Re: [time-nuts] NTGS50AA 1 PPS mod

2015-06-17 Thread Bob Camp

 On Jun 16, 2015, at 9:20 PM, EB4APL wrote:
 I has been making some tests with the 1 PPS output and here are the results:
 Lady Heather cable delay commands works with both polarities, i.e. it can 
 advance or retard both 1/2 and 1 PPS signals, I used as reference and 
 external 1 PPS signal from a Rb oscillator.
 The first impression is that the 1 PPS  edge leads the 1/2 PPS about 550 ns 
 and this difference is consistent after some cable delay commands and antenna 
 disconnections, it is maintained during holdover.
 Then I tried several power cycling and warm resets and this make an annoying 
 thing to appear: during the acquisition and phase locking the difference 
 jumped between 540 and 140 ns in 100 ns steps.  This is due to the 1/2 PPS 
 synchronization with the SYS_CLOCK signal, so when the internal 1/2 PPS moved 
 back and forth until the system phase lock is obtained, the output jumps 
 between successive cycles of the SYS_CLOCK.  The annoying thing is that its 
 final state is not always the same, the final difference can be any of the 
 mentioned steps, from 120ns to 550 ns and there is not guarantee which one is 
 obtained while in my board the 540 ns difference is the most common.

This sort of thing is what I was afraid of when the signal first started being 

  I don't know yet  it the 1 PPS is closer to the epoch second or it is the 
 1/2 PPS, I have to hook up a GPS timing module and an antenna splitter and 
 see what happens. Anyway since Nortel specifies a tolerance of +/- 1 us of 
 the 1/2 PPS with respect to GPS even second, any of the seen values are 
 within specs but it is not very convenient for Time Nuts.

It is still quite possible that the “right” signal is the one you have dug out 
of the board and not the 1/2 pps 


 El 14/06/2015 a las 20:35, EB4APL wrote:
 Even if I get a cell site I would not use it for a private network, here 
 all cell phones are GSM not CDMA.
 The only use for the 9.8304 MHz is as a master for deriving serial comm 
 clocks (i.e. 9600 is  9.8304 / 1024) but I don't plan to became a Serial 
 Comm Time Nut yet. ;-)
 El 14/06/2015 a las 1:48, Bob Camp escribió:
 Of course tomorrow you will stumble into a “great deal” on a complete cell 
 site that needs a 9.8304 MHz clock :)
 One thing to watch:
 The pps you now have may or may not be deterministic in its relation to the 
 every other second output. It also may or
 may not be in a fixed relation to GPS. I would bet money that it *is* in a 
 fixed relation and that it’s actually better than
 the other signal. Just because I believe it to be true does not make it 
 true. It needs to be checked against something else.
 On Jun 13, 2015, at 1:56 PM, EB4APL wrote:
 I just finish the mod.  It was easy, I cut the trace between TP14 and 
 U405-6 and soldered a wire between TP14 and TP33. Now I have a pretty 1 
 PPS on J5, the old 9.8304 MHz output. The signal has 0-5 V levels, 
 normally high with a 10 us pulse going down.  In my unit this pulse leads 
 the even second pulse by 539 ns.  I will check if the Lady Heather command 
 for compensating the cable length can be used to move this if somebody 
 needs a more accurate epoch second. I have to use the 1PPS from my 
 FE5680A as a reference but now it is disconnected.
 I have made a picture of the mod and I'll include it with my partial 
 schematic (I made some advances there) and the list of the TP signals that 
 I'm preparing for upload.
 I have checked that now I have also 4 additional 1 PPS outputs in the 110 
 pin connector J2.  They are in the pins previously used by the SYS_CLK 
 signal.  They are differential LVDS as most of the signals on this 
 El 13/06/2015 a las 1:14, Ed Armstrong escribió:
 Ignacio, I would very much appreciate a copy of whatever schematics you 
 have, even if it is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate
 I agree with you that the 9.9804 Mhz is basically useless, while the even 
 second pulse is merely almost useless. However, as you have apparently 
 looked the board over more carefully than me, you probably already 
 understand why I did it the way I did. The location of the two output 
 circuits were very easy to find, the path from the connector to them is 
 quite distinctive. I just needed to find out where the signal got into 
 the output circuit from, and when I flipped the board over, the trace 
 bringing in the even second pulse was extremely obvious. There was no 
 obvious trace for the 9.9804, and I didn't feel like probing all over the 
 place and looking up a lot of chip numbers to try to figure out where it 
 came from, as I have a very unsteady hand which makes poking around in 
 these closely spaced components an invitation to disaster. So I just went 
 with the obvious.
 I found it interesting that the output circuit inverts the signal a few 

Re: [time-nuts] Modulation Domain Analysis

2015-06-17 Thread Robert Gilchrist Huenemann
Thank you for your comments. I was not aware of the TVC501. I  have ordered 
a copy of the manual.

It is interesting that this instrument only had analog outputs. You did not 
mention any digital outputs, so I assume it had none.

Several vendors made system in a box type instruments with various plug ins, 
including counters. Were any of them big sellers? Don't know.

Bob Huenemann

From: Bill Byrom
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Modulation Domain Analysis

On a related subject: Tektronix TVC501 Time-Interval to Voltage Converter 
(cousin of the modulation domain analyzer)

I have worked as an Application Engineer at Tektronix for over 25 years.
In the early 1990's we developed the TVC501, which was a time interval
to voltage converter. I'm doing this from memory (since it's hard to
find references on the Internet) but I believe it had a time interval
counter with about 50 ns resolution. The counter output was subtracted
from a user-settable reference time, then multiplied by a user-settable
gain before driving an 8-bit D/A. The analog voltage output was updated
at each measured interval, up to about 2 million updates/sec. This
architecture allowed the user to see small changes in large time
intervals on either an analog or digital oscilloscope or other
instrument. So you could see changes in the period of the power line
frequency with around 100 ns resolution, and use the oscilloscope
voltage level trigger features to capture timing aberrations. The TVC501
was a single-wide TM500 plug-in unit.

