Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread SAIDJACK
Hi Scott,
a cool thing to try is to put the unit into manual holdover by issuing  the 
The unit will act as if the GPS antenna has been removed, but GPSCon will  
continue to show the 1PPS phase drift against GPS. Thus you can see how 
stable  your LPRO is over time when the unit is in holdover.

You can restart normal locking with the command
On a good DOCXO, we would see less than 2000ns drift over a day when the  
unit has been stable for a week or so. I believe the limits of the time 
interval  display are about +/- 2000ns.
In a message dated 7/27/2010 08:42:01 Pacific Daylight Time, 

I test  it by changing the antenna delay.  It should recover within a  
reasonable time.  Bumping the coarsedac is typically too much change  and 
takes longer to recover.  I run it with a 20ns offset to my  z3801a, and 
they always stay within 20ns of other.

I've had the  Fury running for about 5400 hours since the last reboot, 
running v1.21  firmware.  It stays within +-10ns,  usually it's between  
+-5ns.  Over 24hrs, gpscon reports TI average 0.15 or so and stddev  
around 2.5ns.
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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium - PIS

2010-07-27 Thread SAIDJACK
Hi Scott,
yes, Rb's tend to have many orders of magnitude smaller control ranges than 
 OCXO's, so it takes longer to phase lock. What's even worse is hysterisis, 
eg.  we have seen units that jump back and forth between two control 
voltage values.  This tends to happen in TCXO's and Rbs from what I can tell, 
so much in good  OCXO's.
It seems that these units do not change their output frequency until the  
EFC voltage change reaches some threshold, then the frequency jumps in a 
large  value. OCXO's seem to react instantly to even the slightest LSB changes 
on our  24 bit DAC. Many Rb's and TCXO's seem to have this spring-like 
effect, and that  causes some "chasing" of the phase as the oscillators 
the EFC voltage  changes until they reach a certain level, at which time 
they over-compensate and  the effect reverses. 
I am wondering if adding some dithering noise would help prevent this  
effect, where the noise bandwidth is below the Rb's control bandwidth so as not 
to add ADEV instability...
Does anyone know how popular Rb's adjust their frequency? Is it through  
linear methods such as Varactor diodes? Or do they use an ADC to sample the 
EFC  voltage, thus creating quantization errors that could be the cause of the 
 hysterisis we sometimes see?
Brian, on a locked DOCXO unit (after a day or so typically) we  would like 
to see below 5ns SD on the GPS TI. Good DOCXO units regularly achieve  
<2.5ns. No reason a good Rb should not be able to achieve that as well. The  
DOCXO unit running at the University of Colima for example regularly achieves  
~1.8ns SD. For some reason the TI indicator has not been visible for some 
months  now though, but the plot still speaks for itself. Notice also the small 
control  voltage range of less than 50 microvolts typically:
In a message dated 7/27/2010 20:11:00 Pacific Daylight Time, 

After  _MANY_ hours of watching and playing with different 
settings, I came to  the conclusion that you just need to be patient when 
using Fury+Rb, don't  expect it to converge like an OCXO, but it will 
over a few hours and give  you a good result as long as you have stable 
power and shield it from air  streams. 
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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread SAIDJACK
Hi Scott,
this one has about 3K at 60C and 10K at room temp. We used it before with  
success. The only problem is having sufficient current go through it to be 
above  the cut-off threshold of the current sensor. You may have to put 
something in  parallel to this thermistor, or use a couple in parallel to get a 
couple of mA  of current flow. When it works right, you should see the 
current increase (as  indicated by meas?) as temperature rises. You can add the 
meas? output to be  tracked by GPSCon for graphing.
Available on Digikey.
In a message dated 7/27/2010 19:55:40 Pacific Daylight Time, 

Any  particular thermistor you would recommend?

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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium - Status

2010-07-27 Thread Brian Kirby

I also noticed on the Fury I had the original firmware in the unit from 
when I was bought (Oct 14,2007).  I have not had a chance to play with 
the unit unit recently.

I reflashed the unit with 1.22 firmware.  I noticed in the flash 
software I could not select the DEVICE LCP2136, it was greyed out.  But 
If you told it to read the device ID, it set it for you.  I set the 
jumper on the Fury, flashed it, powered it down, moved the jumper back 
and powered it back up.

Did I tell you I had removed the backup battery as it was dead ?  So 
when I brought it back up, the GPS receiver did not have an almanac.  So 
I had to wait about 20 minutes before the receiver would come up.  I 
then entered my LAT/LONG/Height, and the oscillator ops parameters 
again.  Then unit was finally up about 20 minutes later.

I set the DAC Gain to 1000, the EFC scale to 1.0 and the EFC damping to 
25.  I checked on the unit an hour later and it was reporting it was 
locked.  GPSCon reported an EFC of 1.425642 AD 4.93m sd=74.91m.  The GPS 
TI was av=9.23n sd=41.8n.

After reading Said's email, I have set the unit to 10,000 for the DAC 
Gain, 1.4 for the EFCS and 60 for EFCD.  I'll report results tomorrow, 
got to get to bed.

Thanks for all the help.

Brian - KD4FM

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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium - PIS

2010-07-27 Thread J. Forster
You really can't expect to be able to tweek a loop without giving it
several time constants (at least) to settle out between changes.



> I found that on the FRS-C and the X72 the frequency output was not at
> all linear with respect to EFC, which made things worse with large
> dacgains.  After _MANY_ hours of watching and playing with different
> settings, I came to the conclusion that you just need to be patient when
> using Fury+Rb, don't expect it to converge like an OCXO, but it will
> over a few hours and give you a good result as long as you have stable
> power and shield it from air streams.  High dacgain and efcs give you
> the false hope that it will converge fast, but as the unit settles the
> loop will fail, and it will start fighting with itself.

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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium - PIS

2010-07-27 Thread Scott Mace
I found that on the FRS-C and the X72 the frequency output was not at 
all linear with respect to EFC, which made things worse with large 
dacgains.  After _MANY_ hours of watching and playing with different 
settings, I came to the conclusion that you just need to be patient when 
using Fury+Rb, don't expect it to converge like an OCXO, but it will 
over a few hours and give you a good result as long as you have stable 
power and shield it from air streams.  High dacgain and efcs give you 
the false hope that it will converge fast, but as the unit settles the 
loop will fail, and it will start fighting with itself.

The SYNC:IMME can be useful when trying different loop settings.

I found some of my notes for various things I ran with the Fury.

LPRO-101 currently running
DAC GAIN: 1000
temp co: 0.00
aging co: -0.00558
phase co: 35

lpro orig
lpro cd 92
dac gain 1000
efc scale 1.30
efc damping 2
efc slope pos
phase co 30

lpro 2
coarse dac 95
dac gain 1300
efcs 1.30
efcdamping 5
ocxo slope pos
agin comp 0.05333
phaseco 35

datum ocxo #1 (From RFG-XO)
coarse dac 64
dac gain 80
efcs 4
efcdamping 10
ocxo slope pos
agin comp 0.27086
phaseco 35

datum ocxo #2
coarse dac 64
dac gain 100
efcs 2.8
efcdamping 10
ocxo slope pos
agin comp 0.14901
phaseco 35

datum ocxo #2 from RFG-XO In an RFG chassis
cd 69
dg 30.00
efcs 12.00
efcd 5
ocxo slope pos
aging comp -0.06559
phaseco 40
tempco was a major issue with the datum ocxo
keeping it in the RFG-XO chassis helped

Efratom FRS-A
DAC GAIN: 5000.00
TTL output, pad to below +13dBm, FRS-A needs to settle, open bench
air current problems.

FRS-A #2
dac gain: 4000
efcs: 1.2
efcdamping: 25
phaseco: 15
hard time recovering, from coarsedac bumps

dac gain: 2000
efcs 1.2
efcdamping 25
phaseco: 15
jumps, tempco issues.


On 07/27/2010 09:16 PM, wrote:

Hi John, Brian,

actually we set D to 0, and use P and I gains.

Yes, the DACGAIN is an overall gain of the loop output - to normalize for
different oscillator voltage/frequency sensitivities.

I forgot that the DACGAIN is limited to 10,000, so instead of setting it to
  20,000 one can set it to 10,000 and multiply the P and I parts both by 2x,
that  gives pretty much the same effect as setting DACGAIN to 20,000.

