I was pleased to see that a connection timeout has been added to Tomcat
4.0 in the HttpConnector class.  A timeout was missing in Sun's JSDK
through version 2.0 and in earlier versions of Tomcat.  Without a
timeout, the servlet runner process accumulates dead connections on the
Internet and, with the JSDK, eventually stops accepting new ones since
its "max handlers" limit is reached.

Dead connections happen all the time out on the Internet when clients
make a connection but send in only a few HTTP GET request headers, or no
headers at all, and then go away (because of modem disconnects,
computers crashes, or anything else silently breaking the connection
between the client and the server).  I suspect people didn't notice it
because they tend to run servlets behind Apache, which does have a
connection timeout:


We run Tomcat as standalone process, though.

Will that connection timeout be a permanent feature in Tomcat starting
with version 4.0?

John Neffenger

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