The TVC501 had two BNC inputs, and could sense the width or period of
signals on one input, or the time interval between edges on the two
inputs. It was a rather specialized product, and I don't think we sold
many of them. In 1995 we discontinued nearly the entire TM500/TM5000
line. Some of these products were sold by Tegam for a few years.

Bill Byrom N5BB

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015, at 05:17 PM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:

That's interesting.  I worked for the HP Santa Clara Division
from 1979 until just before it was closed in 1998.  I
forget who invented MDA at SCD, but it was hyped like
it was some new concept and I never heard anything about
the HP9540.

Many times someone would come to me and ask me about
some new bright idea they had, and I would tell them
Yes, I can confirm that your idea is excellent, because
I read the original paper on it that was published in
19XX.  It is interesting that people would often get
mad at me, as if it is my fault they reinvented the wheel.

If only I known about your HP Journal article, I could
have throw it up to the innovators at SCD.

Before I worked for HP, an HP Journal article came out
about fractional-N synthesizers, and everyone at Zeta
Labs was anxious to use the technology in the Zeta
Labs designs.  Except one guy, who pointed out that
he had invented frac-N 11 years previously, and he
called it digiphase.  I've never heard anyone at
HP ever acknowledge that guy.

Rick (now retired from HP/Agilent/Keysight)

On 6/16/2015 12:54 PM, Robert Gilchrist Huenemann wrote:
I stumbled onto the time nuts list from a posting on modulation domain 
analysis a couple of weeks ago. I am enjoying the discussion.

I want to comment on modulation domain analysis, or phase digitizing. 
This is a technique that uses a period mode frequency counter, or two 
such counters back to back, to recover the modulation history of a 
frequency modulated waveform.

This technique was first used in the HP9540 automated transceiver test 
system. This system was described in the August 1973 HP Journal. The 
HP9540 used a single HP5326 period mode counter with a 10 MHz clock. At 
that time, no counter was available with a higher clock frequency.

A breadboard system was assembled as part of the HP9540 development 
effort which used two HP5326 counters back to back. To insure that 
alternate periods were measured, the second HP5326 ran off the gate 
output of the first. However, it was realized that the characteristics 
of the HP9540 and its specific application were such that two counters 
were not required. Please refer to my HP Journal article for details.

The HP9540 was developed at HP's Automatic Measurement Division. This 
division was disbanded in 1974.

Modulation Domain Analysis and Phase Digitizing were terms that came 
into use with the later development of specialized stand alone 
instruments that combined computational capability, back to back period 
mode counters, higher clock frequencies, interpolation and algorithms 
for various measurements. All of these were worthwhile improvements on 
the basic technique first used in the HP9540.

I would be happy to answer questions. Thank you for allowing me to post 
this information.

Robert Gilchrist Huenemann, M.S.E.E.
120 Harbern Way
Hollister, CA 95023-9708

[time-nuts] Close in phase noise of microwave VCOs

2015-06-17 Thread Jim Lux
I'm looking for some representative data for inexpensive microwave VCOs 
(in the 2.5-6 GHz range, in general).  Not in a locked loop situation, 
but just bare: with a DC voltage on the tuning input. I'm particularly 
interested in data closer than 100 Hz.

Most of the data sheets (e.g. from Minicircuits, ROS-3710; crystek 
CVCO33 series) show noise from 1 kHz or 10kHz out, because most of these 
parts are intended for use in a PLL, and the close in will be 
determined by the loop.

Before I go out and hook one of these up and measure it, I figured I'd 
ask if someone out there has done it, or if there's a data sheet.

I'm not looking for any particular part or frequency or even exact 
numbers: more representative, typical kind of performance one might 
get from one of the plethora of $20-50 VCOs out there.

Something like the ROS-3710 looks like it's about -30dB/decade trending 
to 20 dB/decade.

(-70 @ 1 kHz, -96@10kHz, -118@100kHz, -138@1MHz)

A paper I found on 77 GHz sources cite a 30dB/decade (actually they give 
it as f^-3.05).


I've got a homodyne radar at work we use for detecting heartbeats of 
buried earthquake victims. I've also got a variety of gunn oscillator 
doppler radars of one sort or another.
There's 10GHz homodyne radars available for $5 from China (the selling 
prices range from $1 to $20, with corresponding inverse costs in 
shipping.. ).  They're designed for intrusion detectors and automatic 
door openers.

There's all kinds of cheap 2.45 GHz sources around: one might be able to 
repurpose an old 802.11b WiFi interface, for instance, although I think 
those are all synthesized PLL designs.

And my car has a 77 GHz radar in it for adaptive cruise 
control/automatic braking.

There's also Greg Charvat's build a SAR with coffee cans and a laptop 
mini-class/dissertation project.

 RF wise these radars are simple device, and I was asked to give a 
presentation to the JPL Amateur Radio Club on the principles and 
limitations on performance.  Most of the members of the JPLARC (like me) 
actually know quite a lot about RF design, so they'll be asking about 
what about the phase noise of the Tx.  We all know, qualitatively, 
that gunns are noisy close in (to the bane of hams who want to do narrow 
band stuff with the old MaCom gunnplexers), although, like with the 
minicircuits VCOs, there's no published data on their 1-100 Hz phase noise.

