constraints violated

2001-12-12 Thread Antony Bowesman


I have found a number of this error in the archive but no answer.

From a standard 4.0.1 distribution I place xalan.jar in the webapps lib
directory for this webapp and I get the error, however, if I move
xalan.jar to %CATALINA_HOME%/lib the problem does not occur.  I can't
figure out why this is happening.

Any ideas.  Error below.


root cause 

java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking
org/xml/sax/ErrorHandler class
at org.apache.jsp.index$jsp._jspService(index$
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

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Re: Off topic:Old jserv source question

2001-12-04 Thread Antony Bowesman

Daniel Rall wrote:
 On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Antony Bowesman wrote:
  Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
   Apache JServ sources are still available via anonymous CVS from the
   Jakarta web site (see
   The CVS module name is java-jserv.
  Brilliant!  Thanks Craig.  containsHeader() was broken in jserv 1.1.2.
 Noticed by Michael Stack, I submitted a fix for this issue a while back
 (committed by Jon Stevens).  JServ development is dead, but if you're in
 a situation where you must use JServ, I recommend using CVS HEAD.

Thanks Daniel, I noticed your name in the comments, we are just trying
to remove the jserv dependancy to use tomcat 4.  Most of the work is
done, just have to get customers to move...


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Off topic:Old jserv source question

2001-12-03 Thread Antony Bowesman


Sorry for the legacy question but it seems all the names I come across
when doing a search for this seem to be working on Tomcat...

I'm stuck fixing a problem with a servlet running in jserv/apache

I have a servlet service() method which sets a response header

 public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) 
throws ServletException
  resp.setHeader(Pragma, no-cache);
  if (resp.containsHeader(Pragma))

The containsHeader() ALWAYS returns false.  I'm running

Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.6.6 OpenSSL/0.9.6 ApacheJServ/1.1.2 

I can't find any source for JServeConnection.  Can anyone tell me if
containsHeader is supposed to work.  I found some cvs commits on the web
which may have implied that it always does return false.

Many thanks

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Re: Problem with JAAS and TOMCAT 4.0.1

2001-11-29 Thread Antony Bowesman

Ismael Blesa Part wrote:
 Hi have modified the sample given with JAAS 1.0. I have developed a
 jsp that calls the file. This file has been modificated
 several ways, the main method has been changed to a method class and
 some other changes to adapt it to a web application.
 The problem is that when I try to run the jsp I get the following error:
 java.lang.SecurityException: unable to instantiate LoginConfiguration
 at Method)
 at org.apache.jsp.Login$jsp._jspService(Login$
 I have tried copying the jaas.jar, the sample_jaas.config and the
 loginmodule classes to all the places where I think that it should work.

Have a look at the tomcat-user archives for messages 'JAAS not working
any more with Tomcat 4.0'. (Oct 2001)


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Default policy file for TC4 - excessive permissions

2001-11-15 Thread Antony Bowesman

The catalina.policy file gives AllPermissions to the webapp shared
lib/classes directories by default.  Isn't this too liberal.  Shouldn't
the policy file explicitly name the 3 jars with the default 4.0.1
distribution in lib.


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Re: Session variables in TC 4.0.1 realms

2001-11-13 Thread Antony Bowesman


 I'm going to develop an authentication realm (based on FORM 
 authentication) for TC 4.0.1 which performs a kind of
 challenge/response task: Put a challange into a session variable
 on the login page (.jsp). The expected password would then be the 
 encrypted challenge. Whithin my realm the decryption of the
 response and the verification against the stored session variable
 has to be performed. The problem is that the HTTP request is not
 accessible whithin TC 4.x realms. This was possible in TC 3.x.
 Is there any possibility to access a session variable in a TC 4.x
 custom realm? Thank you.

I came across the same problem in that the realm can only get the
username/password from a form page and no other parameters you may want
to use.  (We have other parameters the user can select at login to
indicate post login preferences).  Solution is to modify the Realm
interface o.a.c.Realm to add

public Principal authenticate(String username, String credentials,
  HttpServletRequest hreq);

and modified o.a.c.realm.RealmBase 

public Principal authenticate(String username, String credentials,
  HttpServletRequest hreq)
return authenticate(username, credentials);

and then clone o.a.c.authenticator.FormAuthenticator so that it calls

context.getRealm().authenticate(username, password, hreq);

Craig has relied to one of my earlier messages entitled 'Getting
HttpRequest inside Realm/Tomcat 4' and the reasons behind why it was not

You can use your own FormAuthenticator class by putting your class name
in the  You have to install
these 2 class files and properties files as classes in the
server/classes directory so they are loaded before the ones from the
catalina.jar in server/lib


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Re: Tomcat: Distributed Session Management revisited

2001-11-13 Thread Antony Bowesman


Interesting discussion, it's good to see some on this distribution
issue, the devils always in the detail!  See comments

 |  But how would they know where the sessions ended up
 All session managers keep a copy of all sessions. So, it doesn't matter
 which server a client talks to.

This idea of all SM's keeping copies of all sessions seems to go against
the point of having multiple SMs.  If increasing SMs is a way to provide
redundancy then this approach removes scaleability.  If increasing SMs
is to provide scaleability then having all sessions in all managers
won't work.  If you hit the bottleneck then you can't just add a new SM
to solve any load problem.  Why do SMs need to have copies of all, why
not just keep those sessions that are created in the SM there.  The
session ID can contain the SM service id which can be adopted by a
service that takes over from any failed one.