Please note that aging and tempco compensation may then take a couple of
days to fully settle again.

I have not tried such high gains since we don't have any oscillators  here
with such small F/V range, please advise what you find out.


In a message dated 7/27/2010 19:04:36 Pacific Daylight Time,

  That part I understand (your drawing), its a basic phase lock loop.
  What I am having trouble with is the Fury's commands relationship.

OK.  Sorry for the BW.

Basically you tune a loop by starting with the P, I,  and D set to zero.
You slowly crank up the P until it starts to become  unstable. (Put in a
small step perturbation and look at the response for  ringing) Then crank
up the D until it stabilizes, then crank up the P  again. When you have got
a stable fairly well performing loop, you  introduce some I. You may have
to tweek P and D to keep  stability.

It looks like your system has an overall gain (DACG) and a P  and D
controller gain. This is not uncommon to avoid switching a bunch of  caps.

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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread Scott Mace

Any particular thermistor you would recommend?


On 07/27/2010 09:07 PM, wrote:

Hi Scott,

yes the pads are there, you can use the through-hole pad right next to C67
and a standard ground pad for the Thermistor. There will be 10.5V across
the thermistor. Connect the thermistor to your Rb case.

You should be able to connect two 10K Thermistors in parallel to get a good
  reading without excessive self-heating of the thermistors, while
generating  enough current through them that can be measured by the ADC.

You can check the thermistor current using the meas? command. If the
thermistor is not drawing enough current for the ADC, then simply place a 2.2K
resistor in parallel to it.

The software needs to be enabled to support measuring and applying a tempco
  correction, by default I think the boards were shipped with only aging
compensation enabled.

Us the following command to enable tempco correction:

serv:tas 2,288,600,50,0.05

Check the settings with:


The first number is the mode (0 is all off, 1 is aging only, 2 is aging and
  tempco correction). The second number is the memory usage, 288 points in
this  case. The third number is the sensing frequency in seconds, so 10
minute  intervals in this example. 288 points * 10 minutes is 48 hours of 
The  fourth number is the maximum phase offset allowed for a sense point,
in this  case +/-50ns. The last item is the required frequency error
estimate for a sense point, in this case +/-0.05ppb.


In a message dated 7/27/2010 17:07:31 Pacific Daylight Time,

Said,  Did the OEM units (from way back) ship with an open pad for  the
thermistor?  I thought that wouldn't work unless it was drawing  oven
current from the Fury.  It would be neat to add some tempco into  the mix
instead of just trying to shield it from HVAC cycling.  The  particular
LPRO-101 that I'm using now, doesn't seem to be as sensitive as  others
to temp.  I was using a different LPRO originally and when I  plotted the
Fury board temp sensor with GPSCON you could see the impact of  the
cycling, now with this one you would be hard pressed to pick it out.
The X72 was very sensitive to temp changes, EFC tracked the temp quite

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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium - PIS

2010-07-27 Thread SAIDJACK
Hi John, Brian,
actually we set D to 0, and use P and I gains.
Yes, the DACGAIN is an overall gain of the loop output - to normalize for  
different oscillator voltage/frequency sensitivities.
I forgot that the DACGAIN is limited to 10,000, so instead of setting it to 
 20,000 one can set it to 10,000 and multiply the P and I parts both by 2x, 
that  gives pretty much the same effect as setting DACGAIN to 20,000.
Please note that aging and tempco compensation may then take a couple of  
days to fully settle again.
I have not tried such high gains since we don't have any oscillators  here 
with such small F/V range, please advise what you find out.
In a message dated 7/27/2010 19:04:36 Pacific Daylight Time,  

>  That part I understand (your drawing), its a basic phase lock loop.
>  What I am having trouble with is the Fury's commands relationship.

OK.  Sorry for the BW.

Basically you tune a loop by starting with the P, I,  and D set to zero.
You slowly crank up the P until it starts to become  unstable. (Put in a
small step perturbation and look at the response for  ringing) Then crank
up the D until it stabilizes, then crank up the P  again. When you have got
a stable fairly well performing loop, you  introduce some I. You may have
to tweek P and D to keep  stability.

It looks like your system has an overall gain (DACG) and a P  and D
controller gain. This is not uncommon to avoid switching a bunch of  caps.

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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread SAIDJACK
Hi Scott,
yes the pads are there, you can use the through-hole pad right next to C67  
and a standard ground pad for the Thermistor. There will be 10.5V across  
the thermistor. Connect the thermistor to your Rb case.
You should be able to connect two 10K Thermistors in parallel to get a good 
 reading without excessive self-heating of the thermistors, while 
generating  enough current through them that can be measured by the ADC.
You can check the thermistor current using the meas? command. If the  
thermistor is not drawing enough current for the ADC, then simply place a 2.2K  
resistor in parallel to it.
The software needs to be enabled to support measuring and applying a tempco 
 correction, by default I think the boards were shipped with only aging  
compensation enabled.
Us the following command to enable tempco correction:
serv:tas 2,288,600,50,0.05
Check the settings with:
The first number is the mode (0 is all off, 1 is aging only, 2 is aging and 
 tempco correction). The second number is the memory usage, 288 points in 
this  case. The third number is the sensing frequency in seconds, so 10 
minute  intervals in this example. 288 points * 10 minutes is 48 hours of 
The  fourth number is the maximum phase offset allowed for a sense point, 
in this  case +/-50ns. The last item is the required frequency error  
estimate for a sense point, in this case +/-0.05ppb.
In a message dated 7/27/2010 17:07:31 Pacific Daylight Time, 

Said,  Did the OEM units (from way back) ship with an open pad for  the 
thermistor?  I thought that wouldn't work unless it was drawing  oven 
current from the Fury.  It would be neat to add some tempco into  the mix 
instead of just trying to shield it from HVAC cycling.  The  particular 
LPRO-101 that I'm using now, doesn't seem to be as sensitive as  others 
to temp.  I was using a different LPRO originally and when I  plotted the 
Fury board temp sensor with GPSCON you could see the impact of  the 
cycling, now with this one you would be hard pressed to pick it out.  
The X72 was very sensitive to temp changes, EFC tracked the temp quite  

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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium - PIS

2010-07-27 Thread J. Forster
> That part I understand (your drawing), its a basic phase lock loop.
> What I am having trouble with is the Fury's commands relationship.

OK. Sorry for the BW.

Basically you tune a loop by starting with the P, I, and D set to zero.
You slowly crank up the P until it starts to become unstable. (Put in a
small step perturbation and look at the response for ringing) Then crank
up the D until it stabilizes, then crank up the P again. When you have got
a stable fairly well performing loop, you introduce some I. You may have
to tweek P and D to keep stability.

It looks like your system has an overall gain (DACG) and a P and D
controller gain. This is not uncommon to avoid switching a bunch of caps.



> The Fury controller has the following SERVO commands to set up the loop:
> SERVo:DACG which is the DAC gain, a control voltage range ?
> range is 0.1 to 10,000 -- the DAC is 0 to +5V
> SERVo:EFCS which is the EFC Scale, proportional gain of the PID loop
> range is 0.0 to 500.0 -- 0.7 example for a good double oven and 6.0 for
> a simple single oven
> SERVo:EFCD which is IIR filter time constant
> range is 0.0 to 4000.0 -- example between 10 and 50
> Thanks - Brian KD4FM
> On 7/27/2010 8:36 PM, J. Forster wrote:
>>> I read the article on PID on Wikipedia last night.  I do not fully
>>> understand it, but I see/learning some of the relationship.
>> Here's a very quick primer:
>> Consider a very simple control position servo loop:
>> Pos. Input --- + (SUM)--- PID --- AMP>  --- MOTOR = Output Pos
>> |-   ||
>> |   POS Sensor
>> | |
>> ---
>> If you put an upwards step into the Pos Input the output of the SUM goes
>> up. This is applied to the AMP via the PID network and the MOTOR stasrts
>> up, turning the output shaft. As the Output shaft turns, the position
>> sensor output rises. That subtracts from the commanded position in the
>> SUM, reducing the AMP input.
>> Thats how the P = Proportional signal drives the loop to null.
>> However, in order for the motor to turn some non-zero voltage needs to
>> be
>> applied. As the SUM output approaches zero the motor drive ceases and
>> the
>> loop never reaches null. So the I = Integral term is added. If the loop
>> stops just shy of null, the SUM output will not be zero. The I
>> Integrator
>> takes the near-null voltage and integrates it (Vsum dT) which will
>> eventually rise sufficiently to drive the motor to null.
>> However, the motor does not stop instantly when the SUM reaches zero
>> because of inertia, so it overshoots. So the D = Derivative term
>> (dVsum/dT)is added in to cut the motor drive as the loop approaches
>> null.
>> Note, in general the I term is destabilizing and the D term is
>> stabilizing, as long as you are considering frequencies below where the
>> othy components have significant phase shift.
>> FWIW,
>> -John
>> =
>> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread SAIDJACK
Hi John,
on the Fury, the proportional part you describe is roughly the same as EFC  
Scale. The integral part is PHASECO.
Fury can happily run with correct frequency output with PHASECO set to 0,  
but the phase offset would be large, and slowly changing over time.
The EFCS (proportional part) makes sure the frequency is correct, and the  
PHASECO (integral part) makes sure the phase error is "integrated out" to  
hope that helps,
In a message dated 7/27/2010 18:37:20 Pacific Daylight Time,  

