[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2023-11-25 Thread zebbediah beck
How do I start contributing technical documentation to the community as I am a member of the mailing list but I'm a first time user of the mailing list and bug report systems please explain the process of report systems also I want to use doxygen to generate doctests and comments on tcc source code also of the busybox version first.Thanks Zebb ___
Tinycc-devel mailing list

Re: [Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2022-02-27 Thread Ivo van Poorten
TCC generates object code directly. There is no assembly intermediate
step, hence tcc -S does not work.

On Sat, 26 Feb 2022 21:14:49 -0500 Yair Lenga
> I'm interested in understanding the code generation logic of tcc.
> Is there away to see the intermediate representation that tcc
> generates between the "C" source code, and the object file.
> documentation indicates there tcc can compile assembly source code to
> object, but I could not not find the equivalent of "gcc -S", which
> should convert the "C" code into assembly.
> Yair

Tinycc-devel mailing list

[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2022-02-26 Thread Yair Lenga

I'm interested in understanding the code generation logic of tcc.

Is there away to see the intermediate representation that tcc generates
between the "C" source code, and the object file. documentation indicates
there tcc can compile assembly source code to object, but I could not not
find the equivalent of "gcc -S", which should convert the "C" code into

Tinycc-devel mailing list

Re: [Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2019-05-10 Thread Daniel Glöckner
Hi Andy,

On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 07:30:24PM +0300, ANDY TAKKER wrote:
> A lot of words are said about compatibility and portability, but GCC
> and PCC bring one result, and TCC is completely different.

Let's for a second assume that you run that code on an architecture with
sizeof(char*) == sizeof(int).

Why should TCC generate the same output as GCC and PCC?
You attempt to skip the prologue of the function by adding 3 to the
address, but the prologue is not standardized. The one used by TCC
is different from the one used by GCC. Just compare the output of
GCC with -O0 and GCC with -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer. That should also
give you different results. And with -O3 GCC might even decide to omit
that asm statement because it has no needed outputs, doesn't clobber
anything and isn't marked as volatile.

> Here is
> another interesting link closely related to the TCC.
> https://forum.nasm.us/index.php?topic=2524.0

If you have access to the output of that obscure mix of compiler,
assembler, and linker, please provide the disassembly of the _start

> nop jump:

Sometimes TCC has to reserve space for an instruction before it knows
if it is needed or how long it will be. To fill the gaps, it uses nops.

Best regards,


Tinycc-devel mailing list

[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2017-07-13 Thread ANDY TAKKER
Hi, everybody. Fabrice keep silence.
So, maybe someome of you can help.
I can't compile such a simple programm:

//RDTSCP cpuid

unsigned int a;
   asm ( "cpuid" );
   asm ( "rdtsc" );
   asm ( "mov %eax, a" );
  printf("%d\n", a);
goto b;

Evil tongues from
claim that TCC inline Assembler
not see local variables. I don't believe.
TCC such old. What I do wrong?

And don't tell me, that I'm first in the
world, who try to use inline Asm in TCC. :)

Tinycc-devel mailing list

[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2015-03-08 Thread Jonathan Watmough
I figured I'd reply to my own questions:

1) When compiling resources, just sticking with windres 32 bit hacked to
call tcc seems to generate working resources, that will link into both 32
and 64-bit code.

2) I traced my issues with not being able to call certain comdlg32
functions, to issues with structure packing. Commenting out the #pragma
pack(push,1) in commdlg.h fixed it, and now I have working code in 32-bit
and 64-bit. 32-bit seems to like 1-byte alignment, and 64-bit presumably
defaults to 8-byte alignment.

Thanks so much everyone that's worked on this!

Best Wishes,


I've been able to successfully use windres to compile, then tcc 0.9.26 to
link resources into a 32-bit program.

However, I'm kinda stuck trying to get tcc to link to a 64-bit windres
generated resource file.

1) Check for magic not yet supporting x86-64

In file tccpe.c, the pe_load_res is looking for 32-bit magic
//if (hdr.filehdr.Machine != 0x014C
if (hdr.filehdr.Machine != 0x8664
|| hdr.filehdr.NumberOfSections != 1
|| strcmp(hdr.sectionhdr.Name, .rsrc) != 0) {
printf(Machine: %lx, hdr.filehdr.Machine);
goto quit;

2) Resource files appear to be slightly different between win32 and x86-64

The reltype shows up as 3 in my compiled 64-bit resource but tcc is
expecting 7.

lower in same function...