 If we become more granular, such that individual session attribute changes
 are communicated independantly (rather than a complete copy of the session)
 our need for locking may diminish. However, I'm still not convinced about
 the need for locking to begin with.

Agreed, I am not convinced locking is necessary either, I have a
distributed session implementation that uses session proxies that talk
to services and pass only deltas of changes to the session.  Session
services notify proxies that have the session of changes which get
refreshed lazily when required.  SMs are remote over RMI and the proxy
is local to the container.


Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
phone: +358 9 5128 2562
fax  : +358 9 5128 2705

intra / extra / Internet solutions at

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J2EE 1.3/Tomcat/JAAS

2001-10-31 Thread Antony Bowesman


Is there a target for Tomcat to become a J2EE 1.3 conformant web
container?  If so, what are the plans for supporting section 6.13

J2EE.6.13 Java™ Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) 1.0

All EJB containers and all web containers must support the use of the
JAAS APIs as specified in the Connector specification.


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Re: J2EE 1.3/Tomcat/JAAS

2001-10-31 Thread Antony Bowesman

Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 That being said, we have tried to conform to the J2EE 1.3 platform
 requirements where feasible (such as with the JNDI naming context),
 and this one (JAAS) looks like a very useful addition.  In principle,
 it will require a Realm implementation that speaks the JAAS APIs,
 plus some defined mechanism for role mapping.
 Any volunteers working on this already?  Anyone want to contribute
 some code?

I have a JAAS Realm that supports role mapping, however, it's using an
extended Realm interface so that HttpRequest parameters can be passed to
the JAAS LoginModules.

It still has some open issues, such as integrating JAAS logout with the
container, however, what state do you need code to be in to be


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Re: Getting HttpRequest inside Realm/Tomcat 4

2001-10-26 Thread Antony Bowesman


 One of the outgrowths of that realization is another JSR that you
 might want to keep track of (via
   JSR #115 -- Java(tm) Authorization Service Provider
   Contract for Containers
 Once this is fleshed out, Tomcat can be modified to support the new
 SPI contracts, and your Realm-equivalent implementation will itself
 be portable to different containers if it conforms.  Until then,
 though, I'm a little gunshy about mucking around with the Realm 

Yes, I had seen this, essentially, it looks to standardise what we are
already using, i.e. a JAAS subject wrapped inside the authenticated
container principal and each of the JAAS principals represents a role
(or something else) with associated permissions.  J2EE roles and
application roles are both supported.  This allows us to use principal
based access control.  Also with the configurable rolemapper class we
can effectively delegate as many access control decisions as we like.

 That seems like a reasonable strategy.

Well, it's done now :).  Is there any likelihood of these
interfaces/classes changing.  I've changed Realm, RealmBase and made my
own FormAuthenticator.  Are there any changes planed to these realm

  JAAS would of course tie Tomcat to JDK1.3+, is there a minimum for
  Tomcat 4?
 The current supported minimum is JDK 1.2.2.  And, I thought JAAS
 required 1.4 -- am I mis-remembering?

JAAS 1.0 was introduced as an extension to JDK1.3 but incorporated into
1.4 with some minor changes.

I'm glad to see that JAAS is now adopted as a requirement in J2EE 1.3
spec, although it only mandates version 1.0 of JAAS.

What is the roadmap for Tomcat to confirm to J2EE 1.3, presumably that
means some kind of JAAS support required (why not start now!!)

 I assume you mean my BOF on container-managed security, right? 
 Forwarded under separate cover.

Received. Many thanks.

Re: Getting HttpRequest inside Realm/Tomcat 4

2001-10-25 Thread Antony Bowesman

Hi Craig,

Thanks for your comments again.

 You're right ... there is nothing there to do this.  The original
 design was based on the idea that Realm simply encapsulates a
 service that authenticates a user, given a username and some
 credentials.  In addition, it needs to work even when HTTP sessions
 are not in use (for example, for BASIC authentication).
 One strategy for dealing with this might be to register a session
 event listener and registers your session in the sessionCreated()
 event handler.

I like the realm and general design in TC4, it's much better and cleaner
than 3.2.  However, I think there is something missing in the realm
interface authenticate methods, particulary for form login:-

If you modify a login form to include a field other than j_username and
j_password so the user can select some kind of 'post login preferences'
it is not possible to get this extra field to the realm.

We use JAAS for authentication.  JAAS allows  and one of the login
modules authenticates against our EJB user repository and loads user
preferences (groups/roles etc) and one feature the user can select is
their preferred role set for the session.

I don't think the event listener will work for our use, following login,
so it seems the following is how I can achieve what I want.

Replace the org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator with my
own FormAuthenticator class by modifying the
and extend the realm interface to pass either a map of http request
parameters, or in fact the http request itself.  My realm can do what it

What about passing the Request object as a parameter to the Realm
interface authenticate() methods for 4.1 release.

And how about having only a JAAS realm in standard tomcat and just
provide different login modules for jdbc/jndi/other access.

JAAS would of course tie Tomcat to JDK1.3+, is there a minimum for
Tomcat 4?

BTW, I saw you offered your BOF slides to someone, are they available?


Re: JAAS/Classloaders/Tomcat4

2001-10-24 Thread Antony Bowesman

Hi Craig,

Thanks for the reply.

Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 You should *not* be doing both of these things -- either put it on
 the classpath *or* put it in $CATALINA_HOME/lib.

I agree, but that's part of the problem, where do you put the jar file
if it needs to be on the system classpath, e.g. we use log4j in our
login module so this has to be on the system classpath too.  Should this
be put in bin like bootstrap.jar.  It's a bit overkill to put it in

 Have you tried putting JAAS in the System Extensions directory
 instead ($JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext)?  This directory is automatically
 added above the system class path.

