Why would you complain about HTML mail, if you using M$ software 
If you were the person like me, the Linux user, then I'll understand. ;)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 2/13/01, 10:19:16 PM, "Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding 
Re: Tomcat 4.0 and JSP:

> > How in apache do I get all my .jsp files to be executed by tomcat.
> > Even when I use the WebAppMount, the servlets work, but it won't execute
> >the jsp.   Basically I don't car about servlets, I just want my server
> > to recognize any *.jsp and have tomcat 4.0 execute without having to
> > specify a port in the URL like 8080.

> There are a few things I would do :
> - Don't send HTML mails to mailing lists ;)
> - You can run TC 3.2 with Apache just fine. mod_webapp is very alphaish
> right now.
> - You can run TC 4.0 standalone. The port on which the HTTP connector 
> can be changed in the conf/server.xml file (so set it to be 80 instead of
> 8080).

> Remy

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