Remember when we used to have phone books?  That line from
the "The Jerk" is going to be increasingly harder for young folks to
understand or find the humor in it (especially since so few will
probably have seen the movie) but I digress.  My alma mater (Ph.D.)
sent out an announcement that it was in the top 1.4% of the
QS World University Ranking (c) 2019!!!  Of course, a
percentage value like top 1.4% is only somewhat informative
because it does not identify the actual rank relative to all other
universities.  How many universities were ranked higher?
25? 50? 100? 250? All sort of questions arise:  is the
university ranked higher or lower than, say, the University of
Jyvaskyla?  What about Peter the Great Saint Petersburg
Polytechnic University? Or, more mundanely, the
University of Kansas?  Oh!  Who gets the bragging

Anyway, if you want to see who ranks where, see:

The U.S.A. takes ranks 1-4 (MIT, Stanford, Haaarvard
and Caltech) and the University of Chicago (when I was
attending a structural equation modeling workshop taught
by Karl Joreskog there back in the 1980s, a graffiti comment
that I read while taking care of business in a men's room
stall opined: "U of Chicago - the best second best college 
in the world"), ranked 9th.  A few British universities 
(I forget who ;-) occupy ranks 5-8 and in 10th position is 
something called ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 
Technology. WTF?
So, 5 out of 10 ain't bad!  U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A!


-Mike Palij
New York University

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