Yes, that also works for jaas but the login module classes do not go

  There is no concept in Tomcat 4.0 of a system classes directory
  where you can just dump the odd class as the classes directory
  is used by the shared classloader.
 In Tomcat 4.0, the directory $CATALINA_HOME/classes is added to
 the shared classloader if it exists at startup time.  This would
 contain unJARed classes and resources, analogous to /WEB-INF/classes
 within a webapp.

The problem is the 'shared' classloader is no use for JAAS.  All user
login modules have to be on the system classpath and there is no dynamic
way to change Tomcat environment to add login modules without editing
the startup script.

 Tomcat 3.2 used the technique of actually modifying the system class
 Unfortunately, it causes platform specific problems, especially on 
 Windows where there are limits on the overall length of an
 environment variable, and lots of strange restrictions on building
 an environment variable dynamically in the script.  In addition,
 editing the class path manually has historically been the source
 of a very high percentage of newbie user errors.  The current
 approach that Tomcat takes (build class loaders internally based
 on the contents of directories) is much more reliable and less error

I agree, the tomcat 4 way is a much better way, we have similar problems
of command line length with NT and dynamic classpath building and are
looking to adopt some alternative mechanism.


Getting HttpRequest inside Realm/Tomcat 4

2001-10-24 Thread Antony Bowesman


I have a realm implementation that needs to access the HttpSession when
a new successful authentication request is made.  (I need to hand off
the session to a third party)

How can I do this from within the realm.authenticate() method?  I've
looked through the Container interface and can't find anything.

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
phone: +358 9 5128 2562
fax  : +358 9 5128 2705

intra / extra / Internet solutions at


2001-10-23 Thread Antony Bowesman


I've been a bit confused after reading the classloader docs for Tomcat
4, the %CATALINA_HOME/lib %CATALINA_HOME/classes are accessed via the
shared classloader but the startup script sets certain jars from
%CATALINA_HOME/lib on the system classpath.

JAAS 1.0 requires login config and login modules to be on the system
classpath so to that end I have put jaas.jar to %CATALINA_HOME/lib and
added it to the classpath used in catalina.(sh|bat).

There is no concept in Tomcat 4.0 of a system classes directory where
you can just dump the odd class as the classes directory is used by the
shared classloader.

I gather the shared classpath will be renamed 'shared/lib + classes' in
4.1 but wouldn't it be useful if the catalina startup script set the
classpath to all the jars in %CATALINA_HOME/lib and
%CATALINA_HOME/classes.  At least this way no modifications need to be
done to the startup scripts and JAAS login modules can just be dropped
into the system classes directory as needed.

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
phone: +358 9 5128 2562
fax  : +358 9 5128 2705

intra / extra / Internet solutions at

Re: First day - RE: PROPOSAL: Tomcat docs

2001-07-06 Thread Antony Bowesman

Glenn Nielsen wrote:
 Antony Bowesman wrote:
   8. Security
  How about
  8.1 Concepts - Explanation of J2EE and Java 2 security models
  8.2 Authentication with Realms
  8.2.1 Simple realm
  8.2.2 JDBC Realm
  8.2.3 Custom realms
  8.3 Authorization
  8.3.1 J2EE role based
  In particular, it should try to explain in simpler terms than the API
  spec how J2EE roles are designed to work, covering the mapping from
  developer roles to deployment roles.
  8.3.2 Java 2 security policy
 I would break the above into two sections.
 Access Control (for all the Realm based access control)
 Server Security (for configuring and using Tomcat with the Java 
 These really are two completely different topics.  And use of
 Realms isn't Security, it is Access Control.

Not sure I'd agree with your removal of Java Security Manager from a
chapter about access control.  The first line of the JavaTM 2 Platform
Security Introduced: document at


* Policy-based, easily-configurable, fine-grained access control

Access control is one element of securing a server, as is
authentication, encryption, non repudiation, SSL etc.

Access control is performed by Java 2 security manager as well as J2EE
and they compliment each other.  JAAS (JDK1.3 extension) which extends
the Java 2 model and which is now included in JDK1.4 extends the Java 2
security model to provide principal based access control on top of code
source.  So access control is firmly part of Java security.

There should be additional sections on 'server security' that includes
configuring the server for use with SSL.


Re: First day - RE: PROPOSAL: Tomcat docs

2001-07-06 Thread Antony Bowesman


Glenn Nielsen wrote:
 Antony Bowesman wrote:
  Glenn Nielsen wrote:
   Antony Bowesman wrote:
 8. Security
How about
8.1 Concepts - Explanation of J2EE and Java 2 security models
8.2 Authentication with Realms
8.2.1 Simple realm
8.2.2 JDBC Realm
8.2.3 Custom realms
8.3 Authorization
8.3.1 J2EE role based
In particular, it should try to explain in simpler terms than the API
spec how J2EE roles are designed to work, covering the mapping from
developer roles to deployment roles.
8.3.2 Java 2 security policy
   I would break the above into two sections.
   Access Control (for all the Realm based access control)
   Server Security (for configuring and using Tomcat with the Java
   These really are two completely different topics.  And use of
   Realms isn't Security, it is Access Control.
  Not sure I'd agree with your removal of Java Security Manager from a
  chapter about access control.  The first line of the JavaTM 2 Platform
  Security Introduced: document at
  * Policy-based, easily-configurable, fine-grained access control
  Access control is one element of securing a server, as is
  authentication, encryption, non repudiation, SSL etc.
  Access control is performed by Java 2 security manager as well as J2EE
  and they compliment each other.  JAAS (JDK1.3 extension) which extends
  the Java 2 model and which is now included in JDK1.4 extends the Java 2
  security model to provide principal based access control on top of code
  source.  So access control is firmly part of Java security.
  There should be additional sections on 'server security' that includes
  configuring the server for use with SSL.
 I have seen the general term 'security' used instead of a more 
 descriptive term like SSL Encryption, SecurityManager, or Access
 Control.  My point is that these are very different things, and
 the documentation should be constructed so that users use those
 terms rather than the general term Security.

