Re: Today's episode

2003-10-04 Thread Jeoace
Before I get to Rah's rant, I just gotta say that "Return to New York" Pt. 2 was the best ep so far! I loved the scene in the elevator where Mike did his Shredder impression.

In a message dated 10/4/2003 12:58:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Last Sunday, my city got hammered with category 2 Hurricane Juan (the first time a category 2 has made landfall here EVER...most hurricanes die out once they get this far north) and, aside from the hundreds of trees that crashed through everything, we lost power. Some got it back within hours. My home got it back just under the 36 hour mark. Some are still out.

The power went out at my house on Wednesday for about 2 hours, but they were able to fix the problem alot sooner.

My complaint? We lost power again today...for 15 minutesJUST as the Shredder Elite showed up!!! N, couldn't go out during the Crap Twins or any of the other stupid Fox Box, just HAD to be during TMNT! 

Sorry to hear that. Oh well, you only missed the last 5 minutes or so.

Socould someone please email me with a bit of a synopsis of the end of today's ep (and any interesting tidbits for next week's show, too)? Private email's fine, if'n you don't wanna post spoilers. Thanks in advance!!

Like I said, you didn't miss too much. The turtles tangled with the Elite Ninjas and then Baxter Stockman showed up in his souped up exo suit. I can't wait to see them cream his sorry ass next week!


--"I like it, simple but effective!"--
 - Raphael, The Mean Machines

Jephael's Radical Ninja Turtle Web-Site

Re: Today's episode

2003-10-04 Thread HorseTechie
Review time!

*clip* *paste* *zip*

Wee... okay, I feel bad I didn't get to see the first five minutes of
this. *eyeshift* But the parts I did see was cool. Very different from
the comic this eps seems too. Especially when Baxter came in at the

Leo wearing the glove: I'm guessing he fit his finger in two of the
gloves fingers. Like in the index and ring finger holes.  

Splinter and the Sword: My guess is that perhaps the sword is designed
for human masters? Or than because their were other Utrom metal
elements in the vicinty when Saki held it bare handed, it didn't hurt
him. I just watched the second DVD with the intro ep on this Sword too.
Laird hinted in his interview that there is much more behind this
sword.. and some how, I still think there's even more yet after this ep
to discover about it. 

Is the price that Splinter spoke of really the burning of the hands? Or
is it something else? Hrmm.. 

About Mikey's bandana: I decided he used a ninja magic trick to fuse
the ends together.  Like you know how the magicains do the rope tricks,
and combine three pieces into one? 

Hehe.. yes, sometimes one shouldn't question cartoon logic. 

Lastly... the Baxter bot... that did come up rather unexpectant. Looks
like they aren't gonna end this like they did in the comics now. The
bot design does look kinda funky, like an overgrown mouser er
something. He also has three fingers on it instead of four. Yeah.. I
notice these things... 


--- Raphael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oh, so it was continued again?  Excellent...I thought I'd missed the
 whole final battle or something.  Heh, yeah, now that I've calmed
 down a bit, I do have to admit that it was a good episode (what I saw
 of it).

A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself. ~Master Splinter

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