> I  read the article on PID on Wikipedia last night.  I do not fully
>  understand it, but I see/learning some of the relationship.

Here's a  very quick primer:

Consider a very simple control position servo  loop:

Pos. Input --- + (SUM)--- PID --- AMP > --- MOTOR =  Output Pos
|-   ||
|  POS Sensor
| |

If you put an upwards step into  the Pos Input the output of the SUM goes
up. This is applied to the AMP via  the PID network and the MOTOR stasrts
up, turning the output shaft. As the  Output shaft turns, the position
sensor output rises. That subtracts from  the commanded position in the
SUM, reducing the AMP input.

Thats how  the P = Proportional signal drives the loop to null.

However, in order  for the motor to turn some non-zero voltage needs to be
applied. As the SUM  output approaches zero the motor drive ceases and the
loop never reaches  null. So the I = Integral term is added. If the loop
stops just shy of  null, the SUM output will not be zero. The I Integrator
takes the near-null  voltage and integrates it (Vsum dT) which will
eventually rise sufficiently  to drive the motor to null.
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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium - PIS

2010-07-27 Thread Brian Kirby
That part I understand (your drawing), its a basic phase lock loop. 
What I am having trouble with is the Fury's commands relationship.

The Fury controller has the following SERVO commands to set up the loop:

SERVo:DACG which is the DAC gain, a control voltage range ?
range is 0.1 to 10,000 -- the DAC is 0 to +5V

SERVo:EFCS which is the EFC Scale, proportional gain of the PID loop
range is 0.0 to 500.0 -- 0.7 example for a good double oven and 6.0 for 
a simple single oven

SERVo:EFCD which is IIR filter time constant
range is 0.0 to 4000.0 -- example between 10 and 50

Thanks - Brian KD4FM

On 7/27/2010 8:36 PM, J. Forster wrote:

I read the article on PID on Wikipedia last night.  I do not fully
understand it, but I see/learning some of the relationship.

Here's a very quick primer:

Consider a very simple control position servo loop:

Pos. Input --- + (SUM)--- PID --- AMP>  --- MOTOR = Output Pos
|-   ||
|   POS Sensor
| |

If you put an upwards step into the Pos Input the output of the SUM goes
up. This is applied to the AMP via the PID network and the MOTOR stasrts
up, turning the output shaft. As the Output shaft turns, the position
sensor output rises. That subtracts from the commanded position in the
SUM, reducing the AMP input.

Thats how the P = Proportional signal drives the loop to null.

However, in order for the motor to turn some non-zero voltage needs to be
applied. As the SUM output approaches zero the motor drive ceases and the
loop never reaches null. So the I = Integral term is added. If the loop
stops just shy of null, the SUM output will not be zero. The I Integrator
takes the near-null voltage and integrates it (Vsum dT) which will
eventually rise sufficiently to drive the motor to null.

However, the motor does not stop instantly when the SUM reaches zero
because of inertia, so it overshoots. So the D = Derivative term
(dVsum/dT)is added in to cut the motor drive as the loop approaches null.

Note, in general the I term is destabilizing and the D term is
stabilizing, as long as you are considering frequencies below where the
othy components have significant phase shift.




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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread SAIDJACK
Hi Brian,
based on your measurements, it seems that your unit has a swing  of about 
0.00566 Hertz per Volt EFC, which is very little.
This compares to about 8Hz per volt for the standard DOCXO's we use.
That's a 1413 to 1 difference in EFC sensitivity between the Rb and the  
standard OCXO.
We use a dacgain of 15 for the standard OCXO, so try 15 * 1400 = 21,000 for 
 the Dacgain (that's a lot of dacgain!)
We use 0.7 for EFCS, and 15 for PHASECO, and 40 to 80 for EFC  Damping.
Unfortunately we do not have the Rb's here in house that you are using to  
try this out.
Let me know if that works,
In a message dated 7/27/2010 17:46:42 Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I did  another test and the rubidium dial setting was 000 for a control 
voltage  of 0.068V and the average frequency was 9 999 999.9933 hertz. 
The dial  setting was changed to 721 for a control voltage of 4.V and 
the  average frequency was 10 000 000.0216 hertz

The measurements were taken  with a HP5370B time interval counter 
referenced to a HP5065A rubidium  oscillator.  The data was recorded 
using a ProLogix GPIB  adapter.  The data was recorded in 10 minute 
intervals with the data  coming in at one measurement a second.  When the 
frequency was  changed, I allowed 20 minutes between the recordings.

Based on the  above measurements, Said, can you recommend some starting 
point for the  DAC Gain, EFC Scale, and the EFC Damping  ?
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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread J. Forster
> I read the article on PID on Wikipedia last night.  I do not fully
> understand it, but I see/learning some of the relationship.

Here's a very quick primer:

Consider a very simple control position servo loop:

Pos. Input --- + (SUM)--- PID --- AMP > --- MOTOR = Output Pos
   |-   ||
   |   POS Sensor
   | |

If you put an upwards step into the Pos Input the output of the SUM goes
up. This is applied to the AMP via the PID network and the MOTOR stasrts
up, turning the output shaft. As the Output shaft turns, the position
sensor output rises. That subtracts from the commanded position in the
SUM, reducing the AMP input.

Thats how the P = Proportional signal drives the loop to null.

However, in order for the motor to turn some non-zero voltage needs to be
applied. As the SUM output approaches zero the motor drive ceases and the
loop never reaches null. So the I = Integral term is added. If the loop
stops just shy of null, the SUM output will not be zero. The I Integrator
takes the near-null voltage and integrates it (Vsum dT) which will
eventually rise sufficiently to drive the motor to null.

However, the motor does not stop instantly when the SUM reaches zero
because of inertia, so it overshoots. So the D = Derivative term
(dVsum/dT)is added in to cut the motor drive as the loop approaches null.

Note, in general the I term is destabilizing and the D term is
stabilizing, as long as you are considering frequencies below where the
othy components have significant phase shift.




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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread Brian Kirby
I read the article on PID on Wikipedia last night.  I do not fully 
understand it, but I see/learning some of the relationship.

I did a test on the FRS-C rubidium.  The average frequency was 10 000 
000.0025 hertz at the rubidium 10 turn dial dial setting of 255, and the 
control voltage out of the pot was 1.7900 volts.  I recorded the 
frequency for a while and then changed frequency to see how long it took 
to get there.  I changed the dial setting to 516   (3.5800V) and it took 
8 seconds for the rubidium to change frequency and settle on a average 
frequency of 10, 000 000.0131 hertz.

I did another test and the rubidium dial setting was 000 for a control 
voltage of 0.068V and the average frequency was 9 999 999.9933 hertz. 
The dial setting was changed to 721 for a control voltage of 4.V and 
the average frequency was 10 000 000.0216 hertz

The measurements were taken with a HP5370B time interval counter 
referenced to a HP5065A rubidium oscillator.  The data was recorded 
using a ProLogix GPIB adapter.  The data was recorded in 10 minute 
intervals with the data coming in at one measurement a second.  When the 
frequency was changed, I allowed 20 minutes between the recordings.

Based on the above measurements, Said, can you recommend some starting 
point for the DAC Gain, EFC Scale, and the EFC Damping ?

