Is anyone interested in my (or, indeed, any) patch for this bug? I hate to
have to maintain a locally bugfixed version of a (meritocratic?) open
source project.

- donald

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On 11/12/2002 at 3:51 PM Donald Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I recently had the occasion to try and make jasper's JspC work for my
>webapp. Unfortunately, it was did not work out of the box. Fortunately, I
>was able to patch it to make it work. The problem is that my directory
>structure looks something like this:
>JspC complained that foo was both a package name and a class name and that
>that was not allowed (java.util.Map.Entry not withstanding, I guess). Note
>that when catalina invokes jasper via the JspServlet, the class names are
>mangled with a "$jsp" suffix, so this problem does not occur; no idea why
>the algorithm is different when operating in JspC mode. In any case, I
>patched JspC to tack on a "$jsp" suffix to the ctctxt class name (when one
>has not been manually specified on the command line, that is). I'd be
>to submit a patch if someone can tell me the preferred mechanism these
>I also have a patch for JDBCRealm that generalizes it to allow the user to
>specify arbitrary SQL queries for getting user and role data. I posted a
>note about it a month or so ago to deafening silence, perhaps I'll have
>better luck this time?
>- donald
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