit includes a 24 bit ADC and integrated ARM processor in a small PWB with 
all the tools and sample code to do what you want with very little code to 
write (you can probably use the sample code as-is).

The kit is $30 (or $35, depending on where you look...) and you will easily 
spend that much building something that will not work as well using your sound 

Sound card ADCs are intended for audio, and I'll bet their linearity does not 
come close to that of the ADuC702x series, if you can even get the spec for it.

sound card ADCs, the high end 24 bit ones, are pretty darn linear, and 
have pretty good SNR as well.  120-130dB S/(N+Distortion+etc) wouldn't 
be unusual.

The surrounding circuitry is likely to be a bigger problem.  1 LSB on a 
1V p-p 24bit converter is about 60nV.

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] yet another GPSDO design, or so

2010-06-26 Thread Attila Kinali

On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 12:38:29 -0600
Ed Palmer  wrote:

> Another GPS board with a 10 MHz output is the Navsync CW-12 module 
> (price ~US$85-90).

Hmm.. i didn't know about this one. Both seem to be comparable
from the specs, the LEA6-T being slightly better (well, the
design is newer, so that's to be expected).

As for the price. ublox is here, literally, sitting in the next
town and i'm in the fortunate position to get a LEA-6T out of
a bigger batch which makes it considerably cheaper than the CW-12.

>  I measured the 1 PPS output and found a Standard 
> Deviation of < 5 ns with a range of < 30 ns.  The 10 MHz output is kept 
> on frequency by occasionally adjusting the period of the 10 MHz output 
> by one cycle of the CPU clock (~8.3 ns = 120 MHz).  How often this 
> happens depends on the exact clock frequency of the particular unit.  On 
> mine it happens about 200 times per second.

Interesting information, thanks.
I know that the LEA6 has a TXCO that can be adjusted and the
timepulse output is generated from this source. What i dont know
is whether the TXCO is adjusted tracking the GPS signal or whether
it uses a similar "skip a cycle" technique like the CW-12.
Maybe i should drop ublox a mail and ask about that.

Attila Kinali

If you want to walk fast, walk alone.
If you want to walk far, walk together.
-- African proverb

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] yet another GPSDO design, or so

2010-06-26 Thread Ed Palmer

Hello Attila,

Another GPS board with a 10 MHz output is the Navsync CW-12 module 
(price ~US$85-90).  I measured the 1 PPS output and found a Standard 
Deviation of < 5 ns with a range of < 30 ns.  The 10 MHz output is kept 
on frequency by occasionally adjusting the period of the 10 MHz output 
by one cycle of the CPU clock (~8.3 ns = 120 MHz).  How often this 
happens depends on the exact clock frequency of the particular unit.  On 
mine it happens about 200 times per second.

I don't know if this board is better or cheaper than the LEA-6T, but you 
might want to look into it.


Attila Kinali wrote:


I recently had a look at the data sheet of the LEA6-T GPS module
from ublox, which now features a second time pulse output that
is capable of delivering a 10MHz signal, synchronized to GPS.

After thinking quite some time quite some time about building
my own GPSDO and struggling with the question how to synchronize
a 10MHz signal to a 1Hz signal that has some substantial phase
noise, the new LEA6-T module seems like to make things a lot
easier. Although the LEA6 specs do not say anything about how
the timepulse output is generated or how it is synchronized
to GPS, i assume that it will either have some jumps or phase/frequency
noise due to oszillator and synchronization imperfections.

But, it should be possible to use the LEA6-T together with
some OCXO and a PLL setup to stabilize the OCXO to get a high
quality frequency standard.

Unfortunately, my knowledge in that field is rather limited, thus
before starting to make wrong design decisions i'd like to ask
for some advice here.

My basic idea is to feed the 10MHz output of the LEA6-T and
the 10MHz OCXO into a current output PFD, do some low-order
filtering of the output signal. Feed that into an ADC which
is read by a uC which in turn controls an DAC that sets over
some amplifier stage the EFC input of the OCXO.

As PFD i thought about using a ADF4002 from Analog, which
is actually an PLL, but allows to bypass the input dividers,
so that it can be used as pure current output PFD.

I'm not yet sure what kind of output filter i want to use.
I probably have to add at least one low noise opamp there,
to isolate the PFD output/filter from the ADC. I'm also
not sure what filter frequency i should use here. It will
have to be below 10MHz for sure, probably in the lower 
kHz range, but how low is the question. The lower the easier

gets the ADC stage and the less work has to be done in the uC,
but using a low frequency filter either means using an active
filter (noise) or high value R or L (again noise, especially
the L might couple in 50Hz noise from the enviroment or show
microphone effects).

The ADC will be either a low-noise 16bit type or a 24bit
type. This will largely depend on the sample rate to be
used and the availabilty of the ADCs. Any good advices
on what to use here? Should there be some form of signal
conditioning done? If, what form of conditioning would
you advise me to use?

As a uC i thought about using a AT91SAM7 variant from Atmel.
I know these beasts (and their bugs) pretty well by now
and already have some code ready for those.
I thought about clocking the uC with a 40MHz crystal that
is synchronized to the 10MHz OCXO using a PLL. This would
allow me to generate quite precise+accurate digital signals.
Unfortunately, there doesnt seem to be VCXOs at 40MHz available
so that means that i'd have to build one by hand.

The loopfilter is going to end up in the uC as it is easier
to build such low frequency filters digitally than in analog.
I havent put much thought into how that filter should look
like, as this can be easily changed later.

The DAC will probably be a 16bit type (there does not seem
any higher resolution DAC with sane specs and still reasonable
availability). The amplifier for the DAC output will be a two
stage amplifier. One stage that adds an (adjustable) offset
and one stage that adds the (again adjustable) amplification.
This approach is choosen as the needed EFC range will probably
much lower than the full range. Hence the resolution of the
DAC can be enhanced by producing only values within that range.
The disadvantage here is that it requires calibration.

A rough guestimate is that the whole thing will probably cost
less than 500CHF (including PCB production, but excluding OCXO).
Yes, i know, i could get a Rb frequency standard for that money
on ebay. But where is the fun in that? ;-)

Beside whether this setup makes sense, the two biggest questions
i have are, what OCXO to use. Are the ISOTEMP 134-10 that are
available on ebay "good enough" for such an application?
Or shall i look for something better/different?

And the other is, how do i amplify and distribute the 10MHz
signal i get out of the OCXO to be used by other devices
with minimal phase noise?

Thanks for your help

Attila Kinali


time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread J.D. Bakker

At 01:43 +1200 27-06-2010, Steve Rooke wrote:

 > I don't know if it qualifies as simple/cheap, but Analog Devices and others

 have single chip low-rate sigma/delta converters with good to excellent

 > properties; these were meant for strain gauges but should be able to track
 > slow-moving control voltages just fine. [...]

Do you have any part numbers to hand that I could go and look up

(You didn't specify runtime or resolution; I am assuming that you 
plan to monitor an OCXO CV line over several days; this would imply 
that you're interested in sub-mV wiggles on a constantish offset of a 
few V. Do set me straight if I'm wrong)

I was looking at the Microchip MCP355x-series and Cirrus 
CS551x-series. Both are available in DIY-friendly SOIC-packages; if 
you can handle SOT-23-6 and TSSOPs your choices widen (ie the AD778x 
that Jim Lux mentioned). Both families are S/D converters with 
internal digital filtering, offering 20+ bit resolution (although not 
all bits are usable, depending on your config).

Most of these parts are available from Farnell and Digi-Key (and if 
it were me, I'd order from the latter).

At 10:20 -0500 26-06-2010, Didier Juges wrote:

You may want to check the "Analog Devices MiniKit for ADuC702x-series".


This kit includes a 24 bit ADC and integrated ARM processor in a 
small PWB with all the tools and sample code to do what you want 
with very little code to write (you can probably use the sample code 

Seconded, but note that according to the datasheet it only offers an 
internal 12-bit ADC (although the docs from AD seem to contradict 
eachother here). This may be Good Enough. The advantage of the 
ADuC7xxx series over most other microcontrollers with built-in ADCs 
is that the ADuC7xxx ADC has a differential input mode. For more 
cheap boards, have a look at Olimex (http://www.olimex.com/dev/).

