
in my project i am trying to get an instance of javax.transaction.UserTransaction in 
tomcat4.0 using jndi.

i have added the following tag in my server.xml for this regard as well as in web.xml 
as it is mentioned in the docs of tomcat4.0

  <Resource name="jta/UserTransaction" auth="Container" 
when in my JSP application i try to retrieve the instance it throws an exception on 
browser that says
Exception Report:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot create resource instance
Root Cause:javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot create resource instance

the code i hve written in jsp page is::
 Context ctx1 = new InitialContext();
 Context ctx2 = (Context)ctx1.lookup("java:comp/env");
 UserTransaction ut = (UserTransaction)ctx2.lookup("jta/UserTransaction");

any idea what shud be done to mend this..
BTW i am using mysql as database and mysql's type 4 jdbc2.0 compliant driver.
please suggest its urgent..
thanks in advance,
sachin walia

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