Also from previous measurements, I know this particular rubidium was at 
 9x10E-11 at 0.1 sec, 1.8x10E-11 at 1 second, 5x10E-12 at 10 seconds, 
1.5x10E-12 at 100 seconds, 7x10E-13 for 1000 seconds, and 2.5x10E-13 for 
1 seconds - running on a Shera GPS controller - which the PIC was 
modified for this rubidium (it was changed from a 30 second time 
interval measurement to 120 seconds, and Shera changed the sensitivity 
of the PIC to 1X10-9/volt).

Thanks to Don and Scott for the ops info.


Brian KD4FM

On 7/27/2010 2:57 PM, wrote:

Hi guys,

it may help to increase DAC gain to get faster recovery times from "bumps"

On an OCXO, the frequency recovery from an upset should happen within a
couple of minutes, definitely less than 15 minutes to achieve frequency  lock.

The phase recovery (to 0ns offset) may take a couple of hours to do.

If it takes a very long time to recover, then I think increasing the DAC
gain, or alternatively the EFCS and PHASECO together may help.

Wikipedia has some good instructions on how to optimize PID type controller
  gains to get the fastest response with minimal noise...

Also, please make sure to disable temperature compensation when using the
external source, unless a thermistor is connected to the board, sensing the
Rb  temperature. Otherwise the temperature compensation may add noise due to
it  scaling the gain to huge values due to the missing thermistor.


In a message dated 7/27/2010 09:58:41 Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

My  experience is very similar to Scott's. I ran many hours with both an
and FE-5680A. The disciplining behavior and Fury settings  were the same
either Rb. My biggest disappointment was the  recovery time due to various
or intentional bumps or especially,  after power loss. I also had to let
"system" settle in for a week  before acceptable tracking smoothed out. Any
term slope to  the EFC trace (gpscon) caused excessive hunting and this
settle down until the Rb was VERY stable. My gpscon TI and stddev  was
the same as Scott's if I had EFCS set to 1.0 to 1.5 but  recovery was
unacceptable (maybe 24-hours) so I usually ran at 2.0 or 3.0  with
slight degrading of stddev to around 3.2. This EFCS setting  allowed a much
better settling time around 3-hours.

DACG=  1000
EFCS = 2 to 3
EFCD = 50 (25 allows little better settling  time)
PHASECO = 15 (I favor 10 Mhz over  PPS)

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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread Scott Mace
Said,  Did the OEM units (from way back) ship with an open pad for the 
thermistor?  I thought that wouldn't work unless it was drawing oven 
current from the Fury.  It would be neat to add some tempco into the mix 
instead of just trying to shield it from HVAC cycling.  The particular 
LPRO-101 that I'm using now, doesn't seem to be as sensitive as others 
to temp.  I was using a different LPRO originally and when I plotted the 
Fury board temp sensor with GPSCON you could see the impact of the 
cycling, now with this one you would be hard pressed to pick it out. 
The X72 was very sensitive to temp changes, EFC tracked the temp quite well.


On 07/27/2010 02:57 PM, wrote:

Hi guys,

it may help to increase DAC gain to get faster recovery times from "bumps"

On an OCXO, the frequency recovery from an upset should happen within a
couple of minutes, definitely less than 15 minutes to achieve frequency  lock.

The phase recovery (to 0ns offset) may take a couple of hours to do.

If it takes a very long time to recover, then I think increasing the DAC
gain, or alternatively the EFCS and PHASECO together may help.

Wikipedia has some good instructions on how to optimize PID type controller
  gains to get the fastest response with minimal noise...

Also, please make sure to disable temperature compensation when using the
external source, unless a thermistor is connected to the board, sensing the
Rb  temperature. Otherwise the temperature compensation may add noise due to
it  scaling the gain to huge values due to the missing thermistor.


In a message dated 7/27/2010 09:58:41 Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

My  experience is very similar to Scott's. I ran many hours with both an
and FE-5680A. The disciplining behavior and Fury settings  were the same
either Rb. My biggest disappointment was the  recovery time due to various
or intentional bumps or especially,  after power loss. I also had to let
"system" settle in for a week  before acceptable tracking smoothed out. Any
term slope to  the EFC trace (gpscon) caused excessive hunting and this
settle down until the Rb was VERY stable. My gpscon TI and stddev  was
the same as Scott's if I had EFCS set to 1.0 to 1.5 but  recovery was
unacceptable (maybe 24-hours) so I usually ran at 2.0 or 3.0  with
slight degrading of stddev to around 3.2. This EFCS setting  allowed a much
better settling time around 3-hours.

DACG=  1000
EFCS = 2 to 3
EFCD = 50 (25 allows little better settling  time)
PHASECO = 15 (I favor 10 Mhz over  PPS)

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Re: [time-nuts] HP 5061A on auction 290458191620

2010-07-27 Thread paul swed
Could be they can't check but the meter still should work
That would say a lot.
Well  to much for me to gamble away.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Pete Lancashire wrote:

> >> with a cal lab for defence department contracts
> Or maybe they don't have the ability to check for output :-)
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 7:04 AM, swingbyte 
> wrote:
> >  On 27/07/2010 11:16 PM, paul swed wrote:
> >>
> >> it is funny. But maybe those options did turn it into a network
> analyzer.
> >> Powers up untested $1300 AU. Well thats a great gamble for those with
> >> spare
> >> cash.
> >>
> >> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Javier
> >> Herrerowrote:
> >>
> >>> I've enjoyed the description. Particularly the "These atoms are
> processed
> >>> is such a way that they become an atomic frequency standard" :) Also
> the
> >>> history section... and the characteristics (Frequency Accuracy: +/-5
> ppm
> >>> <--- a little bad for a cesium, right? ;) or Frequency Range: 300KHz –
> >>> 1.5GHz<--- not so bad... ) So I don't know if option 3 and 4 refers to
> >>> the
> >>> 5061A or to the network analyzer specifications from which the seller
> >>> seems
> >>> to have messed at writing the description.
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>>
> >>> Javier
> >>>
> >>> El 27/07/2010 12:37, Mark Stephens escribió:
> >>>
> >>>  5061A opt 3 and opt 4
>  Ebay# 290458191620
>  Not mine but wish it was.
>  Mark
>  ___
>  time-nuts mailing list --
>  To unsubscribe, go to
>  and follow the instructions there.
> >>> --
> >>>
> >>> Javier HerreroEMAIL:
> >>> HV Sistemas S.L.  PHONE: +34 949 336
> 806
> >>> Los Charcones, 17 FAX:   +34 949 336
> 792
> >>> 19170 El Casar - Guadalajara - Spain  WEB:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> time-nuts mailing list --
> >>> To unsubscribe, go to
> >>>
> >>> and follow the instructions there.
> >>>
> >> ___
> >> time-nuts mailing list --
> >> To unsubscribe, go to
> >>
> >> and follow the instructions there.
> >>
> >  The seller runs a real store as well as a cal lab for defence department
> > contracts - so should be able to test.  That they don't test it suggests
> > that they may be are covering for selling an inoperative item or they
> can't
> > afford the time to test it.  In Australia these are rare and would only
> come
> > from the dod which has recently shut down and outsourced its cal labs. or
> > telecom.  Either way its old and overpriced.  I 'd like to know how the
> > other ones they have sold ended up?
> > They may have been on continuously for 30 years.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > time-nuts mailing list --
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> >
> > and follow the instructions there.
> >
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread SAIDJACK
Hi guys,
it may help to increase DAC gain to get faster recovery times from "bumps"  
On an OCXO, the frequency recovery from an upset should happen within a  
couple of minutes, definitely less than 15 minutes to achieve frequency  lock.
The phase recovery (to 0ns offset) may take a couple of hours to do.
If it takes a very long time to recover, then I think increasing the DAC  
gain, or alternatively the EFCS and PHASECO together may help.
Wikipedia has some good instructions on how to optimize PID type controller 
 gains to get the fastest response with minimal noise...
Also, please make sure to disable temperature compensation when using the  
external source, unless a thermistor is connected to the board, sensing the 
Rb  temperature. Otherwise the temperature compensation may add noise due to 
it  scaling the gain to huge values due to the missing thermistor.
In a message dated 7/27/2010 09:58:41 Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

My  experience is very similar to Scott's. I ran many hours with both an  
and FE-5680A. The disciplining behavior and Fury settings  were the same 
either Rb. My biggest disappointment was the  recovery time due to various 
or intentional bumps or especially,  after power loss. I also had to let 
"system" settle in for a week  before acceptable tracking smoothed out. Any 
term slope to  the EFC trace (gpscon) caused excessive hunting and this 
settle down until the Rb was VERY stable. My gpscon TI and stddev  was 
the same as Scott's if I had EFCS set to 1.0 to 1.5 but  recovery was 
unacceptable (maybe 24-hours) so I usually ran at 2.0 or 3.0  with 
slight degrading of stddev to around 3.2. This EFCS setting  allowed a much 
better settling time around 3-hours.

