[time-nuts] Positioning Accuracy - Lady Heather vs. T-Bolt Monitor

2016-03-06 Thread johncroos via time-nuts
Hello Time Nuts -My question is --- both LH and T-Bolt Mon will readout 
position during andat the conclusion of a self survey.The readout from LH 
provides 2 additional digits of resolution compared to T-bolt Monitor.That is 
LH provides 7 digits of Lat or Lon to the right of the decimal point; T-bolt 
Mon provides 5.Now with the understanding that one needs to set a relatively 
high elevation andamplitude masks to eliminate all but robust signals, and that 
one must take a lotof samples (48,000 or more) --- Has anyone verified the 
utility of those extra two digits?By utility I mean - is the 6th decimal place 
accurate assuming the above constraints.I am trying to nail a position in 
Longitude to 2 feet or less at a Latitude of 38 degrees N.I have lots of time 
to take lots of survey points so that is not an issue.Best regards   - John 
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Re: [time-nuts] Suggested Low Noise Transistors

2015-07-26 Thread johncroos via time-nuts
I offer the following for your consideration.
Once upon a time - about 1968 Motorola introduced
4 low noise transistors for audio and low frequency 
applications. There were th 2N5086, 5087, 5088 and

The 5086 and 5087 are PNP and the 5088 and 5089
are NPN. They are almost perfect complements to each other.
They are still made though the part numbers
are now MMBT2N5088L and so on. As of September 2014 I 
bought and used several of them in a photo transistor preamp for
a laser theodolite receiver. They are commonly available from
distributor stock.

They differ slightly in noise figure and Beta. Since 1970
I have used
them in a number of professional applications from DC up
to 50 MHz. The latter a 6 channel summing amplifier for
a military mapping photo transistor device.

These are some of the hottest bi-polar devices
known with a specified minimum beta of 150 at 100 uA. 
The beta is pretty flat up to 10 mA. The current gain
bandwidth product  varies from a bit less than 50 
at 100 uA up to  500 at 10 mA. At 1 mA it is 200.

The low frequency noise figure IS specified - 

2N5086 3.0 dB MAX (Ic = 20 uA, Vce = 5 v, Rs = 10 K, from 10 Hz to 15.7 kHz)

2N5087 2.0 dB Max, 1.0 dB typical(Ic = 100 uA, Vce = 5V, Rs = 3K, f = 1.0 kHz)

Data is provided for the effect of source resistance and Ic on the
noise figure.

Data for the complementary 2N5088 and 2N5089 is nearly 
identical. You can look it up. It is all on the data sheet for
the original devices and may be found in the "Semiconductor Data
Handbook" issued my Motorola in the 1970. the data may also be
on the "ON" semiconductor web site among other places.

With their relatively low high frequency
response (as compared to a 2n2857) you are not risking
oscillations up in the the microwave bands where most of you
do not have the test gear to find and fix any funny business.
This is a really nice calm set of devices and easy to use.
I believe that when I bought them last year 
they were around a buck each.

The 5086 and 5087 are PNP and the 5088 and 5089
are NPN. They are still made though the part numbers
are now MMBT2N5088L and so on. As of September 2014 I bought and used several 
of them in a photo transistor preamp for
a laser theodolite receiver. They are commonly available from
distributor stock.

I have not applied them in low noise oscillator applications
and have no idea as to their suitability for that. But they
are one hell of a transistor family and worth knowing  about.

Best regards   john c roos   K6iql  spring hill ks

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Re: [time-nuts] T.I. questions (Magnus Danielson)

2015-02-07 Thread johncroos via time-nuts

A further comment on design of pseudo random code
generators. At some point the code may enter the dreaded all
"zeros" state. This clocks a zero on the input stage through all stages
and the whole thing just stops. So a AND gate looking
at all stages in parallel is used
to  detect the all zero state and get things going again. 
One way is to XOR the output of the AND and the input to any stage.
since the all zero state is not permitted the length of the code is can
be no longer than the well known 2^n -1 bits.

Also if the number of codes desired is limited - some of the FFs
may be replace by a delay line. Using MECL III and a delay line
a 350 MHz rather long code generator was implemented in my lab
with only few JK FFs. That was in about 1979. For more info
see Dixon "Spread Spectrum Systems".   john roos k6iql
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[time-nuts] Hp Family GPS DOs vs. Tbolts Rev 3 SW and Trimble VCXO

2014-11-30 Thread johncroos via time-nuts
 With all of the discussion of the recent availability of various HP family
GPS DO devices, I was wondering if I should get a couple. Presently I have
a couple of T-bolts that seem to serve me well. What wold be the advantages
gained by going to the HPs. Need 10 MHz output though. Any thoughts?

-73 john roos k6iql

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[time-nuts] 5 to 10 MHz Quad Driven Mixer doubler article

2014-11-19 Thread johncroos via time-nuts
Apparently there is some interest in this technique.
So far I have 35 requests and still counting.
Please if you do want a copy send me an email
OFF LIST to johncr...@aol.com. Requests posted on
list are too hard to find and too hard to make
into a master address list.

In addition to the basic article I will add
some related material.

And as they say on TV "thats not all". One QEX reader
asked how it compares with the classic push-push doubler.
I prepared a brief paper on the push-push doubler and
will include it as well. They are both useful depending
upon the host application. For one thing the push-push circuit
can give healthy power gain and power output up to a Watt or

I plan to fire off the package on Sunday. 
Best regards to all - john c roos k6iql
time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@febo.com
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and follow the instructions there.

[time-nuts] 5 to 10 MHz Quadrature Driven Mixer Doubler

2014-11-19 Thread johncroos via time-nuts
I have received permission to distribute copies
of my QEX article on this subject from ARRL. In 
addition to the article I will include full size schematics
and color photos of the various assemblies. The 
design includes an adjustable 10 MHz output amplifier for driving
50 OHM loads. If interested please email me off list
at johncr...@aol.com

I will wait a few days and then mail a complete package
to all requestors.

Best regards to all - 73 john k6iql
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