At 06:21 -0700 26-06-2010, WB6BNQ wrote:

I think using a voltage-to-frequency converter would solve that problem.  They
are not too expensive and there are several flavors from Amalog 
devices and some others.

Good idea, but might be hard to keep stable enough if my "sub-mV over 
days"-assumption is right.

Years from now, if you are doing something quick and dirty,
you imagine that I am looking over your shoulder and say to
yourself, "Dijkstra would not like this," well that would be
immortality for me.  -- Edsger Dijkstra, 1930 - 2002

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[time-nuts] yet another GPSDO design, or so

2010-06-26 Thread Attila Kinali

I recently had a look at the data sheet of the LEA6-T GPS module
from ublox, which now features a second time pulse output that
is capable of delivering a 10MHz signal, synchronized to GPS.

After thinking quite some time quite some time about building
my own GPSDO and struggling with the question how to synchronize
a 10MHz signal to a 1Hz signal that has some substantial phase
noise, the new LEA6-T module seems like to make things a lot
easier. Although the LEA6 specs do not say anything about how
the timepulse output is generated or how it is synchronized
to GPS, i assume that it will either have some jumps or phase/frequency
noise due to oszillator and synchronization imperfections.

But, it should be possible to use the LEA6-T together with
some OCXO and a PLL setup to stabilize the OCXO to get a high
quality frequency standard.

Unfortunately, my knowledge in that field is rather limited, thus
before starting to make wrong design decisions i'd like to ask
for some advice here.

My basic idea is to feed the 10MHz output of the LEA6-T and
the 10MHz OCXO into a current output PFD, do some low-order
filtering of the output signal. Feed that into an ADC which
is read by a uC which in turn controls an DAC that sets over
some amplifier stage the EFC input of the OCXO.

As PFD i thought about using a ADF4002 from Analog, which
is actually an PLL, but allows to bypass the input dividers,
so that it can be used as pure current output PFD.

I'm not yet sure what kind of output filter i want to use.
I probably have to add at least one low noise opamp there,
to isolate the PFD output/filter from the ADC. I'm also
not sure what filter frequency i should use here. It will
have to be below 10MHz for sure, probably in the lower 
kHz range, but how low is the question. The lower the easier
gets the ADC stage and the less work has to be done in the uC,
but using a low frequency filter either means using an active
filter (noise) or high value R or L (again noise, especially
the L might couple in 50Hz noise from the enviroment or show
microphone effects).

The ADC will be either a low-noise 16bit type or a 24bit
type. This will largely depend on the sample rate to be
used and the availabilty of the ADCs. Any good advices
on what to use here? Should there be some form of signal
conditioning done? If, what form of conditioning would
you advise me to use?

As a uC i thought about using a AT91SAM7 variant from Atmel.
I know these beasts (and their bugs) pretty well by now
and already have some code ready for those.
I thought about clocking the uC with a 40MHz crystal that
is synchronized to the 10MHz OCXO using a PLL. This would
allow me to generate quite precise+accurate digital signals.
Unfortunately, there doesnt seem to be VCXOs at 40MHz available
so that means that i'd have to build one by hand.

The loopfilter is going to end up in the uC as it is easier
to build such low frequency filters digitally than in analog.
I havent put much thought into how that filter should look
like, as this can be easily changed later.

The DAC will probably be a 16bit type (there does not seem
any higher resolution DAC with sane specs and still reasonable
availability). The amplifier for the DAC output will be a two
stage amplifier. One stage that adds an (adjustable) offset
and one stage that adds the (again adjustable) amplification.
This approach is choosen as the needed EFC range will probably
much lower than the full range. Hence the resolution of the
DAC can be enhanced by producing only values within that range.
The disadvantage here is that it requires calibration.

A rough guestimate is that the whole thing will probably cost
less than 500CHF (including PCB production, but excluding OCXO).
Yes, i know, i could get a Rb frequency standard for that money
on ebay. But where is the fun in that? ;-)

Beside whether this setup makes sense, the two biggest questions
i have are, what OCXO to use. Are the ISOTEMP 134-10 that are
available on ebay "good enough" for such an application?
Or shall i look for something better/different?

And the other is, how do i amplify and distribute the 10MHz
signal i get out of the OCXO to be used by other devices
with minimal phase noise?

Thanks for your help

Attila Kinali

If you want to walk fast, walk alone.
If you want to walk far, walk together.
-- African proverb

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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Re: [time-nuts] PICTIC II

2010-06-26 Thread Attila Kinali
Moin Richard,

On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 23:11:39 -0800 (AKDT)
"Richard H McCorkle"  wrote:

> Over the last 18 months I have developed a new diode switched
> interpolator based on the comments made on line and have thoroughly
> tested it. Some suggestions made improvements in the performance and
> some resulted in poorer performance

Would it be possible to put the schematics of the board in
PDF form onto your website? For all those poor souls that
dont have windows at home and cannot install ExpressPCB?

Thanks in advance

Attila Kinali
If you want to walk fast, walk alone.
If you want to walk far, walk together.
-- African proverb

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread J.D. Bakker

At 06:40 -0700 26-06-2010, jimlux wrote:

J.D. Bakker wrote:
 Charge injection is a bit on the high side on a 
4066; a more expensive (A)DG4xx-series chip may improve on that.

Or the traditional chopper approach of a mercury wetted reed relay?

Good luck with that in this day and age, especially if you live in 
and/or sell to RoHS-land.

[I would *love* to use mercury wetted relays in the transistor tester 
I'm working on, but sourcing them here in Europe proved impractical, 
to say the least. They do show up from time to time on eBay, but not 
in quantities large enough to make what amounts to a lifetime buy. 
There are some newer low-signal relays that are guaranteed down to 
low-low wetting currents, but in my tests Hg-wetted relays beat them 
every time]

LART. 250 MIPS under one Watt. Free hardware design files.

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Hal Murray
[voltage-to-frequency converter]

> I just had one of those duh! moments :) It does make the sampling a little
> more complicated as I'd have to take a number of samples and do something
> like a FFT to get the frequency, I think. My idea seemed just a simple way
> to just make a single, or limited number, of sample(s) and I have the data.
> Still, this is a good idea and I'll have a good thunk about it. 

How many bits of resolution do you want?

A FFT chops the energy into buckets.  To get smaller (narrower) buckets you 
need more samples.  But 16 bits is only 64K samples...  No big deal if you 
are working on a real PC but it probably won't fit into a tiny micro.

There is probably some simple way to move things around but I can't work it 
out on the fly.  It's something like use every Nth sample.  Your signal will 
get aliased down to the wrong place but since you know (roughly) where it is 
you can correct for that.  (Radar geeks to this sort of thing all the time.)

I'd look into something like scanning for zero crossings.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Didier Juges
I am commenting on my own comment :)

I have been using a similar kit from TI for the MSC1210Y5 processor (originally 
Burr-Brown, acquired by TI since). It was $50 and worked great. I have since 
made several projects at work using the chip.