So I'm writing up a set of notes on the various factors, and the self 
noise of the oscillator is particularly important when looking for low 
frequency modulations (like heartbeats at 1 Hz, or people walking).

I've got empirical as measured in the system data from my 3GHz 
homodyne radars, but I was looking for some component data as an example.

Actually, if someone has some close in data from a 10.525 GHz Gunn (or 
the newer motion detectors), I'd love to see that too.

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Re: [time-nuts] Modulation Domain Analysis

2015-06-17 Thread Tim Shoppa
There is a commonly used kind of pulse train analyzer that records and then
dumps timestamps (absolute and/or delta) of low-to-high and high-to-low
transitions for analysis on a computer. Is there a name for this method? I
first saw it being used in the 80's to debug and reverse-engineer
broadcast-over-POTS codecs and GCR floppies, but I'm sure it existed well
before that.

This is similar to e.g. Tom's PICPET but we didn't use it for precision
timestamping - we used it as a kind of generic computer front end for
various pulse train modulation analysis.

Maybe Time-Stamping Counter is the generic term for the device? Is there
a phrase for data recovery/inspection using the recorded data?

Tim N3QE

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Robert Gilchrist Huenemann wrote:

 I stumbled onto the time nuts list from a posting on modulation domain
 analysis a couple of weeks ago. I am enjoying the discussion.

 I want to comment on modulation domain analysis, or phase digitizing. This
 is a technique that uses a period mode frequency counter, or two such
 counters back to back, to recover the modulation history of a frequency
 modulated waveform.

 This technique was first used in the HP9540 automated transceiver test
 system. This system was described in the August 1973 HP Journal. The HP9540
 used a single HP5326 period mode counter with a 10 MHz clock. At that time,
 no counter was available with a higher clock frequency.

 A breadboard system was assembled as part of the HP9540 development effort
 which used two HP5326 counters back to back. To insure that alternate
 periods were measured, the second HP5326 ran off the gate output of the
 first. However, it was realized that the characteristics of the HP9540 and
 its specific application were such that two counters were not required.
 Please refer to my HP Journal article for details.

 The HP9540 was developed at HP's Automatic Measurement Division. This
 division was disbanded in 1974.

 Modulation Domain Analysis and Phase Digitizing were terms that came into
 use with the later development of specialized stand alone instruments that
 combined computational capability, back to back period mode counters,
 higher clock frequencies, interpolation and algorithms for various
 measurements. All of these were worthwhile improvements on the basic
 technique first used in the HP9540.

 I would be happy to answer questions. Thank you for allowing me to post
 this information.

 Robert Gilchrist Huenemann, M.S.E.E.
 120 Harbern Way
 Hollister, CA 95023-9708
 Extra Class Amateur Radio License W6RFW
 IEEE Life Member 01189471

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[time-nuts] Testing the Datum LPRO Rb oscillator

2015-06-17 Thread Sean Gallagher

Good afternoon everyone,

So I have a bunch of Datum and Efratom LPRO Rb oscillators. I know that 
one of them is bad and I already swapped it out. I was getting really 
long lock times (if lock at all happened) and read that was an 

These things were all made from like 1999-2001 or so and from what I 
understand have about a 15 year lifespan. However a former colleague 
told me today that this limitation is really only if they are powered 
on. Is this true? If so then some of these units apparently were only 
hooked up for a couple years and then the servers they were in were 
taken offline and they may still have 10+ years of service right?

I was really wondering if someone could point me in the right direction 
(or towards a tutorial) on how I can test these and see if they are 
still okay? I don't have a lot of engineering experience but I do have 
access to a multi-meter and an oscilloscope and a decent amount of luck 
when it comes to troubleshooting.


Sean Gallagher
Malware Analyst
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Re: [time-nuts] Close in phase noise of microwave VCOs

2015-06-17 Thread Richard (Rick) Karlquist

On 6/17/2015 8:22 AM, Jim Lux wrote:

I'm looking for some representative data for inexpensive microwave VCOs
(in the 2.5-6 GHz range, in general).  Not in a locked loop situation,

If the phase noise data you have goes to a low enough frequency to
get below the 1/f corner (which is the case for the example you cited)
then it is a very safe bet that the noise will go up by 30 dB/decade
below that.

Having said that, if an ordinary engineer had asked me this question,
I would think that he needed some coaching on how to clean up the
VCO with a synthesizer of sufficiently wide loop bandwidth.  However,
you are very knowledgeable, so I will assume you are going to do
that and just want to predict the phase noise after clean up.  The
trick (as most time nuts know) is to use a small enough capacitor
in the loop filter so that you get clean up at a 40 dB/decade rate
so you can actually make some headway against the 30 dB/decade
1/f slope.

I have been through this exercise innumerable times and also taught
it to many others, and it seems to be very predictable.

In the unlikely event you use the VCO open loop, you'll have lots
of problems with microphonics, power supply noise, and even magnetic
fields from power transformers, as well as load pulling and thermal
drift.  Making microwave oscillators that can be used open loop 
(especially inexpensive ones) is definitely a lost art.  It died with 
the HP8640 sig gen.

Rick Karlquist N6RK
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Re: [time-nuts] Using CPLD/FPGA or similar for frequency

2015-06-17 Thread Alan Ambrose
In my mind, at least, this is still the same subject…

Does anyone have any results to share re the SiLabs Si53xx ‘Jitter Attenuating 
Clock Multipliers​’?