DACG=  1000
EFCS = 2 to 3
EFCD = 50 (25 allows little better settling  time)
PHASECO = 15 (I favor 10 Mhz over  PPS)

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Re: [time-nuts] RACAL-DANA 1992 Option 04E problem

2010-07-27 Thread billh40

 Thank you all for replying to the post.

 Channel C works up to 1,750 MHz on both units.  Channel A works up to 
220 MHz on both units.

 My applications are for GPS L1 at 1575.42 MHz , L2 at 1227.6 MHz, and 
L5 at 1176.45 MHz and their corresponding LOs.

 I did consider that the OCXO may be defective, but I didn't trouble 
shoot it. I just ran the unit with the lid off and it worked for 24 hours.

So, I just drilled the holes.  The TCXO unit did not over-heat. The two 
units track each other within 10 Hz (LSD) at 1,575.42 MHz.

I also have one EIP 545A WITH Option 05 (OCXO). I use the EIP 545A 10 
MHz OCXO output as the external reference for the HP 8656B.

I use a frequency doubler to obtain 1575.42 MHz.

Thanks for your help,
Bill Hanna



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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread Don @ True-Cal
My experience is very similar to Scott's. I ran many hours with both an 
and FE-5680A. The disciplining behavior and Fury settings were the same for 
either Rb. My biggest disappointment was the recovery time due to various 
or intentional bumps or especially, after power loss. I also had to let the 
"system" settle in for a week before acceptable tracking smoothed out. Any long 
term slope to the EFC trace (gpscon) caused excessive hunting and this didn't 
settle down until the Rb was VERY stable. My gpscon TI and stddev was virtually 
the same as Scott's if I had EFCS set to 1.0 to 1.5 but recovery was 
unacceptable (maybe 24-hours) so I usually ran at 2.0 or 3.0 with 
slight degrading of stddev to around 3.2. This EFCS setting allowed a much 
better settling time around 3-hours.
DACG= 1000
EFCS = 2 to 3
EFCD = 50 (25 allows little better settling time)
PHASECO = 15 (I favor 10 Mhz over PPS)

From: Scott Mace 
Sent: Tue, July 27, 2010 10:41:16 AM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

I have done this with several LPRO-101, X72, and a FRS-C.  The FRS-C that I 
was out of a Lucent RFG-RB box.  It had a hot TTL output that was causing 
with the Fury,  The level was the problem, not the ttl.  The EFC was 
hypersensitive, and it took a long time for the unit to settle down before the 
Fury would handle it.  Same thing with the LPRO, and X72, you have to wait for 
it settle for a week or so before it starts to work well if it's been off for a 
long time.  The X72 was by far the worst, and it would jump from time to time, 
which would make the fury unhappy.  I didn't have a chassis that would fit the 
FRS-C and the fury, so I just went back to the LPRO.  The lpro-101 has been the 
best so far.  I put everything in a 1U chassis and placed it in the bottom of 
rack away from the AC vent.

This is what I use with the LPRO-101.

dac gain: 1000
efc scale: 1.30
efc damping: 35
ocxo slope: positive
phaseco: 35

I test it by changing the antenna delay.  It should recover within a reasonable 
time.  Bumping the coarsedac is typically too much change and takes longer to 
recover.  I run it with a 20ns offset to my z3801a, and they always stay within 
20ns of other.

I've had the Fury running for about 5400 hours since the last reboot, running 
v1.21 firmware.  It stays within +-10ns,  usually it's between +-5ns.  Over 
24hrs, gpscon reports TI average 0.15 or so and stddev around 2.5ns.


On 7/27/2010 9:07 AM, Brian Kirby wrote:
> Has anybody on the list interfaced a Fury GPS controller to a rubidium ?
> If you have, please advise the rubidium are using and your SERV:DACG ,
> SERV:EFCS , and SERV:EFCD settings.
> I am working with a FRS-C at the moment and I have not found the right
> combination to get a stable lock.
> Thanks - Brian KD4FM
> ___
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Re: [time-nuts] RACAL-DANA 1992 Option 04E problems

2010-07-27 Thread Ed Palmer
Are you sure that the OCXO is failing?  I bought two 1992s.  One was 
basically dead.  A custom IC (U39) was running at 90C with no heatsink.  
In the working unit U39 was ~60C.  One of this chip's functions is to 
process the oscillator before it's sent to the 10MHz STD. OUTPUT jack on 
the back.  U39 is the socketed 40 pin dip located on the right side, in 
front of the OCXO.  Maybe your unit has a flaky U39.

Ed wrote:

  I own one RACAL-DANA 1992 (Standard- TCXO).  I purchased one with the 
Option 04E on eBAY.

  The 04E chassis is sealed and the internal OCXO overheats due to lack 
of cooling air.  This causes the counter to stop taking measurements.  I had to 
add ventilation holes on the top and right side of the chassis lid to obtain 
reliable operation.

  Both counters work up to 1,750 MHz.

Bill Hanna


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Re: [time-nuts] Sale TRACOR527E

2010-07-27 Thread J. Forster
I have both the 527A and 527E manuals already scanned if you want them. My
527E is missing the info one he one card that is different between the
models. Luciano and I are trying to work that out now.




> Luciano,
> When you get it scanned I will be happy to host
> it on the  Web site.
> Hadley
> At 08:01 AM 7/27/2010, you wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>I confirm the manual is for the E model.I will
>>scan it.I hope will be ready next week.
>>Luciano P. S. Paramithiotti
>>-Original Message-
>>[] On Behalf Of J. Forster
>>Sent: martedì 27 luglio 2010 16.32
>>To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
>>Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Sale TRACOR527E
>>Is the manual for the 527E or for the 527A? AFAIK, the difference is only
>>1 card but there are no drawings of that card available.
>>It would be a real public service to scan or copy it before selling your
>> unit.
>>If you have a real 527E manual copy, please contact me off-list.
>> >
>> > Hi all,
>> > For sale Tracor 527E frequency difference meter. Accept 1,5,10 Mhz
>> > perfectly working come with manual copy.One front handle is missing.
>> > Price 350,00 Euros Shipping from Italy not included. Paypal account or
>> > Poste Pay if in Italy.
>> > If interested replay writing your personal email address.I will
>> > contact you directly.
>> > Thanks all you,
>> > Luciano
>> > IZ5JHJ
>> > ___
>> > time-nuts mailing list -- To unsubscribe, go to
>> >
>> > and follow the instructions there.
>> >
>> >
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>>time-nuts mailing list --
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>>and follow the instructions there.
> A fine is a tax for doing wrong.  A tax is a fine for doing well.
> Peter Cooper, of Fermi Lab, says, "Every experimentalist knows
> that the apparatus, or at least your understanding of it, is
> always at fault until demonstrated otherwise." He also says,
> "Nature is really unmoved by what I, or anyone else, believes."
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list --
> To unsubscribe, go to
> and follow the instructions there.

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Re: [time-nuts] Sale TRACOR527E

2010-07-27 Thread Had


When you get it scanned I will be happy to host 
it on the  Web site.


At 08:01 AM 7/27/2010, you wrote:

I confirm the manual is for the E model.I will 
scan it.I hope will be ready next week.


Luciano P. S. Paramithiotti

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of J. Forster

Sent: martedì 27 luglio 2010 16.32
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Sale TRACOR527E


Is the manual for the 527E or for the 527A? AFAIK, the difference is only
1 card but there are no drawings of that card available.

It would be a real public service to scan or copy it before selling your unit.

If you have a real 527E manual copy, please contact me off-list.