Unfortunately, the MSC1210 kit is no longer available, but the new kit is even 

> -Original Message-
> From: time-nuts-boun...@febo.com 
> [mailto:time-nuts-boun...@febo.com] On Behalf Of Didier Juges
> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:20 AM
> To: 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking
> Steve,
> You may want to check the "Analog Devices MiniKit for 
> ADuC702x-series".
> http://www.google.com/search?q=Analog+Devices+MiniKit+for+ADuC
> 702x-series
> This kit includes a 24 bit ADC and integrated ARM processor 
> in a small PWB with all the tools and sample code to do what 
> you want with very little code to write (you can probably use 
> the sample code as-is).
> The kit is $30 (or $35, depending on where you look...) and 
> you will easily spend that much building something that will 
> not work as well using your sound card.
> Sound card ADCs are intended for audio, and I'll bet their 
> linearity does not come close to that of the ADuC702x series, 
> if you can even get the spec for it.
> Didier 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: time-nuts-boun...@febo.com
> > [mailto:time-nuts-boun...@febo.com] On Behalf Of Steve Rooke
> > Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 7:13 AM
> > To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> > Subject: [time-nuts] EFC tracking
> > 
> > I would like to track the EFC voltage in hardware using something 
> > cheap and ready to hand. I was thinking of using a sound card as it 
> > has good resolution but it's obviously only AC coupled so 
> it would not 
> > measure the DC of the EFC. I thought about modifying a 
> sound card to 
> > make it DC coupled but most of them seem to reference the 
> 0V point to 
> > some internal reference voltage hence there is a DC shift there. I 
> > next thought about turning the DC into AC by chopping it, IE.
> > inverting 50% of the voltage via an oscillator. This way I 
> could pass 
> > the square wave directly into an unmodified sound card, take 
> > measurements and then do an RMS calculation on them (really 
> just need 
> > to flip the sign on, say, the negative readings).
> > 
> > I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and 
> could share 
> > their experiences. I've attached a diagram image (hope it 
> is accepted 
> > by the list) which is my first go with Eagle so I'm not 
> exactly very 
> > familiar with it, sorry. The R's and C's in the astable 
> would be set 
> > to a clock frequency that enables this to work without bias 
> given the 
> > sampling frequency. I'm not sure if this clock should be 
> slower than 
> > the sampling frequency or higher, just haven't got my head 
> around that 
> > yet. The R's around the op-amp would need to be set in a ratio that 
> > transforms the EFC voltage into the range that the sound card can 
> > handle (that is yet to be calculated by measuring the 
> limits). If you 
> > have any suggestions or ways of doing this in a better way, I'd be 
> > very grateful for the advice.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Steve
> > --
> > Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
> > The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't 
> happen at once.
> > - Einstein
> > 
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com To unsubscribe, 
> go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
> and follow the instructions there.

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Didier Juges

You may want to check the "Analog Devices MiniKit for ADuC702x-series".


This kit includes a 24 bit ADC and integrated ARM processor in a small PWB with 
all the tools and sample code to do what you want with very little code to 
write (you can probably use the sample code as-is).

The kit is $30 (or $35, depending on where you look...) and you will easily 
spend that much building something that will not work as well using your sound 

Sound card ADCs are intended for audio, and I'll bet their linearity does not 
come close to that of the ADuC702x series, if you can even get the spec for it.


> -Original Message-
> From: time-nuts-boun...@febo.com 
> [mailto:time-nuts-boun...@febo.com] On Behalf Of Steve Rooke
> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 7:13 AM
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> Subject: [time-nuts] EFC tracking
> I would like to track the EFC voltage in hardware using 
> something cheap and ready to hand. I was thinking of using a 
> sound card as it has good resolution but it's obviously only 
> AC coupled so it would not measure the DC of the EFC. I 
> thought about modifying a sound card to make it DC coupled 
> but most of them seem to reference the 0V point to some 
> internal reference voltage hence there is a DC shift there. I 
> next thought about turning the DC into AC by chopping it, IE.
> inverting 50% of the voltage via an oscillator. This way I 
> could pass the square wave directly into an unmodified sound 
> card, take measurements and then do an RMS calculation on 
> them (really just need to flip the sign on, say, the negative 
> readings).
> I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and 
> could share their experiences. I've attached a diagram image 
> (hope it is accepted by the list) which is my first go with 
> Eagle so I'm not exactly very familiar with it, sorry. The 
> R's and C's in the astable would be set to a clock frequency 
> that enables this to work without bias given the sampling 
> frequency. I'm not sure if this clock should be slower than 
> the sampling frequency or higher, just haven't got my head 
> around that yet. The R's around the op-amp would need to be 
> set in a ratio that transforms the EFC voltage into the range 
> that the sound card can handle (that is yet to be calculated 
> by measuring the limits). If you have any suggestions or ways 
> of doing this in a better way, I'd be very grateful for the advice.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> --
> Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
> The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
> - Einstein

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Raj

Do a simulation and see how your card behaves. I've had some unexpected
results in similar attempts years ago. 

Nothing like an add on card suitable for the job. These cards are not cheap.

>I would like to track the EFC voltage in hardware using something
>cheap and ready to hand. I was thinking of using a sound card as it
>has good resolution but it's obviously only AC coupled so it would not
>measure the DC of the EFC. I thought about modifying a sound card to
>make it DC coupled but most of them seem to reference the 0V point to
>some internal reference voltage hence there is a DC shift there. I
>next thought about turning the DC into AC by chopping it, IE.
>inverting 50% of the voltage via an oscillator. This way I could pass
>the square wave directly into an unmodified sound card, take
>measurements and then do an RMS calculation on them (really just need
>to flip the sign on, say, the negative readings).

Bangalore, India. 

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Raj

Large amplitude signals on the input ports tend to leak into the inputs on
sound cards. Isolation testing required!

>> Soundcards have inputs and outputs.  You can feed the output with a
>> series of samples that represent your control waveform.  The PC becomes
>> the oscillator and you know it's frequency and relative phase track.

Bangalore, India. 

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread jimlux

Steve Rooke wrote:

The eval board for the part may have a computer interface built into it.

So I need to locate this if possible, any pointer please?

Go to Analog Devices website (http://www.analog.com/) and find your 
ADC.. typically there's an eval board with a USB interface available. 
For an example, look at the AD7785.. it might not be what you're looking 
for, but it's an example of what's available.

Thanks for your help,

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Chuck Harris

Oz-in-DFW wrote:

Chopping is used to cancel DC offsets in imperfect amplifiers, it adds
no gain. If there is a DC component and you filter with a cutoff
frequency below the chop rate, the offsets of the amplifier can be
effectively canceled.

Chopping isn't quite that magical.  You chop the DC signal before the
first amplifier, and synchronously (usually) detect the amplified signal
after the last amplifier.

The key benefit to chopped amplifiers is the high gain stages can be
AC coupled, which eliminates any DC drifting in the high gain amplifiers
from affecting the results.

Chopping doesn't cancel any DC offsets that might exist in the input signal,
or in the input, or output, chopper mechanism.

-Chuck Harris

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Re: [time-nuts] crystal oscillators & TPLL

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Rooke

It's for people like you that makes this whole thing worthwhile. Keep
hanging on the line and I'm certain something will transpire.

Best regards,

On 27 June 2010 01:24, Steve Roberts  wrote:
> I imagine that there are people on this list like myself with limited 
> engineering experience
> but a healthy appetite for knowledge and an interest in time/frequency 
> measurement.
> I have little interest in complex math - an inherent brain block methinks, 
> but enjoy
> building hardware and incorporating such 'blocks' into my projects.
> I am not necessarily unintelligent - being a Consultant Anaesthetist with 3 
> degrees,
> 2 diplomas and currently doing a Masters.
> My interest in this list comes form having a HP106, 2 rubidium standards and 
> 2 z3801a
> gps units.
> Why am I posting on this thread? - simple - I wish to build this beastie 
> described by
> Warren and try it out on my equipment. I need more guidance than a block 
> diagram.
> Shame on me for being so ignorant but I respectfully request more info 
> (circuit diagram)
> emailed privately if necessary.
> I am not here to criticise, but enjoy reading the discussions of people so 
> knowledgeable
> in this area. I have my own areas of expertise.
> Thanks for reading.
> Steve
> st...@borisone.demon.co.uk
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
> To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
> and follow the instructions there.

Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
- Einstein

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Rooke

On 27 June 2010 01:49, Oz-in-DFW  wrote:

> Soundcards have inputs and outputs.  You can feed the output with a
> series of samples that represent your control waveform.  The PC becomes
> the oscillator and you know it's frequency and relative phase track.


> Chopping is used to cancel DC offsets in imperfect amplifiers, it adds
> no gain. If there is a DC component and you filter with a cutoff
> frequency below the chop rate, the offsets of the amplifier can be
> effectively canceled.

OK, I understand that. I'm not so sure this is the original problem I
would have but thinking about it now I wonder if the chopped signal
would end up being symmetrical with my original proposal as there is
likely to be some small offsets thinking about it now. I could resolve
this in software by sampling over a full cycle period of the chopper
and then do averaging of the RMS readings.


