Re: %=x% expression syntax bug in XML jsp?

2001-09-26 Thread Mark Abbott

Hi Craig - 

I'm curious whether the expert group has discussed what
might be done in the future about this unfortunate 
aspect of JSP. In what I would think would be a 
really common case in the future, where one wants to 
design an app using clean, readable, and purely XML 
templates (perhaps XHTML for example), but editing by
hand rather than with some JSP savvy tool, the choices

 * Create a custom tag foo:text which just dumps out the
   corresponding text tag

Wrapping all the tags in every markup of interest is impractical 

 * Write the XML syntax in the way that the JSP compiler expects: 
jsp:text![CDATA[text y=10 x=]]

This is an unreadable mess, especially considering scaling
up to a substantial size of template

 * Use the JSP syntax, where %= % expressions *are* recognized

This is not XML any more

Cheers - Mark 

Re: [BUG] Jasper parsing of XML documents

2001-08-23 Thread Mark Abbott

On the off chance anyone needs to know (and I appear to be
the only one who cares about XML syntax issues :) it looks
from the code like what Jasper is doing is that, while parsing a tag, 
it outputs any uninterpreted child tags it encounters, but accumulates
all child sections of character data until the end tag of the parent and
then writes it all out at once in a single CDATA. This gives the
effect I described in a previous mail where a mixture of markup and 
data comes out of Jasper in a different order, with the CDATA at the end.

I guess this means a solution is to wrap all such data in jsp:text
tags. Perhaps this is even a requirement; the spec is not entirely clear
on the distinction between template data and XML fragments. Most
of the time, character data seems to be handled ok by Jasper
without the jsp:text tags, but maybe that is misleading and wrong. 
Does anyone clearly understand the intent of the spec here?


Re: [BUG] Jasper parsing of XML documents

2001-08-23 Thread Mark Abbott

At 04:02 PM 8/23/2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

Do you have uninterpreted text that is *not* inside a jsp:text block?
I don't think that is actually allowed.  I will check with the spec lead.

What I actually see is that the following JSP fragment:


appears just like that in the output, without wrapping the
text in a jsp:text tag.  I assumed this was because the
text was being considered part of an XML fragment, but the
precise definition of that is unclear.

However, this JSP fragment:


appears as


unless the text is wrapped in a jsp:text, in which case it
appears as written in the JSP. I can clearly see where in 
the Jasper code it does this reshuffling.

I tend to agree with you that the first example ought NOT to
to work without the jsp:text (unfortunately, since it is convenient), 
so the fact that it does is a bug.  Clarification would be great if
you can get it.

And the second example should not silently reshuffle the text
either; in both cases the parser should flag the lack of a
jsp:text as an error, I guess.

I'll file a bug on this, since it seems something must be wrong in any case...

 Thanks!  Mark

[BUG] Jasper parsing of XML documents

2001-08-22 Thread Mark Abbott

Has anyone seen this sort of behavior out of Jasper (tc4b7) before?
I give it a trivially simple JSP page in XML syntax:

?xml version=1.0 ?

jsp:root version=1.2

  img src= /amp;nbsp;
  img src= /amp;nbsp;


and then if I view source on the browser (IE), I get:

html body table tr td img   src=/imgimg   src=/img




Note that one of the non-breaking spaces has migrated from being between
the two img tags to being after them both. 

 Thanks - Mark

Re: JSP Document parsing

2001-08-20 Thread Mark Abbott

Hi again - since no one voiced an opinion on the right way to 
approach this bug, I've done the simplest possible fix and attached a patch. 

This change will cause Jasper to always emit its own hardcoded values 
for the xmlns:jsp and version attributes of the jsp:root tag, ignoring any 
occurrences of those attributes in documents. This makes processing of 
JSP documents consistent whether they were specified in XML or JSP 
syntax. I also made the trivial fix to the double end tag problem.

I suspect that a more elaborate solution might be desirable for the version 
attribute, since if the document says it is version 1.3 (when we have such 
a version), but the compiler only handles 1.2, this ought to indicate a 
problem. But I'm not sure how to do that at this point, so this patch gets 
past the immediate problems that make valid documents unusable.

