
You can still find the Deep Space Network fiber-optic distribution equipment for sale on the Microsemi website:


I designed the hardware for NASA's DSN upgrade while at Timing Solutions Corp. I remember having to design and lay out 23 circuit boards within about 5 months when we got that contract. The Time Code Translator was the hardest to get right because it did so much.

I never paid much attention to where it went because it was "on to the next project" as soon as it was completed. Still it's nice to see that it got deployed and (hopefully) worked.

Bob Martin

On 9/1/2018 8:25 AM, jimlux wrote:
On 9/1/18 7:00 AM, Scott McGrath wrote:
There was a paper published when NASA did something similar for LC39 and the VAB.    Anyone have a copy because the link i have is dead.

As I recall it was some trick and compensating for thermal effects on the fiber itself was a large part of the effort.

I don't know about at the Cape (I'm not sure what the *need* for precision timing at that level might be, but it could be there).

There's a whole lot of stuff that's been published about distributing frequency references and holding tight phase tolerances at the Deep Space Network stations, since they do arraying using multiple apertures, as well as run of the mill VLBI stuff.

https://deepspace.jpl.nasa.gov/dsndocs/810-005/304/304B.pdf is the "production" system for DSN, but as mentioned therein, there are various improved schemes in development.

You might search for publications by Bob Tjoelker.

 While there are JPL papers in IEEE sources behind paywalls, almost always, they're also available in NTRS (https://ntrs.nasa.gov/) or JPL's piece (https://trs.jpl.nasa.gov/). If the paper isn't online for free in that location, you can send an email to NASA (there's a form at ntrs.nasa.gov) or the JPL librarian (link at the trs site) and they'll send it to you.  Another good place to look for DSN related stuff is here:


The Chinese seem to have been publishing lots of papers on Arxiv recently about "joint time and frequency distribution"

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