> --
> mailto:o...@ozindfw.net
> Oz
> POB 93167
> Southlake, TX 76092 (Near DFW Airport)
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
- Einstein

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Rooke
On 27 June 2010 01:40, jimlux  wrote:
> J.D. Bakker wrote:
>>> I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and could share
>>> their experiences.
>> The general principle should work. However, as you're interested in slow
>> changes, there are some error sources that might be unacceptable, including
>> the drift of (differential) channel resistances for the 4066 over
>> temperature, voltage and time. As shown the scheme is also sensitive to
>> impedance mismatch/drift on the two inputs. Charge injection is a bit on the
>> high side on a 4066; a more expensive (A)DG4xx-series chip may improve on
>> that.
> Or the traditional chopper approach of a mercury wetted reed relay?
> If you're processing with a sound card, you have the advantage that you
> don't need to process the samples coming from the time of transition (unlike
> a traditional analog chopper with synchronous detection), so a fairly crummy
> relay would probably work.  The key is that it can toggle at, say, 100Hz,
> forever.

I really hadn't thought of factoring in the resistance of the 4066 or
environmental effects on it I must admit. I wonder how long a mercury
wetted reed relay would last at 100Hz though. The sampling rate would
be much higher than this to discard the transition readings.

>> I don't know if it qualifies as simple/cheap, but Analog Devices and
>> others have single chip low-rate sigma/delta converters with good to
>> excellent properties; these were meant for strain gauges but should be able
>> to track slow-moving control voltages just fine. Interfacing them to a
>> parallel port (or USB PP adapter) should be close to trivial. Do have a
>> close look at the data sheet: some parts have unbuffered inputs, and present
>> a fluctuating input impedance which might couple onto EFC lines. A simple
>> isolation amp with one or two precision op-amps should fix that.
> The eval board for the part may have a computer interface built into it.

So I need to locate this if possible, any pointer please?

Thanks for your help,

>> JDB.
>> [had just been looking into this for a transistor matcher/noise test rig
>> I'm working on]
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
> To unsubscribe, go to
> https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
> and follow the instructions there.

Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
- Einstein

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Oz-in-DFW

On 6/26/2010 8:36 AM, Steve Rooke wrote:
> Oz,
> On 27 June 2010 01:09, Oz-in-DFW  wrote:
> On 6/26/2010 7:12 AM, Steve Rooke wrote:
>> I've done similar stuff in work projects, but never written code.  I've
>> thought about this some as well.  I'd consider a few things;
>>   1. Use the sound card output as the chopper control signal instead of
>>  the discrete unit.   You'll have more control and phase sync will
>>  be easier.
>>  * I'd be temped to take the sound card output and run it
>>through a comparator to square it up, but I'm almost certain
>>this isn't needed.
> Sorry, not sure what you mean here. Are you saying that I should
> derive the chopper frequency directly from a connection to the sound
> card? I was hoping not to modify the sound card in any way so as to
> keep it simple.
Soundcards have inputs and outputs.  You can feed the output with a
series of samples that represent your control waveform.  The PC becomes
the oscillator and you know it's frequency and relative phase track. 
>>   5. The probelm with chopping is that signal levels around zero don't
>>  have much amplitude and are a challenge to extract from noise.
> I was under the impression that this was the idea that is used to
> amplify very low level signals like the output from the likes of
> strain-gauges. It would surely seem to me to be a problem to amplify
> small signals around zero due to offsets in the amp unless you do this
> sort of thing.
Chopping is used to cancel DC offsets in imperfect amplifiers, it adds
no gain. If there is a DC component and you filter with a cutoff
frequency below the chop rate, the offsets of the amplifier can be
effectively canceled. 

POB 93167 
Southlake, TX 76092 (Near DFW Airport) 

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Rooke

On 27 June 2010 01:21, WB6BNQ  wrote:
> Steve,
> I think using a voltage-to-frequency converter would solve that problem.  They
> are not too expensive and there are several flavors from Amalog devices and 
> some
> others.

I just had one of those duh! moments :) It does make the sampling a
little more complicated as I'd have to take a number of samples and do
something like a FFT to get the frequency, I think. My idea seemed
just a simple way to just make a single, or limited number, of
sample(s) and I have the data. Still, this is a good idea and I'll
have a good thunk about it.

> Just set it for a 1KHz start point or maybe 10KHz.

Thanks for your advice,

> BillWB6BNQ
> Steve Rooke wrote:
>> I would like to track the EFC voltage in hardware using something
>> cheap and ready to hand. I was thinking of using a sound card as it
>> has good resolution but it's obviously only AC coupled so it would not
>> measure the DC of the EFC. I thought about modifying a sound card to
>> make it DC coupled but most of them seem to reference the 0V point to
>> some internal reference voltage hence there is a DC shift there. I
>> next thought about turning the DC into AC by chopping it, IE.
>> inverting 50% of the voltage via an oscillator. This way I could pass
>> the square wave directly into an unmodified sound card, take
>> measurements and then do an RMS calculation on them (really just need
>> to flip the sign on, say, the negative readings).
>> I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and could share
>> their experiences. I've attached a diagram image (hope it is accepted
>> by the list) which is my first go with Eagle so I'm not exactly very
>> familiar with it, sorry. The R's and C's in the astable would be set
>> to a clock frequency that enables this to work without bias given the
>> sampling frequency. I'm not sure if this clock should be slower than
>> the sampling frequency or higher, just haven't got my head around that
>> yet. The R's around the op-amp would need to be set in a ratio that
>> transforms the EFC voltage into the range that the sound card can
>> handle (that is yet to be calculated by measuring the limits). If you
>> have any suggestions or ways of doing this in a better way, I'd be
>> very grateful for the advice.
>> Thanks,
>> Steve
>> --
>> Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV ? G8KVD
>> The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
>> - Einstein
>>                  Name: DCchop.png
>>    DCchop.png    Type: PNG image (image/png)
>>              Encoding: base64
>> ___
>> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
>> To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
>> and follow the instructions there.
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
> To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
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Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
- Einstein

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Rooke

On 27 June 2010 01:19, J.D. Bakker  wrote:
>> I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and could share
>> their experiences.
> The general principle should work. However, as you're interested in slow
> changes, there are some error sources that might be unacceptable, including
> the drift of (differential) channel resistances for the 4066 over
> temperature, voltage and time. As shown the scheme is also sensitive to
> impedance mismatch/drift on the two inputs. Charge injection is a bit on the
> high side on a 4066; a more expensive (A)DG4xx-series chip may improve on
> that.

I'd be looking at buffering the inputs to provide a low impedance
there and choose values of the R's and C's around the op-amp to try
and alleviate problems caused by the 4066's contact resistance. I am
aware of the higher spec devices but will have to see if it's easy to
source them over here in New Zealand without having to order them

> I don't know if it qualifies as simple/cheap, but Analog Devices and others
> have single chip low-rate sigma/delta converters with good to excellent
> properties; these were meant for strain gauges but should be able to track
> slow-moving control voltages just fine. Interfacing them to a parallel port
> (or USB PP adapter) should be close to trivial. Do have a close look at the
> data sheet: some parts have unbuffered inputs, and present a fluctuating
> input impedance which might couple onto EFC lines. A simple isolation amp
> with one or two precision op-amps should fix that.

Do you have any part numbers to hand that I could go and look up
please? Certainly if there is a decent custom solution it may be
better but I'd have to bear in mind the cost of probably shipping this
in from abroad.

Thanks for your help,

> JDB.
> [had just been looking into this for a transistor matcher/noise test rig I'm
> working on]
> --
> LART. 250 MIPS under one Watt. Free hardware design files.
> http://www.lartmaker.nl/
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
> To unsubscribe, go to
> https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
> and follow the instructions there.

Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
- Einstein

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread jimlux

J.D. Bakker wrote:

I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and could share
their experiences.