Cheers - Mark

RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -p --unified=5 -r1.15
---   2001/07/25 01:49:10 1.15
+++   2001/08/20 18:14:35
@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ public class XmlOutputter {
 void addRootAttrs(Attributes attrs) {
 int attrsLength = attrs.getLength();
 for (int i = 0; i  attrsLength; i++) {
String qName = attrs.getQName(i);
-   if (attrs.getQName(i).startsWith(xmlns:jsp) 
-jspRootLevel  1) continue; 
+   if ((qName.startsWith(xmlns:jsp) || 
+qName.equals(version))) continue; 
 rootAttrs.addAttribute(attrs.getURI(i), attrs.getLocalName(i),
 attrs.getQName(i), attrs.getType(i), attrs.getValue(i));
@@ -142,18 +142,15 @@ public class XmlOutputter {
 rootAttrs.addAttribute(, xmlns, xmlns: + prefix, CDATA, uri);
- * Only put the /jsp:root tag when we're dealing
- * with the top level 'container' page.
+ * Don't append the root end tag here because the
+ * getPageData method will append it later.
 void rootEnd() {
-   if (jspRootLevel == 0) {
-   append(jsp:root);
-   }
  * Append the cdata to the XML stream.

JSP Document parsing

2001-08-16 Thread Mark Abbott

Hi all -

I've noticed a couple of problems with Jasper when processing
JSP documents, that is, JSP pages authored in the XML syntax.
I'm using the tomcat-b7 release.

The documents I've tried contain explicit jsp:root elements,
as it seems they ought to.  Unfortunately, the XmlOutputter class
in Jasper, while making an effort to avoid choking on multiple
jsp:root elements encountered while processing included
pages, does not handle the case where the outermost containing
page itself contains such an element.

One result is that two /jsp:root end tags get emitted into the page.
The more subtle issue has to do with the xmlns:jsp and version
attributes on the jsp:root start tag.  Jasper inserts hardcoded values 
for those attributes corresponding to the JSP 1.2 release. But in order
to be truly valid, the document itself should contain those attributes
(at least version is required). So two instances of each attribute end up
in the output, causing the resulting XML stream to be invalid when parsed
by, for example, the tag library validator in JSPTL.

Maybe the attributes in the outermost containing page ought to
override any hardcoded defaults Jasper wants to assert? Or maybe Jasper
should report an error if the version attribute in the document doesn't agree
with the JSP version it thinks it is processing?  What do you think?
I may be able to provide diffs for a solution if I was sure what to do.

Thanks - Mark

Re: [TC4.0] Disabling debug output...

2001-07-19 Thread Mark Abbott

I believe the Java Language Spec makes specific requirements on the
order of evaluation of static finals to facilitate this kind of usage. In 
the past I have
gone so far as to compile test programs and disassemble the byte code
and on every JVM I have ever tried, code wrapped in if statements that
evaluate a static final boolean doesn't even generate byte code for the 
of the block if the boolean is false. So there is no performance or size 

The real problem with this sort of thing is more subtle. How do you control 
value of the boolean? Should there be a single public static final in a 
class that
is referred to everywhere? More likely one wants to turn on and off 
debugging in
a single class, or package, or globally, depending on what is being tested.
Having to do search and replace on scattered variables is annoying at best.
How is the make system coerced into doing debug builds vs production
builds in a simple manner, in the absence of a preprocessor?

These are specifically the sort of problems the new java.util.logging 
package in
JDK 1.4 is addressing. I believe the philosophy there is to always leave the
code in place, be liberal in writing tracing log calls and assume that 
integer comparisons
to decide whether to execute a particular logging call are so cheap that 
there is essentially
no performance penalty at runtime. I am not as familiar with log4j.

   Cheers - Mark

At 08:56 AM 7/19/2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

  On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 12:16:27AM +0100, Pier P. Fumagalli wrote:
   Checking out the source code, I see a lot of // (commented out lines) 
   debug() is supposed to be called...
   Can't we have a global constant boolean called DEBUG and replace the 
 // with
   if (DEBUG), so that we can simply compile in and out the debugging
   information without touching the sources?
   Check out org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.Constants and 
 WarpLogger... Old
   trick we used in JServ. :)
  I *believe* most Java compilers do not have constant conditional
  optimizations (they certainly could, but I don't think they did last
  time I checked).  Without that optimization, you must check that
  value each time you execute the statement.  That might hurt.  -- justin

In trivial experiments a long while back, I seem to recall that this trick
worked if your constant was static final.  But I haven't looked lately.

There are also some cases where you want to be able to set the debug level
at runtime, without having to recompile.  In such cases, I typically am
real liberal about debug statements when first creating a module, and then
comment them out (versus removing them) in high-frequency-of-use portions
of the code.  That way, you've got ready-made debug code to uncomment if
you run into problems later.