Is this a helpful way to supply a 1GHz counter with a ‘0.1ps rms phase jitter’ 

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Re: [time-nuts] Close in phase noise of microwave VCOs

2015-06-17 Thread Magnus Danielson


John Miles have been a bit active:

Just to give you a start-sample.


On 06/17/2015 05:22 PM, Jim Lux wrote:

I'm looking for some representative data for inexpensive microwave VCOs
(in the 2.5-6 GHz range, in general).  Not in a locked loop situation,
but just bare: with a DC voltage on the tuning input. I'm particularly
interested in data closer than 100 Hz.

Most of the data sheets (e.g. from Minicircuits, ROS-3710; crystek
CVCO33 series) show noise from 1 kHz or 10kHz out, because most of these
parts are intended for use in a PLL, and the close in will be
determined by the loop.

Before I go out and hook one of these up and measure it, I figured I'd
ask if someone out there has done it, or if there's a data sheet.

I'm not looking for any particular part or frequency or even exact
numbers: more representative, typical kind of performance one might
get from one of the plethora of $20-50 VCOs out there.

Something like the ROS-3710 looks like it's about -30dB/decade trending
to 20 dB/decade.
(-70 @ 1 kHz, -96@10kHz, -118@100kHz, -138@1MHz)

A paper I found on 77 GHz sources cite a 30dB/decade (actually they give
it as f^-3.05).


I've got a homodyne radar at work we use for detecting heartbeats of
buried earthquake victims. I've also got a variety of gunn oscillator
doppler radars of one sort or another.
There's 10GHz homodyne radars available for $5 from China (the selling
prices range from $1 to $20, with corresponding inverse costs in
shipping.. ).  They're designed for intrusion detectors and automatic
door openers.

There's all kinds of cheap 2.45 GHz sources around: one might be able to
repurpose an old 802.11b WiFi interface, for instance, although I think
those are all synthesized PLL designs.

And my car has a 77 GHz radar in it for adaptive cruise
control/automatic braking.

There's also Greg Charvat's build a SAR with coffee cans and a laptop
mini-class/dissertation project.

  RF wise these radars are simple device, and I was asked to give a
presentation to the JPL Amateur Radio Club on the principles and
limitations on performance.  Most of the members of the JPLARC (like me)
actually know quite a lot about RF design, so they'll be asking about
what about the phase noise of the Tx.  We all know, qualitatively,
that gunns are noisy close in (to the bane of hams who want to do narrow
band stuff with the old MaCom gunnplexers), although, like with the
minicircuits VCOs, there's no published data on their 1-100 Hz phase noise.

So I'm writing up a set of notes on the various factors, and the self
noise of the oscillator is particularly important when looking for low
frequency modulations (like heartbeats at 1 Hz, or people walking).

I've got empirical as measured in the system data from my 3GHz
homodyne radars, but I was looking for some component data as an example.

Actually, if someone has some close in data from a 10.525 GHz Gunn (or
the newer motion detectors), I'd love to see that too.

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[time-nuts] Searching for GR 1101A crystal oscillator

2015-06-17 Thread jmfranke

I am looking for a General Radio Type 1101A crystal oscillator to rebuild or 
use as a source of parts to rebuild an existing unit. I particularly need the 
front panel thermometer and thermometer cover plus the main cover lid for the 
crystal oven. Other parts would be a plus. A complete oscillator would be great!


John M. Franke
Portsmouth, VA 23703
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Re: [time-nuts] Modulation Domain Analysis

2015-06-17 Thread Magnus Danielson

Hi Tim,

The HP5371A era was Frequency and Time Interval Analyzers, and I think 
Time Interval Analyzers (TIA) kind of stuck.

The HP5372A introduced HW-support for histogram generation, so that 
collection can conntinue for milions of samples rather than stop after 
8191 samples. The patent for it is fairly readable. Do read the 
programmers manual, as it shows how the processing is done.

Wavecrest then went down that path too, and they shifted the term to 
Signal Integrity Analyzer (SIA), as in the SIA-3000.

A TIA uses a time-stamping counter as base, and adds software 
processing, so I think the term is fairly good and relevant.


On 06/17/2015 12:50 PM, Tim Shoppa wrote:

There is a commonly used kind of pulse train analyzer that records and then
dumps timestamps (absolute and/or delta) of low-to-high and high-to-low
transitions for analysis on a computer. Is there a name for this method? I
first saw it being used in the 80's to debug and reverse-engineer
broadcast-over-POTS codecs and GCR floppies, but I'm sure it existed well
before that.

This is similar to e.g. Tom's PICPET but we didn't use it for precision
timestamping - we used it as a kind of generic computer front end for
various pulse train modulation analysis.

Maybe Time-Stamping Counter is the generic term for the device? Is there
a phrase for data recovery/inspection using the recorded data?

Tim N3QE

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Robert Gilchrist Huenemann wrote:

I stumbled onto the time nuts list from a posting on modulation domain
analysis a couple of weeks ago. I am enjoying the discussion.

I want to comment on modulation domain analysis, or phase digitizing. This
is a technique that uses a period mode frequency counter, or two such
counters back to back, to recover the modulation history of a frequency
modulated waveform.

This technique was first used in the HP9540 automated transceiver test
system. This system was described in the August 1973 HP Journal. The HP9540
used a single HP5326 period mode counter with a 10 MHz clock. At that time,
no counter was available with a higher clock frequency.

A breadboard system was assembled as part of the HP9540 development effort
which used two HP5326 counters back to back. To insure that alternate
periods were measured, the second HP5326 ran off the gate output of the
first. However, it was realized that the characteristics of the HP9540 and
its specific application were such that two counters were not required.
Please refer to my HP Journal article for details.