Yes, I agree there are different elements of security, I don't agree
that access control is different to security manager.  The difference is
that java 2 security, i.e. security manager, is different to J2EE role
based access control.

   Overview - types of security
   J2EE Security Model
   User Access Control (Realms  roles)
   Java SecurityManager
   SSL Data Encryption
 Yes, JAAS can be used to control access for executing code based
 on what role the user is in.  At this point there is no support
 in Tomcat for JAAS.

Not specifically, because the servlet API spec does not support it,
however, JAAS is on the list for servlet API spec 2.4 (who knows when
that might be!).  

However, I am currently using JAAS in Tomcat 3 and I know others have
JAAS running with tomcat (e.g. Jboss/Tomcat integration)

 There are two ways I see JAAS being used within Tomcat sometime in
 the future.
   1. Policy based JAAS access control to Tomcat's manager or admin 
   2. Some Policy configuration tool for webapps that supports normal Java
  SecurityManager configuration and JAAS policy based access control.

I suspect that when the API spec supports JAAS there will be some kind
of getUserSubject() method in the spec that gets the JAAS Subject and
the getUserPrincipal() will be deprecated because JAAS supports more
than a single Principal.

However, as SecurityManager uses the Java 2 security Policy it
effectively enable JAAS support as soon as JDK1.4 is released.  Tomcat
could therefore provide support for the JAAS Subject internally. 
However, I have seen other comments on this list that Tomcat is trying
to support many early versions of JDK so requiring JDK1.4 support might
be too difficult.

Anyway, SUN are asking for feedback about how JAAS should be implemented
in the servlet API spec, so send your comments there, I already have!


Re: First day - RE: PROPOSAL: Tomcat docs

2001-07-04 Thread Antony Bowesman

Punky Tse wrote:
 Please see below for rephrased version of Introduction and 
 Administrator Guide.
 I combined the Introduction and Administrator's Guide to Administrator
 Guide.  Actually this is my proposed TOC.  And I believe that we need
 separate document for different Tomcat servers.  e.g. 3.3 and 4.0.

 II. Server Administration
 6. Configuring Server
 7. Configuring Web Applications
 8. Security

How about
8.1 Concepts - Explanation of J2EE and Java 2 security models
8.2 Authentication with Realms
8.2.1 Simple realm
8.2.2 JDBC Realm
8.2.3 Custom realms
8.3 Authorization
8.3.1 J2EE role based

In particular, it should try to explain in simpler terms than the API
spec how J2EE roles are designed to work, covering the mapping from
developer roles to deployment roles.

8.3.2 Java 2 security policy

 III. Advanced Topics
 9. Web Servers and HTTP Connectors
 9.1 Apache
 9.1.1 mod_jk
 9.1.2 mod_jserv
 9.1.3 mod_webapp (for Tomcat 4.0)
 9.2 IIS
 9.3 iPlanet
 9.4 Netware
 9.5 Lotus Domino
 10. Performance Tuning
 11. Load-balancing
 No idea how to do load-balancing in Tomcat, what I know is that it can be
 done through mod_jserv and mod_jk
 12. Using SSL
 May be under Section 6: Configuring Server?
 13. Realms
 No idea: or should it be under Security?

Don't think realms should be 'advanced'.  It should be convered in
security.  However, maybe there should be an advanced security section

13. Security
13.1 Using Tomcat authentication with Webservers
13.1.1 Apache
13.1.2 IIS
13.1.3 iPlanet
13.1.4 Netware
13.1.5 Lotus Domino


Re: per-context realms

2001-06-06 Thread Antony Bowesman

Michael Jennings wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 Does anyone have an idea of how I could go about implementing
 realms/authentication on a per-context basis?
 Ideally, what I would like to do is have each context control
 their users and roles. Where should I look to get a clue?

Make a simple realm implementation that simply gets the real realm
config information from the context passed with the request, e.g.

   Context ctx = req.getContext();

   // Now you have all the context config available

I have a JAAS realm which has context specific realm config using the


attributes in web.xml to provide context specific control.

In the realm, just so

   String ctxNameValue = ctx.getInitParameter(Name);

or similar.  With JAAS this is easy, because JAAS allows for different
JAAS configurations to be used, you just specify a different config name
to the JAAS context.


Re: realms and authentication

2001-06-05 Thread Antony Bowesman

Andy Armstrong wrote:
 Michael Jennings wrote:
  Thanks for the feedback!
  Does tomcat 3.2.2 currently support JAAS?
 Not in any explicit sense I think (anyone?),

JAAS is not explicitly supported by tomcat.  JAAS was only available
from JDK 1.3, supplied as an extension.  JAAS is now merged into JDK1.4
but there is no explicit support for JAAS in the servlet API spec 2.3
although JAAS is graudually gaining momentum.  There has to be some
reworking to the servlet spec (as well as EJB) to support the concept of
multiple Principals and the JAAS Subject.

 but JAAS is usable with
 Tomcat -- if that isn't too much of a politicians answer!

