Re: tomcat hangging problem

2001-09-26 Thread joseph . vallot


   My bet is that this is related with the VM/libraries. It can of course be
   a bug in tomcat, like a deadlock or something - but then it would fail
   on all SMP machines.
  I think like this.  A strange thing I noticed yesterday: on hangging
  machines, running with -Xms100m -Xmx200m seems to hide problem (I
  guess hang would occur later, but a less-than-10-minutes process ran all
  night long (and was running till somebody (!$*รน#@) reboot)).

 Aha. I would bet something is wrong in the GC or memory allocator.

 Are you running the _latest_ version of the VM ? Can you file a bug
 on this ?

I do think so (but if you tried someday to find something in IBM
website, you know how it is hard to find something!):
./java -fullversion
java full version J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build ca130-20010615

where do you expect me to file that bug? ibm? wow!
I did open a call, but via our internal helpdesk, and then via somebody who does not know anything about java and aix :-( well, it
seems problem has reached more concerned persons, but I really don't
know who :}

 Does it happen with any servlet ( say HelloWorld ) or only with your
 application ? Can you create a simple servlet ( that eventually does
 some allocation - in case the bug is in the GC ), and see if it
 can reproduce the problem ?

well, I did write a sample that shows problem (I can tell more or send
code), but after a couple of hours running: I could make it alloc much
more when looping...  hope this could make it hang faster.


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tomcat hangging problem

2001-09-25 Thread joseph . vallot


Here is the description of current problem I try to solve...
I have already mailed to tomcat-user, but since nobody has a beginning
of an answer, and since we can't go on production launch anymore, I try

- AIX 4.3.3 SMP,
- JRE 1.2.2 (several builds), then 1.3.0
- tomcat 3.2.1, 3.2.3 then 3.3.b2 (sorry, did not try 3.3.rc1 yet!)

problem is: tomcat hangs after some time (may be 3 minutes or some
hours). I mean tomcat is running (ps shows it), but no answer is
received to requests when tomcat hangs (telnetting it with a http get
request results in no response). Even a kill -3 does nothing.

Strangely, problem occurs only on _some_ of AIX 4.3.3 machines where I run
Some machines, with same jre/tomcat/code, run with no problem (well,
maybe problem would occur after a much longer time, I don't really know).
And I did not met that on winNT4 (with a Sun jdk: I got to try with
an ibm jvm).
Note that I got a javacore twice, if somebody can interpret it...

I wrote a simple servlet which shows tomcat hangging, if that can help:
a singleton deals with doGet: first time it launches 'n' threads, each of
them will http-request same singleton every 't' seconds and print result to stdout.
other request to singleton only prints text/plain string to response's writer.

Joseph Vallot

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