Error: 304. Apparent bug in 3.3a ErrorHandler code

2002-02-10 Thread Jan Ploski


I just stumbled upon a show-stopper problem with Tomcat 3.3a and Apache
mod_jk. When refreshing JSPs that referenced static resources (i.e. a CSS
stylesheet or images), from time to time junk would appear at the top
of the page, saying Error: 304... Location: page address. The said
static resources would not load and the browser would appear to hang

I tracked the problem to the method StatusHandler.doService
defined in share/org/apache/tomcat/modules/generators/
When the 304 (Not Modified) condition is encountered, this method
generates a message body with the above mentioned junk and returns
it to mod_jk.

RFC 2068 states:

   If the client has performed a conditional GET request and access is
   allowed, but the document has not been modified, the server SHOULD
   respond with this status code. The response MUST NOT contain a

Replacing Tomcat's vanilla ErrorHandler with my own clone with the
whole message body generating block omitted if sc == 304 eliminated
the problem.

Interestingly, the bug could only be demonstrated with mod_jk + Tomcat,
but not when I was using Tomcat alone as a web server.

Can anyone confirm the above observations? If I am correct, what is
the official procedure to submit bug reports and fixes?

Take care -

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Internal Server Errors while/after restarting Tomcat with mod_jk

2001-03-26 Thread Jan Ploski


I have two questions regarding mod_jk's way of dealing with Tomcat
going away.


Can mod_jk be extended safely to retry connecting for a certain
time instead of immediately reporting an Internal Server Error if
a Tomcat process is temporarily unavailable? I have modified the
function jk_open_socket to do just that (keep trying for a minute
in 2 second intervals before giving up). However, I am not sure
if this is the correct place and whether it would have negative
side effects in some configurations (for example, I can imagine
that in a clustered setup, mod_jk should not wait for Tomcat to
recover, but fail over to another instance). Any ideas whether this
feature could be made optional or what a better place to implement
it would be?

The purpose of all that is to make Tomcat restarts (which are inevitable,
as we develop our applications; automatic class reloading doesn't always
do the trick) transparent to the web server.


I observed that stopping and restarting Tomcat while Apache with mod_jk
is running results in Internal Server Errors starting to appear randomly
in further requests. I guess that this is caused by mod_jk trying to
use a now dead Tomcat instance to service a request. However, I looked
into mod_jk code (jk_ajp13_worker.c) and it seems that it should attempt
reconnecting if it detects a bad socket. Perhaps it ought to also remove
the worker from its pool and fail over to the next available one instead
of spitting out an Internal Server Error. I am not sure because I don't
know how workers announce their presence to mod_jk and have not found
any tech docs for mod_jk besides of install/configuration issues.
Here is a snippet from the log illustrating what happens:

[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (406)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a match 
[jk_worker.c (123)]: Into wc_get_worker_for_name ajp13
[jk_worker.c (127)]: wc_get_worker_for_name, done  found a worker
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (651)]: Into jk_worker_t::get_endpoint
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (536)]: Into jk_endpoint_t::service
[jk_ajp13.c (346)]: Into ajp13_marshal_into_msgb
[jk_ajp13.c (480)]: ajp13_marshal_into_msgb - Done
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (606)]: Error sending request body
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (489)]: Into jk_endpoint_t::done

Can someone confirm that restarting a Tomcat worker is unsupported by
mod_jk and will lead to problems? If so, could someone knowledgeable
in this code advise how to work around this problem or whether it would
be a major effort to implement a transparent failover? It seems silly
to restart Apache every time (one of) Tomcats needs to be reinitialized,
just for mod_jk's sake.

Thanks in advance for any hints.