Re: Tomcat build question

2005-05-26 Thread Ian F. Darwin


I am new to this list. I download the main build.xml script from and try to use 
ant to buld it. I got an error:

build.xml:717: Cannot replace directory 
\usr\share\java\tomcat-deps\src\java\org\apache\tomcat\dbcp with directory 

Do I need modify this main build script?

If you are using ant version 1.64, choose an earlier or later version.

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Re: bugs 34140 and 34199

2005-04-21 Thread Ian F. Darwin
Henri Gomez wrote:
Many way :
- check the AJP port is listening on the right port.
- Add a 'status' file in AJP support created after AJP is completly up
and destroyed when AJP is closing.
BTW, it will be better to have such file created when Tomcat is fully
started (independant from AJP which could be disactivated by conf) and
destroyed just before Tomcat stop. And if you could get the initial
process/job id and pass it to tomcat, it could fill this fill with
such jobid.

Anything depending on files will give false positives when Tomcat is 
hit by kill -9 (on unix, or equiv on others), dies to to a JVM crash, or 
hangs after an out of memory error. You'd need to update the file 
periodically in the server and have a client API for checking the timestamp.

So I think the AJP port maybe more reliable, but it, too, will give 
false + if the server gets hung.

Maybe there should be a simple optional new IsActiveConnector, if you 
enable it in config, then connect to it and send a message, it responds 
if it things the server is running correctly.  Oh, well, then why not 
just send a simple HTTP request? The IsActiveConnector is fairly simple 
to implement, but is it a good idea?

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Re: bugs 34140 and 34199

2005-04-21 Thread Ian F. Darwin
Henri Gomez wrote:
I know that but if your starter wrapper check if the process whom pid
is stored on the file is still alive it could determine if the process
has been aborted via kill -9.
I'm using this kind of hack in Linux init.d rc for at least 2 years,
whitout problems

Right, if you read the PID and send it a signal to ensure it's still 
alive at the OS level, you get quite a bit of reliability.

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Re: naming conventions

2005-04-11 Thread Ian F. Darwin
bnelson wrote:
The naming conventions used with Tomcat/jakarta/catalina is confusing and
complicated beyond compare. 

Sorry you find it excessive. Think about any real-world system (Windows, 
UNIX) and you will find some thing(s) arbitrary or historical about it.

My first exposure to Tomcat 5.5 is installing
and configuring with IIs. Not a big dealexcept the naming conventions.
files - Tomcat
environment variables - catalina
IIs service names - jakarta
For the files in /conf
web.xml - org.apache.catalina.servlets

Tomcat is the program's name. Catalina is a major rewrite of internals. 
Jakarta is the name of the top-level Apache project (people are voting 
this very week to move out from under it, so hopefully we can at least 
replace most occurences of jakarta with tomcat over the next 'n' 
releases). Web.xml is out of our control: the filename and format of 
Web.xml is in Sun's J2EE Servlet Specification; the name prefix 
org.apache is used by all(?) Apache Java projects, and is in keeping 
with Sun's J2SE package naming conventions.

Need I go on? Choose a name, use that name, KISS.
OSS should not mean Outrageously Stupid Symbol-names

Glad your acronym parser/generator is working at peak efficiency :-)
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Re: Tomcat Connectors!! Help needed!!

2005-04-08 Thread Ian F. Darwin
Thanks! your suggestion helped me a lot. Can you plz. tell me whether a Java
[Servlet] can be connected to a telnet tool?
It's not clear what you are asking; there is no such thing as a telnet 
tool. Do you want to connect from a telnet client to a servlet, or do you want to 
connect from a Servlet to a telnet server? I do wish people would learn to be as precise 
as possible in asking questions. So I'm only going to answer one of the possibilities :-)
A telnet client can connect to an HTTP server and run a web request which can be
a servlet. This is often done for debugging.
However you did say raw data which most programmers would interpret as 
And you cannot send binary data from a telnet client.
If your servlet accepts textual raw data, you might try something like this:
telnet serverhost 80 # or 8080 if Tomcat in default configuration
POST /MyDataServlet HTTP/1.1
Host: serverhost
12345.67 890123.45 
1.11 2.222
etc etc.

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Re: Q: Application-level control of web-resources like JSP-pages!?

2005-04-08 Thread Ian F. Darwin
Please move this discussion to tomcat-users. You can do all that with 
Servlets and maybe ServletFilters.

The tomcat-dev list is for discussion of Tomcat modifications, not about 
how to use the Servlet and JSP APIs.

Thank you.
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Re: New TLP draft

2005-04-06 Thread Ian F. Darwin
Remy Maucherat wrote:
Here's a new draft with the necessary updates.
I suppose this needs to be sent to the PMC for approval. If this draft 
is ok, I will send it there.

Then there are infrastructure taks:
- renaming mailing lists
Is that just keeping both lists and moving them up the domain hierarchy, 
or is there a move to
change the list names while we're at it?

- moving CVS
- new DNS and virtual host
To summarize things:
- I will be the proposed first PMC chair
Lucky you :-)  Everyone else I hope thanks you for taking this on.
- PMC chairs will serve for one year, and cannot serve consecutive one 
year terms (shouldn't this be put in the resolution text ? - if so, 
please help writing it, as I can't write ASF resolution compliant 
In a conventional organization I think this would be in a separate 
by-laws document, but I'm not up-to-date on Apache organization. If it 
belongs in the resolution, I will take a stab at implementing a wording 
that will be perceived as appropriate and efficacious :-)

- although the ASF infrastructure is quite aggressive in pushing 
Subversion, I find it harder to work with than CVS at the moment 
(including crucial - for me - revision graphs, and better tool 
support); as a result, I think I would prefer keeping CVS for the time 
I agree - I'd prefer to stay on CVS, at least until the tool support is 
more widespread (e.g., Eclipse doesn't ship with a SubVersion plug-in 
yet, though there are a few available).

