
At 01:56 AM 2/4/2004, you wrote:
Bill Barker a écrit :

"Henri Gomez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Mike Anderson a écrit :

I'll be happy to deliver zips instead of NLMS. for NetWare.

Henri (and others) since we are tagging and releasing jk2 can/should we
do the same for jk since I know there is added functionality (Ping/Pong
and timeouts) there as well?

Well, one release at a time, users urge us for jk2 release, jk release could wait some time (Bill ?)

Yeah, well, I suppose that now that I'm an all-great-and-powerful PMC member, I could RM a JK release. However, I'd like to get out a TC 3.3.2 before that (so, if anyone else wants to RM JK in the meantime, you've got my +1 :). Also, if Larry wants to jump in to RM 3.3.2, I'll step aside, since he has done such a great job on all of the other 3.3 releases. The rules for 3.3 releases are still old-school. I'll try to get a [PROPOSAL] together by the end of the week. If that's not rejected, then we go to a [VOTE] (which will give me time to clarify if I count PMC members or committers as binding votes). In the unlikely event that we get enough people to care about 3.3 enough to vote (seeing the trouble that Remy has getting people to vote :), then there will be a 3.3.2 release. As cool as it would be to have a 3.3.3 release, I'd probably consider the 3.3.2 release to be an EOL release for the 3.x line. Security releases would still be provided, but not much more.

+100 for 3.3.2 release, I'm waiting for about ... months :)

If you work on it, I could get jk2 RM job :-)

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