The HP9540 was developed at HP's Automatic Measurement Division. This
division was disbanded in 1974.

Modulation Domain Analysis and Phase Digitizing were terms that came into
use with the later development of specialized stand alone instruments that
combined computational capability, back to back period mode counters,
higher clock frequencies, interpolation and algorithms for various
measurements. All of these were worthwhile improvements on the basic
technique first used in the HP9540.

I would be happy to answer questions. Thank you for allowing me to post
this information.

Robert Gilchrist Huenemann, M.S.E.E.
120 Harbern Way
Hollister, CA 95023-9708
Extra Class Amateur Radio License W6RFW
IEEE Life Member 01189471

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Re: [time-nuts] Testing the Datum LPRO Rb oscillator

2015-06-17 Thread Bob Camp

Some quick hints:

1) The “lifespan” number is very approximate. There is a slow drop off in the 
bulb. It may or
may not get you on a modern Rb.

2) Heat is the real killer on these gizmos. Run one without a heatsink and it 
will last a few years.
Run it with cooling that keeps it’s internals below 45C and it will last much 

3) The lamp monitor output is one way to see what’s going on. They started out 
with a design
that gave about 6V when new. Later units have a circuit that starts out around 
9V. In both cases
the trick is to check it when new and watch for it to drop. 

4) There are ways to “revive” certain forms of dead bulbs. A lot depends on 
exactly why your
bulb died (if it’s the problem). 

5) Things like RF transistors and tantalum bypass capacitors die in these units 
just like they 
do in anything else. They can be replaced and things will work. 

7) VCXO drift is one way Rb’s die. It’s more of an issue on the FEI’s that the 
LPRO’s. In that 
case tweaking the VCXO trimmer cap to re-center things fixes a unit that simply 
in search mode. 

There are lots more tricks. ….


 On Jun 17, 2015, at 3:08 PM, Sean Gallagher wrote:
 Good afternoon everyone,
 So I have a bunch of Datum and Efratom LPRO Rb oscillators. I know that one 
 of them is bad and I already swapped it out. I was getting really long lock 
 times (if lock at all happened) and read that was an indicator.
 These things were all made from like 1999-2001 or so and from what I 
 understand have about a 15 year lifespan. However a former colleague told me 
 today that this limitation is really only if they are powered on. Is this 
 true? If so then some of these units apparently were only hooked up for a 
 couple years and then the servers they were in were taken offline and they 
 may still have 10+ years of service right?
 I was really wondering if someone could point me in the right direction (or 
 towards a tutorial) on how I can test these and see if they are still okay? I 
 don't have a lot of engineering experience but I do have access to a 
 multi-meter and an oscilloscope and a decent amount of luck when it comes to 
 Sean Gallagher
 Malware Analyst
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Re: [time-nuts] Modulation Domain Analysis

2015-06-17 Thread Bill Byrom
Bob, the TVC501 was one of many Tektronix TM500 (manually controlled)
and TM5000 (manual or GPIB controlled) plug-in instruments and power
supplies. Some of these were very popular, such as the PS5004 precision
programmable power supply and DC5009 programmable counter. The TM500 non-
programmable modules were offered for over 20 years, from 1972 till the
early 1990's.

The Spectracom 8163 was a third party WWVB receiver which was powered by
a TM500 mainframe. A number of other companies produced modules which
were powered by TM500 mainframes.

Bill Byrom N5BB
On Wed, Jun 17, 2015, at 09:07 AM, Robert Gilchrist Huenemann wrote:
 Thank you for your comments. I was not aware of the TVC501. I  have
 a copy of the manual.
 It is interesting that this instrument only had analog outputs. You did
 mention any digital outputs, so I assume it had none.
 Several vendors made system in a box type instruments with various plug
 including counters. Were any of them big sellers? Don't know.
 Bob Huenemann
 From: Bill Byrom
 Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 7:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Modulation Domain Analysis
 On a related subject: Tektronix TVC501 Time-Interval to Voltage Converter
 (cousin of the modulation domain analyzer)
 I have worked as an Application Engineer at Tektronix for over 25 years.
 In the early 1990's we developed the TVC501, which was a time interval
 to voltage converter. I'm doing this from memory (since it's hard to
 find references on the Internet) but I believe it had a time interval
 counter with about 50 ns resolution. The counter output was subtracted
 from a user-settable reference time, then multiplied by a user-settable
 gain before driving an 8-bit D/A. The analog voltage output was updated
 at each measured interval, up to about 2 million updates/sec. This
 architecture allowed the user to see small changes in large time
 intervals on either an analog or digital oscilloscope or other
 instrument. So you could see changes in the period of the power line
 frequency with around 100 ns resolution, and use the oscilloscope
 voltage level trigger features to capture timing aberrations. The TVC501
 was a single-wide TM500 plug-in unit.
 The TVC501 had two BNC inputs, and could sense the width or period of
 signals on one input, or the time interval between edges on the two
 inputs. It was a rather specialized product, and I don't think we sold
 many of them. In 1995 we discontinued nearly the entire TM500/TM5000
 line. Some of these products were sold by Tegam for a few years.
 Bill Byrom N5BB
 On Tue, Jun 16, 2015, at 05:17 PM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:
 That's interesting.  I worked for the HP Santa Clara Division
 from 1979 until just before it was closed in 1998.  I
 forget who invented MDA at SCD, but it was hyped like
 it was some new concept and I never heard anything about
 the HP9540.
 Many times someone would come to me and ask me about
 some new bright idea they had, and I would tell them
 Yes, I can confirm that your idea is excellent, because
 I read the original paper on it that was published in
 19XX.  It is interesting that people would often get
 mad at me, as if it is my fault they reinvented the wheel.
 If only I known about your HP Journal article, I could
 have throw it up to the innovators at SCD.
 Before I worked for HP, an HP Journal article came out
 about fractional-N synthesizers, and everyone at Zeta
 Labs was anxious to use the technology in the Zeta
 Labs designs.  Except one guy, who pointed out that
 he had invented frac-N 11 years previously, and he
 called it digiphase.  I've never heard anyone at
 HP ever acknowledge that guy.
 Rick (now retired from HP/Agilent/Keysight)
 On 6/16/2015 12:54 PM, Robert Gilchrist Huenemann wrote:
 I stumbled onto the time nuts list from a posting on modulation domain
 analysis a couple of weeks ago. I am enjoying the discussion.
 I want to comment on modulation domain analysis, or phase digitizing.
 This is a technique that uses a period mode frequency counter, or two
 such counters back to back, to recover the modulation history of a
 frequency modulated waveform.
 This technique was first used in the HP9540 automated transceiver test
 system. This system was described in the August 1973 HP Journal. The
 HP9540 used a single HP5326 period mode counter with a 10 MHz clock. At
 that time, no counter was available with a higher clock frequency.
 A breadboard system was assembled as part of the HP9540 development
 effort which used two HP5326 counters back to back. To insure that
 alternate periods were measured, the second HP5326 ran off the gate
 output of the first. However, it 