Yes, it is easy enough to write a JAAS Realm, just like SimpleRealm and
JDBC Realm.


Re: realms and authentication

2001-06-05 Thread Antony Bowesman

Ignacio J. Ortega wrote:
 I do like your idea , this was something i was talking some time ago,
 But better than for 3.2.2 ( that is on bug fix mode only , no new
 features ), But I would prefer to apply your idea to share Realms
 Implementatios between 3.3 and 4.0, a much more useful objetive..

I would like to see Tomcat taking the initiative and providing core
support for JAAS given then pending inclusion of JAAS in the final
release of JDK1.4.  I know this would limit tomcat to JDK1.3 and above
but this should not be a problem for v4.  All the existing realm
implementations can then be re-implemented as JAAS LoginModules.


 Saludos ,
 Ignacio J. Ortega
  -Mensaje original-
  De: Michael Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Enviado el: martes 5 de junio de 2001 1:27
  Asunto: realms and authentication
  Hi everyone,
  Just for my own education, I decided to write my own
  for tomcat 3.2.2
  To that end I wrote a Request Interceptor that takes 2 parameters
  called realmProviderClass and setupString.
  The realmProviderClass is the fully-qualified class name of
  a class which
  the RealmProvider interface which looks like the following:
  public interface RealmProvider
  public boolean authenticate(String username, String
  credentials) throws
  public String[] getUserRoles(String username) throws Exception;
  public boolean initialize(String setupstring) throws Exception;
  public void shutdown() throws Exception;
  The setupString parameter is passed to the initialize method of the
  RealmProvider class
  during context initialization.
  I thought that this might be an easy way to implement various
  authentication schemes
  by delegating to a RealmProvider. One could write a
  or a JDBCRealmProvider
  Does anyone think this might be a good idea for inclusion in tomcat?
  Mike Jennings
  Southgate  Software Ltd.
  250-382-6851 (ph)
  250-382-6800 (fax)

Re: realms and authentication

2001-06-05 Thread Antony Bowesman

Andy Armstrong wrote:
 Antony Bowesman wrote:
  Andy Armstrong wrote:
   Michael Jennings wrote:
Thanks for the feedback!
Does tomcat 3.2.2 currently support JAAS?
   Not in any explicit sense I think (anyone?),
  JAAS is not explicitly supported by tomcat.  JAAS was only available
  from JDK 1.3, supplied as an extension.  JAAS is now merged into JDK1.4
  but there is no explicit support for JAAS in the servlet API spec 2.3
  although JAAS is graudually gaining momentum.  There has to be some
  reworking to the servlet spec (as well as EJB) to support the concept of
  multiple Principals and the JAAS Subject.
 I've just been having a look at this. As you say it would be easy enough
 to implement a JAAS realm -- the main problem being how to provide
 access to the JAAS Subject. The cleanest route would seem to be just to
 expose the Subject directly by adding
   Subject getUserSubject()
 to HttpServletRequest() leaving the question of how to change the
 handling of Principals to reflect the fact that there can be more than
 one under JAAS.

Exactly, I would hope that this is how it will be exposed in Servlet and
EJB specs with getUser/CallerPrincipal being deprecated in favour of

Another issue is how roles work.  The current isUser/CallerInRole
methods are rather simple.  Mapping realm roles to application roles
needs to be addresses, I see that Alex Roytman's mail to user group
allows for a role mapping class to map from user realm roles to the J2EE
roles in the servlet spec.  I also have the same concept with my JAAS
realm so that user realm roles can be mapped to J2EE String roles based
on the web app context.  It seems to make sense that roles would be
incorporated as Principals inside the Subject so they could then be used
inside JAAS authorization.


What are 'notes' all about

2001-06-04 Thread Antony Bowesman


I posted this to the user list but got no response...  Any ideas anyone?

For Tomcat 3, is there any information on 'notes', what they are and
what they do.  There are various references to these notes in the source
but I'd like to see concrete examples of their usage as the comments are
fairly abstract and don't give much clue.


Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Re: JSP and SecurityManager [was RE: 3.2.2. When's it shipping?]

2001-05-21 Thread Antony Bowesman

Thanks Marc, part of my problem was that JVM tries to load all files in
${java.home}/lib/ext as possible jar files regardless of file name. 
Your permission additions solve the rest!


Marc Saegesser wrote:
 I added the permissions to the global list of permissions.  I've attached
 the most recent tomcat.policy file.
  -Original Message-
  From: Antony Bowesman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 12:49 AM
  Subject: Re: JSP and SecurityManager [was RE: 3.2.2. When's it
  Marc Saegesser wrote:
   The null check is simple enough and its already been tested in 3.3
   so I feel comfortable making the change without a beta.  I'll commit
   the change today.
  Great, thanks!
   Another question regarding using the security manager and JSP.  If
   I use the default tomcat.policy file I can't access any JSP pages
   because I get an access denied expcetion getting the line.separator
   property.  If I add
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator, read;
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator, read;
   to tomcat.policy the pages are served correctly.  Glenn, is there
   any problem adding these two lines to the default policy?  Am I
   missing something else?
  I've tested this but it ONLY works if you add these permissions with no
  codeBase.  If you add them under the specified codeBase
  grant codeBase file:${tomcat.home}/-
  They still cause the access exception.  I have even tried the following
  grant codeBase file:c:/-
  grant codeBase file:h:/-
  with still the same exception.  Why doesn't it work??
-Original Message-
From: Antony Bowesman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: 3.2.2. When's it shipping?
Marc Saegesser wrote:

 I bloody hope so.

