I'd like tomcat to only respond to SSL requests; the port 80 
homepage will just be a link to the secured area.

        The virtual hosts documentation 
assumes different hosts have different names, but my SSL and non-SSL 
vhosts in httpd.conf have the same name. How do I differentiate? Do I 
have to set the 'main' (insecure) ServerName to something like 
myhost-insecure.domain.dom, and set 'ServerName myhost.domain.dom' 
inside the SSL vhost? Please tell me there's a better way.

        Also, the example of how to configure server.xml shows the 
text from httpd.conf instead; this sounds familiar. Does anyone have 
the right text to go into that box?


                                                Chris Pepper
>Next, you need to configure Tomcat's server.xml file.
>Option 2 - Same Tomcat for all Virtual Hosts (server.xml)
>[ snip! ]
># Minimalistic Virtual Host configuration
>ServerName host1
>DocumentRoot /web/host1/html
>ApJServMount /servlet /ROOT
><Directory "/web/host1/html/WEB-INF">
>Options None
>Deny from all
>ServerName host2
>DocumentRoot /web/host2/html
>ApJServMount /servlet /ROOT
><Directory "/web/host2/html/WEB-INF">
>Options None
>Deny from all
>[ snip! ]

Chris Pepper:                   <http://www.reppep.com/~pepper/>
Rockefeller U Computing Services:  <http://www.rockefeller.edu/>
Mac OS X Software:                      <http://www.mosxsw.com/>

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