Re: [PATCH] Tomcat session replicator - Pathces for phase I

2000-12-25 Thread cmanolache

Hi Shai,

Thanks for your patch, it's a very good start and I think it'll be useful
for many users. 

I think it needs some more work - I'm not talking about the main
functionality you are implementing, which I'm sure will be tested and
improved and will have a nice evolution.

I'm talking  as a person who spent a lot of time refactoring tomcat3.x,
and ( I hope ) I learned something from it.

The most important thing I learned in the last year is: "don't add
anything to the core unless you are _absolutely_ sure it can't be
done in a module". The reason tomcat3.0 was so bad is that people kept
adding new features _in_the_core_ and everything ended up in a total mess.

For example:

- you can implement the same thing as a new "SerializableSession" module

- the new module _doesn't_ have to be part of 3.3 - in fact it's much
better to have it as an optional module until it's well tested.

- the property you add to Context ( "serialize" ) could  be added 
to the new module ( togheter with other options, describing how and when
should serialization happen )

- the user could add the module to his system and add it to the Context
he wants 

- what you do in ContextManager is a perfect example of use of postRequest
hook - it'll be part of the SSI.postRequest(). The benefit is that it'll
happen _only_ for contexts that need the feature ( instead of adding it to
all requetsts - remember, the call to getSession() is expensive, and
you'll do it for servlets that never cared for sessions - thus adding 
overhead for all requests)

- your module will be the first session-manager plugin for 3.3. This is
where your contribution will be the most important - in figuring out what
is the best way to plug a new session manager.
My current view is that we need to extend ServerSession, SessionManager
and use a different Interceptor  - it is possible to do that, but it's
still a bit too complex for my taste.

Let me say again - what you do in this patch is what I ( and probably most
other developers ) would have done to resolve a particular problem. It's
what pre-3.0 developers did.

If you change it to work as a module you'll have probably a bit more work
( let me know if I can help - after a year of refactoring tomcat I think I
can deal with such a small patch in a very short time :-). 

The benefits:

- no change in the core - keep it simple

- it can evolve independently of tomcat release cycles - as you know
after 3.3 is out ( inside or outside apache ) we want to avoid any further
changes. You module may evolve quickly - there are many ideas to explore.

- you don't need to argue with people like Jon about it :-) - it doesn't
have to be part of tomcat3.3, it's an add-on module. In general, there is
no need to argue with anyone - if the modules is good for you, I'm sure
other will like it, and who doesn't like it is free not to use it.

- there is more than one way to do it - other ideas could be developed,
maybe we would want to serialize the session periodicaly ( not
per/request), or use a MM-like system, etc - by not adding the changes to
ContextManager but in the postRequest hook we could have any combination
of those.

What do you think ?


- finally a technical issue - I will not answer to anything else.

- I'm reading my own mails, and I'm amazed about how much I wrote in 
the last weeks (about almost nothing :-). Since it doesn't happen to me
too often ( to write a lot of "english" ) I'll try to refocus it into
improving the "internal" documentation of tomcat 3.3 :-)

Re: [RFC] Distributed sessions in Catalina

2000-12-25 Thread Dan Milstein

I have a bit of fear that you're getting into extremely complex waters here, and I 
want to be sure you focus on the most useful bits first.  Any form of distributed 
synchronization of data is very difficult to get right, IMHO.  Which is not to say 
that it shouldn't be done, nor that your ideas below are off base, but rather that I 
would vote for focusing on a smaller piece of the puzzle first.

For example, maybe fault tolerance is what seems most important (I think this would be 
my vote).  Then you can look at distributed sessions as being about:

 - Allowing Tomcat instance A to back up session information to Tomcat instance B

 - Configuring whatever device is load-balancing among Tomcat instances to know that 
it should reroute A's session to B if instance A becomes unavailable.