 Here's the plan.  Beta 5 was released on Friday, May 11.  This beta
 cycle is planned for one week.  Unless someone reports a show
 stopping bug, and so far I haven't seen one, on Friday, May 18th.
 I'll call release vote on tomcat-dev.  This vote lasts for one week
 and every committer gets to vote. A public release vote is open for
 one week.  So, the best case right now is May 28th.
Not sure if this would be a showstopper however, there is a bug in
jasper/runtime/ which causes a
Fixed in 3.3 but not in 3.2.2
I'm relatively new to tomcat so am not sure of the bug
  reporting process
but I sent report of a bug to this list a couple of days ago.
Just tested it with b5 - bug still exists.
tomcat run -security
gives nullPointerException in jasper/runtime/
due to no check for pageContext == null in releasePageContext
This is fixed in 3.3
if (pc == null) return

  -Original Message-
  From: Dave Oxley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 12:54 PM
  Subject: 3.2.2. When's it shipping?
  What is the current state of 3.2.2 development? Is it going to
  ship any time

Re: Tomcat Interceptors - proof read, anyone?

2001-05-21 Thread Antony Bowesman

Hi Filip,

Filip Hanik wrote:
 I'm currently part of a project that is writing an open source
 Tomcat book,
 I have written a document that explains the Tomcat interceptor
 design and how to build your own interceptors. I would be happy to
 receive feedback on this document from the actual developers,
 feel free to use it as a how-to, it will be licensed by the GPL
 Free Documentation license.

 Feel free to send me feedback.
 thanks in advance.

Having just spent a while digging into Tomcat workings to try to
understand how to write a realm this would have been a really useful
primer.  It's a great start.  I would like to see more detail on.

Contexts.  What is their role in Interceptors.  For example, it seems
that an Interceptor is a singleton but the contextInit() is called for
each Context found in server.xml.  

The authenticate() and authorize() mechanisms need more details.  For
example, with Tomcat 3.2.? the authorize() mechanism must call
req.getRemoteUser() to trigger the authenticate() method.

authorize() is called by the contextManager which is more relevant than
the isUserInRole() call as the context manager is tomcat core. 
isUserInRole() is only called if the application calls it.

HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() rather than getUserInRole().  Perhaps
you should cover the concept of realms as these are something that
people have to deal with.  You briefly mention the JDBC realm, the
implication being that this is always used.

Also for realms _every_ request is authenticated.

Some coverage of any synchronisation issues would be useful. 
Presumably, it is possible to get concurrent requests to an interceptor
so synchronisation is necessary.

Keep going!  Tomcat is sorely lacking good documentation.

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Re: JSP and SecurityManager [was RE: 3.2.2. When's it shipping?]

2001-05-20 Thread Antony Bowesman

Marc Saegesser wrote:
 The null check is simple enough and its already been tested in 3.3
 so I feel comfortable making the change without a beta.  I'll commit
 the change today.

Great, thanks!

 Another question regarding using the security manager and JSP.  If
 I use the default tomcat.policy file I can't access any JSP pages
 because I get an access denied expcetion getting the line.separator 
 property.  If I add
permission java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator, read;
permission java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator, read;
 to tomcat.policy the pages are served correctly.  Glenn, is there
 any problem adding these two lines to the default policy?  Am I
 missing something else?

I've tested this but it ONLY works if you add these permissions with no
codeBase.  If you add them under the specified codeBase

grant codeBase file:${tomcat.home}/-

They still cause the access exception.  I have even tried the following

grant codeBase file:c:/-
grant codeBase file:h:/-

with still the same exception.  Why doesn't it work??


  -Original Message-
  From: Antony Bowesman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 1:50 AM
  Subject: Re: 3.2.2. When's it shipping?
  Marc Saegesser wrote:
   I bloody hope so.
   Here's the plan.  Beta 5 was released on Friday, May 11.  This beta
   cycle is planned for one week.  Unless someone reports a show
   stopping bug, and so far I haven't seen one, on Friday, May 18th.
   I'll call release vote on tomcat-dev.  This vote lasts for one week
   and every committer gets to vote. A public release vote is open for
   one week.  So, the best case right now is May 28th.
  Not sure if this would be a showstopper however, there is a bug in
  jasper/runtime/ which causes a NullPointerException.
  Fixed in 3.3 but not in 3.2.2
  I'm relatively new to tomcat so am not sure of the bug reporting process
  but I sent report of a bug to this list a couple of days ago.
  Just tested it with b5 - bug still exists.
  tomcat run -security
  gives nullPointerException in jasper/runtime/
  due to no check for pageContext == null in releasePageContext
  This is fixed in 3.3
  if (pc == null) return
-Original Message-
From: Dave Oxley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: 3.2.2. When's it shipping?
What is the current state of 3.2.2 development? Is it going to
ship any time

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Bug in runtime/

2001-05-17 Thread Antony Bowesman


Excuse the cross post to User/Dev but this problem has been reported by
others in user.

Further to yesterday's message re jasper/tomcat exceptions, it seems
that there is either a bug in the coed generation or the
JspFactoryImpl.  If the generated code gets an exception pageContext is
never set so in the finally clause the releasePageContext will be passed

Seems to me the releasePageContext should either check for null or the
generated code should check for null.  In the generated number guess
code from the examples there is

} catch (Exception ex) {
if (out != null  out.getBufferSize() != 0)
if (pageContext != null)
} finally {
if (out != null) out.flush();
if (_jspxFactory != null)
the exception checks for null but not the finally.