Re: [time-nuts] Close in phase noise of microwave VCOs

2015-06-17 Thread John Miles
Also see , a quick and dirty but successful 
attempt at locking a Gunnplexer in a relatively low (1 kHz) loop bandwidth.  
The inband noise is likely too high for good performance in a radar 
application, but the basic idea is workable enough.  Unfortunately I tried this 
experiment before I had any way to generate log plots. :(

I can't think of many noise-critical applications where a microwave VCO is used 
without some form of phase locking.  I'd think that a homodyne architecture 
would still need a synthesized source, just because the waveform being received 
is delayed relative to the one that was sent.  Without a clean source, I'd 
imagine that you'd have to do autocorrelation between the outgoing and incoming 
channels rather than simple/cheap baseband mixing.  An obvious question would 
be whether it's cheaper to add another digitizer and correlator to your 
pipeline than it would be to clean up your source...

-- john, KE5FX
Miles Design LLC

 -Original Message-
 From: time-nuts [] On Behalf Of Magnus
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 1:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Close in phase noise of microwave VCOs
 John Miles have been a bit active:
 Just to give you a start-sample.
 On 06/17/2015 05:22 PM, Jim Lux wrote:
  I'm looking for some representative data for inexpensive microwave VCOs
  (in the 2.5-6 GHz range, in general).  Not in a locked loop situation,
  but just bare: with a DC voltage on the tuning input. I'm particularly
  interested in data closer than 100 Hz.
  Most of the data sheets (e.g. from Minicircuits, ROS-3710; crystek
  CVCO33 series) show noise from 1 kHz or 10kHz out, because most of these
  parts are intended for use in a PLL, and the close in will be
  determined by the loop.
  Before I go out and hook one of these up and measure it, I figured I'd
  ask if someone out there has done it, or if there's a data sheet.
  I'm not looking for any particular part or frequency or even exact
  numbers: more representative, typical kind of performance one might
  get from one of the plethora of $20-50 VCOs out there.
  Something like the ROS-3710 looks like it's about -30dB/decade trending
  to 20 dB/decade.
  (-70 @ 1 kHz, -96@10kHz, -118@100kHz, -138@1MHz)
  A paper I found on 77 GHz sources cite a 30dB/decade (actually they give
  it as f^-3.05).
  I've got a homodyne radar at work we use for detecting heartbeats of
  buried earthquake victims. I've also got a variety of gunn oscillator
  doppler radars of one sort or another.
  There's 10GHz homodyne radars available for $5 from China (the selling
  prices range from $1 to $20, with corresponding inverse costs in
  shipping.. ).  They're designed for intrusion detectors and automatic
  door openers.
  There's all kinds of cheap 2.45 GHz sources around: one might be able to
  repurpose an old 802.11b WiFi interface, for instance, although I think
  those are all synthesized PLL designs.
  And my car has a 77 GHz radar in it for adaptive cruise
  control/automatic braking.
  There's also Greg Charvat's build a SAR with coffee cans and a laptop
  mini-class/dissertation project.
RF wise these radars are simple device, and I was asked to give a
  presentation to the JPL Amateur Radio Club on the principles and
  limitations on performance.  Most of the members of the JPLARC (like me)
  actually know quite a lot about RF design, so they'll be asking about
  what about the phase noise of the Tx.  We all know, qualitatively,
  that gunns are noisy close in (to the bane of hams who want to do narrow
  band stuff with the old MaCom gunnplexers), although, like with the
  minicircuits VCOs, there's no published data on their 1-100 Hz phase noise.
  So I'm writing up a set of notes on the various factors, and the self
  noise of the oscillator is particularly important when looking for low
  frequency modulations (like heartbeats at 1 Hz, or people walking).
  I've got empirical as measured in the system data from my 3GHz
  homodyne radars, but I was looking for some component data as an example.
  Actually, if someone has some close in data from a 10.525 GHz Gunn (or
  the newer motion detectors), I'd love to see that too.
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[time-nuts] HP53132A For Sale

2015-06-17 Thread Ivan Cousins
The HP53132A has been sold and shipped.