printf(rsrc_reloc: %x %x %x\n, rel.offset, rel.size, rel.type);
// debugging
if (rel.type != 7) /* DIR32NB */ {
printf(ERROR: rel.type != 7 Got: %d\n,rel.type);  //
prints a 3 for 64-bit resources
goto quit;

Has anyone pushed a bit further and managed to get tcc linking to 64-bit

Best Wishes,
Tinycc-devel mailing list

[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2014-04-05 Thread lifenjoiner

DWORD64 WINAPI SymLoadModuleEx(
  __in  HANDLE hProcess,
  __in  HANDLE hFile,
  __in  PCTSTR ImageName,
  __in  PCTSTR ModuleName,
  __in  DWORD64 BaseOfDll,
  __in  DWORD DllSize,
  __in  PMODLOAD_DATA Data,
  __in  DWORD Flags

Tinycc-devel mailing list

[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2012-09-05 Thread Robert Starr
Come on, no Female stuff?
Tinycc-devel mailing list

[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2010-12-09 Thread Shesh Nath
i have installed tcc-0.9.25 in red hat linux. i want to know how start
inafter installatin.

Tinycc-devel mailing list

Re: [Tinycc-devel] (no subject) - array[restrict] problem

2009-04-04 Thread grischka

Pedro A ARANDA wrote:


the current git version of TinyCC chokes at one of my scripts:

p...@paag:~.../Devel$ syncp tinycc_1.0.0-pre2_i386.deb /media/Philips\ 
External\ Hard\ Disk/
In file included from /home/paag/bin/syncp:16:
/usr/include/regex.h:543: identifier expected
p...@paag:~.../Devel$ SciTE /usr/include/regex.h 

The offending line in regex.h is:

extern int regexec (const regex_t *__restrict __preg,
const char *__restrict __string, size_t __nmatch,
regmatch_t __pmatch[__restrict_arr],
int __eflags);

This doesn't happen with Landley's mercurialtcc.


Patch pushed at:

--- grischka

Tinycc-devel mailing list

RE: [Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2007-03-21 Thread Laszlo Hars
The error must be earlier in your code. I included the macro in a simple
C program and it compiled and ran OK.

 Message: 1
 Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:46:14 +0800
 From:  ???  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Tinycc-devel] (no subject)
 To: tinycc-devel@nongnu.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
 when i want to use tcc to compile lwc(Lightweight
 appear below message
 lex.c:XXX: ';' expected i am use tcc 0.9.23
 whether is the problem to tcc parse below sentence ?
 #define SAVE_VAR(x, y) __typeof__(x) _tmp_ ## x = x;x = y
 it work well to gcc4.0.3

Tinycc-devel mailing list

[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2007-03-20 Thread 郑卫飞

when i want to use tcc to compile lwc(Lightweight
appear below message
lex.c:XXX: ';' expected i am use tcc 0.9.23
whether is the problem to tcc parse below sentence ?
#define SAVE_VAR(x, y) __typeof__(x) _tmp_ ## x = x;x = y
it work well to gcc4.0.3
Tinycc-devel mailing list

Re: [Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2006-09-13 Thread Guillaume POIRIER


On 9/13/06, Dave Dodge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 11:46:45AM -0400, Rob Landley wrote:


The problem is that for the workloads where IA-64 is king, there's
things like huge core counts and RAM sizes that the other hardware
can't easily reach yet.  If AMD can get Opteron scaled up to those
levels, though, it'll probably be the final nail in Itanium's coffin.

Can't Opteron natively scale up to 8 sockets (so 16 core with
dual-code) natively?
Can't Opteon address already enough RAM for all realistic workloads?
The only shortcoming I see with Operon (right now) is the size of its
cache, not the size of the addressable memory nor the number of

... or am I missing smth?

With DADVSI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DADVSI), France finally has
a lead on USA on selling out individuals right to corporations!
Vive la France!

Tinycc-devel mailing list

Re: [Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2006-09-12 Thread Rob Landley
On Monday 11 September 2006 6:20 pm, Dave Dodge wrote:
 On the other hand you have platforms like IA-64, where in theory a
 good compiler can get much better results than a bad compiler no
 matter how good the incoming code is.  This sort of architecture
 requires the compiler to explicitly reorder, bundle, group, and
 schedule instructions ahead of time to hit the functional units on the
 chip in the best way.  I think compiler design for IA-64 is an active
 research area at several universities.

Translation: Itanic sucks so badly that it takes a near-miraculous compiler to 
get even reasonable performance out of it, although we try to phrase it to 
seem like it's the compiler's fault.

I wouldn't consider the second coming of the i432 to be TCC's problem.  I do 
not buy the our chip design's great, it's just that every C compiler 
produced over the last 30 years sucks argument.  There's plenty of hardware 
out there that can get better performance out of fewer transistors, fewer 
watts, and without requiring an NP-complete (or AI-complete) optimizer to 
hide its most obvious shortcomings.