> Hi all,
> For sale Tracor 527E frequency difference meter. Accept 1,5,10 Mhz
> perfectly working come with manual copy.One front handle is missing.
> Price 350,00 Euros Shipping from Italy not included. Paypal account or
> Poste Pay if in Italy.
> If interested replay writing your personal email address.I will
> contact you directly.
> Thanks all you,
> Luciano
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- To unsubscribe, go to
> and follow the instructions there.

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unsubscribe, go to

and follow the instructions there.

time-nuts mailing list --
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A fine is a tax for doing wrong.  A tax is a fine for doing well.

Peter Cooper, of Fermi Lab, says, "Every experimentalist knows
that the apparatus, or at least your understanding of it, is
always at fault until demonstrated otherwise." He also says,
"Nature is really unmoved by what I, or anyone else, believes."

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Re: [time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread Scott Mace
I have done this with several LPRO-101, X72, and a FRS-C.  The FRS-C 
that I used was out of a Lucent RFG-RB box.  It had a hot TTL output 
that was causing issues with the Fury,  The level was the problem, not 
the ttl.  The EFC was hypersensitive, and it took a long time for the 
unit to settle down before the Fury would handle it.  Same thing with 
the LPRO, and X72, you have to wait for it settle for a week or so 
before it starts to work well if it's been off for a long time.  The X72 
was by far the worst, and it would jump from time to time, which would 
make the fury unhappy.  I didn't have a chassis that would fit the FRS-C 
and the fury, so I just went back to the LPRO.  The lpro-101 has been 
the best so far.  I put everything in a 1U chassis and placed it in the 
bottom of my rack away from the AC vent.

This is what I use with the LPRO-101.

dac gain: 1000
efc scale: 1.30
efc damping: 35
ocxo slope: positive
phaseco: 35

I test it by changing the antenna delay.  It should recover within a 
reasonable time.  Bumping the coarsedac is typically too much change and 
takes longer to recover.  I run it with a 20ns offset to my z3801a, and 
they always stay within 20ns of other.

I've had the Fury running for about 5400 hours since the last reboot, 
running v1.21 firmware.  It stays within +-10ns,  usually it's between 
+-5ns.  Over 24hrs, gpscon reports TI average 0.15 or so and stddev 
around 2.5ns.


On 7/27/2010 9:07 AM, Brian Kirby wrote:

Has anybody on the list interfaced a Fury GPS controller to a rubidium ?

If you have, please advise the rubidium are using and your SERV:DACG ,
SERV:EFCS , and SERV:EFCD settings.

I am working with a FRS-C at the moment and I have not found the right
combination to get a stable lock.

Thanks - Brian KD4FM

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Re: [time-nuts] RACAL-DANA 1992 Option 04E problems

2010-07-27 Thread Dan Rae wrote:

  I own one RACAL-DANA 1992 (Standard- TCXO).  I purchased one with the 
Option 04E on eBAY.

  The 04E chassis is sealed and the internal OCXO overheats due to lack 
of cooling air.  This causes the counter to stop taking measurements.  I had to 
add ventilation holes on the top and right side of the chassis lid to obtain 
reliable operation.

  Both counters work up to 1,750 MHz.

Bill Hanna


Bill I have had several of these through my hands over the years and the 
outside of the crystal oven does get hot but not exceptionally so.  
Certainly it should /not/ require any extra ventilation.  I would 
suspect that you have a faulty oven heater controller in there and that 
the heater is running at full current all the time.

What frequency does the standard put out?  The frequency and the current 
drawn by the oven should both settle down after about 15 minutes from cold.

Also if you really meant 1,750 MHz on both inputs that's way better than 
it should be, pretty amazing really :^)


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Re: [time-nuts] RACAL-DANA 1992 Option 04E problems

2010-07-27 Thread Steve Rooke
Strange, there is no mention of the need to add ventilation when you
upgrade to ocxo in the service manual.


On 28/07/2010,  wrote:
>   I own one RACAL-DANA 1992 (Standard- TCXO).  I purchased one with
> the Option 04E on eBAY.
>   The 04E chassis is sealed and the internal OCXO overheats due to
> lack of cooling air.  This causes the counter to stop taking measurements.
> I had to add ventilation holes on the top and right side of the chassis lid
> to obtain reliable operation.
>   Both counters work up to 1,750 MHz.
> Bill Hanna
> =
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list --
> To unsubscribe, go to
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Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
- Einstein

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[time-nuts] RACAL-DANA 1992 Option 04E problems

2010-07-27 Thread billh40

  I own one RACAL-DANA 1992 (Standard- TCXO).  I purchased one with the 
Option 04E on eBAY.

  The 04E chassis is sealed and the internal OCXO overheats due to lack 
of cooling air.  This causes the counter to stop taking measurements.  I had to 
add ventilation holes on the top and right side of the chassis lid to obtain 
reliable operation.

  Both counters work up to 1,750 MHz.

Bill Hanna


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Re: [time-nuts] Sale TRACOR527E

2010-07-27 Thread Paramithiotti, Luciano Paolo S
I confirm the manual is for the E model.I will scan it.I hope will be ready 
next week.

Luciano P. S. Paramithiotti

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf 
Of J. Forster
Sent: martedì 27 luglio 2010 16.32
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Sale TRACOR527E


Is the manual for the 527E or for the 527A? AFAIK, the difference is only
1 card but there are no drawings of that card available.

It would be a real public service to scan or copy it before selling your unit.

If you have a real 527E manual copy, please contact me off-list.




> Hi all,
> For sale Tracor 527E frequency difference meter. Accept 1,5,10 Mhz 
> perfectly working come with manual copy.One front handle is missing. 
> Price 350,00 Euros Shipping from Italy not included. Paypal account or 
> Poste Pay if in Italy.
> If interested replay writing your personal email address.I will 
> contact you directly.
> Thanks all you,
> Luciano
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list -- To unsubscribe, go to 
> and follow the instructions there.

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Re: [time-nuts] Heathkid - New time-nut needs help [Update]

2010-07-27 Thread Steve Rooke
You might want to look at this link for useful info on the 5680A,, and right down the bottom of
this link,

73 de Steve

On 28/07/2010, Steve Rooke  wrote:
> Kia Ora Brice,
> On 27/07/2010, Heathkid  wrote:
>> Yes, the FEI 5680A's I got are programmable from 1Hz to 20MHz (SMA output
>> /
>> currently set to 10MHz) plus has the RS232 for programming and one of
>> those
>> pins (besides the Rb lock pin that goes low and I've got a LED on it) has
>> the 1pps.  Besides the "C" field potentiometer it also has a 0 to 5V fine
>> tune voltage.  The slowest of the three takes only about 4 seconds to
>> achieve Rb lock.  Here are the exact units I got (and "flyingbest" is a
>> great and honest seller):
> Not the cheapest I have seen but at least you have a full kit and they
> are the programmable ones. What's the PSU like, how good is the
> regulation on it as this will have a factor on how clean the output
> is. Monitor the voltage at startup right through to it running stable
> and see if it changes. There seems to be no requirement for +5V for
> programming the device in the listing you quote but others have
> indicated that this needs to be connected to pin 4 of the DB-9. That
> being said, the info I have,
>, does not
> show a C field adjustment on pin 8. The SMA connector looks like it
> has been retrofitted IMHO so it would be interesting to pop the hood
> and look for any mods done by the seller.
>> The Thunderbolt I bought from fluke.l as he seems to be the "TBolt seller
>> of
>> choice" around here.  I also got the LCD display option (looks like fun
>> to
>> see what it's doing when not connected to a PC).
> Yes, I'm yet to get one of those LCD displays although there is quite
> a discussion thread on these in the archives and you can see the
> background to this. Before you put the LCD display on for long term
> use, I suggest you run it with Lady Heather to see how it it is
> tracking sats and stabilising. The tuning of the PLL constants is the
> subject of quite a few threads in the archives so you can learn a lot
> from that. Once your happy that it's running fine, connect the LCD
> display but I'd run it for a few weeks before you get to that stage as
> the ocxo will have been sitting on the shelf cold and you want to see
> how that is shaping up (this will take months before the xo really
> beds in). You should also keep an eye on it continuing to track sats
> as some people have found that their TB's have completely lost the
> plot at times. When you first start it up it won't know what the heck
> is going on as the location it was last running will be internally
> stored and it will be looking for sats in the sky and not seeing them.
> You should make sure it does a survey straight away so that sanity is
> restored and/or you can enter your exact location of the antenna if
> you know that.
> I don't know your location but you should make sure that your antenna
> is located in a good position where it has a good sight to the south
> and look out for multipath reception, trees, buildings, etc. but your
> a ham anyway and must be in a good position to fix it up as your doing
> QRP.
>> Okay, so today... I bought a "real" frequency counter.  After a LOT of
>> looking and reading... I chose a HP 5335A.  It has option 10 (Oven
>> Oscillator) and 030 (C Channel 1.3 GHz ) plus the HPIB plus math and
>> statistics functions standard and includes operating and service manuals
>> on
>> CD.  It'll also be calibrated just prior to shipping to me (current Date
>> Due
>> 03/19/11) but it will be re-calibrated just for me so at least I know
>> it'll
>> work and if there is a problem, I can return it.  :)
> Well, that's a nice purchase and I'm sure it will serve you well.
>> So, now I have the following (when the rest shows up):
>> (3) FEI 5680A Programmable Rubidium Frequency Standards w/ 1pps
>> (1) Thunderbolt "Complete Kit" w/ LCD display - from fluke.l
>> (1) HP 5335A Universal Counter w/ Options 10 (Oven Oscillator) & 030 (C
>> Channel 1.3 GHz)
> Well, that's a start, or should I say, the slippery slope :) You'll
> have a good setup with this and have a decent frequency standard for
> your lab equipment. You can program those 5680A's to output directly
> on some of the HF bands and have a Rb controlled QRP rig :)
>> Hopefully, Stanley got my payment for the PICTIC II boards and I got an
>> email back from Bob about getting me on the list for the programmed PICs.
> All you need now is a DMTD and you'll be in a good position to things
> like ADEV measurements on your sources. As the Rbs are not great at
> close-in ADEV, it would be worth while looking for the dual-oven HP
> 10811.
>> That's where I'm at right now.
> Well, your doing OK.
> 73 de Steve ZL3TUV & G8KVD
>> 73 Brice KA8