Thank You.

Ivan Cousins
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Re: [time-nuts] Testing the Datum LPRO Rb oscillator

2015-06-17 Thread Chuck Harris

Generally, rubidiums do quite well when left powered down.  They
don't use the extremely hard vacuums characteristic of cesium

Other than the usual electronic component failures, the only thing
that usually happens to cause a rubidium to stop working is the
lamp gets blackened by rubidium condensing out on the glass in a
the beam path.  This causes the signal strength to drop to a point
where the servo can no longer lock.

The usual cure is to heat the bulb carefully until the rubidium is
once again all vaporized, and let it cool I use a hot air
gun to supply the heat... Once the bulb is cleared, you are good to
go for another lifetime.

-Chuck Harris

Sean Gallagher wrote:

Good afternoon everyone,

So I have a bunch of Datum and Efratom LPRO Rb oscillators. I know that one of 
is bad and I already swapped it out. I was getting really long lock times (if 
lock at
all happened) and read that was an indicator.

These things were all made from like 1999-2001 or so and from what I understand 
about a 15 year lifespan. However a former colleague told me today that this
limitation is really only if they are powered on. Is this true? If so then some 
these units apparently were only hooked up for a couple years and then the 
they were in were taken offline and they may still have 10+ years of service 

I was really wondering if someone could point me in the right direction (or 
towards a
tutorial) on how I can test these and see if they are still okay? I don't have 
a lot
of engineering experience but I do have access to a multi-meter and an 
and a decent amount of luck when it comes to troubleshooting.


Sean Gallagher
Malware Analyst
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Re: [time-nuts] Close in phase noise of microwave VCOs

2015-06-17 Thread Richard (Rick) Karlquist

On 6/17/2015 8:22 AM, Jim Lux wrote:

I'm looking for some representative data for inexpensive microwave VCOs
(in the 2.5-6 GHz range, in general).  Not in a locked loop situation,

If you are working up to 2.5 GHz, you can get a low power
chip for $2 from Analog Devices that has a VCO and synthesizer.
For about $15, you can get a 4.4 GHz chip from ADI.  National
Semi and Hittite now part of ADI) also make these sorts of things.

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[time-nuts] Lady Heather Doppler

2015-06-17 Thread Bryan _

Excuse the newbie question. but what is the meaning of the doppler reading in 
the satellite view. Curious as to what it represents. What is considered a good 
value when a satellite is being monitored. etc, I have seen values range from 
- to +. there doesn't seem to be a correlation to doppler readings and 
signal strength. I have seen both negative and positive numbers. 

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Re: [time-nuts] Using CPLD/FPGA or similar for frequency

2015-06-17 Thread Attila Kinali
On Wed, 17 Jun 2015 09:32:23 +1200
Bruce Griffiths wrote:

  Do you mean the technique that Panek et al. [1]  are using?

 Not quite he used an impulse to excite a saw filter rather than switching 
 off the dc current feed to an inductor or the equivalent.

Is there any fundamental difference there?

  IIRC he got that down to 0.5ps RMS now. And yes, the major
  source of error is the oscillator, according to [2].
  Ripamonti et al. showed in [3] that using an LC tank instead of an SAW
  filter will result in something in the order of 2-10ps RMS (after
  temperature compensation). So this system is in the same region as an 
  designed time-to-amplitude converter based system.
 The curve fitting algorithm they used is somewhat deficient as is the 
 switching method employed one can do much better  provided one has 
 sufficient time or computing resources available.

Can you give a description what you would do differently?

And yes, the two authors look like fresh graduate students who were told by
their professor to see whether they can reproduce Paneks results without
using a SAW filter.

 My crude testing using a 
 somewhat simplified diode switched current source powered by the signal 
 itself achieved a fitting noise of around 5ps with a 14 bit ADC. A better 
 driver and higher resolution ADC with a lower noise input amplifier than the 
 input amplifier of the oscilloscope I used should improve the results 
 somewhat as would a better model for the damped sine signal.

Hmm.. but the diode switched current source would need a quite steep
input pulse, wouldn't it? So some kind of pulse shaping would be
needed for a general circuit.

I also played with the idea to use a overtone crystal oscillator instead
of an LC tank, as this would probably give a higher temperature stability.

Attila Kinali

I must not become metastable. 
Metastability is the mind-killer.
Metastability is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my metastability. 
I will permit it to pass over me and through me. 
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. 
Where the metastability has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

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Re: [time-nuts] Lady Heather Doppler

2015-06-17 Thread Pete Stephenson
On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 7:06 AM, Bryan _ wrote:

 Excuse the newbie question. but what is the meaning of the doppler reading in 
 the satellite view. Curious as to what it represents. What is considered a 
 good value when a satellite is being monitored. etc, I have seen values range 
 from - to +. there doesn't seem to be a correlation to doppler 
 readings and signal strength. I have seen both negative and positive numbers.

I believe it's the doppler shift of the frequency used to transmit the
GPS signal. Positive values, I think, represent when the satellite is
moving toward the receiver, while negative values means it's moving
away.  If I'm incorrect, I welcome any corrections. I'm unclear on the
units or scale of the reported number: I think it's kilohertz, but
confirmation by more knowledgeable people would be welcome.

Does anyone have any more details on the Code and Clock Bias
columns and what they represent? Similarly, what is the Bias Rate
(not seen with the Thunderbolt, but Lady Heather reports the bias rate
when using a Resolution T)?