The general principle should work. However, as you're interested in slow 
changes, there are some error sources that might be unacceptable, 
including the drift of (differential) channel resistances for the 4066 
over temperature, voltage and time. As shown the scheme is also 
sensitive to impedance mismatch/drift on the two inputs. Charge 
injection is a bit on the high side on a 4066; a more expensive 
(A)DG4xx-series chip may improve on that.

Or the traditional chopper approach of a mercury wetted reed relay?
If you're processing with a sound card, you have the advantage that you 
don't need to process the samples coming from the time of transition 
(unlike a traditional analog chopper with synchronous detection), so a 
fairly crummy relay would probably work.  The key is that it can toggle 
at, say, 100Hz, forever.

I don't know if it qualifies as simple/cheap, but Analog Devices and 
others have single chip low-rate sigma/delta converters with good to 
excellent properties; these were meant for strain gauges but should be 
able to track slow-moving control voltages just fine. Interfacing them 
to a parallel port (or USB PP adapter) should be close to trivial. Do 
have a close look at the data sheet: some parts have unbuffered inputs, 
and present a fluctuating input impedance which might couple onto EFC 
lines. A simple isolation amp with one or two precision op-amps should 
fix that.

The eval board for the part may have a computer interface built into it.

[had just been looking into this for a transistor matcher/noise test rig 
I'm working on]

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Rooke

On 27 June 2010 01:09, Oz-in-DFW  wrote:
> On 6/26/2010 7:12 AM, Steve Rooke wrote:
>> I next thought about turning the DC into AC by chopping it, IE.
>> inverting 50% of the voltage via an oscillator. This way I could pass
>> the square wave directly into an unmodified sound card, take
>> measurements and then do an RMS calculation on them (really just need
>> to flip the sign on, say, the negative readings).
> I've done similar stuff in work projects, but never written code.  I've
> thought about this some as well.  I'd consider a few things;
>   1. Use the sound card output as the chopper control signal instead of
>      the discrete unit.   You'll have more control and phase sync will
>      be easier.
>          * I'd be temped to take the sound card output and run it
>            through a comparator to square it up, but I'm almost certain
>            this isn't needed.

Sorry, not sure what you mean here. Are you saying that I should
derive the chopper frequency directly from a connection to the sound
card? I was hoping not to modify the sound card in any way so as to
keep it simple.

>   2. Buffer the input so that your waveform is not so dependent on
>      source impedance.

Good idea, thanks.

>   3. Make the input buffer differential so that you can get some small
>      amount of ground isolation and CMRR

If you look closely at it you can see that it is a differential input.

>   4. look at the 4053 mux, it might make your interconnect life easier.

Thanks, will do that.

>   5. The probelm with chopping is that signal levels around zero don't
>      have much amplitude and are a challenge to extract from noise.

I was under the impression that this was the idea that is used to
amplify very low level signals like the output from the likes of
strain-gauges. It would surely seem to me to be a problem to amplify
small signals around zero due to offsets in the amp unless you do this
sort of thing.

>   6. If you mix (in the RF receiver sense, not sum in the audio studio
>      sense) rather than chop the DC offset becomes a phase shift,
>      generally pretty easy to calibrate for and decode from the output
>      samples of a sound card. See
>      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_mixer

Interesting idea, hadn't thought of doing it that way but it's a good
idea, thanks.

>> I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and could share
>> their experiences. I've attached a diagram image (hope it is accepted
>> by the list) which is my first go with Eagle so I'm not exactly very
>> familiar with it, sorry. The R's and C's in the astable would be set
>> to a clock frequency that enables this to work without bias given the
>> sampling frequency. I'm not sure if this clock should be slower than
>> the sampling frequency or higher, just haven't got my head around that
>> yet.
> The clock needs to be much higher than the highest frequency of the
> input waveform to keep Nyquist happy and things simple.  You can do this
> inband, but you don't want to.
> If you chop very close to half the soundcard sample rate I suspect
> you'll get no output because you'll be in the roofing filter cutoff and
> your waveform will integrate to zero.  I suspect you want to be 5 - 10X
> below that to make waveform recovery easier, and even lower is better.
> So, if you use a 44.1 ksps default rate, Nyquist is 22.05.  I'd run the
> chopper at less than 1 kHz. The good news is that your input waveform
> period is hours (maybe ~100 microhertz) and chopping at 1 Khz will make
> 100 Hz response easy and 500 Hz possible with great care and some effort.

Right, that makes sense, thanks.

>> The R's around the op-amp would need to be set in a ratio that
>> transforms the EFC voltage into the range that the sound card can
>> handle (that is yet to be calculated by measuring the limits).
> Most sound cards I've seen are ~ 1V pk to peak, though some are MUCH
> higher.

Gives me a ball-park to start work with, thanks.

>> If you
>> have any suggestions or ways of doing this in a better way, I'd be
>> very grateful for the advice.
> It's worth exactly what you've paid for it...

And worth every penny :)


>> Thanks,
>> Steve
> Oz
> --
> mailto:o...@ozindfw.net
> Oz
> POB 93167
> Southlake, TX 76092 (Near DFW Airport)
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
> To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
> and follow the instructions there.

Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
- Einstein

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] crystal oscillators & TPLL

2010-06-26 Thread Bob Camp

Now, that's one I can heartily agree with. 


On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Steve Rooke wrote:

> Warren, advice from a friend, stop doing this please.
> Everyone else, please stop feeding the troll.
> Steve
> On 26 June 2010 08:32, WarrenS  wrote:
>> Charles Posted a bunch of stuff (below),
>> Most think I should just ignore him, but I can not help myself,
>> he has after all made this one just too easy and silly not to respond to.
>> I hope Charles did not consider this to be just another "good example" of
>> all the 'constructive helpful criticism' I've received.
>>> His childish tantrums, insults, and outlandish claims are his and his
>>> alone.
>> Funny, I have to wonder if maybe Charles was just reading and referring to
>> his own posting.
>> Charles's past and latest posting does show that he has several problems,
>> both technical as well as emotionally.
>> Don't we all?, It is just that most have the good sense and taste not to
>> make them so public.
>> Sounds to me that he is someone that does need a lot of help, but certainly
>> not the kind of help I can give.
>> Some of the more ironic things, I find in the latest 'attack facts' is his
>> statement: [paraphrased]
>>> [Warren does not understand that all the name calling and insults and
>>> attacks have been fair attempts by professional engineers to understand
>>> Warren's TPLL implementation]
>>> so that they can TRY to ascertain to what degree the TPLL is likely to
>>> provide useful results over a broader range of conditions than those that
>>> have been publicly demonstrated.
>> 1) why would a professional engineer have to resort to attacks in a fair
>> attempt to understand something so simple or so old and basic?
>> 2) why would the professional engineers need to have more information, when
>> everything that is needed is already on John's site?
>> especially if AS CLAMED over and over, they are asking to get this
>> information from someone that does not even know what he is doing.
>> 3) Just how much broader range do they want or need than has already been
>> publicly demonstrated, that it works good enough from near DC to 100Hz for
>> every device and noise type it has been tested WITH NO exceptions (limited
>> only by the controlled OCXO).
>> There are some things that I do not Understand, Such as:
>> I do not understand, Nor do I really care, what part of this Charles does
>> not understand.
>> I will not let his or others shortcoming and non-understandings be MY
>> problem
>> Also posted:
>>> I know [some] have said more than once that we should just ignore "the
>>> femtosecond thing," but why?
>>> (Not that anything turns on this one claim anyway)
>> Just because of Charles's and others own non-understandings and limitations,
>> why one would then feel it is MY reasonability to try and educate someone
>> like that is way beyond my understanding.
>> but
>> I'll try again to comment on the femto second thing, since some seem to be
>> hung up on that part most of all.
>> In order to work good (which no one seems to be denying any more), the TPLL
>> method has to hold the two Oscillator's phase differences real, real close
>> OVER the Bandwidth of interest.
>> Anyone that can understand what limits a noise floor plot, can see that the
>> phase differences are being held to about 10 fs at 100 Hz, from the data
>> posted on John's site.
>> Anyone that can do simple math and has a vary basic understanding of the
>> TPLLs could calculate for their self with the BW information given in John's
>> site,
>> that the TPLL is "trying" to hold the phase difference over the Bandwidth of
>> interest from DC to 1 KHz  down to single digit Femtoseconds varation for
>> low noise oscillators.
>> If you do not have a favorite Phase detector to use, can use the
>> mini-Circuits SYPD-1 for you calculations,  (or any other),
>> A little less obvious but still very easy to calculate with simple math (OK,
>> just a little harder than 2+2, but not by too much),
>> is that the noise floor limit of a good low noise AMP can give about 1 fs of
>> phase differences between the two Oscillators OVER the Bandwidth of
>> importance.
>> If you do not have a favorite low noise op amp to use, one can use the op-27
>> for their calculations,  (or many others),
>> If Charles or anyone would like to do and post the SIMPLE math to show that
>> ANY of femtosecond stuff above is not true,
>> and their answer turns out to be different than mine, I'd be more than
>> willing to show what they did wrong or different than me.
>> The fact that Charles and others seem to be confusing 10 MHz Phase jitter
>> with 100 Hz and below bandwidth limited Phase differences do
>> show they have a few major things missing  in their  understanding about
>> what ADEV is and how it is a frequency stability value over a limited time
>> and Bandwidth called tau.
>> Also if anyone still thinks they 

