get/setAttribute and getParameter...

2001-06-02 Thread Oskar Zinger

What is more time consuming?

% request.setAttribute(FLAG, new Boolean(true)); %
jsp:include page=JSP2.jsp flush=true/

% boolean FLAG = ((Boolean)
 if (FLAG) {


jsp:include page=JSP2.jsp?FLAG=true flush=true/

% String FLAG = request.getParameter(FLAG);
  if (FLAG.equals('true)) {


jsp:include page=JSP2.jsp?FLAG=true flush=true/

% boolean FLAG = (new
  if (FLAG) {

AND, which way is it best practiced.

Thankss for any help!
Oskar Zinger

Re: Problem:jsp:include page=%=servletPath% flush=true|false/

2001-05-24 Thread Oskar Zinger

Nope. I have not found any solution to that yet.  I have decided to go
with JSP for now (until I develop everything)... then I will think of
deployment of the converted servlets.  And for now I am setting
flush=false, and with JSPs it works fine, even though it should be the
same in theory since whether I compile my JSPs through CMD by
script and run them pre compiled or I let them compile on the fly

Oskar Zinger

cher wrote:

 Hi Oskar, Refering to your problem on,we are
 encoutner the same headache too:Error:[Cannot forward after response
 has been committed.]Do you have any hint to solve it
 ? Thanks. Regards,ChereTact Solutions,

Re: Precompiling JSP files

2001-05-22 Thread Oskar Zinger

You can use a -p option to tell it to use a package... -p com.somecompany.sompepackage SomeJSPFile.jsp

And also they could be syntax errors and other errors...

Oskar Zinger

Wellington Pereira Alves wrote:

 Hello, I´m trying to precompile my .jsp´s using jspc. It generated
 lots of .java files. When I tried to compile (using javac) the
 generated .java files it gives hundreds of errors. I guess that the
 erros are caused because the generated java files doesn´t have the
 correct import sentences so I take Cannot Resolve Symbol errors. The
 classpath apperars to be ok. Anybody knows what can be wrong? What I
 need to do to precompile my jsp files at once? Thks,Wellington

dev: jsp:include page=%=servletPath% flush=true|false/ errors

2001-05-18 Thread Oskar Zinger

Hey, guys,
I am new to tomcat... using Tomcat v4.0-b3/b5.

I am trying to include other jsps output in one main jsp and getting an
IllegalStateException: with error message:

Cannot forward after response has been committed.

This is what I am doing:

% for(int i = 0; i  typeNames.length; i++) {
url = my url is constructed here; %
jsp:include page=%=url% flush=true /  // if I set the
flush to false I see the first iterated page of the servlet that I am
including, if I am setting it to true then I get exception right on the
first iteration of the loop.
 % } %

I am writing JSPs then I am compiling them into servlets by using script that uses in jasper's package.  So when I go
into the browser I am accessing not JSPs but converted jsps to Servlets
which were generated by this script. (

I have tried many different things already, setting isThreadSafe to
FALSE, setting buffer to a very big size, setting autoFlush to TRUE and
FALSE, nothing seems to work.

Has anyone ever encountered such problems?

Thanks for your help,