Who might be the best person to decide where the fix should go??

This causes big problems if security is turned on because any access
control failure makes this problem occur.

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Jasper Exception with security and login.jsp

2001-05-16 Thread Antony Bowesman


Runnong tomcat 3.2.2b4 using a slightly modified form of Hello world
example servlet I get an exception.  

I am trying to access a protected resource and it is redirecting to the
login.jsp.  Rather than display the login page it results in an
exception.  The tomcat log shows an AccessControlException

2001-05-16 02:56:47 - ContextManager: AccessInterceptor: checking
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: access denied
(java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
at java.lang.System.getProperty(

I can give myself access permissions, however, this then causes a
NullPointerException to be displayed in the browser.  The 'Root cause'
shows a NullPointerException from


The login.jsp compiled code error line is

} finally {
if (out != null) out.flush();
if (_jspxFactory != null) 

Is this a known problem with an access control failure during an
authentication request.

Full exception details shown below.

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Error: 500

Location: /helloweb/jsp/security/login/login.jsp

Internal Servlet Error:

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(

Root cause: 

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: Session per context question

2001-05-14 Thread Antony Bowesman

Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 You might want to look at how Tomcat 4.0 addresses the single sign
 on feature of the servlet spec, which requires user authentication
 to be global across the web apps in a virtual host (even though the
 sessions are unique).  It's done by maintaining a separate cookie,
 and a separate collection of available authentications, that
 intervenes before the usual per-web-app authentication takes place.
 The class you want to look at is 
 org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn -- plus you will
 want to examine the other classes in the same package to see how the
 interactions work.

Thanks for comments again!  I will take a look.

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Session per context question

2001-05-11 Thread Antony Bowesman


Is it correct behaviour for Tomcat to create a different session when a
call is made to request.getSession(true) if the context is different.

I ask because I have a realm implementation that caches stuff in session
relating to authentication.  I have two contexts in server.xml and each
context defines its own JAAS authentication parameters in web.xml.  My
realm can then determine if a user is authenticated in a particular
context.  To do this I am using session in the realm and noticed that
each context has a different session.

Can someone please explain how Tomcat determines if a session should be
created when getSession(true) is called.

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Re: Realm implementations

2001-05-07 Thread Antony Bowesman


Thanks for your comments.

Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 On Fri, 4 May 2001, Antony Bowesman wrote:
  In TC 3.x authenticate() method of a realm is called for every request.
  (I gather this is changed in 4.x).
 You are correct.  Tomcat 4 caches the user Principal object returned
 by the authenticate() method in the user's session.  If the
 application calls request.isUserInRole() -- or the container is
 enforcing security constraints -- you may or may not have to go
 back to the underlying security realm to look up the role
 information, depending on how you've implemented things.  All
 the current Realm implementations cache the assigned roles along
 with the user Principal as well.

Will you be adding a cachable JAAS Subject or LoginContext into TC4 at
any stage, this would move it a little closer to JAAS? 

  I am assuming the RequestImpl is a per HTTP session object.  Is
  this correct?  So, each different HTTP session will get a
  different RequestImpl?
 Actually, RequestImpl is per *request*, not per *session*.  In
 Tomcat 4, the caching actually happens in the session implementation
 object (it's in the internal Tomcat part of the API).
  If so, when HTTP session times out the authentication for that
  user is lost.  Is it possible to keep the HTTP session alive
  beyond the configured timeout through some keep alive mechanism?
  I have a logical session that is container independent and there
  may have been activity on that session that is not related to
  the HTTP session and so I want to prevent Tomcat from losing the
  authenticated context.
 Keeping the session alive (beyond the normal timeout mechanism)
 would require tweaking the way that Tomcat does session expiration.
 If you want to keep something alive beyond the lifetime of a
 session, it sounds like you might need to store the actual objects
 elsewhere (perhaps in a collection stored as a session context 
 attribute), and maintain references to them as session attributes.
 You could use HttpSessionBindingListener events to know when session
 references to the underlying EJB session objects are added or 
 subtracted.  This would also let you share an EJB session across
 multiple HTTP sessions, if that was appropriate for your

Actually, our session is an 'overlying' session.  It is not specific to
any container and is available in ORB, EJB, WEB or standalone Java app
so I guess we will set session timeout to -1 and allow our session to
invalidate the HttpSession when it times out.


Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Re: Realm implementations

2001-05-07 Thread Antony Bowesman

Hi Costin,

Thanks for your comments.

 Hi Antony,
  In TC 3.x authenticate() method of a realm is called for every
 Well, yes and no.
 The BaseInterceptor.authenticate() callback is called on every request
 ( as it is on Apache and other servers ).
 The authenticate method of the realm ( that goes to a database or
 does expensive operations ) should be called once - and the result
 cached by the module ( either in session, or in a local cache ).
 We don't do this for the simple realm - but we should.

When you talk about caching it in the session I would understand that I
need to call req.getSession(true) to ensure a session is available. 
With form authentication the session is present as the j_* fields are in
it but for BASIC there is no session so I will have to create one.  I'd
rather not cache in the realm as I then have to start worrying about
cleaning out old authentications when the HttpSessio expires.

 A particular case is the authentication module - I expect tomcat
 to be integrated in different systems, and I doubly the simple
 realm will be used for anything but development. So there is no
 point in optimizing it,


 I would rather spend time on specialized modules that can be
 used in production environment ( and JAAS is probably the most
 important one, since it could be integrated with PAM and give
 access to most auth schemes).