Pete Stephenson
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Re: [time-nuts] Using CPLD/FPGA or similar for frequency

2015-06-17 Thread Bruce Griffiths
I used the output of a CMOS frequency divider to drive a capacitor coupled 
passive dual diode and resistor  plus a parallel tank circuit comprising a 1uH 
powdered iron core (amidon #6) inductor and a 100pF silvered mica capacitor. 
The ADC used a 100MHz clock which also drove the frequency divider chain. The 
idea being to evaluate the performance of the ringing LC circuit and minimise 
the influence of the 100MHz ocxo.
A BAW crystal could be used as a filter replacing the SAW filter used by Panek. 

 On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 8:20 PM, Attila Kinali wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Jun 2015 09:32:23 +1200
Bruce Griffiths wrote:

  Do you mean the technique that Panek et al. [1]  are using?

 Not quite he used an impulse to excite a saw filter rather than switching 
 off the dc current feed to an inductor or the equivalent.

Is there any fundamental difference there?

  IIRC he got that down to 0.5ps RMS now. And yes, the major
  source of error is the oscillator, according to [2].
  Ripamonti et al. showed in [3] that using an LC tank instead of an SAW
  filter will result in something in the order of 2-10ps RMS (after
  temperature compensation). So this system is in the same region as an 
  designed time-to-amplitude converter based system.
 The curve fitting algorithm they used is somewhat deficient as is the 
 switching method employed one can do much better  provided one has 
 sufficient time or computing resources available.

Can you give a description what you would do differently?

And yes, the two authors look like fresh graduate students who were told by
their professor to see whether they can reproduce Paneks results without
using a SAW filter.

 My crude testing using a 
 somewhat simplified diode switched current source powered by the signal 
 itself achieved a fitting noise of around 5ps with a 14 bit ADC. A better 
 driver and higher resolution ADC with a lower noise input amplifier than the 
 input amplifier of the oscilloscope I used should improve the results 
 somewhat as would a better model for the damped sine signal.

Hmm.. but the diode switched current source would need a quite steep
input pulse, wouldn't it? So some kind of pulse shaping would be
needed for a general circuit.

I also played with the idea to use a overtone crystal oscillator instead
of an LC tank, as this would probably give a higher temperature stability.

                Attila Kinali

I must not become metastable. 
Metastability is the mind-killer.
Metastability is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my metastability. 
I will permit it to pass over me and through me. 
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. 
Where the metastability has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

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Re: [time-nuts] Modulation Domain Analysis

2015-06-17 Thread Robert Gilchrist Huenemann
Thank you for your comments. I am not going to open a can of worms about 
others who claimed to invent MDA. My HP Journal article speaks for itself.

At the time I worked on the HP9540, the United States Patent Office did not 
allow software patents. If it did, I might have been able to patent my work. 
The Patent Office position was reversed by the Supreme Court in 1981 in the 
case of Diamond vs. Diehr. By then, I had moved on to other pursuits.

Bob Huenemann
From: Richard (Rick) Karlquist
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 3:17 PM
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement

Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Modulation Domain Analysis

That's interesting.  I worked for the HP Santa Clara Division
from 1979 until just before it was closed in 1998.  I
forget who invented MDA at SCD, but it was hyped like
it was some new concept and I never heard anything about
the HP9540.

Many times someone would come to me and ask me about
some new bright idea they had, and I would tell them
Yes, I can confirm that your idea is excellent, because
I read the original paper on it that was published in
19XX.  It is interesting that people would often get
mad at me, as if it is my fault they reinvented the wheel.

If only I known about your HP Journal article, I could
have throw it up to the innovators at SCD.

Before I worked for HP, an HP Journal article came out
about fractional-N synthesizers, and everyone at Zeta
Labs was anxious to use the technology in the Zeta
Labs designs.  Except one guy, who pointed out that
he had invented frac-N 11 years previously, and he
called it digiphase.  I've never heard anyone at
HP ever acknowledge that guy.

Rick (now retired from HP/Agilent/Keysight)

On 6/16/2015 12:54 PM, Robert Gilchrist Huenemann wrote:
I stumbled onto the time nuts list from a posting on modulation domain 
analysis a couple of weeks ago. I am enjoying the discussion.

I want to comment on modulation domain analysis, or phase digitizing. 
This is a technique that uses a period mode frequency counter, or two 
such counters back to back, to recover the modulation history of a 
frequency modulated waveform.

This technique was first used in the HP9540 automated transceiver test 
system. This system was described in the August 1973 HP Journal. The 
HP9540 used a single HP5326 period mode counter with a 10 MHz clock. At 
that time, no counter was available with a higher clock frequency.

A breadboard system was assembled as part of the HP9540 development 
effort which used two HP5326 counters back to back. To insure that 
alternate periods were measured, the second HP5326 ran off the gate 
output of the first. However, it was realized that the characteristics of 
the HP9540 and its specific application were such that two counters were 
not required. Please refer to my HP Journal article for details.

The HP9540 was developed at HP's Automatic Measurement Division. This 
division was disbanded in 1974.

Modulation Domain Analysis and Phase Digitizing were terms that came into 
use with the later development of specialized stand alone instruments 
that combined computational capability, back to back period mode 
counters, higher clock frequencies, interpolation and algorithms for 
various measurements. All of these were worthwhile improvements on the 
basic technique first used in the HP9540.

I would be happy to answer questions. Thank you for allowing me to post 
this information.

Robert Gilchrist Huenemann, M.S.E.E.
120 Harbern Way
Hollister, CA 95023-9708
Extra Class Amateur Radio License W6RFW
IEEE Life Member 01189471

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