Re: [time-nuts] HP 5061A on auction 290458191620

2010-07-27 Thread Pete Lancashire
>> with a cal lab for defence department contracts

Or maybe they don't have the ability to check for output :-)

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 7:04 AM, swingbyte  wrote:
>  On 27/07/2010 11:16 PM, paul swed wrote:
>> it is funny. But maybe those options did turn it into a network analyzer.
>> Powers up untested $1300 AU. Well thats a great gamble for those with
>> spare
>> cash.
>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Javier
>> Herrerowrote:
>>> I've enjoyed the description. Particularly the "These atoms are processed
>>> is such a way that they become an atomic frequency standard" :) Also the
>>> history section... and the characteristics (Frequency Accuracy: +/-5 ppm
>>> <--- a little bad for a cesium, right? ;) or Frequency Range: 300KHz –
>>> 1.5GHz<--- not so bad... ) So I don't know if option 3 and 4 refers to
>>> the
>>> 5061A or to the network analyzer specifications from which the seller
>>> seems
>>> to have messed at writing the description.
>>> Regards,
>>> Javier
>>> El 27/07/2010 12:37, Mark Stephens escribió:
>>>  5061A opt 3 and opt 4

 Ebay# 290458191620

 Not mine but wish it was.


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 To unsubscribe, go to
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>>> --
>>> Javier Herrero                            EMAIL:
>>> HV Sistemas S.L.                          PHONE:         +34 949 336 806
>>> Los Charcones, 17                         FAX:           +34 949 336 792
>>> 19170 El Casar - Guadalajara - Spain      WEB:
>>> ___
>>> time-nuts mailing list --
>>> To unsubscribe, go to
>>> and follow the instructions there.
>> ___
>> time-nuts mailing list --
>> To unsubscribe, go to
>> and follow the instructions there.
>  The seller runs a real store as well as a cal lab for defence department
> contracts - so should be able to test.  That they don't test it suggests
> that they may be are covering for selling an inoperative item or they can't
> afford the time to test it.  In Australia these are rare and would only come
> from the dod which has recently shut down and outsourced its cal labs. or
> telecom.  Either way its old and overpriced.  I 'd like to know how the
> other ones they have sold ended up?
> They may have been on continuously for 30 years.
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list --
> To unsubscribe, go to
> and follow the instructions there.

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Re: [time-nuts] Heathkid - New time-nut needs help...

2010-07-27 Thread Steve Rooke
Kia Ora Brice,

On 27/07/2010, Heathkid  wrote:

> Yes, the FEI 5680A's I got are programmable from 1Hz to 20MHz (SMA output /
> currently set to 10MHz) plus has the RS232 for programming and one of those
> pins (besides the Rb lock pin that goes low and I've got a LED on it) has
> the 1pps.  Besides the "C" field potentiometer it also has a 0 to 5V fine
> tune voltage.  The slowest of the three takes only about 4 seconds to
> achieve Rb lock.  Here are the exact units I got (and "flyingbest" is a
> great and honest seller):

Not the cheapest I have seen but at least you have a full kit and they
are the programmable ones. What's the PSU like, how good is the
regulation on it as this will have a factor on how clean the output
is. Monitor the voltage at startup right through to it running stable
and see if it changes. There seems to be no requirement for +5V for
programming the device in the listing you quote but others have
indicated that this needs to be connected to pin 4 of the DB-9. That
being said, the info I have,, does not
show a C field adjustment on pin 8. The SMA connector looks like it
has been retrofitted IMHO so it would be interesting to pop the hood
and look for any mods done by the seller.

> The Thunderbolt I bought from fluke.l as he seems to be the "TBolt seller of
> choice" around here.  I also got the LCD display option (looks like fun to
> see what it's doing when not connected to a PC).

Yes, I'm yet to get one of those LCD displays although there is quite
a discussion thread on these in the archives and you can see the
background to this. Before you put the LCD display on for long term
use, I suggest you run it with Lady Heather to see how it it is
tracking sats and stabilising. The tuning of the PLL constants is the
subject of quite a few threads in the archives so you can learn a lot
from that. Once your happy that it's running fine, connect the LCD
display but I'd run it for a few weeks before you get to that stage as
the ocxo will have been sitting on the shelf cold and you want to see
how that is shaping up (this will take months before the xo really
beds in). You should also keep an eye on it continuing to track sats
as some people have found that their TB's have completely lost the
plot at times. When you first start it up it won't know what the heck
is going on as the location it was last running will be internally
stored and it will be looking for sats in the sky and not seeing them.
You should make sure it does a survey straight away so that sanity is
restored and/or you can enter your exact location of the antenna if
you know that.

I don't know your location but you should make sure that your antenna
is located in a good position where it has a good sight to the south
and look out for multipath reception, trees, buildings, etc. but your
a ham anyway and must be in a good position to fix it up as your doing

> Okay, so today... I bought a "real" frequency counter.  After a LOT of
> looking and reading... I chose a HP 5335A.  It has option 10 (Oven
> Oscillator) and 030 (C Channel 1.3 GHz ) plus the HPIB plus math and
> statistics functions standard and includes operating and service manuals on
> CD.  It'll also be calibrated just prior to shipping to me (current Date Due
> 03/19/11) but it will be re-calibrated just for me so at least I know it'll
> work and if there is a problem, I can return it.  :)

Well, that's a nice purchase and I'm sure it will serve you well.

> So, now I have the following (when the rest shows up):
> (3) FEI 5680A Programmable Rubidium Frequency Standards w/ 1pps
> (1) Thunderbolt "Complete Kit" w/ LCD display - from fluke.l
> (1) HP 5335A Universal Counter w/ Options 10 (Oven Oscillator) & 030 (C
> Channel 1.3 GHz)

Well, that's a start, or should I say, the slippery slope :) You'll
have a good setup with this and have a decent frequency standard for
your lab equipment. You can program those 5680A's to output directly
on some of the HF bands and have a Rb controlled QRP rig :)

> Hopefully, Stanley got my payment for the PICTIC II boards and I got an
> email back from Bob about getting me on the list for the programmed PICs.

All you need now is a DMTD and you'll be in a good position to things
like ADEV measurements on your sources. As the Rbs are not great at
close-in ADEV, it would be worth while looking for the dual-oven HP

> That's where I'm at right now.

