Hello everyone,


            I’ve been using the toaster for about a year and a half now with absolutely no complaints. After that long on the net however, my server is finally starting to receive a fair amount of spam. According to everything I’ve read, spamassassin does not quarantine or delete messages. I’ve researched this for several days and I’m still puzzled why some emails that are spam get sent to the postmaster account on a domain and some just get tagged as spam and go through to the user. I have our spam rules locked in pretty tight and I’ve never had complains from my customers, but I’d like to have all tagged messages go to the respective postmaster accounts for each domain. Most of the messages that come through to the user that are tagged are above 10. What is grabbing certain spam messages and moving them to the postmaster accounts? How can I make all tagged messages go to the postmaster account?

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