Re: [time-nuts] crystal oscillators & TPLL

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Roberts
I imagine that there are people on this list like myself with limited 
engineering experience
but a healthy appetite for knowledge and an interest in time/frequency 
I have little interest in complex math - an inherent brain block methinks, but 
building hardware and incorporating such 'blocks' into my projects.

I am not necessarily unintelligent - being a Consultant Anaesthetist with 3 
2 diplomas and currently doing a Masters.
My interest in this list comes form having a HP106, 2 rubidium standards and 2 
gps units.

Why am I posting on this thread? - simple - I wish to build this beastie 
described by
Warren and try it out on my equipment. I need more guidance than a block 
Shame on me for being so ignorant but I respectfully request more info (circuit 
emailed privately if necessary.
I am not here to criticise, but enjoy reading the discussions of people so 
in this area. I have my own areas of expertise.

Thanks for reading.


time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread WB6BNQ

I think using a voltage-to-frequency converter would solve that problem.  They
are not too expensive and there are several flavors from Amalog devices and some

Just set it for a 1KHz start point or maybe 10KHz.


Steve Rooke wrote:

> I would like to track the EFC voltage in hardware using something
> cheap and ready to hand. I was thinking of using a sound card as it
> has good resolution but it's obviously only AC coupled so it would not
> measure the DC of the EFC. I thought about modifying a sound card to
> make it DC coupled but most of them seem to reference the 0V point to
> some internal reference voltage hence there is a DC shift there. I
> next thought about turning the DC into AC by chopping it, IE.
> inverting 50% of the voltage via an oscillator. This way I could pass
> the square wave directly into an unmodified sound card, take
> measurements and then do an RMS calculation on them (really just need
> to flip the sign on, say, the negative readings).
> I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and could share
> their experiences. I've attached a diagram image (hope it is accepted
> by the list) which is my first go with Eagle so I'm not exactly very
> familiar with it, sorry. The R's and C's in the astable would be set
> to a clock frequency that enables this to work without bias given the
> sampling frequency. I'm not sure if this clock should be slower than
> the sampling frequency or higher, just haven't got my head around that
> yet. The R's around the op-amp would need to be set in a ratio that
> transforms the EFC voltage into the range that the sound card can
> handle (that is yet to be calculated by measuring the limits). If you
> have any suggestions or ways of doing this in a better way, I'd be
> very grateful for the advice.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> --
> Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV ? G8KVD
> The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
> - Einstein
>  Name: DCchop.png
>DCchop.pngType: PNG image (image/png)
>  Encoding: base64
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
> To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
> and follow the instructions there.

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] crystal oscillators & TPLL

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Rooke

On 26 June 2010 09:46, Gerard PG5G  wrote:
> Warren,
> I couldn't care less whether your or any method works or not. I have no
> vested interest or opinion whatsoever.

Well, if your not interested in this, why are you bothering us by your
opinions. Perhaps *you* should "leave us alone" unless you have
something useful to say.

> I can say however that in the short time I have been on this list I have
> grown very tired of the way you hijack any thread that comes along.

I wasn't aware that Warren was hijacking "any thread", he has only
been commenting on the TPLL thread that he started a long time back

> Most people who think they have something that is better than ANYTHING done
> before have one of two motives: fame or fortune.

Or wishing to gift something to the community.

> If you are after fame, build one of your TPPL thingies, test it (or better
> yet, have it tested) and submit results to a peer reviewed magazine. Glory
> will be yours.

He has done that here.

> If you are after fortune, build one of your TPPL thingies, test it (or
> better yet, have it tested), manufacture it, sell it. Money will be yours.

He is not interested in fortune, well not per say.

> So I guess what I am trying to say is: build one of your TPPL thingies and
> have it tested.

He already has had this done by a third pay on this list and the
results have been published. Please would you like to review the
archives of this group before you wade in like this.

> I wish you either or both, fame and/or money. I honestly do. However, until
> you have decided what you want out of this and how to go about it, please
> leave us alone.

Well that is very polite coming from someone who has only been here
for a self proclaimed "short time". Perhaps you would like to sit this
one out and just hit Del whenever you see any of the postings on this

Thank you,
Steve - ZL3TUV & G8KVD

> Thank you.
> WarrenS wrote:
>> Charles Posted a bunch of stuff (below),
>> Most think I should just ignore him, but I can not help myself,
>> he has after all made this one just too easy and silly not to respond to.
>> I hope Charles did not consider this to be just another "good example" of
>> all the 'constructive helpful criticism' I've received.
>>> His childish tantrums, insults, and outlandish claims are his and his
>>> alone.
>> Funny, I have to wonder if maybe Charles was just reading and referring to
>> his own posting.
>> Charles's past and latest posting does show that he has several problems,
>> both technical as well as emotionally.
>> Don't we all?, It is just that most have the good sense and taste not to
>> make them so public.
>> Sounds to me that he is someone that does need a lot of help, but
>> certainly not the kind of help I can give.
>> Some of the more ironic things, I find in the latest 'attack facts' is his
>> statement: [paraphrased]
>>> [Warren does not understand that all the name calling and insults and
>>> attacks have been fair attempts by professional engineers to understand
>>> Warren's TPLL implementation]
>>> so that they can TRY to ascertain to what degree the TPLL is likely to
>>> provide useful results over a broader range of conditions than those that
>>> have been publicly demonstrated.
>> 1) why would a professional engineer have to resort to attacks in a fair
>> attempt to understand something so simple or so old and basic?
>> 2) why would the professional engineers need to have more information,
>> when everything that is needed is already on John's site?
>> especially if AS CLAMED over and over, they are asking to get this
>> information from someone that does not even know what he is doing.
>> 3) Just how much broader range do they want or need than has already been
>> publicly demonstrated, that it works good enough from near DC to 100Hz for
>> every device and noise type it has been tested WITH NO exceptions (limited
>> only by the controlled OCXO).
>> There are some things that I do not Understand, Such as:
>> I do not understand, Nor do I really care, what part of this Charles does
>> not understand.
>> I will not let his or others shortcoming and non-understandings be MY
>> problem
>> Also posted:
>>> I know [some] have said more than once that we should just ignore "the
>>> femtosecond thing," but why?
>>> (Not that anything turns on this one claim anyway)
>> Just because of Charles's and others own non-understandings and
>> limitations,
>> why one would then feel it is MY reasonability to try and educate someone
>> like that is way beyond my understanding.
>> but
>> I'll try again to comment on the femto second thing, since some seem to be
>> hung up on that part most of all.
>> In order to work good (which no one seems to be denying any more), the
>> TPLL method has to hold the two Oscillator's phase differences real, real
>> close OVER the Bandwidth of interest.
>> Anyone that can understand what limits a noise 

Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread J.D. Bakker

I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and could share
their experiences.