Never bet against the cheap plastic solution.

Tinycc-devel mailing list

Re: [Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2006-09-10 Thread Philippe Ribet

Guillaume POIRIER wrote:


On 9/7/06, Mike B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a road map, or a todo list for this project? I was wondering 

much work there is to do to make this into a GCC drop in replacement?

Please keep in mind that the years of experience that GCC has make it
generate much better code that TCC can right now, and probably ever
So if you're after just being able to replace gcc with a fast
compiler, TCC can broaden its support of C language up to the point
that it will compile most of C codes you throw at it...

However, it's just not an achievable goal right now to expect TCC
outperform GCC in code generation quality. It's all a matter of
manpower and experience.


In fact, it depends on what you mean by drop in replacement. Of 
course, gcc generated code runs much faster. But as tcc generates code 
much faster, it may be very comfortable for everyday work to use it. 
While debuging everyday code, compilation time may be more critical than 
execution speed. For this to be practical, you need tcc to be a drop in 
replacement, which in this context mainly means:
- support the same command line options (no need to rewrite all 
Makefiles), even if some (optimisations for example) are simply ignored

- support the same syntax (which here means gcc extensions)

Compiling the Linux kernel in few seconds is quite great, changing all 
Makefiles to do it would (is?) be unsatisfactory.

Philippe Ribet

The README file said
 Requires Windows 95, NT 4.0, or better.
   So... I installed it on Linux!

Tinycc-devel mailing list

Re: [Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2006-09-08 Thread Guillaume POIRIER


On 9/7/06, Mike B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a road map, or a todo list for this project? I was wondering how
much work there is to do to make this into a GCC drop in replacement?

Please keep in mind that the years of experience that GCC has make it
generate much better code that TCC can right now, and probably ever
So if you're after just being able to replace gcc with a fast
compiler, TCC can broaden its support of C language up to the point
that it will compile most of C codes you throw at it...

However, it's just not an achievable goal right now to expect TCC
outperform GCC in code generation quality. It's all a matter of
manpower and experience.

With DADVSI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DADVSI), France finally has
a lead on USA on selling out individuals right to corporations!
Vive la France!

Tinycc-devel mailing list

Re: [Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2006-09-08 Thread Johannes Klarenbeek

However, it's just not an achievable goal right now to expect TCC
outperform GCC in code generation quality. It's all a matter of
manpower and experience.

that depends on how you look at the way you write code... just to
expect that a compiler does a better way optimizing stuff than a good
programmer would, is a wrong assumption. you can think and/or believe
that ofcourse, but its simply not true. indeed its experience that
make good code run faster, not just a compiler.

not saying that gcc is a bad compiler, but i'm not sure one can call
gcc a great compiler in the first place.


2006/9/8, Guillaume POIRIER [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


On 9/7/06, Mike B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a road map, or a todo list for this project? I was wondering how
 much work there is to do to make this into a GCC drop in replacement?

Please keep in mind that the years of experience that GCC has make it
generate much better code that TCC can right now, and probably ever
So if you're after just being able to replace gcc with a fast
compiler, TCC can broaden its support of C language up to the point
that it will compile most of C codes you throw at it...

However, it's just not an achievable goal right now to expect TCC
outperform GCC in code generation quality. It's all a matter of
manpower and experience.

With DADVSI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DADVSI), France finally has
a lead on USA on selling out individuals right to corporations!
Vive la France!

Tinycc-devel mailing list

met vriendelijke groet,
johannes klarenbeek

Tinycc-devel mailing list

[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2006-09-07 Thread Mike B

hi all,

Is there a road map, or a todo list for this project? I was wondering how 
much work there is to do to make this into a GCC drop in replacement?


Tinycc-devel mailing list

[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2006-04-20 Thread Nigel Horne
Is argv[0] broken? Printing if with the -b (bounds check) gives a
segfault, but all is well without -b.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] src]$ cat name.c
#include stdio.h

main(int argc, char **argv)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] src]$ tcc -run -b -Wall name.c
Runtime error: dereferencing invalid pointer
at 0x098dce48: main() (name.c:5)
by 0x08067e07: ???
by 0x08069e3f: ???
by 0x00881e23: ???
by 0x08048961: ???
Segmentation fault
[EMAIL PROTECTED] src]$ tcc -run -Wall name.c

Tinycc-devel mailing list

[Tinycc-devel] (no subject)

2006-02-06 Thread Bhavik Raja

Tinycc-devel mailing list