Yes, it seems Tomcat has to move towards directly supporting JAAS as
that is the way J2EE 1.3 and JDK1.4 are moving.

 Another big priority is a module
 that delegates the auth to apache - but we have to wait for
 ajp14 for that.
  I am implementing a JAAS Realm which authenticates against a back end
  EJB user realm.  I want to avoid this authentication for every request
  so I have done the following in authenticate()
 I would cache it inside the session ( if any ) - that's the most
 common case ( most people use sessions and authentication ).
 If you want to deal with the 10% special cases you could maintain
 a local cache to avoid calling the JAAS for each request.
  In 3.2.2b4 it is changed (same as 3.3) and now returns null if there is
  no principal.  So, it is sufficient to do this in authenticate()?
 I think that's the correct behavior.
  I am assuming the RequestImpl is a per HTTP session object.  Is this
  correct?  So, each different HTTP session will get a different
 No, that's almost impossible. The session is detected long after the
 request is received ( and you could have cases where you have
 multiple requests on the same time in the same session - think about a
 page with images ). You need to use req.getSession(false).
 (and keep in mind that authentication doesn't require session, even if
 most of the time they are used togheter !)
  If so, when HTTP session times out the authentication for that user is
  lost.  Is it possible to keep the HTTP session alive beyond the
  configured timeout through some keep alive mechanism?  I have a logical
  session that is container independent and there may have been activity
  on that session that is not related to the HTTP session and so I want to
  prevent Tomcat from losing the authenticated context.
 I don't know if it would be a good idea. If you really want to keep the
 security context longer you should use your own cache, and let the session
 work as it is supposed to.
 ( and it shouldn't be very difficult ).
 Please let us know how this project evolves - I'm very interested in JAAS
 authentication for tomcat, as an add-on module.

Best regards
Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Realm implementations

2001-05-04 Thread Antony Bowesman


In TC 3.x authenticate() method of a realm is called for every request. 
(I gather this is changed in 4.x).  

I am implementing a JAAS Realm which authenticates against a back end
EJB user realm.  I want to avoid this authentication for every request
so I have done the following in authenticate()

   JAASRealmPrincipal principal = new
  JAASRealmPrincipal(principalName, lc.getSubject());
   //  Set principal into Tomcat

so, now if I call getUserPrincipal() I get my JAAS realm that now sits
inside tomcat's RequestImpl.

In 3.2.2b1 the req.getUserPrincipal() method created a SimplePrincipal
if the principal was null so it never returned null.

In 3.2.2b4 it is changed (same as 3.3) and now returns null if there is
no principal.  So, it is sufficient to do this in authenticate()?

   if (req.setUserPrincipal(principal) == null)
   // User not authenticated... do authentication
   JAASRealmPrincipal principal = new
 JAASRealmPrincipal(principalName, lc.getSubject());
   //  Set principal into Tomcat
   // User already authenticated...
   return true;

I am assuming the RequestImpl is a per HTTP session object.  Is this
correct?  So, each different HTTP session will get a different

If so, when HTTP session times out the authentication for that user is
lost.  Is it possible to keep the HTTP session alive beyond the
configured timeout through some keep alive mechanism?  I have a logical
session that is container independent and there may have been activity
on that session that is not related to the HTTP session and so I want to
prevent Tomcat from losing the authenticated context. 

How does this fit into TC4?

Best regards

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Relase 3.3 status

2001-05-02 Thread Antony Bowesman

Does anyone have schedules for 3.3 release.  Current release plan shows
3.3 final release as at Apr 5.


Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Re: JNDI realm

2001-04-26 Thread Antony Bowesman

John Holman wrote:
 On a different but related topic,  I wonder whether it is sensible
 to assume that user authentication and the determination of roles
 always use the same mechanisms. For example one might want to use a
 directory service for authentication but look up roles in a database
 - or vice versa. Obviously supporting this would require significant
 refactoring to the Realm implementation in general.

I agree that authentication and role population are two distinctly
separate issues.  It should not be necessary to have to maintain the
authentication repository every time new J2EE components and roles get
deloyed.  Applying roles to the authentication mechanism also makes it
harder to reassign roles without forcing users to reauthenticate.

 Finally I've looked (e.g. in the servlet spec) but can't find a
 clear statement about what Principal.getName() should return.
 The current implementation returns the username (ie same as 
 getRemoteUser()). Might the distinguished name be more appropriate
 when a directory service is used?

The whole are of Principals in Web/EJB container is unclear.  Servlet
spec and EJB spec only allow a single Principal.  However, JAAS is
currently being pushed into J2EE, both via J2SE, Connector arch. and
J2EE 1.3 spec.  In this case, it would seem getUserPrincipal is likely
to disappear and JAAS Subject be supported instead.

However, currently Principal.getName() can return whatever your
Principal implementation wants it to return.

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

Plugging realms and JAAS into Tomcat 3.2

2001-03-14 Thread Antony Bowesman


I am trying to find out if it is possible to plug ones own proprietary
user realm into Tomcat 3.2.  I have JAAS login modules that authenticate
against this user realm and populate the JAAS Subject with principals
(user names, groups, roles).  However, I need to get this JAAS created
security context into the Web container's security context, so that, for
example, IsUserInRole() can be used to determine Roles from the original
user realm and any calls to EJB container will get the security context.


Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
tel: +358 9 5128 2562
fax: +358 9 5128 2705

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