The general principle should work. However, as you're interested in 
slow changes, there are some error sources that might be 
unacceptable, including the drift of (differential) channel 
resistances for the 4066 over temperature, voltage and time. As shown 
the scheme is also sensitive to impedance mismatch/drift on the two 
inputs. Charge injection is a bit on the high side on a 4066; a more 
expensive (A)DG4xx-series chip may improve on that.

I don't know if it qualifies as simple/cheap, but Analog Devices and 
others have single chip low-rate sigma/delta converters with good to 
excellent properties; these were meant for strain gauges but should 
be able to track slow-moving control voltages just fine. Interfacing 
them to a parallel port (or USB PP adapter) should be close to 
trivial. Do have a close look at the data sheet: some parts have 
unbuffered inputs, and present a fluctuating input impedance which 
might couple onto EFC lines. A simple isolation amp with one or two 
precision op-amps should fix that.

[had just been looking into this for a transistor matcher/noise test 
rig I'm working on]

LART. 250 MIPS under one Watt. Free hardware design files.

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Re: [time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Oz-in-DFW

On 6/26/2010 7:12 AM, Steve Rooke wrote:
> I next thought about turning the DC into AC by chopping it, IE.
> inverting 50% of the voltage via an oscillator. This way I could pass
> the square wave directly into an unmodified sound card, take
> measurements and then do an RMS calculation on them (really just need
> to flip the sign on, say, the negative readings).
I've done similar stuff in work projects, but never written code.  I've
thought about this some as well.  I'd consider a few things;

   1. Use the sound card output as the chopper control signal instead of
  the discrete unit.   You'll have more control and phase sync will
  be easier.
  * I'd be temped to take the sound card output and run it
through a comparator to square it up, but I'm almost certain
this isn't needed.
   2. Buffer the input so that your waveform is not so dependent on
  source impedance.
   3. Make the input buffer differential so that you can get some small
  amount of ground isolation and CMRR
   4. look at the 4053 mux, it might make your interconnect life easier.
   5. The probelm with chopping is that signal levels around zero don't
  have much amplitude and are a challenge to extract from noise.
   6. If you mix (in the RF receiver sense, not sum in the audio studio
  sense) rather than chop the DC offset becomes a phase shift,
  generally pretty easy to calibrate for and decode from the output
  samples of a sound card. See

> I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and could share
> their experiences. I've attached a diagram image (hope it is accepted
> by the list) which is my first go with Eagle so I'm not exactly very
> familiar with it, sorry. The R's and C's in the astable would be set
> to a clock frequency that enables this to work without bias given the
> sampling frequency. I'm not sure if this clock should be slower than
> the sampling frequency or higher, just haven't got my head around that
> yet. 
The clock needs to be much higher than the highest frequency of the
input waveform to keep Nyquist happy and things simple.  You can do this
inband, but you don't want to. 

If you chop very close to half the soundcard sample rate I suspect
you'll get no output because you'll be in the roofing filter cutoff and
your waveform will integrate to zero.  I suspect you want to be 5 - 10X
below that to make waveform recovery easier, and even lower is better.

So, if you use a 44.1 ksps default rate, Nyquist is 22.05.  I'd run the
chopper at less than 1 kHz. The good news is that your input waveform
period is hours (maybe ~100 microhertz) and chopping at 1 Khz will make
100 Hz response easy and 500 Hz possible with great care and some effort. 
> The R's around the op-amp would need to be set in a ratio that
> transforms the EFC voltage into the range that the sound card can
> handle (that is yet to be calculated by measuring the limits). 
Most sound cards I've seen are ~ 1V pk to peak, though some are MUCH
> If you
> have any suggestions or ways of doing this in a better way, I'd be
> very grateful for the advice.
It's worth exactly what you've paid for it...
> Thanks,
> Steve

POB 93167 
Southlake, TX 76092 (Near DFW Airport) 

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Re: [time-nuts] crystal oscillators & TPLL

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Rooke
Warren, advice from a friend, stop doing this please.

Everyone else, please stop feeding the troll.


On 26 June 2010 08:32, WarrenS  wrote:
> Charles Posted a bunch of stuff (below),
> Most think I should just ignore him, but I can not help myself,
> he has after all made this one just too easy and silly not to respond to.
> I hope Charles did not consider this to be just another "good example" of
> all the 'constructive helpful criticism' I've received.
>> His childish tantrums, insults, and outlandish claims are his and his
>> alone.
> Funny, I have to wonder if maybe Charles was just reading and referring to
> his own posting.
> Charles's past and latest posting does show that he has several problems,
> both technical as well as emotionally.
> Don't we all?, It is just that most have the good sense and taste not to
> make them so public.
> Sounds to me that he is someone that does need a lot of help, but certainly
> not the kind of help I can give.
> Some of the more ironic things, I find in the latest 'attack facts' is his
> statement: [paraphrased]
>> [Warren does not understand that all the name calling and insults and
>> attacks have been fair attempts by professional engineers to understand
>> Warren's TPLL implementation]
>> so that they can TRY to ascertain to what degree the TPLL is likely to
>> provide useful results over a broader range of conditions than those that
>> have been publicly demonstrated.
> 1) why would a professional engineer have to resort to attacks in a fair
> attempt to understand something so simple or so old and basic?
> 2) why would the professional engineers need to have more information, when
> everything that is needed is already on John's site?
> especially if AS CLAMED over and over, they are asking to get this
> information from someone that does not even know what he is doing.
> 3) Just how much broader range do they want or need than has already been
> publicly demonstrated, that it works good enough from near DC to 100Hz for
> every device and noise type it has been tested WITH NO exceptions (limited
> only by the controlled OCXO).
> There are some things that I do not Understand, Such as:
> I do not understand, Nor do I really care, what part of this Charles does
> not understand.
> I will not let his or others shortcoming and non-understandings be MY
> problem
> Also posted:
>> I know [some] have said more than once that we should just ignore "the
>> femtosecond thing," but why?
>> (Not that anything turns on this one claim anyway)
> Just because of Charles's and others own non-understandings and limitations,
> why one would then feel it is MY reasonability to try and educate someone
> like that is way beyond my understanding.
> but
> I'll try again to comment on the femto second thing, since some seem to be
> hung up on that part most of all.
> In order to work good (which no one seems to be denying any more), the TPLL
> method has to hold the two Oscillator's phase differences real, real close
> OVER the Bandwidth of interest.
> Anyone that can understand what limits a noise floor plot, can see that the
> phase differences are being held to about 10 fs at 100 Hz, from the data
> posted on John's site.
> Anyone that can do simple math and has a vary basic understanding of the
> TPLLs could calculate for their self with the BW information given in John's
> site,
> that the TPLL is "trying" to hold the phase difference over the Bandwidth of
> interest from DC to 1 KHz  down to single digit Femtoseconds varation for
> low noise oscillators.
> If you do not have a favorite Phase detector to use, can use the
> mini-Circuits SYPD-1 for you calculations,  (or any other),
> A little less obvious but still very easy to calculate with simple math (OK,
> just a little harder than 2+2, but not by too much),
> is that the noise floor limit of a good low noise AMP can give about 1 fs of
> phase differences between the two Oscillators OVER the Bandwidth of
> importance.
> If you do not have a favorite low noise op amp to use, one can use the op-27
> for their calculations,  (or many others),
> If Charles or anyone would like to do and post the SIMPLE math to show that
> ANY of femtosecond stuff above is not true,
> and their answer turns out to be different than mine, I'd be more than
> willing to show what they did wrong or different than me.
> The fact that Charles and others seem to be confusing 10 MHz Phase jitter
> with 100 Hz and below bandwidth limited Phase differences do
> show they have a few major things missing  in their  understanding about
> what ADEV is and how it is a frequency stability value over a limited time
> and Bandwidth called tau.
> Also if anyone still thinks they can make a reasonable data set file that
> shows where the TPLL will mess up, Go for it.
> I'm still willing to try and prove to all that will NOT EVER be the case.
> OR is it still OK for some expert to make an unsubstantiated and false c

[time-nuts] EFC tracking

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Rooke
I would like to track the EFC voltage in hardware using something
cheap and ready to hand. I was thinking of using a sound card as it
has good resolution but it's obviously only AC coupled so it would not
measure the DC of the EFC. I thought about modifying a sound card to
make it DC coupled but most of them seem to reference the 0V point to
some internal reference voltage hence there is a DC shift there. I
next thought about turning the DC into AC by chopping it, IE.
inverting 50% of the voltage via an oscillator. This way I could pass
the square wave directly into an unmodified sound card, take
measurements and then do an RMS calculation on them (really just need
to flip the sign on, say, the negative readings).