(Incidentally, Shai Fultheim is working on this problem at the moment -- he's at 

This would be a good-sized (but manageable) bit of work, and would provide a very 
important piece of functionality.  It takes advantage of the existing solutions which 
make sessions sticky to a particular tomcat instance (e.g. mod_jserv/mod_jk load 
balancing, router-level solutions, etc).  

If you do allow multiple TC instances to update a given session at once, you have to 
worry about all sorts of hairy concurrency issues.  Two requests from the same session 
could come in simultaneously (from a framed site, for example). If one goes to A and 
one goes to B, and both A and B try to update the session at the same time, the code 
to handle that is going to be very complex.

The other main goal you cite is "improving performance by distributing load".  Given 
that there are currently several ways to make sessions sticky to particular TC 
instances, I'm not sure how much work I would put towards that goal.

So I guess my summary is that I see session replication in support of fault tolerance 
as very worth working towards, but a more general form of session replication as 
someting to hold off on.


Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [RFC] Distributed sessions in Catalina

2000-12-25 Thread javabettin

I think someone already has been assigned to implement
a session store for javaspaces. Check out the action
items for Catalina.

--- Brett Bergquist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Keif, have you considered using JavaSpace's as a
 shared storage mechanism.
 I've just read some things on this and it seems like
 it might be a fit, but
 I've not played with this yet.  Just a thought. 
 BTW, there is a good
 article on this in one of the fairly recent Java
 Developer's Journal.
 -Original Message-
 From: Kief Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 11:57 PM
 Subject: RE: [RFC] Distributed sessions in Catalina
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed the following on 11:16 PM
 12/24/2000 +0200
 I'm planning to implement session replication (for
 tomcat 3.3) in the
 following steps:
 Sounds like we should combine efforts, hopefully we
 can share as much
 code as possible across both 3.3 and 4.0. My
 understanding is that the
 architecture between the two is pretty different,
 and I've only looked at
 to any depth.
 1. Having persistent session store. Letting tomcat
 store its session
 information to file and read it while coming up.
 Saving session will happen
 as soon as request will be finished.  -  This will
 let us restart tomcat
 without loosing sessions.
 Sounds like a good option. Catalina saves sessions
 to file when the
 container is restarted, it should be pretty easy to
 use that code to
 implement this. Have you had a look at it? Check out

 in particular the load() and unload() methods.
 2. Let Tomcat send session information (for every
 request) to all other
 tomcat in a cluster. This will let apache (using
 mod_jk) to forward
 to other tomcats after finding out that the
 original tomcat (by jvmRoute)
 not answering).  -  This will let us have
 redundancy into tomcat. Still we
 will need apache (mod_jk) in the picture.
 How are you thinking to implement this? There are
 different network
 topologies I could see using. If the servers share a
 file system, we could
 just use the file store you describe in step 1. This
 would be simpler
 to implement, but using the network and keeping the
 session data in
 memory could be faster than using the disk.
 3. Letting tomcat forward requests to another
 tomcat based on jvmRoute.   -
 This will let us having Tomcat without Apache
 around. The tomcat will be
 load balanced using external system (Local
 Director?), and forward requests
 to the relevant instance.
 How will tomcat forward requests? Will it issue a
 redirect to the browser,
 or will it proxy the connection? Either way seems
 like unnecessary
 overhead. If you implement the session sharing in
 step 2, there should
 be no need to forward requests - whichever instance
 of tomcat gets
 the request should be capable of handling it.
 You're actually moving a bit ahead of where I am at
 the moment.
 I'd like to define an interface which will allow the
 implementation of
 different methods for session sharing. A lot of the
 things you're doing
 would go into specific implementations, but some
 might require a different, incompatible approach.
 I'll chew on this some more, will try to get some
 code out between
 family xmasing duties (am I sad or what?)
 Kief Morris
 Director of Technology
 bitBull Ltd.
 phone +44 020 7598 9938
 fax  +44 020 7460 4081
 tBull Ltd.
 phone +44 020 7598 9938
 fax  +44 020 7460 4081

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