[toaster] Announce of simscan-gui-base-0.1 GPL version

2008-01-21 Thread Alessio Cecchi
We’re happy to announce that the first version of simscan-gui-base is now 
available for download.

simscan-gui-base-0.1 GPL version

simscan-gui is a web based interfaces for trace and monitor incoming and 
outing e-mails from a qbox like (qmail, simscan) mail server. All e-mail 
users can access this interface to monitor their e-mail traffic.



This version is sponsored by CBS - www.cecchi.biz

You can send us your feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alessio Cecchi is:
@ ILS - http://www.linux.it/~alessice/
Assistenza Sistemi GNU/Linux - http://www.cecchi.biz/
@ PLUG - ex-Presidente, adesso senatore a vita, http://www.prato.linux.it

Re: [toaster] Announce of simscan-gui-base-0.1 GPL version

2008-01-21 Thread aron

Hi and thank you for your email.  I am out of the office until Monday 28th 
January 2008.
If you require further assistance please forward your enquiries to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] or you can call the office on 1300 789 260.


Re: Re: [toaster] Announce of simscan-gui-base-0.1 GPL version

2008-01-21 Thread aron

Hi and thank you for your email.  I am out of the office until Monday 28th 
January 2008.
If you require further assistance please forward your enquiries to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] or you can call the office on 1300 789 260.