I wonder if anyone has done something like this before and could share
their experiences. I've attached a diagram image (hope it is accepted
by the list) which is my first go with Eagle so I'm not exactly very
familiar with it, sorry. The R's and C's in the astable would be set
to a clock frequency that enables this to work without bias given the
sampling frequency. I'm not sure if this clock should be slower than
the sampling frequency or higher, just haven't got my head around that
yet. The R's around the op-amp would need to be set in a ratio that
transforms the EFC voltage into the range that the sound card can
handle (that is yet to be calculated by measuring the limits). If you
have any suggestions or ways of doing this in a better way, I'd be
very grateful for the advice.

Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
- Einstein
time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

Re: [time-nuts] PICTIC II

2010-06-26 Thread Steve Rooke
Ah! Sounds like you were subjected to the "Bruce factor". It's a case
of publish a design and then expect to be insulted about it. I'm glad
you weathered the storm and wish to thank you for your present.


On 26 June 2010 19:11, Richard H McCorkle  wrote:
> Fellow Time-Nuts,
> When I first uploaded the Simple PICTIC interpolating time interval
> counter to the K04BB site in 12/08 and presented it to the group as
> a Christmas present my goal was to get amateurs building their own
> interpolating time interval counters for GPS monitoring and making
> improvements to my design. The interpolator in the PICTIC was
> “borrowed” from an early HP counter with minor modifications so I
> didn’t design it and had no personal attachment to it. My forte is
> writing PIC assembly code for time and frequency applications and
> I make no claims of being a hardware design engineer. I am just
> an amateur interested in writing PIC code and was building my own
> PICTIC. I wanted to share my design, as I couldn’t afford multiple
> commercial high-resolution time interval counters to monitor my
> standards and thought there might be others with similar needs that
> could benefit from a low cost TIC design.
>  Testing the HP interpolator with my code showed it had sufficient
> capability to be useful in a low cost TIC for GPS monitoring where
> a modest resolution increase was desired. In response to my posting
> I was subjected to a barrage on the shortcomings of the interpolator
> with few comments on the rest of the design. I responded to the
> comments based on test results showing it was sufficient for purpose
> and suggested trying the design before saying it wasn’t usable. The
> response returned was “I wouldn't waste my time with a circuit that
> is inherently as non-linear as yours.” so the rest of the design was
> discounted by others as not being worth the time to evaluate. I began
> a discussion on line about the interpolator, which was destined to
> turn into a long and annoying thread similar to the recent TPLL
> discussion. Rather than getting into it on line I elected to put a
> stop to it by saying publicly I was at fault and would begin further
> study, as I am not as thick skinned as Warren. Subsequent independent
> testing of the PICTIC by William Riley showed the interpolators were
> linear to the 10-bit ADC resolution over the measurement range with
> suitable accuracy for the intended application of GPS monitoring
> as originally stated.
>  Over the last 18 months I have developed a new diode switched
> interpolator based on the comments made on line and have thoroughly
> tested it. Some suggestions made improvements in the performance and
> some resulted in poorer performance. I incorporated those suggestions
> that made improvements, eliminated those that made things worse, and
> once I was satisfied I sent the revised interpolator design directly
> to Bruce off line. Based on comments and suggestions he returned
> during a long series of emails I incorporated additional changes in
> the code, front-end, and interpolator designs and tested those
> changes until I was satisfied with the performance and he had no
> further comments. I am finally satisfied with the new design and
> admit that by incorporating the majority of the suggestions made
> the new interpolator has significantly better linearity than the
> HP interpolator used in the PICTIC and it is now suitable for
> higher resolutions.
>  I was reluctant to post the PICTIC II in this forum, as I don’t
> want to get in another public discussion of its faults without any
> discussion of the merits of a $50 serial output interpolating TIC
> on a 3.8” x 2.5” thru-hole board designed for amateur construction.
> The K04BB WIKI PICTIC page was recently updated to include the
> PICTIC II code and ExpressPCB board layout and schematic files for
> those that might be interested.
> http://www.ko4bb.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=precision_timing:pictic
> The PICTIC II incorporates the new interpolator, requires a delay
> between the inputs, and uses a low stability XO timebase with
> software peak detection for calibration with provision for an
> external timebase like the PICTIC to minimize size and cost.
> Richard
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
> To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
> and follow the instructions there.

Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
- Einstein

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
To unsubscribe, go to https://www.febo.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts
and follow the instructions there.

[time-nuts] PICTIC II

2010-06-26 Thread Richard H McCorkle
Fellow Time-Nuts,
When I first uploaded the Simple PICTIC interpolating time interval
counter to the K04BB site in 12/08 and presented it to the group as
a Christmas present my goal was to get amateurs building their own
interpolating time interval counters for GPS monitoring and making
improvements to my design. The interpolator in the PICTIC was
“borrowed” from an early HP counter with minor modifications so I
didn’t design it and had no personal attachment to it. My forte is
writing PIC assembly code for time and frequency applications and
I make no claims of being a hardware design engineer. I am just
an amateur interested in writing PIC code and was building my own
PICTIC. I wanted to share my design, as I couldn’t afford multiple
commercial high-resolution time interval counters to monitor my
standards and thought there might be others with similar needs that
could benefit from a low cost TIC design.
  Testing the HP interpolator with my code showed it had sufficient
capability to be useful in a low cost TIC for GPS monitoring where
a modest resolution increase was desired. In response to my posting
I was subjected to a barrage on the shortcomings of the interpolator
with few comments on the rest of the design. I responded to the
comments based on test results showing it was sufficient for purpose
and suggested trying the design before saying it wasn’t usable. The
response returned was “I wouldn't waste my time with a circuit that
is inherently as non-linear as yours.” so the rest of the design was
discounted by others as not being worth the time to evaluate. I began
a discussion on line about the interpolator, which was destined to
turn into a long and annoying thread similar to the recent TPLL
discussion. Rather than getting into it on line I elected to put a
stop to it by saying publicly I was at fault and would begin further
study, as I am not as thick skinned as Warren. Subsequent independent
testing of the PICTIC by William Riley showed the interpolators were
linear to the 10-bit ADC resolution over the measurement range with
suitable accuracy for the intended application of GPS monitoring
as originally stated.
  Over the last 18 months I have developed a new diode switched
interpolator based on the comments made on line and have thoroughly
tested it. Some suggestions made improvements in the performance and
some resulted in poorer performance. I incorporated those suggestions
that made improvements, eliminated those that made things worse, and
once I was satisfied I sent the revised interpolator design directly
to Bruce off line. Based on comments and suggestions he returned
during a long series of emails I incorporated additional changes in
the code, front-end, and interpolator designs and tested those
changes until I was satisfied with the performance and he had no
further comments. I am finally satisfied with the new design and
admit that by incorporating the majority of the suggestions made
the new interpolator has significantly better linearity than the
HP interpolator used in the PICTIC and it is now suitable for
higher resolutions.
  I was reluctant to post the PICTIC II in this forum, as I don’t
want to get in another public discussion of its faults without any
discussion of the merits of a $50 serial output interpolating TIC
on a 3.8” x 2.5” thru-hole board designed for amateur construction.
The K04BB WIKI PICTIC page was recently updated to include the
PICTIC II code and ExpressPCB board layout and schematic files for
those that might be interested.


The PICTIC II incorporates the new interpolator, requires a delay
between the inputs, and uses a low stability XO timebase with
software peak detection for calibration with provision for an
external timebase like the PICTIC to minimize size and cost.


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