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VOTE on final TLP draft

2005-04-06 Thread Ian F. Darwin

BTW, the struts project recently went through this and ended up with 
I think
are a decent set of by-laws.

   RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Tomcat PMC be and hereby is
   tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
   encourage open development and increased participation in the
   Apache Tomcat Project; and be it further

OK, so the Resolutions mean we don't have to decide on our set of 
bylaws just yet.

That being the case, if there is nothing more to discuss over the set of 
Resolutions, should we just have the initial PMC members vote on it and 
send it to the Board for approval?  This does not need to be a secret 
ballot since it's just pro/con, so we should be able to move quickly.  I 
volunteer to be vote counter this time. I'd like to propose:
   simple majority (11) of initial PMC list constitutes approval to 
send resolutions to the Board.
   48 hour time limit (+ a few to make it an even time), so vote ends at:
1700 Eastern Time,  Friday, April 8, 2005.
   Any one of the initial PMC list that I haven't heard from at the 
half-way point gets ONE
  nag by email at their email address as in the resolution.

The official wording of this ballot is:
   To approve sending the Resolutions, as posted by Remy Maucherat
   earlier today (specifically Message-Id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]),
   to the Board of Directors of the Apache Software Foundation.
In case there's any doubt, my vote is +1. :-)

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Re: [RESULT] PMC Chair

2005-04-01 Thread Ian F. Darwin

I've always be amazed how anyone could come upwith such pompous prose ;)
Thank goodness for copy  paste!
Congrats to Remm  to all who participated. I'll be glad to see Tomcat 
become a top level project (it struck me as ironic that Ant made this 
move before Tomcat, when Ant originated as the TC build tool).

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Re: Indirect jsp:include does not seem to work

2005-04-01 Thread Ian F. Darwin
Michael J. wrote:
Here is what I found at:
So, what I am doing is perfectly legitimate...

A syntax reference is not the same as a specification. Specifications 
are (supposedly) more rigorous and
more precise in their specification of required behaviour. Tomcat is the 
reference implementation
for the Servlet and JSP specifications.  It might be helpful if 
everybody who is interested in this
discussion could please read JSP4.5 (section 4.5 of the JSP spec, 
version 1.2, since you are talking about Tomcat 4). See also SRV.8, that 
is, section 8 of the Servlet spec (Version 2.3, for Tomcat 4), which 
defines how the underlying include and forward mechanisms work; pay 
particular attention to sections 8.3 and 8.4 (compare the first lines of 
each of those sections).

Resin works exactly as I expect, and Jetty works too with a proxy JSP
page. I have not tried other servers yet.

I have experienced this error too, and I wish Tomcat worked that way, 
but I haven't yet found
anything in the Specifications that would allow me to change how it 
works :-)   As implied by the
spec, there may be different results depending on the sizes of buffers 
used by the implementation.

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Re: Documentation Error

2005-04-01 Thread Ian F. Darwin
Durfee, Bernard wrote:
The documentation at
does not mention the server.home property...

Wrong list. This is the list for problems with Tomcat. We have nothing 
to do with uportal.

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Re: Indirect jsp:include does not seem to work

2005-04-01 Thread Ian F. Darwin
Now I understand: you want real life to work like the comic book! :-) :-)
(Don't take that personally, it's April 1 today after all).

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Re: [Bug 31655] - org.apache.catalina.cluster.session.DeltaManager requestCompleted, SEVERE: Unable to serialize delta request,

2004-10-11 Thread Ian F . Darwin
The original user was having trouble figuring out which class(es) in  
their application were causing NotSerializableExceptions.
And, in fact, I was starting to think about the Serializable issue for  
a client...

And then Tim wrote:
--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-10-11 22:36  
You can determine which attributes are not serializable by writing  
your own
HttpSessionAttributeListener and checking if the attribute implements  
This is actually a good idea, Tim :-) So I've written one and will  
polish it up a bit (it goes recursively, first complaining if the  
object is not serializable, then testing if the object being added is a  

Since a number of Tomcat users are not Java programmers, I would like  
to commit this for general use.

But there doesn't seem a good place for it. What would y'all think of  
creating a package called, say, o.a.c.userdiagnostic or  
o.a.tomcat.util.userdiagnostic to serve as a place to store diagnostic  
tools for end-users?  Or is there a good place already?

To be maximally useful it wants to be part of what gets shipped with  
TC, so we can just tell people something like:

	You can do this with an HttpSessionAttributeListener; to use Tomcat's  
default serializable attributes diagnostic  
	HttpSessionAttributeListener just add these lines in your web.xml,  
immediately before the first servlet tag:

		!-- Used to warn about non-Serializable objects being put in the  
session. --


Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-catalina/catalina/src/conf web.xml

2004-09-09 Thread Ian F. Darwin
On 9-Sep-04, at 9:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -  org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet

Should this get referred back to the DTD/Schema maintainer? Having to  
remove white space should be left
to canonicalization, not imposed on the document generator, as I  
understand it.

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Re: [VOTE] 5.0.28 Stability Rating

2004-09-04 Thread Ian F . Darwin
[X ] Stable
[ ] Beta
[ ] Alpha

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Re: [VOTE] [5.5] Release plan votes

2004-08-28 Thread Ian F . Darwin
I approve the release plan:
[X] Yes
[ ] No
Tomcat 5.5 should use the following API set for the coding:
[ ] J2SE 1.3
[X] J2SE 1.4
[ ] J2SE 5.0
Yoav Shapira will act as the release manager for this branch:
[X] Yes
[ ] No
Ian Darwin
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