Well, your doing OK.

73 de Steve ZL3TUV & G8KVD

> 73 Brice KA8MAV
> - Original Message -
> From: "Steve Rooke" 
> To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement"
> Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 7:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Symmetricom X72
>> Yes, it's because of the various types that you need to verify exactly
>> what you have. A number of them are made to customer specifications
>> with undocumented option numb

Re: [time-nuts] Pictic II boards are here !

2010-07-27 Thread Bob Martinson
Board received 7/26/10, nice looking board, thanks for the order.

Bob Martinson

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Stanley Reynolds
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 6:08 PM
Subject: [time-nuts] Pictic II boards are here !

Paypal to  . Yes I still have extra boards.


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Re: [time-nuts] Sale TRACOR527E

2010-07-27 Thread J. Forster

Is the manual for the 527E or for the 527A? AFAIK, the difference is only
1 card but there are no drawings of that card available.

It would be a real public service to scan or copy it before selling your

If you have a real 527E manual copy, please contact me off-list.




> Hi all,
> For sale Tracor 527E frequency difference meter. Accept 1,5,10 Mhz
> perfectly working come with manual copy.One front handle is missing. Price
> 350,00 Euros
> Shipping from Italy not included. Paypal account or Poste Pay if in Italy.
> If interested replay writing your personal email address.I will contact
> you directly.
> Thanks all you,
> Luciano
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list --
> To unsubscribe, go to
> and follow the instructions there.

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[time-nuts] Pictic assembled pictures

2010-07-27 Thread Stanley Reynolds

I think it would be possible to use the side adjust square trimmers but not the 
rectangular ones as they are too big and the holes would be too far apart to 
mount them close to the board. The top adjust would be the first choice because 
they would be easier adjust especially if board is mounted in a case.


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[time-nuts] Fury - Rubidium

2010-07-27 Thread Brian Kirby

Has anybody on the list interfaced a Fury GPS controller to a rubidium ?

If you have, please advise the rubidium are using and your SERV:DACG , 
SERV:EFCS , and SERV:EFCD settings.

I am working with a FRS-C at the moment and I have not found the right 
combination to get a stable lock.

Thanks - Brian KD4FM

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Re: [time-nuts] HP 5061A on auction 290458191620

2010-07-27 Thread swingbyte

 On 27/07/2010 11:16 PM, paul swed wrote:

it is funny. But maybe those options did turn it into a network analyzer.
Powers up untested $1300 AU. Well thats a great gamble for those with spare

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Javier Herrerowrote:

I've enjoyed the description. Particularly the "These atoms are processed
is such a way that they become an atomic frequency standard" :) Also the
history section... and the characteristics (Frequency Accuracy: +/-5 ppm
<--- a little bad for a cesium, right? ;) or Frequency Range: 300KHz –
1.5GHz<--- not so bad... ) So I don't know if option 3 and 4 refers to the
5061A or to the network analyzer specifications from which the seller seems
to have messed at writing the description.



El 27/07/2010 12:37, Mark Stephens escribió:

  5061A opt 3 and opt 4

Ebay# 290458191620

Not mine but wish it was.


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Javier HerreroEMAIL:
HV Sistemas S.L.  PHONE: +34 949 336 806
Los Charcones, 17 FAX:   +34 949 336 792
19170 El Casar - Guadalajara - Spain  WEB:

time-nuts mailing list --
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time-nuts mailing list --
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and follow the instructions there.

 The seller runs a real store as well as a cal lab for defence 
department contracts - so should be able to test.  That they don't test 
it suggests that they may be are covering for selling an inoperative 
item or they can't afford the time to test it.  In Australia these are 
rare and would only come from the dod which has recently shut down and 
outsourced its cal labs. or telecom.  Either way its old and 
overpriced.  I 'd like to know how the other ones they have sold ended up?

They may have been on continuously for 30 years.

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Re: [time-nuts] HP 5061A on auction 290458191620

2010-07-27 Thread paul swed
it is funny. But maybe those options did turn it into a network analyzer.
Powers up untested $1300 AU. Well thats a great gamble for those with spare

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Javier Herrero wrote:

> I've enjoyed the description. Particularly the "These atoms are processed
> is such a way that they become an atomic frequency standard" :) Also the
> history section... and the characteristics (Frequency Accuracy: +/-5 ppm
> <--- a little bad for a cesium, right? ;) or Frequency Range: 300KHz –
> 1.5GHz <--- not so bad... ) So I don't know if option 3 and 4 refers to the
> 5061A or to the network analyzer specifications from which the seller seems
> to have messed at writing the description.
> Regards,
> Javier
> El 27/07/2010 12:37, Mark Stephens escribió:
>  5061A opt 3 and opt 4
>> Ebay# 290458191620
>> Not mine but wish it was.
>> Mark
>> ___
>> time-nuts mailing list --
>> To unsubscribe, go to
>> and follow the instructions there.
> --
> Javier HerreroEMAIL:
> HV Sistemas S.L.  PHONE: +34 949 336 806
> Los Charcones, 17 FAX:   +34 949 336 792
> 19170 El Casar - Guadalajara - Spain  WEB:
> ___
> time-nuts mailing list --
> To unsubscribe, go to
> and follow the instructions there.
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Re: [time-nuts] HP 5061A on auction 290458191620

2010-07-27 Thread Javier Herrero
I've enjoyed the description. Particularly the "These atoms are 
processed is such a way that they become an atomic frequency standard" 
:) Also the history section... and the characteristics (Frequency 
Accuracy: +/-5 ppm <--- a little bad for a cesium, right? ;) or 
Frequency Range: 300KHz – 1.5GHz <--- not so bad... ) So I don't know if 
option 3 and 4 refers to the 5061A or to the network analyzer 
specifications from which the seller seems to have messed at writing the 



El 27/07/2010 12:37, Mark Stephens escribió:

5061A opt 3 and opt 4

Ebay# 290458191620

Not mine but wish it was.


time-nuts mailing list --
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Javier HerreroEMAIL:
HV Sistemas S.L.  PHONE: +34 949 336 806
Los Charcones, 17 FAX:   +34 949 336 792
19170 El Casar - Guadalajara - Spain  WEB:

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[time-nuts] HP 5061A on auction 290458191620

2010-07-27 Thread Mark Stephens
5061A opt 3 and opt 4

Ebay# 290458191620

Not mine but wish it was.


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Re: [time-nuts] Basic question regarding comparing two frequencies

2010-07-27 Thread Geoff
On Tue, 27 Jul 2010 09:08:49 am Chuck Harris wrote:
> I suppose that you could always cheat?  Since you know where the
> transmitter is going to be, if you could get a timenut near to the
> transmitter to give you a beacon to measure 24hrs prior to the event,
> you could use the diurnal variations that you observed (observe?) on
> the beacon to predict the skywave offset due to Doppler at the time
> of the event.
> -Chuck Harris
> Murray Greenman wrote:
> > You guys are trying to crack a nut with a sledgehammer!
> >
> > For a start, as Didier says, you can't possibly read the frequency of a
> > sky-wave signal to 0.01Hz in any short time frame since the Doppler on
> > the signal can be as much as 1ppm (i.e. 10Hz at 10MHz). You can only
> > infer it closer than that by studying the frequency in the very long
> > term.
> >
> > In addition, you'll never know how much of the daily variation is
> > ionospheric, and how much is due to thermal changes at the source.

There is one possible way of getting an accurate reading from a sky wave 
signal over a short(ish) period. Plot a doppler shift curve with as fine a 
resolution as you can manage. Then look for a point of inflexion in the 
curve, that is a point where the second derivative of the curve function is 
zero. The frequency at that time will be that transmitted as at that instant 
the path length is not changing. You may have to examine your data set 
visually and mathematically examine a much smaller section. Of course if you 
don't get a point of inflexion you'll need much more data :-).

Cheers, Geoff vk2tfg.

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[time-nuts] Sale TRACOR527E

2010-07-27 Thread Paramithiotti, Luciano Paolo S
Hi all,
For sale Tracor 527E frequency difference meter. Accept 1,5,10 Mhz perfectly 
working come with manual copy.One front handle is missing. Price 350,00 Euros
Shipping from Italy not included. Paypal account or Poste Pay if in Italy. If 
interested replay writing your personal email address.I will contact you 
Thanks all you,
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